
The sunlight passed through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and shone on Goldman Sachs.

On the big bed in the luxurious presidential suite, Goldman Sachs pushed away the female ninja beside him, sat up and stretched.

The overnight battle did not make Goldman Sachs too tired.

After all, after last night's cultivation feedback, his strength has reached the late Nascent Soul stage.

Tonight, he would give feedback on his cultivation again. He felt that he could at least reach the Nascent Soul stage and reach the Great Perfection.

If you’re lucky, you might even reach the early stages of out-of-body experience!

Goldman Sachs' VIP level in the game is only level 7, which can only feedback 70% of the cultivation level. To reach this level is already beyond Goldman Sachs' expectations.

Seemingly noticing that Goldman had woken up, several female ninjas hurriedly sat up and helped Goldman put on his clothes.

Several female ninjas have been trained by Goldman Sachs to be very obedient.

at this time.

Goldman Sachs said to several female ninjas: "In a moment, I will send a plane to take you to participate in that strength competition..."

After hearing Goldman's words, several female ninjas showed a look of worry on their faces.

They are indeed ninjas.

I have indeed played the game "Legend of Ninja", but the strength is the lowest level of genin. To participate in such a world-class competition, the strength is definitely not enough!

If you are not careful, it may even be life-threatening!

Although they only heard the name of this competition for the first time last night, just hearing the name and knowing that the participating members were all gamers who had reported their strength, they knew that this competition must be dangerous.

But they didn't dare not listen to the words of the leader of the Ninja Alliance, and they didn't even dare to raise any objections.

However, Goldman Sachs is not unsympathetic.

He smiled slightly, gently touched the hair of one of the female ninjas, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to fight those barbarians. You just need to show your ninja style!"

"Oh, by the way, I have prepared combat uniforms for you. It is the pink temptation ninja suit that I personally designed yesterday. I have had people rush to make it overnight to ensure that you will be the most eye-catching in the entire competition. focus!"

"Also, you should pay attention to your own safety. If you feel that you can't beat the opponent, you must shout in advance and buy the CD, just like what you shouted last night!"

After hearing what Goldman Sachs said, several female ninjas nodded hurriedly.

They didn't want to die in the ring, let alone disobey the orders of the leader of the Ninja Alliance.

Therefore, we can only do what the leader asks us to do.

After serving the leader of the Ninja Alliance and getting dressed, the five female ninjas were sent away by Goldman Sachs.

They will take a Goldman Sachs private jet to NY, the venue for the Blue Star Power Arena.

After all, tonight, that is, this morning in the United States, the opening ceremony of the first "Blue Star Power Arena" will be held.

By then, media around the world will surely broadcast this grand game.

Such a wonderful moment, my female ninja cannot miss it!


Lin Yu tried to log in to the game and found that the game was still under maintenance.

So Lin Yu could only open the game forum.

On the forum, the top three posts are all official announcements of the game.

[Dear players of the mobile game "Piaomiao Xiantu", after our production team worked overtime overnight, the game bug has been fixed, and the game will be reopened at 10 am on February 20th, which is 10 am today! 】

Below the post, there are excited shouts from players.

"The production team is awesome, they fixed the bug so quickly, a role model in the industry!"

"I can't wait. When ten o'clock comes, I will be the first to enter the game!"

"Without the company of "Piaomiao Fairy Road", my life seems to have lost its luster!"

"Sit back and wait for the server to open!"

"By the way, where is the address of your game company? I want to visit it!"

"I would like to know how many people there are in the game production team. Are you still accepting applications?"

"The person upstairs is so delusional that he actually wants to apply for Tiandao!"

"What Tiandao, how do you know this game is made by Tiandao!"

"If it's not Tiandao, could it be the Three-Body Man?"

After looking at the first announcement, Lin Yu opened the second announcement.

[Dear all "Piaomiao Xiantu" mobile game players, due to this sudden emergency maintenance, we have caused losses to the players. Our "Piaomiao Xiantu" mobile game official deeply apologizes and has specially provided generous compensation to the players. .

Compensation 1: All players will receive X10 high-grade spiritual stones, X10 purple equipment refining stones, and X10 Xuanyuan Dan.

Compensation 2: The game will open a new cultivation level in advance. Players’ cultivation level can be upgraded to Daluo Jinxian. I wish all players a happy game. 】

Seeing this game announcement, almost all players were excited.

Not to mention the second compensation, the first compensation alone is of great value.

After the game cannot be recharged with krypton gold, the value of spirit stones and Xuanyuan Dan has increased at least dozens of times!

Some players even want to spend 100,000 yuan to buy Xuanyuan Dan, but no one is willing to sell it.

Because Xuanyuan Dan represents cultivation!

And the cultivation level can be fed back to the players!

"It's so cool. This compensation package is great!"

"Officially, this compensation package is worth at least three million!"

"It's so cool. With these ten Xuanyuan Pills, I can advance to the late stage of foundation building!"

"The maintenance compensation for the games I played before has never exceeded three yuan. In comparison, it's still the official version of the "Piaomiao Xian Road" mobile game!"

"The focus of your attention is wrong. The second compensation is the focus, okay!"

"Damn it, this game is crazy. I'm only in the out-of-body stage and I feel like I can't improve. I'm still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the Mahayana stage. Is this a new level?"

"Daluo Jinxian, how many years does it take to reach that level!"

"The official purpose of this game is to make fun of you. If you don't allow recharge, even Master Chengfeng won't be able to upgrade to Daluo Jinxian!"

"This second compensation is meaningless."

"Something's wrong. How do I feel? Only Master Chengfeng can benefit from this second compensation! He was the Great Perfection of the Mahayana stage before. After this new level is opened, won't he become an immortal in one step?"

"The correct solution upstairs!"

"I want to hug Chengfeng's thigh..."

"I want to hug my thigh +1!"

The first two game announcements caused heated discussions among players.

However, when the players saw the announcement of the third game, they were all instantly confused!

The third game announcement is really exciting!

[Dear dear players of the mobile game "Piaomiao Xiantu", hello everyone, I am very sad to inform you of the news. After discussion with the official game partners, we have made a difficult decision. Starting from February 21, 2123 Starting at midnight, the game will shut down its servers and cease operations.

We deeply apologize for the trouble caused to you. We will seal the game data and your character data will not be lost.

Whether and when the server will be reopened in the future is unknown, but I hope we have the opportunity to meet again!

While the game is closed, the official forum will continue to be open, and some announcements and news about game content will occasionally be released. Players are advised to be informed.

Finally, I wish everyone a happy cultivation of immortality (making a funny face)]

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