Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 957 Sacrifice To Heaven (Finale)

Chapter 957 Sacrifice to Heaven (Finale)

"How about it? Can we talk now and talk about how to deal with it next? Jinghuang!" Human Face looked at Zhang Deming and said.

"Heh, I just want to talk now, it's too late!" Zhang Deming's spiritual power surged all over his body, and Yin-Yang fish chess pieces emerged one after another. During the fluctuations of the chess pieces, the aura of the seal was extremely strong.

"You dare, if you dare to seal it again, at worst, we will break it up and completely destroy this primordial realm." The man's face was full of expressions, as if to increase his persuasiveness, he added: "Five million years of living, old lady I’m not afraid anymore.”

"Haha, you think too highly of yourself, and you underestimate those people who were tricked by you! If you want to die together, you must have that ability!"

Zhang Deming's face was gloomy, and the chess pieces began to scatter in all directions regardless of it. Some of them submerged into the sky, and some submerged into the floating island land, and a large part rushed into the central meat ball below.

Seeing this, Zhi Zhi's expression turned grim, and as his aura fluctuated, the Lingxiao Realm began to stir. It seems that he really intends to destroy the entire Hongmeng with this, and both the jade and the stone will be destroyed.

Zhang Deming seems to have been prepared for it. He also used Spirit World as a guide and tried his best to create an opportunity.


The outside world, in Hongmeng Realm.

As Zhang Deming scatter beans into soldiers, the spiritual seeds fall all over the world, and the low-level clones are cast on the World Level range, barely moving the one-sided disaster back again.

After a moment, several Great Saint masters freed up their hands and began to rescue, taking action to destroy the brood.

But in such a situation, not long after it stabilized, the entire Hongmeng Star suddenly began to vibrate, as if something was about to burst out of the planet.


In the Buddhist Gate area, there was a constant battle. Huineng suddenly paused, and then sat cross-legged regardless of the surrounding situation;

This action of his made the surrounding fellow disciples stunned for a moment, and then they stepped forward, helping him protect the law, and said: "Damn it, Huineng, what are you doing..."


Regardless of the other party's words, Huineng, who was sitting cross-legged, was in a state of shock for a while, and in an instant, a powerful aura rose up, and a beam of light pierced into the sky.


In the Yuqing Temple area, Jian Wuxin is holding a long snake bone sword. The human sword merges into one, and the breath becomes entangled, turning into a sky full of horses, fighting back and forth among the evil creatures, as if they are invincible.

Suddenly, he and the sword in his hand stopped together, and then the sword wrapped around his body like a snake. Jian Wuxin didn't care about anything else, and just sat in the evil seed. In an instant, it was overwhelmed by the evil seeds.

"Damn it, Uncle Master..." This sudden change made the disciples who were traveling with him suddenly change their expressions and swoop towards him.


Before the disciples could rush in to rescue him, Jian Wuxin's evil creature exploded and a pillar of light rose into the sky.


In the blessed land of Bailing Pavilion, Tong Hou, who had just received a wave of support and was pale and panting, was stunned for a moment. Then he sat cross-legged and a pillar of light enveloped him.


In the blessed land, countless disciples looked up blankly, not knowing what was happening.


In the Shangqingguan area, Lan Fuyao, who returned with Pei Xiaoxiao, did not return to the sect, nor did he contact the old people.

When the two of them joined forces, their auras were intertwined, and they were traveling through Hongmeng like one person, constantly killing the nest.

The two Body Integrations have already reached the peak of Seven Stars, so the Brood is completely killable for them.

Suddenly, both of them were stunned at the same time, and then a pillar of light reaching the sky enveloped them.


In the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion and the general command room.

Du Xuanda, who succeeded the three elders of Tianji and took charge of the entire Hongmeng battlefield, was surrounded by copper coins, with countless runes jumping in his eyes, as if he was calculating all the time.

Not only that, he also controls the treasure of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, the ancient treasure money itself.

With such blessing, he calculated various possibilities over and over again and made constant arrangements. Every seven-star boss in the general command room followed the other party's arrangements.

Suddenly, Du Xuanda exited this state and directly threw four copper coins under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The copper coin shimmered and disappeared into the void.

At the same time, a pillar of light rose from his body.

Moreover, as the four copper coins disappeared, he seemed to begin to echo with the other four auras, forming a strange whole.

In just an instant, five sky-reaching light pillars suddenly rose into the sky on Hongmeng Star, like five pillars, anchoring the entire world.

The breath was connected, suppressing the entire Hongmeng Star.

At this moment, Zhang Deming's figure appeared in the sky, like a giant covering the sky, and countless people raised their heads.

