Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 861 The Whitewashing Plan On The Agenda

Chapter 861 The whitewashing plan on the agenda

As soon as he stepped forward, the temporarily established light barrier was broken by runes. Just as Zhang Deming guessed, a small number of runes rushed directly towards the plasma mass where Zhang Deming was.

After consuming a lot of runes and annihilating the plasma ball, he found that Zhang Deming had dissipated and did not even capture any breath of Zhang Deming. Rune seemed a little annoyed that the trace had been lost again.

But there was no more time to lose his temper, because the money in the sky also exploded at this time. Someone knocked on his door and ignored him in front of him. In all his years of enlightenment, Tianji Lao Dao has never seen such a person.

Including the Liuhe monks in his body, all of them looked dark and started to explode.


Zhang Deming maintained his electric body. After passing through the portal, he passed through the signal points of all Hongmeng disciples and carried out multiple transmissions.

Of course, it was not teleported directly to the other party, but opened the door without being discovered within a range of one hundred kilometers.

For a time, there was an electric current flowing everywhere in Hongmeng. It's like a computer's virtual IP is constantly jumping through global broilers.

After a long time, after making sure that he was not contaminated, marked, or tracked by any spiritual light, Zhang Deming returned to his human form.

Still uneasy, he went through editing and completely changed his appearance and temperament. He wandered to many places to the extreme, and after changing many times, he quietly returned to the Zhang family.

In the training room, Zhang Deming heaved a long sigh of relief after waiting for a long time without any signs of being chased.

Fortunately, on a whim and with an instinctive warning, he went to Tianji Dao to have his fortune told, and asked Tianji Grotto-Heaven to help him carry it out, so he escaped the disaster.

Otherwise, it will really break out in Yu Spirit World. Even if he could take control of the Yu Spirit World and use the reborn entire Yu Spirit World as a weapon, he still wouldn't be able to defeat that guy. This was the existence that destroyed all the heavens.

However, considering Pei Xiaoxiao's situation, three goddesses suddenly appeared and overthrew the table to ruin the fortune. In other words... Pei Xiaoxiao is now imprisoned by the three goddesses?

How did it get like this? Has Cave Mansion been cheated?

That's right, back then Xuanniao cheated the Three Goddesses with mental calculations and no intentions, so that he was banned from the Tianxin Orb. After coming out again, with the wisdom that came to him, it was not difficult to discover the arrangement of Xuanniao back then.

She doesn't need to find the other party at all, she just needs to find an important light and dark Cave Mansion, arrange it in advance, and just sit back and wait.

If Zhang Deming guessed correctly, the other party did the same thing, which is why Pei Xiaoxiao disappeared so suddenly back then.

But why did the other party arrest Pei Xiaoxiao?

If Pei Xiaoxiao were really Lu Xiaoxiao, Pei Xiaoxiao would have been born, but due to the fission of authority, his wisdom had a big problem, so he split his authority through childbirth for treatment.

In other words, Pei Xiaoxiao's strength should not be good for her, only bad.

Well, wait, it’s not necessarily true. The curse that has plagued Pei Xiaoxiao for countless years can be said to be another manifestation of the problem of authority. Now that the curse is gone, does it mean that the problem of authority has been cured?

So Wisdom is trying to kill women to preach and reunite authority?

Due to the lack of information, Zhang Deming was in the practice room, recovering from consumption, with flashing thoughts, but no definite conclusion, and gradually fell into deep trance.


Time flies, and several months pass.

In Bailing Paradise, these days, Zhang Deming is giving lectures at Dao Palace, and the daily activities of practicing two-point-one-line meditation in Qingxiu Pond have recently added some new activities: inquiring about the situation of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion.

In order to be careful, Zhang Deming only started to inquire carefully after hearing the rumors.

Because the incident was quite big, many people knew that the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion had been invaded, and the loss seemed to be not small. But in the end it ended with the invaders being repulsed.

A few days ago, Du Xuanda, who had finished everything, contacted him in an attempt to meet again, formally.

Zhang Deming directly rejected the other party, prevaricating with the lack of timing. Mainly because he is timid and a little afraid to meet.

Not to mention the fact that they are going to meet each other, the astonishing methods of the three old masters of Tianji have the possibility of digging out his old background. The matter is so big, if I really want to agree to meet, I might not be someone from Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion.

After Ling Xiaojie, Qian Yu and Jian Chen wanted to see him all the time, and many bigwigs in Hongmeng also wanted to see him.

Under such circumstances, once he agrees to meet formally, it is very likely that when he goes to the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, what he will see is a big gathering of Hongmeng Sacred Land bosses, or maybe even more exaggerated, a big gathering of all Hongmeng bosses!

As a variable, he himself boasted that he could perceive the variables of the five major robbers, and it is extremely possible to have such a card now!

