Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 871 Bai

Chapter 871 Bai

As they clenched their fists, they both closed the register of living beings and cut off communication.

“On the Fourth Nine, there were as few as a hundred people, but as many as five or six hundred people. There were thousands of people in each of the nine Grotto-Heavens. The teams in the three Great Saints should be even more exaggerated.

Therefore, the main practitioners participating in this exchange and inspection are at least close to one hundred thousand. Plus the various accompanying people, doesn't it mean that there will be a large group of hundreds of thousands of people?

Let me go. The scale of this comprehensive contact inspection group is much more exaggerated than I thought! "

"But on such a large scale, why is the trigger point the incident at the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion? What does this have to do with going on an overseas inspection? What is the plan of the Three Great Saints?"

Zhang Deming fell into deep thought as he spoke.

"Forget it, the Three Great Saints have been preparing for so many years. A group of big guys who can play with fate and cause and effect have joined forces to make things happen. Obviously, it is not something that I can easily figure out now. Just follow the group honestly. Why are you thinking so much!

On such a large scale and at this critical moment, it is impossible not to take it seriously. Therefore, there must be Liuhe Daxiu in the group, and there is more than one. There may even be more than Liuhe Daxiu.

After all, this time is not like the exchange meeting between the two worlds in the past, where the initial tentative contact was small-scale. So...if the sky falls, there are still tall people holding up, so he should just fish honestly! "

After thinking clearly about the relevant matters, Zhang Deming no longer struggled, decisively threw these messy things out of his mind, and started his busy work.


In the blink of an eye, the beginning of the month has arrived, and Zhang Deming's related matters are almost ready. There are only five days left until the exchange and inspection team gathers.

On this day, the monitoring elf suddenly issued a prompt on his own initiative, and Zhang Deming clicked on it.

"Reminder: Bai Jingren, the target with extraterritorial status, due to unexpected events, the originally expected life span of more than 20 days has been greatly shortened. Now he only has less than three days left. Be careful of accidents and please deal with it as soon as possible!"

Looking at the message, Zhang Deming was stunned. In the busy days these days, I have almost forgotten about this terminal liver cancer patient who is tending to become black.

Fortunately, the monitoring elf paid attention, otherwise when the other party dies, if he wants to have multiple backup identities, he will have to delete them again.

In his thoughts, he restrained himself and entered the chaotic sky of the Spirit World, and clicked on the other party's information again.

Target: Bai Jingren

Status: terminal illness

Affiliation: A disciple of the Bai family in Shenqi Continent, the main city of the Federation, and Baiyue City.


Matching degree: 73%

Life: View details

Zhang Deming first used the mental magic method to quickly browse the details of the other party's life. Then he no longer hesitated and raised his hand, and Bai Jingren's relevant light spots flew in front of Zhang Deming.

He reached out and pointed at the light, and a passage emerged. Zhang Deming did not step into it immediately.

Instead, he looked at himself. All of his identities, whether he was rough and arrogant, whether he was elegant, or whether he was an immortal Huang Lao, were all very different from the style of Shen Zhuan in Tianyu from outside the territory.

Therefore, Zhang Deming pondered for a moment, and transformed into Zhang Bodao, who was so handsome that he looked like a man with natural charm.

Then with a thought, a pair of extremely gorgeous wings appeared on his back, and the gown on his body turned into a strange robe similar to a bed sheet.

The color is white with gold and red, and the large group of folds hanging on the chest is very much like the "bed sheet" noble clothing of the Roman era. It can be used on the spot after being pulled off.

The already charming Zhang Piaodao was given a touch of exotic style, making him even more attractive.

After doing this, Zhang Deming looked at himself, nodded with satisfaction, and took a step out.


Tianyu Federation, Shenqi Continent, Baiyue City.

Tianyu is a world where technology and magic coexist, but the technology on the surface has been stagnant for many years.

Generally speaking, it is similar to the previous life, slightly beyond it, and has entered the early interstellar era, but it has not transcended to the level of the era gap.

But probably because of the existence of magic superpowers, there are countless black technologies under the surface technology!

Or magic technology?

Super technology?

Psionic technology?

No matter what it is called, it is still the same thing. In fact, it is just a different kind of instrument.

In such a general environment, coupled with the special political environment, the power of capital in the capital world is very powerful.

Although the entire Tianyu Federation has been unified and is said to be a country, it is actually made up of large consortiums.

As for Tianyu officials... they are just representatives of these consortiums. As for the fundamental reason for this, it is the unique electoral system of the Federation.

Tianyu's election is just a business, and even Tianyu's boss is just the final result of a series of business struggles.

In other words, Tianyu’s apparent leader is also the result of a business deal.

