Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 852 The Next Generation

Chapter 852 The Next Generation

For Shen Lingjun, this is not necessary, but he felt Zhang Deming's defense against him, obviously because the other party didn't want him to know too many secrets.

After all, for so many months, the other party used his skin to hang out in the Zhang family, which can show a lot of things.

And Zhang Deming quietly heaved a sigh of relief after Shen Lingjun took the initiative to fall asleep. He also took the initiative to add a layer of seal around the periphery, isolating the possibility of the other party receiving information passively.

After finishing these, Zhang Deming announced the retreat of Shen Lingjun. Immediately, he changed back to Zhang Sermon's figure, and chose to exit.


As soon as he learned that he was out of customs, Zhang Zeli hurried over. Zhang Bodao was waiting for him in the tea room in the gazebo in the courtyard as usual.

"Meet uncle!"

"My grandson has met his ancestors!"

This time Zhang Zeli did not come alone, he also brought a seven or eight-year-old child with him. Zhang Deming gave the baby a surprised look, and the baby was obviously very nervous, looking a little cramped and apprehensive.

What surprised Zhang Deming was that he always felt that this baby looked a little strange, but he didn't find out what was wrong for a while.

"What's wrong, so many years have passed, and you want to start stuffing people in front of me again? The two kids at the door are planning to arrange it in the clan, and stuffing people to occupy the pit in advance?"

Zhang Deming looked at the little baby that Zhang Zeli had brought, and did not immediately ask other business matters, but spoke first.

Zhang Zeli immediately replied: "How dare Zeli have such guts, this kid is not from our lineage, not even a direct descendant. But I really want you to have a look at him by bringing him here today."

"Not from your lineage? Let me see?" Zhang Deming was surprised, his eyes flashed, and then he seemed to think of something, and said, "This baby is Immortal Spirit Root?"

Zhang Zeli nodded, and said: "You can't hide anything from your uncle, not only the Immortal Spirit Root, but also the 100-point Immortal Spirit Root.

It is the only one full of spiritual roots among the more than one billion newborn clan members of our Zhang family in the past few decades. "

This time Zhang Deming was really surprised, Immortal Spirit Root is rare, Man Linggen is really a peerless monster level.

No wonder it looked a bit strange, but I finally figured out where the blame lies. This baby obviously hasn't stepped into cultivation yet, but Dao Yun is self-conscious, and those eyes are too agile, and his wisdom is abnormal.

Although this baby is a little nervous, but judging from his appearance, he is no less intelligent than a normal young man.

The appearance is also very cute and cute, but a little bit delicate, probably because he is too young, too good-looking, and too delicate, Zhang Deming can't tell whether it is a boy or a girl.

"What's your name?" Zhang Deming asked.

"Back to the ancestors, the grandson's name is Zhang Jia. He entered the inner world and hasn't cultivated yet, so he doesn't have a seniority, but the seniority should be in the second generation." Zhang Jia replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Zhang Deming asked in surprise, "Boy?"

"Yes, ancestor!" Zhang Jia, who was a bit delicate, replied immediately.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said, "Who named this?"

"He noticed the abnormality when he was born. After that, the clan paid great attention to it. His father asked the clan's Laojiu to give him the name by the way. Uncle, is there anything wrong with this 'good' name?" Zhang Zeli frowned when he saw Zhang Deming, Asked.

Zhang Deming shook his head and replied: "It will be a good time to have a child, and a girl will want a beautiful face. This name is based on 'good' rather than 'achieving', and it can also avoid the popularity of the name. It is indeed a good name for a boy." , which can be regarded as some self-cultivation.

But the seniority of his second generation... Now the second generation in the clan happens to be the Xiuzi generation, right?

The previous generation, Zhang Junjia, the next generation, just Zhang Daijia, this Xiujia... Without any relevant literacy, how many people do you think would think it was the name of a boy?

Especially today's juniors, who have little relevant knowledge reserves, will think that they are girls! "

"Uh..." Zhang Deming's words made Zhang Zeli hesitate for a moment. The main reason was that this kid had not yet entered into practice, and no one paid attention to it, and he did not follow Zhang Deming's focus.

"How about...uncle, could you please change my name?" Zhang Zeli said in astonishment.

Zhang Jia was also an elf. When he heard Zhang Zeli's words, his eyes lit up and he immediately knelt down and said, "Please give me a name for your grandson, please!"

