The official organization of Eagle Kingdom players is called Blood Moon Dynasty...

The name is a little bit average.

However, the official player organization is still very strong in the Eagle Kingdom. It is a bit like the superpower alliance in the United States, and almost most of the players have joined it.

The main reason is that the leader of the Blood Moon Dynasty is a vampire duke!

His name is Augustine.

Augustine is the number one player in the "Night of Blood" game.

After joining the Blood Moon Dynasty, he immediately became the leader of this organization and received official support from the Eagle Kingdom.

Now, almost the entire Eagle Kingdom is under his control.

It can be said that almost all players and ordinary people in Eagle Kingdom can now be regarded as his servants and blood servants!

However, if Cain, the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan, and his men report back, his status will plummet, and all the assets of the Eagle Kingdom will be snatched away by the True Ancestor Cain!

In fact, the entire world may become the private property of Cain, the true ancestor of the blood race!

This was something he couldn't stand.

But at the same time, Augustine knew that he could never be the opponent of the true ancestor Cain.

Strigoi are different from other gamers.

It is difficult for them to challenge a vampire whose bloodline is stronger than theirs, because all the strength of a vampire comes from their bloodline, and high-level bloodline has a powerful ability to suppress low-level bloodline!

Just like now, it is impossible for the Marquis' men to rise up in resistance when they see him!

There is only one level difference between Marquis and Duke!

But there is a four-level difference between himself and Cain, the true ancestor of the blood race!

"Damn it, this game design is unfair. Why is the highest level of the player the Blood Emperor, but the BOSS in the game is the True Ancestor?" Augustine felt extremely aggrieved.

Of course, he could only blame Yugi for all this.

After all, even if the BOSS's level limit is Blood Emperor, it's still two levels higher than him...

Augustine can only hope that players from other countries can help.

But now, in the entire Blue Star, it seems that there are only two countries with the strongest strength.

One is the Dragon Kingdom, which has a mysterious and powerful man who overpowers the Asan Kingdom and may even have caused the disappearance of Titan.

The other is the United States, which has many gaming professions and a large number of players.

The reason why Long Guo refused was outrageous.

Obviously not counting on it.

The subordinates seemed to be frightened by his momentum of lifting the table.

"How is it going in the United States? Have you contacted General Mike?" Augustine asked his men again.

"Contacted..." The Marquis' subordinate replied weakly.

Augustine's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked again: "How's it going? What did General Mike say?"

The marquis' subordinate showed a look of despair on his face and said: "He said he expressed sympathy and apology for our situation..."

"Huh?" Augustine was stunned for a moment and asked, "Then what?"

The Marquis' subordinate shook his head: "No more..."

Augustine was stunned.

"No more? Are you kidding me? Didn't I ask you to find out what General Mike says? Or you can make an appointment with him and I can visit him in person? Why is it gone?"

Listening to Augustine's words, the marquis's men were frightened.

The face that didn't have much color in the first place became even paler.

He hesitated and said: "The other party hung up the phone and I didn't have time to finish..."

Augustine was absolutely furious.

My subordinates all have something wrong with their brains!

"Hang up the phone, won't you call again?"

Augustine's aura erupted, and the whole room was filled with the pressure from the Blood Duke.

A group of men were so frightened that they knelt on the ground in a hurry.

The subordinate, suppressing the fear in his heart, replied: "I called several times but couldn't get through. The line was always busy..."


Augustine's powerful anger and momentum blew up the entire office building.


Hexagonal building.

Headquarters of the Alliance of Superpowers.

General Mike stood in front of the window of his office, looking at the sky in the distance.

At this moment.

One of his men knocked on the door and came in, reporting: "General, the Blood Moon Dynasty called several times in a row, but I didn't answer..."

General Mike nodded slowly and said: "Just blacklist them, so as not to let them have any illusions."

The men nodded.

But he had some doubts in his heart and asked: "General, do we really not care about Eagle Country's allies?"

General Mike sneered and said: "Our energy now should be focused on how to deal with the bosses in the "Comic Universe". Although they have not yet given feedback, they must be prepared in advance. As for the allies of the Eagle Kingdom... Let them fend for themselves!"

Almost all players around the world know about Eagle Kingdom’s third round of feedback on the game’s BOSS.

Players from the island country have also heard about it.

In the luxurious presidential suite on the top floor of the Metropolis Building, Goldman Sachs sat up from the soft bed and stretched.

Then, with a casual wave of his hand, fifty powerful female ninjas lined up and walked out.

After fighting all night long, the powerful female ninjas were covered in sweat.

Every morning, they would take a shower together.

Goldman doesn't need to take a shower. After all, with his cultivation level, he rarely sweats.

Even if there are other dirty things stuck on it, you only need to easily control your spiritual power to travel around the surface of the body, and it will be as clean as ever.

The time when the powerful female ninjas take a bath, which lasts about half an hour, is the only time in the day when Goldman, the leader of the Ninja Alliance, handles official business.

After the powerful female ninjas left, several core subordinates of Goldman Sachs walked in one after another.

The four elite jounin all lowered their heads, not daring to look at the rest of the room.

I'm afraid that of all the game player organization headquarters in the entire world, only the island country's headquarters has the most special location.

After all, it is too rare for a power headquarters to be placed in the presidential suite.

It's an office and a double bed room.

At this time, Goldman Sachs, who was wearing a bathrobe, slowly came to the window sill, picked up a glass of red wine, and took a sip.

Goldman Sachs' gaze seemed to see the land across the coast through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

A trace of homesickness suddenly arose in his heart.

But in just a moment, this homesickness was buried in his heart again.

During this time, he often read the official forum of the mobile game "Piaomiao Xiantu".

He knew a lot of news about the Dragon Kingdom.

The information including the Jianghai City Maintenance and Management Office is also clear.

The director of the Jianghai City Maintenance and Management Office is a relative of the big boss, and he will also issue a complete set of low-grade heavenly artifacts and black water suits to his employees!

Simply outrageous.

Goldman Sachs knows very well that it is invincible on this small island.

But if you return to Jianghai City, you probably won’t be able to defeat even the ordinary employees of the Jianghai City Maintenance and Management Office.

In comparison, it is more reliable to feel homesick here.

Taking a sip of red wine, Goldman Sachs slowly said, "Tell me, what do you want to report today?"

Daha, the one among the four subordinates, was the first to say respectfully: "Alliance leader, the Eagle Kingdom contacted us and said that their game BOSS will report back in more than six days. I hope we can lend a helping hand..."

Goldman Sachs said with a deadpan expression: "Next!"

Erha hurriedly took a step forward and reported respectfully: "According to our judgment, all games may eventually feedback the BOSS in the game, so our country's "Ninja Legend" game will eventually feedback the BOSS in the game, so the alliance leader prepare in advance……"

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