Before he was sure whether Jian Chen and him were in a competitive relationship, he didn't intend to risk his life like this.

If the two of them really had a competitive relationship that only one of them could succeed in, Zhang Deming didn't want to use the temptation of climbing to the top to test Jian Chen's character.

Anyway, if he were to change him and find that there is now a disciple under the Blue Sky Alliance who has mastered half of Goldfinger, steals the opponent, can complement Goldfinger, and even become extremely powerful, he will definitely do it without hesitation.

At most, I would try to save the other party and make up for it as much as possible.

Even from the general point of view, from the perspective of measuring calamity, there is nothing wrong with the other party's cultivation base, robbing oneself, strengthening oneself, and increasing the means to survive the measuring calamity.

It is absolutely impossible to let go instead of grabbing or fighting, or to simply achieve the other party. Only when the brain is showing off will you choose to achieve the other party.

Therefore, Zhang Deming didn't want to meet and test each other before he had a certain strength to resist.


After months of tense preparations, Zhang Deming, who was not attacked by wisdom, quietly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, it became more urgent.

This wisdom is obviously getting better and better. If he doesn't step up to improve his cultivation base, in case the other party recovers completely, he will definitely be the first to be unlucky based on the little things in these years.

Also, Lan Fuyao's injury recovered, and the clues showed that it was outside the domain. Although Pei Xiaoxiao's clue was only a head start, the three goddesses threw the table, but it seemed that the clue was also outside the domain.

For various reasons, it seems that they are all outside the territory. It seems that it is time to go and hang around?

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming came to Yu Spirit World, and the monitoring spirit appeared in front of him.

"How is Tianyu's sect construction going?"

"Tianyu Lantian Sect experienced the initial development of pyramid schemes, and after it took shape, it was once suppressed by the Holy See.

After the appearance of the saint Che Yuting, after discussing with the contemporary Pope Meng Yuandong, he gave up the radical line and switched to a relatively moderate line.

Because of the special social structure of Tianyu, it is difficult for the upper class to conquer. The Blue Sky Sect has turned to a mass line in recent years.

Now it has spread all over Tianyu, and there are believers and even churches in many large and small cities.

However, although it has begun to take shape, in order to accumulate initial volume, there have been many unconventional communication methods in recent years, and it has always been positioned as a cult.

Today, in the Holy See and the government, it is one of the best leaders among the relatively moderate and controllable cult factions. "

Zhang Deming nodded. He had already expected the cult. After all, under the control of the Holy See, in order to spread quickly, only the path of cults is possible.

Otherwise, with a little bit of erosion of faith, let alone twenty or thirty years, even two or three hundred years, it would be difficult to achieve the scale it is today.

That's why, when he chose the pope, he chose a law-abiding scum like Meng Yuandong instead of a good person in the true sense. Because the pope was prepared to abandon his son from the beginning.

"The scale is almost the same now, and the original accumulation is enough. Start the internal fighting plan and let the sect split.

For the part of the cult label, let those who are prepared to take the blame. Keep the good part, in the process of this division and battle, take this opportunity to clean up and complete the "backdoor listing"!

With the current scale, as long as the opportunity is well grasped, when the Holy See and Tianyu officials react, unless there is something tough, they will have to hold their noses and admit the rise of the third-party power.

After all, the alliance's current strength can support such a sect, and the Holy See dare not throw the table rashly. Just like the Sacred Land of Yuling back then, the Holy See and Tianyu officials had no choice but to accept it in the end! "

Looking at the information provided by the monitoring elves, Zhang Deming said so.

"Camp personnel and division, list selection, etc. have been prepared since the beginning of construction, so there is no problem. However, although the Blue Sky Church is currently divided into two factions, it is still restrained.

Because of the external pressure, the two factions have been external, and internal conflicts have not accumulated to the point of irreconcilability, and there are no perfectly matching split events. Do I need to start a ‘split boot plan’? "

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Let's prepare first. I'll take advantage of this trip to Tianyu to investigate carefully. This split is quite crucial. If possible, let's play a wave in person!"

Oh, by the way, we must be prepared for whitewashing, entertainment, speech, and public control.

At that time, after we clean up, the other party may admit it, but it is absolutely impossible to be more reconciled. Because of our background, it is very likely that the two parties will catch the stain and never let go.

If we are turned into a demon cult in the end, there will be a confrontation between good and evil, or simply use entertainment to turn us into representatives of evil, then it will be a bit painful. "

"Don't worry, Mastermind. The 'Whitewashing Plan' has been prepared from the very beginning in these years. The control of public opinion and the people's line are the main principles of the development of the Blue Sky Church in these years."

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "That's good, let's make arrangements first."

"Okay, the preparatory split plan is starting..."

"The sect staff is being adjusted..."

"The deployment of the whitewashing plan is fine-tuning..."

(End of chapter)

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