Jianghai City.

In the bedroom of Lin Yu's villa.

Lin Yu, who was finishing his tenth copy of the Blackwater Demon Cave today, received a private message.

Lin Yu usually doesn't bother to read private messages.

Ever since he became number one in various rankings, various players have been sending him private messages.

However, as time went by, players who sent private messages found that they never responded, and they gradually stopped.

There have been a lot less private messages recently.

Lin Yu happened to be finishing the dungeon and was a little tired.

I casually clicked on the private message and read it.

"Dear Mr. Chengfeng, I deeply regret it and beg you to forgive me..."

After reading a few sentences, Lin Yu was speechless.

What a mess.

Before finishing reading, Lin Yu directly closed the private message interface.

Then, the Blackwater Demon Cave copy was refreshed.

This copy is very simple for Lin Yu, and he is already familiar with it because he has done it a lot.

The level of the dungeon is relatively high, so a lot of things will explode every time you finish it.

Although there is no first pass reward, it is still better than nothing.

Lin Yu controlled his character and came to the Blackwater Demon Cave again.

Lin Yu didn't even need to take action against the Black Water Demon Lord's men. His own Mo Qilin ran over excitedly and bit them all to death.

Soon Lin Yu came to the deepest part of the copy where the Blackwater Demon Lord was.

at this time.

The Black Water Demon Lord slowly stood up from his throne.

But when he saw the familiar figure of Master Chengfeng, there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

There seemed to be a hint of fear in his voice.

It seems that I am afraid of being killed...

[Immortal cultivator, you...]

Before the Black Water Demon Lord finished speaking, Lin Yu took action.

The flying sword, a fairy weapon refined to level 20, cuts the dust with a single stroke.

A huge sword energy flashed across instantly.

Then, the body of the Black Water Demon Lord, as well as the endless black water behind him, were all cut off with one sword!

After playing the game recently, Lin Yu has actually discovered it.

Ever since the feedback from game cultivation began, the NPCs and demon bosses in the game have begun to awaken their consciousness.

However, they have not been able to escape the control of the game for the time being.

The Black Water Demon Lord was still saying those two lines with dedication, being killed by himself over and over again, and then resurrected.

But his brain seems to have the ability to simply store memories, and there are also some emotions that humans in the real world have!

In his previous life, Lin Yu didn't pay attention to this.

So when he just learned that Master Jingxin and Lord Blackwater were gradually gaining consciousness of their own in the game, Lin Yu was still shocked.

But as he learned more and more, Lin Yu gradually got used to it.

[System prompt: Congratulations on killing the Blackwater Demon Lord, the final boss of the Blackwater Demon Cave instance. The instance has been cleared. 】

Following the system prompt, Lin Yu's character also reappeared at the door of the Blackwater Demon Cave instance.

Things dropped from the dungeon will be automatically distributed to the player's backpack, which is very convenient.

However, there is nothing too good, Lin Yu doesn't look at it every time.

Anyway, my backpack has a lot of slots, so I can still fit this little thing in.

The number of parcel grids in the game is very precious. Because Lin Yu's storage ring is a semi-immortal weapon and has been refined to the full level, it only reaches 10,000 grids!

For other players’ packages, it’s considered pretty good if they have more than a hundred boxes!

The package with a huge capacity also saves Lin Yu a lot of trouble.

All day long, Lin Yu had been working tirelessly on the Blackwater Demon Cave copy.

Apart from eating, I just grind dungeons.

If you want to become a great person, you must endure loneliness.

Now, after the game recharge channel is closed, you can only get some rewards by brushing copies.

Although these rewards are just a drop in the bucket of Lin Yu's current assets in the game.

But a little adds up.

Lin Yu had already played through the Blackwater Demon Cave copy hundreds of times throughout the day.

Lin Yu looked at the time on his phone.

At this time, it was already half past eleven.

There is still half an hour until the fourth cultivation feedback of the game.

Lin Yu decided to do it one last time, rest for a while, and then wait for feedback on his cultivation.

In order to improve the efficiency of brushing copies, Lin Yu was too lazy to let his Mo Qilin take action, and solved everything with one sword every time.

Soon Lin Yu controlled his game character and came to the Black Water Demon Lord.

The Blackwater Demon Lord at this time seemed a little different from what he had been in the morning.

It's not that the appearance or appearance has changed.

But his demeanor!

It feels like I don't care about anything and I have seen through life and death in the world.

To put it simply, it means breaking the jar and breaking it!

He didn't even stand up!

In the morning, he stood up and said two lines of his own every time.

Now he lay directly on Ge You, and then said weakly.

[Immortal cultivator, do you dare to challenge the terrifying Black Water Demon? 】

[Do you want to become a dead soul in the black waters? 】

The movements and expressions of the Black Water Demon Lord changed.

But the lines returned to their original state.

I don’t know if the game system corrected his mistake, or if the previous line was just an accident.

Lin Yu waved his sword gently, and the Black Water Demon was split in half again from the middle.

Then, Lin Yu quit the game directly.

Lin Yu looked at the time.

There are still more than twenty minutes until the fourth feedback on game cultivation.

Lin Yu was really tired of finishing the copy.

So, I opened the official forum and started reading.

"I have a very big doubt. Now Chengfeng Zhenren, who has the highest cultivation level in the game, has reached the Great Perfection of the Mahayana stage. After all the cultivation levels are reported back, will he become an immortal on the spot?"

"I have the same doubts as above, but I have a more bold prediction. I think that becoming an immortal in the real world may lead to a catastrophe! Master Chengfeng's situation is very dangerous!"

"Damn it, it sounds reasonable!"

"It is true that the upper limit of cultivation in the game is the Mahayana stage, but the real world is different!"

"If Master Chengfeng really survives a tribulation in the real world, can he survive it? After all, there is no feedback from the equipment in the game yet!"

"Oh my God, it's too dangerous to cultivate immortality. Fortunately, my cultivation level is not yet at the Mahayana stage!"

"May I ask what your cultivation level is upstairs?"

"Later stage of Qi refining!"

"Hey, I don't know if Master Chengfeng will see this post. If so, it's better to make preparations as soon as possible. It's also good to make a will first."

"When you say this kind of thing upstairs, do you dare not be anonymous?"

Lin Yu saw this post at first glance.

But I only glanced at it briefly and stopped looking at it.

There is absolutely no useful information in the post.

After all, he is the one who is reborn.

But the problem is that as a reborn person, I have no idea what will happen. In the previous life, no player's cultivation would reach the Great Perfection of the Mahayana period!

Those demon bosses and NPCs have reached the Mahayana stage, but no one has survived the tribulation in the real world.


What others don't know is.

It is not the seventh day after my cultivation feedback that I will have the Dzogchen perfection of the Mahayana period.

According to the current feedback speed of cultivation, I will be in the late Mahayana stage tonight!

Tomorrow will at least be the Great Consummation of the Mahayana period!

If there really is a catastrophe, it will definitely not wait until the seventh day.

After thinking silently for a while, the time came to twelve o'clock in the evening.

The fourth cultivation feedback has begun.

Lin Yu could only make some wild guesses as to whether he would face a catastrophe.

After all, no one has ever experienced it.

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