Jiang Yun's parents' home.

Jiang Yun, who was lying on the bed playing games, suddenly saw the huge lightning outside through the bedroom window!

Then, the rumble of thunder reached her ears.

Jiang Yun hurriedly put down her phone and came to the window.

She remembered that when she looked at the sky just now, it seemed to be clear.

Why is it thundering suddenly now?

What’s even more strange is that after the thunder, raindrops have already fallen on the window!

This God's face changes faster than myself!

Jiang Yun shrugged and prepared to lie on the bed and play with her mobile phone.


at this time.

Her body suddenly stopped and stood motionless by the bed.

Immediately afterwards, something more terrifying happened.

Jiang Yun felt that her body was suddenly bloated, not like a full stomach, but all parts of her body felt like balloons being inflated!

My brain, limbs, and chest all felt like they were about to explode.

Jiang Yun suddenly felt a sense of panic in her heart!

What's going on here?

Are you going to die?

This way of death is a bit too tragic!

Just after strange thoughts appeared in Jiang Yun's mind, she suddenly felt that the bulging feeling disappeared!

As quickly as it comes, as quickly as it goes!

But then, before Jiang Yun showed a happy look on her face, her body began to swell again.

Just like this, Jiang Yun's body swelled and then shrank, several times in a row!

Finally, the bulging feeling completely disappeared!

Although Jiang Yun felt that she had experienced a lot just now, in fact, this process only lasted less than two seconds.

Within two seconds, Jiang Yun's body changed several times!

Of course, that bulging feeling didn't mean that Jiang Yun's body suddenly became as big as a balloon.

But only a very slight change.

It's not obvious from the outside.

It's just that Jiang Yun herself feels it more strongly.

Just after the physical change ended, Jiang Yun felt a little strange.

My eyes seemed a little blurry.

Because Jiang Yun was still playing games just now, she kept wearing her glasses without taking them off.

She is somewhat short-sighted.

Wear glasses to see more clearly.

But now, although I am wearing glasses, my vision is very hazy, as if I am not wearing glasses.

Jiang Yun reached out her hand in confusion and took off her glasses.


Jiang Yun was even more confused.

I took off my glasses and could see clearly!

I can see more clearly than when I wore myopia glasses before!

What's happening here?

Is your myopia better?

Jiang Yun is a top student who has received higher education. She believes in science.

But what is going on? I haven’t had myopia surgery, so science may not be able to explain the fact that my myopia has improved.

Jiang Yun looked at her hands and then at a painting hanging on the wall of her bedroom.

She wanted to see how far her eyesight had recovered.

However, just when she wanted to see the painting clearly, she suddenly felt as if something flew out of her brain!

And I can not only see the outside world through my eyes, but also seem to have another pair of "eyes" that allow me to feel the world!

It's an amazing feeling.

Jiang Yun felt that the other pair of invisible "eyes" could see more clearly and with a wider range. It was a bit like the wide-angle lens of a camera. She could even see her own body and her own body through those "eyes". The whole bedroom!


Not just the entire bedroom.

Jiang Yun carefully controlled her "eyes" to look around. She was shocked to find that her "eyes" could penetrate the wall and see the situation in the bedroom next door!

Jiang Yun was completely stunned.

What's wrong with your body?

At this time, Jiang Yun's "eyes" saw the screen of her mobile phone. On the mobile game interface of "Piaomiao Immortal Path", two lines of announcements in red and bold fonts suddenly appeared!

Two announcements appeared in the center of the game interface at the same time, extremely conspicuous!

Jiang Yun's eyes, as well as the strange "eyes" that suddenly appeared, looked at the two strange game announcements at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun saw the two game announcements that Lin Yu and Xiaoguang saw in the game forum!

These two game announcements appeared on the official game forum and in the game, but the in-game announcements appeared ten minutes later.

In Lin Yu's previous life, he didn't play games that night, so he didn't know that there were announcements in the game as well.

He just knew it would be on the forum.

That’s why Xiaoguang and I went to the forum specifically to read game announcements.

And at this time.

Jiang Yun also saw the contents of two game announcements!

[Game Announcement 1: Dear players of the "Piaomiao Immortal Path" mobile game, the "Piaomiao Immortal Path" mobile game will start at 0:00 on February 14, 2123. Feedback will be given to all players. The duration of the feedback will be One week...]