Zhang Deming looked at the other party with a smile and said: "This naughty energy is like a child with full spiritual roots.

But... Ancestor, I have no intention of accepting a disciple, so even if I want to change this name, I'd better go to your father. I can't afford your name! "

Zhang Jia was a little reluctant. Even though he was only eight years old, his spiritual roots were not precocious. At the age of eight, he could already be described as extremely wise and almost a monster.

Coupled with the careful teachings from his clan, he understood what it would mean to him if he succeeded today. Even coming here today is the result of his planning and hard work.

He did not say a word, but looked at Zhang Zeli for help. He had big eyes, and because he was only eight years old, he looked extremely pure. Considering his age, his lethality was really strong, and he used his advantages to the limit.

Seeing this, Zhang Zeli, who had great expectations for him, hesitated for a while, then knelt down and said:

"Uncle, you know that, except for you, the generation we came out of Xiao Heavenly World is different after all.

Back in the Xiao Heavenly World, in order to survive, there were still issues such as sealing the world with curses and inheritance, and due to the rapid pace of cultivation, the life span was already short.

Even if I try to remedy this in many ways over the past few decades, I still only have a few hundred years to live in the Five Elements period. This time is quite long for a mortal.

But for major repairs, it is too short, and it can be said that it is already half buried. Therefore, the cultivation of successors for the younger generation should also be put on the agenda.

And this kid’s talent is so unique, a hundred years from now, he will definitely be able to take over the affairs of the clan very well..."

"Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter. I have no intention of accepting a disciple." Before Zhang Zeli could finish speaking, Zhang Deming raised his hand to stop him. As he spoke, he looked at Xiaowa and Zhang Zeli and said:

"I understand what you mean, and I also know that this is not a bad thing, but forget it about recruiting disciples. Of course, it is also okay to make some efforts to train the next generation of people in power."

As he spoke, Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and said, "Let's do this. After a few days, I will be free. I will take a good look at this child and plan a detailed path for him to practice."

"Grandson, thank you, ancestor!" Zhang Jia was overjoyed when he heard this and started kowtowing as he spoke.

"Okay, I don't mind your petty thinking, on the contrary, I quite like it. Only such a baby can be promising and worthy of being trained by Ze Li as his successor. His position needs Linglong Huixin.

But don’t apply it to me. I said I won’t accept disciples, so I won’t accept them, and it will be the same after you perform the ceremony! I won't recognize anyone who has no real name and no name. "

Looking at Zhang Jia who was about to kowtow nine times, Zhang Deming said calmly, directly revealing the other person's thoughts.

After Zhang Jia heard this, he immediately stopped entangled. Although today's goal was not achieved, it was achieved, but it could not arouse the resentment of the ancestors.

"Then where is this baby going to live now..." Zhang Zeli said hesitantly.

Zhang Deming looked at Zhang Zeli, shook his head, and said, "You kid, you know you can take advantage of me, okay, let him be a boy in my yard for now, and plan later."

Zhang Jia was overjoyed and glanced at Zhang Zeli gratefully. You know, the boy can barely be considered a registered disciple, which is almost a closer relationship.

Zhang Zeli also showed a silly smile when he heard this. Like a kind old farmer, he smirked and said, "Grandson, you are thinking about the future. Patriarch, you have to take care of me. I will leave in the future. This baby is going to be successful, so you should take it easy!"

Zhang Deming shook his head and did not continue to dwell on this matter. Looking at Zhang Zeli, who was already showing his age, he realized that the hundreds of people from Zhangjia Village had finally become the tree planters of the Zhang family.

Putting away the thoughts in his mind, he said, "How have things gone while I've been in seclusion these days?"

Seeing Zhang Deming talking about business, Zhang Zeli immediately became serious. Seeing this, Zhang Jia wisely got up and served the two of them ginseng tea without any intention of leaving.

The two of them didn't let him leave either. From the moment Zhang Deming agreed to take him as a boy, his identity changed and he was able to participate in the core affairs of the clan.

Even if he is only eight years old and has not yet entered spiritual practice, it will have no impact. Because this decision was made by Zhang Budao, and now the Zhang family is the leader of the family.

What's more, he is still full of spiritual roots, early wisdom, and so wise that he is almost like a demon. Coupled with the extremely potential career of Tongzi, his future path is actually foreseeable.

"A few months ago, the Vine family moved to our family, and after several months of running-in, they have gradually settled down.