His breath was extremely strong, just like an ancient god. He looked at all living beings with a mournful expression, and slowly said: "I say: The divine list is the guide, the true spirit is the root, all living beings will not be extinguished, and the grand mist will never be destroyed!"

As he spoke, a strange scroll rushed out of his body and slowly unfolded at the core of the five light pillars.

As the scroll unfolded, golden light spots flew out of the bodies of all living beings in Hongmeng, submerged into the scroll, and turned into names.

With this change, the entire shaking Hongmeng Star calmed down instantly. And as a breath spread, countless evil species were inexplicably suppressed by 30% of their strength.


That's right, they are the five legendary ones who should be robbed. They were people who came into being due to Zhang Deming's delayed arrival and Jiang Taixu's manipulation and clever influence.

The purpose is to leave a back-up, which can be used to give Zhang Deming a decisive blow, and can also be used to prevent everyone from being destroyed. The main purpose is to prevent. After all, Lu Wuya's crazy move to kill the gods was first, and Jiang Taixu's plan could not be avoided. Defend.

Initially, Zhang Deming thought that he would not be able to use it, but now it seems that Jiang Taixu is indeed a practitioner of cause and effect, and he really has every plan.


In the Lingxiao Realm, Wisdom seemed to have sensed something. After detonating to no avail, he roared angrily: "Jiang Taixu!!!"

Zhang Deming did not stop at all. Using the time of the God List to suppress his wisdom, the chess pieces around him kept flying out and sinking in all around in a certain pattern.

And the wisdom that has not yet completely eroded the Lingxiao Realm has been abolished. Now even the last threat method has been abolished. The reliance that it once relied on has become a constraint. Under the suppression of the God List, I can only watch Zhang Deming cast spells.

Although he can still resist, he can collapse the Lingxiao Realm and commit suicide. But if I can’t take Hongmeng with me, I’ll simply commit suicide.

Therefore, she felt the seal getting stronger and stronger, and she said with hatred: "Jinghuang, just wait for me, no matter it is one era or tens of millions of eras, one day, I will come out again..." ···”

Between heaven and earth, countless chess pieces fell, forming a strange chess game. A powerful seal slowly took shape, and the roar of wisdom and hatred gradually became smaller and finally disappeared.

"Oh, I'm not the kind of person who leaves a seal and lets it go. Do you still want a future?

Sorry, just keep dreaming!

Even if I spend an era grinding you down bit by bit, I will wear you to death.

I still want to come out and dance, but I won’t have the chance in the next life! "

As he spoke, the seal was completely formed, but Zhang Deming did not turn around and leave. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the chessboard in the center of the seal. His aura fluctuated, and a rich breath of life emitted.

In the blink of an eye, countless roots began to emerge from under Zhang Deming, penetrating through the chessboard and into the seal below. The roots fluctuated, trying to spray Entering Spirit seeds.

For a moment, Zhang Deming frowned. If the spiritual seed wanted to be effective, it had to loosen the seal. But doing so would be equivalent to loosening the restraints on wisdom.

The other party has a Grotto-Heaven as support, so it will definitely be indestructible in a short period of time. But over time, it will give the other party room to operate, and who knows if something unexpected will happen.

"Forget it, we can't take risks, come slow!"

As he spoke, Zhang Deming's upper body began to expand, and in the blink of an eye, his entire body turned into a towering tree.

The tree uses the formation as the ground, standing in the center of the seal, with the intelligent body as the soil. The roots of the tree penetrate into the flesh ball below, constantly absorbing the opponent's power and transmitting it to the top of the tree.

Among the branches of the trees, spiritual seeds move in another way.

Strange fruits condensed out one after another, and then the weirdness and madness in them were slowly eliminated, and then turned into nutrients to replenish Zhang Deming himself, and turned into a new round of power to join in the devouring of wisdom.

In this way, a closed loop was achieved.

If this goes on, no matter how outrageous her wisdom is, the fate that awaits her has already been decided. The source of evil that had harmed Hongmeng for three epochs has now been eliminated!


Zhang family inner circle.

Zhang Deming felt another Taoist body turning on the suppression mode, and he opened his eyes as the greatest danger was gone.

He left Zhangjiajie and began to organize many monks to carry out disaster relief.

When several Holy Masters saw that the matter was initially finalized and that their injuries were on the verge of collapse, they all left the matter to the people below and began to retreat for a long time one by one.

The entire Hongmeng has entered the era of Zhang Deming.

No matter what happens to the Holy Lords after they retreat, no one in this Hongmeng Realm can surpass him.