[Game Announcement 2:...]

After seeing these two announcements, Jiang Yun was stunned.

If she had seen these two announcements at another time, she would have thought it was a prank just like Xiao Guang.

But now, when she saw these two announcements, she immediately thought of something abnormal happening in her body!

Could it be that my eyesight with glasses has improved because I received feedback from my game cultivation and became an immortal cultivator?

It is naturally impossible for a cultivator to be short-sighted!

And the other pair of "eyes" that suddenly appeared on his body, could it be his own consciousness?

As a veteran player of the "Piaomiao Immortal Path" mobile game, Jiang Yun naturally knows what spiritual consciousness is.

However, this is too... fantasy!

Jiang Yun could only describe this matter as fantasy.

This is all so unscientific.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly thought of a question.

My own father also played this game before!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun hurriedly put down her phone and opened the door to go out.

My father is so old, will there be any problems?

Jiang Yun was very worried.

She stretched out her hand and just put it on the bedroom door, when the bedroom door suddenly fell apart...

Jiang Yun looked at her hands blankly, with a look of shock on her face. Is this the power of an immortal cultivator?

I didn't use any force at all, and the wooden door of the bedroom shattered!

However, at this time, Jiang Yun no longer cared about studying her own body. Instead, she hurried to the door of her father's room and gently opened the door...

In the dark bedroom, Jiang Yun's father seemed to notice the arrival of an uninvited guest. The soldier's alertness made him sit up immediately and turn on the light in the bedroom.

However, Jiang Yun's father was speechless when he saw his daughter rushing in through the door.

"You don't sleep at night, why are you running around?"

Jiang Yun's father thought his daughter had gone to the wrong room!

However, Jiang Yun's father soon noticed that something seemed not right about his daughter's expression.

It seems, a little shocked, but also a little surprised.

"Dad, your hair..."

"What happened to the hair?"

"Your hair is black!" Jiang Yun said in surprise.

After all, Jiang Yun's father is an old man who is nearly sixty years old, and most of his hair has turned gray.

But now, all his hair has turned black!

And not only that, Jiang Yun found that her father's face seemed to have fewer wrinkles.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Yun's father felt a little strange and stretched out his hand to touch his hair.

But when he stretched out his hand, he was stunned.

My hands seem to be much more flexible!

The loose skin on the back of my hands seems to have become a little tighter!

At this time, the conversation between Jiang Yun and her father finally woke up Jiang Yun's mother.

Jiang Yun's mother opened her eyes, looked at her daughter, and then at her husband. A look of shock suddenly appeared in her sleepy eyes!

She widened her eyes, looked at her husband and said, "Lao Jiang, am I dazzled? Why have you become younger?"

Jiang Yun's father did not feel the bulging feeling.

After all, his time to play the game was too short, and his cultivation level in the game was only at the early stage of heartbeat!

Originally, Jiang Yun only took her father to the middle stage of Qi refining.

Later, Jiang Yun's father played alone for a few hours in order to work, and even recharged six yuan to raise his VIP level to level 1.

It was precisely because he recharged six yuan that he also received feedback on his cultivation from the game.

Because, VIP level 0 will not give feedback on cultivation level.

But just 10% of the cultivation feedback in the early stage of heartbeat has already made Jiang Yun's father seem several years younger!

Neither Jiang Yun nor her father was in the mood to continue sleeping.

The two came to the living room and exchanged their feelings.

at the same time.

Jiang Yun's father also hurriedly called his subordinates!

There are about twenty young men in my investigation team, but I ordered them all to play the mobile game "Piaomiao Immortal Path"!

They are all young people, good at playing games, and their cultivation level must be higher than mine!

"Everyone, gather at the unit immediately!" Jiang Yun's father issued an order in the VX group.

At this time, Jiang Yun's father also looked at his daughter. After thinking for a while, he said: "Yun'er, you can come with me. You have been playing that game for a long time and have a high level of cultivation. You should be able to help. !”

This night, Jiang Yun learned for the first time that her father was actually the person in charge of the Dragon Kingdom official responsible for investigating the "Piaomiao Immortal Path" mobile game!

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