However, because many foreigners entered the Youji Realm in the past, although they have left one after another over the years, we subsequently sealed those entrances and exits and began to clean up.

But because the golden rooster didn't seem to die completely back then, it persisted until the return of the heavens before it died out, which had a great impact on the world.

There are many leftovers that need to be dealt with, so it will take a few years to deal with the planned Youjijie as a plantation.

However, due to the disposal of the waste from the blood pool in the Chenlong Realm, the Blood Spirit Field has gradually entered into large-scale cultivation. I think once the plantation is completed, there will no longer be a need to wait for the cultivation of the spirit field.

It can be regarded as cleaning up the world while cultivating the spiritual field, and it is not a waste of time. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded and said, "That's right, you've become more and more like the patriarch of a big clan in handling things these years."

Hearing Zhang Deming's praise, Zhang Zeli showed a happy smile, and replied: "Uncle, you led us well!"

Zhang Deming didn't answer the question, but asked, "What about Zhang's comeback?"

Zhang Zeli heard this and immediately said: "Because of the order you issued just half a year ago, ancestor, during the past six months, I sent some people to contact Bailing Sect, Heavenly Spirit Sect, and some other sects.

But it was only a preliminary contact, revealing the intention of being born, but not indicating which faction he wanted to join to form a family.

The main reason is that the grandson is still under investigation, and with Zhang's current size, we can't be too eager, otherwise the price will drop easily.

In addition, the ancestor has not decided whether to be dependent or independent, so the grandson is not in a hurry.

Of course, it’s not all slow pace. Because of the opening of the Alliance Dao Weapon Tower, there are now dozens of millions of Alliance disciples who are above Tai Chi and want to get Dao Weapon Poison Insects and cultivate Dao Weapon Poison Insects.

Therefore, in the past six months, the great purification of all realms has been extremely popular. The disciples created an open city in Xiao Heavenly World, which was specially used for the transfer of portals, and also facilitated the control of the corresponding secret realm after purification.

But for such a big move, although the alliance is still considered secretive in Hongmeng, it is no longer an absolute secret among the major forces.

Therefore, their actions have been noticed by many people. Although they have no means of purification, they are still trying to compete with us for the world. Some of them just stand in the latrine without shitting.

However, because we control the release of purification missions, after experiencing some minor twists and turns, I did not choose to compete with them, and instead focused on those ownerless worlds.

During this process, Zhang's disciples actively participated in the action. So it is no secret that Zhang is back now, and it is even considered a semi-comeback. Through the alliance, he has begun to contact Hongmeng in all aspects. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded again and said, "You did a good job. You took the initiative to contact me, showed your strength from the side, and executed the details under the general policy very well."

"It's all your plan, uncle!" Zhang Zeli responded habitually.

Zhang Deming glanced at the other party, asked a lot of questions, and gave instructions to arrange a lot of actions.

"Okay, that's it for today. Just take your time with the Zhang family's comeback. As for when to banquet the major forces and announce it to the world, I haven't decided yet. Just wait!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zeli immediately greeted him and said, "Zeli understands, then my grandson will go down!"

After saying that, he turned and left, leaving two people, one big and one small.

Zhang Deming looked at Zhang Jia and said, "You can just wait here, but in recent years, I should be in seclusion for a long time, so I will be more relaxed here.

If you can't stand this leisure time, don't tell me, just go to Zhang Zeli directly. As for your practice, I will plan it for you later. "

"Ancestor, don't worry. Before this disciple came to you, he had already studied in the direct clan for six years, and he also experienced two years of meditation!

If it hadn't been for Grandpa Zeli's repeated pressure, my grandson would have been given the gift of a disciple two years ago, when he was six years old, and started practicing. "

After a while, Zhang Jia had roughly figured out Zhang Deming's character, so she treated Zhang Deming like a cute baby without any childish attitude.

Instead, he replied respectfully, looking like a young adult. He looked very smart and tried his best to mature himself, showing his advantages in all aspects.

However, his eight-year-old appearance, coupled with the influence of his spiritual roots, made him so good-looking that he did not appear mature, but rather cute.

While Zhang Deming was smiling, he suddenly stretched out his hand to rub the other person's head and said, "Well, it seems he is a hard worker!"

Being suddenly attacked by Zhang Deming, Zhang Jia, who tried his best to mature, was obviously panicked. Said: "Ancestor, my grandson is eight years old, and Manlinggen is eight years old!"

(End of chapter)

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