Therefore, the Tianyu Federation consortium is everywhere. It has also resulted in the solidification of classes and rampant materialism. Money is everything and anything can be bought with money.

The Bai family was once a major Apex Level family in Baiyue City. As the main city of the Federation, Baiyue City can become an Apex Level family here. It is obviously the Apex Level family of the Federation, which is definitely a large consortium.

However, after generations of continuous squandering and no decent leaders, the Bai family ushered in their end.

By the time it reached Bai Jingren's generation, the Bai family had actually existed in name only. Only one castle and a few old properties were left, and even the salaries of the servants who cleaned and managed the castle were somewhat unsustainable.

No, to be precise, Bai Jingren found it very difficult to pay the annual taxes on these properties.

When he was young, Bai Jingren was very ambitious. He wanted to restore the Bai family's former glory, and he made countless efforts to this end.

In order to join the social circle and make connections, he gave up the decent life he had been living in private and dismissed all the servants. Only the old housekeeper, who had watched him grow up, stayed.

He used all the money to attend various parties, just to maintain his dignity at the party. Because Tianyu has such a culture, if you want to get ahead, you must have these things.

Fortunately, his Bai family has a historical glory. Although it has declined and is despised by many people, it does not need to sharpen its head like ordinary people in order to get in front of them.

It's a pity that although he is not a fool, he is not that evil either. It can be said that he is a very mediocre person.

He always wanted to get ahead, but he hit a wall at every turn. In the end, his life became increasingly difficult.

In the five or six years since he graduated from college and is now nearly thirty, he has struggled, struggled, and refused to accept it. However, society has taught him what it means to be ruthless and what it means for mediocre people to live a mediocre life.

He was unwilling to do so, but it was a pity that God didn't seem to have any love for him.

After coughing up blood, he went to the hospital and received the sad news that he had liver cancer in the middle and late stages.

Refusing to accept his fate, he sold the last glory of his ancestors, the Bai family's castle, in an attempt to survive the illness. However, in the treatment after treatment and the struggle on the edge of life and death, luck did not favor him.

Not only did he fail to cure his illness, he also spent all his money.


Why can't God let him be lucky once?

Extremely unwilling, he tried folk remedies, tried various normal and evil rituals, sought help from the Transcendent hidden in the dark side of the city, and even joined the legendary cult.

However, the accident did not happen. He had already sensed that his time was running out.


Bai Jingren was lying on the bed, looking out the window at the rising golden-red sun. The faint sunlight passed through the window and shone on Bai Jingren's face.

The warm sunshine brought with it the vitality of all things, but it gave Bai Jingren only infinite reluctance.

"Da da······"

At this time, the rhythmic knocking of the old butler came from outside the door. As the old butler of the Bai family, he had experienced a very strict etiquette education. Even though he was in such a state of decline, he still did not lose this self-cultivation.

"Please come in."

After receiving the reply, the old housekeeper opened the door. In the old face, a pair of dim eyes looked at the child he raised in front of him, and a dim light flashed.

"Master, it's time to take medicine!" He came to the bed meticulously. Even though Bai Jingren was so ill, even though there was no one in the Bai family, he still served him like this.

Bai Jingren looked at the old housekeeper in front of him, who seemed like a relative. However, at the age of fifty or sixty, he is covered with wrinkles and looks very old, and his temples are already gray.

The original expensive hand-made clothes had been washed very old and even had some patches, but they were worn by the old housekeeper to give them a unique temperament.

Looking at the old man, bits and pieces of these years flashed through his mind. This old man dedicated his life to the Bai family and was an extremely qualified housekeeper.

"Uncle Xia, no need, I know my situation." Bai Jingren sat up with difficulty, looked at the old man, and said.

The old housekeeper's name is Bai Xia. He has been the housekeeper of the Bai family for generations. His surname was changed to Bai from his ancestors.

"Young Master..."

"Ahem..." Without waiting for Bai Xia to say anything, Bai Jingren suddenly turned red and coughed again.

Bai Xia immediately reached out to support the other person, who kept coughing. Looking at Bai Jingren who was about to cough up his breath and whose complexion went from flushed to pale, he felt heartbroken.

For a long time, Bai Jingren coughed up a large mouthful of blood, which stained the handkerchief handed over by the old butler red, before his breathing slowed down slightly.

"You don't need to tell me. I know what my situation is." He pinched the blood-stained handkerchief and took a breath, Bai Jingren said sadly:

"A few days ago, that soup was my last gamble. I was prepared before drinking it."

At this moment, Bai Xia wanted to speak, but Bai Jingren reached out and stopped him. Bai Xia, who was extremely observant of etiquette, did not offend Bai Jingren even in this situation. He swallowed what he wanted to say and looked at Bai Jingren.

Supplementary update

(End of chapter)

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