The Blood Moon Wolf Castle Organization is the official player organization of Country F, the same as the Repair House of Dragon Country and the Superpower Alliance of the United States.

However, in comparison, the Blood Moon Wolfsburg organization has greater influence in country F.

Almost all gamers in country F have joined this organization.

It can be said that this organization represents all gamers in country F!

at this time.

In the monitoring room.

The werewolf chief was also dumbfounded!

This time, in order to catch a bigger fish through the Dragon Kingdom spy, they can be said to have done their best!

In the entire Blood Moon Wolf Castle organization, only the five hundred strongest werewolf players have wing equipment.

In their game, it was quite difficult to obtain wing weapons.

And this time, in order to catch the big fish, they sent out all the werewolf players who have wings and can fly!

The result was...

Looking at the video screen, the werewolf corpses were all over the ground.

The werewolf chief's face became increasingly ugly.

In the end, I could only let out a long sigh.

"It's over, werewolves will never see the sky again..."

This is only the second day of game feedback, but most of the wings have already been fed back into the real world.

Even if there were feedback from wings in the next five days, they would only be in the minority.

At this moment.

The subordinate behind the officer asked weakly: "Sir, do you want to find the location of the Dragon Kingdom player?"

At this time, Xiaoguang's figure had disappeared from the surveillance screen in front of them.

Hearing what his men said, the werewolf leader slowly shook his head and sighed again: "Forget it, what if I find it? From now on, just tuck the wolf's tail between its legs and become a human being!"

at this time.

Xiaoguang has arrived in the dungeon.

He still hasn't recovered from the shock of the sword just now.

Xiaoguang never thought that he could be so strong!

I never thought that I could be so handsome!

With one swing of the sword, the color of the world changes!

Five hundred werewolves, all destroyed!

At this time, if he were in the Dragon Kingdom, he would definitely show it off.

But now he was in country F, and he still had an important mission. He could only hold back the excitement in his heart and came to the door of the dungeon.

Xiaoguang's figure has not yet appeared, but the sword light has arrived.

Before the two werewolf players guarding the door could react, their bodies were chopped into two pieces.

Then, the four corpses fell to the floor of the cell.

As if he heard the sound outside, the suspect with a dragon-like appearance in the cell slowly raised his head.

A sad smile appeared on his face.

I originally thought that by virtue of my status as a player in the Dragon Kingdom, I would gain glory and wealth by handing over all the information I knew to the enemy players.

Unexpectedly, it ended up in such a miserable ending.

He looked at Xiao Guang, who was dressed in black, and said slowly and hoarsely: "Kill me! I deserve to die!"

Xiaoguang smiled slightly, reached out and grabbed the cell door, and with a gentle tug, he pulled the cells down directly.

He slowly came to the man and said calmly: "You will die, but not now, because you still need to be judged in front of the people!"

Xiaoguang feels very cool!

Especially when I say this sentence, it is very similar to the dialogue between the protagonist and the villain BOSS at the final ending in the police movie I once watched.

The only pity is that the guy he is facing is not a big BOSS.

Just a little guy in the Qi refining stage.

However, this experience also planted a seed in Xiaoguang's mind.

A seed that becomes a messenger of justice and a great hero.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoguang grabbed the guy's collar with one hand and dragged his broken body towards the outside of the cell.

at this time.

Not a single enemy could be seen on the ground outside the cell.

Xiaoguang didn't stop for long, and his figure instantly rose into the air, flying towards the Dragon Kingdom with the suspect.


Hexagonal building.

General Mike held a two-hour meeting with some senior leaders of the superpower alliance.

Then, finally, a decision was made.

Although those werewolves did not help him find out the true strength of the Dragon Kingdom players and the mission failed, General Mike felt that those werewolves were still worth forming an alliance with.

After all, their combat effectiveness is pretty good.

Especially after werewolf players have wings, both their destructive power and mobility have been greatly improved.

More importantly, their minds are relatively simple and easy to control!


Under General Mike's order, his men dialed the phone number of the Blood Moon Wolf Fort organization in country F.

He is planning to leave for Country F tomorrow to sign an offensive and defensive alliance contract with the werewolf players!

The call was answered quickly.

But after chatting for a few words, the face of General Mike's subordinate suddenly became a little ugly.

In less than ten seconds, the call was hung up.

The subordinate came to General Mike and reported hesitantly: "General, they said..."

General Mike frowned and shouted coldly: "Why are you hesitating? Just say it!"

The subordinate was startled and said hurriedly: "They said they will not sign the contract. They are ready to declare permanent neutrality and not participate in any competition with international players..."

"What?" General Mike's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Are these werewolves stupid?

When did a group of crazy and bloodthirsty werewolves turn into pugs?

"Are you sure you heard correctly?" General Mike still didn't believe it.

The subordinate nodded hurriedly and said: "They said they are already holding a press conference..."

"So fast?" Mike was even more surprised.

He ordered to another of his subordinates: "Look for the press conference organized by Blood Moon Wolf Castle of Country F. I want to watch the live broadcast!"


The live broadcast of the press conference appeared on the big screen in front of General Mike.

In the picture, a stocky werewolf chief had just begun to speak.

"We, the werewolf players of Blood Moon Wolf Castle, are a group of peace-loving players. We hate war and fighting, but as more and more things in the game are fed back to the real world, and the international situation is changing, in order to implement our peace-loving policy Faith, we have decided that Country F’s Blood Moon Wolf Castle organization will remain neutral forever, will not participate in any competition between international player organizations, and will never be the first to initiate any dispute of any scale or form!”

Mike's face turned green with anger!

He snorted coldly and said angrily: "A bunch of useless things, you are useless!"

It seems that there is no hope for this group of werewolves.

Immediately afterwards, General Mike looked at his men again and asked: "By the way, what's the reply from the Island Ninja Alliance? Has it agreed to sign a player offensive and defensive alliance with us?"

Hearing this question, the subordinate once again showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing the appearance of his men, General Mike seemed to have guessed the outcome.

He said coldly: "Say!"

The subordinate could only say cautiously: "General, I failed to contact anyone from the Ninja Alliance. I only contacted the island country's official..."

"The official meaning of the island country is that their leader seems to have no interest..."

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