However, as the source of the disaster was sealed and the source disappeared, and Zhang Deming personally went to destroy the Brood, the disaster that engulfed the entire world gradually subsided.

Hongmeng has entered the recuperation stage again.

Because of this opportunity, Zhang Deming took the opportunity to unify all the common people and create a constitutional monarchy like the Tianling Empire. With an advanced system of intelligent control, Hongmeng will usher in a period of great development.


Time flies, three hundred years in a blink of an eye.

In Lingxiao Realm, after three hundred years of non-stop grinding and devouring day and night, no moths appeared in wisdom after all, and it completely disappeared in the deep sleep of the seal.

At the moment when he completely devoured his wisdom, Zhang Deming found that his cultivation base had naturally been promoted to the Eight Diagrams stage, and what made him even more surprised was that he had a strange relationship with Hongmeng Xing.

Hongmeng star seems to be a part of his body.

So, the Three Goddesses are the conscious forms of Hongmeng Star?

"Well, who?"

Zhang Deming, who had just finished devouring wisdom and made many new discoveries, suddenly sensed something and said coldly.

"your dad!"

In the void, a lazy voice replied.

"court death!"

Zhang Deming, who has already become the number one Holy Master of Hongmeng, has accumulated a lot of power for three hundred years, and now the whole Hongmeng dares to tease him like this without paying the price, but he has not yet been born!

Zhang Deming's breath was surging, and he was about to make a move.

But when he looked up and saw the person clearly, he was stunned.

In the void, a young man who looked somewhat similar to him walked towards him while walking in the courtyard.

This young man is none other than his father, his biological father! ! !

The moment he saw the other person, lightning flashed in Zhang Deming's mind, and memories emerged one after another.

Only then did he realize that whether it was the earth in his previous life or the small mountain village in this life.

His biological father seemed to be the one in front of him, but he seemed to have never realized it before!

And after leaving that small mountain village and entering the Heavenly Spirit Sect, he naturally forgot about the other party.

Even when he was wearing a vest and used the name "Zhang Buyi", he never thought that his father seemed to have this name too!

Now that they met, these things suddenly flashed through his mind, making him freeze on the spot.

Zhang Buyi stepped out of the void, looked up and down at the stunned Zhang Deming, then looked around, nodded and said:

"Not bad, I finally raised another fully grown baby. Although I killed a stunted Innate, I still managed to kill it. It's a bit of a success."


On this day, heaven and earth rejoiced.

The Zhang family held a birth ceremony, and the whole world celebrated. The first Sacred Clan family in Hongmeng was born.

More importantly, the wedding of the First Holy Lord Zhang Deming and the spiritual leader of the Sacred Land, Pan Juan'er, was celebrated by everyone.

As the wedding begins, the sky in Sacred Land is filled with flowers, golden lotuses emerge from the ground, and the spirit of Sacred Land adjusts the rules and begins to create an atmosphere.

Outside Sacred Land, countless people looked up to the sky and saw an extremely grand wedding.

As the wedding progressed and finally reached its climax, countless monks discovered that there was a young man sitting in the high hall where the Holy Lord was getting married, which aroused the curiosity of countless people.

"The auspicious time has come, let's pay homage to the high hall!"

As a salute was sung, Zhang Deming and Pan Juan'er began to salute under the young man's smile.

But as soon as they started to move, the whole Hongmeng began to gather dark clouds, and a sense of depression filled everyone's hearts, as if some great terror was about to come.

All the bosses frowned, and Zhang Deming even looked puzzled. Now that Hongmeng's rules are under his control, he doesn't feel where this power comes from.

Only Zhang Buyi, who was sitting in the high hall, jumped up as if he had been electrocuted.

"Damn it, the year this kid entered cultivation, I already burped for the rest of my life. After completing the sacrifice to heaven, he has unlimited power. Why are you still here?

After the cultivation kalpa, you still want to give me a marriage kalpa?

I really don’t need money for my life! "

The changes in the sky did not stop. Instead, a Chaos Divine Thunder fell, directly hitting Zhang Buyi, frying him to a crisp on the outside and sending out bursts of green smoke.

"Damn it, forget it, today's sacrifice to heaven, just think of it as my wedding gift to you! Boy, Queen of the Nine Palaces, remember to come to Shenhong Realm to find me!"

As the last sound fell, countless divine thunder accurately hit Zhang Buyi, and Zhang Buyi was directly blasted into pieces.

Zhang Deming looked at this scene with a strange expression. With Zhang Buyi's death, he found that his wealth, luck, etc. began to skyrocket.

This is... so what kind of sacrifice to heaven, with boundless magic power?

For no reason, he thought of this word and looked weird!


(Complete book)

(End of chapter)

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