Chapter 107, more than three years

Holding the big wooden box, Xu Fei quickly found a cave on a barren mountain outside the city that was difficult for ordinary people to find. After deodorizing the wooden box, he hid it in the cave.

Then he deodorized himself, took a bath, and used his inner energy to circulate throughout his body. After he found no abnormalities, he went home.

A series of actions may seem redundant, but they can also reduce the chance of Xu Fei's identity being revealed.


the other side.

The elders and palace masters of several major forces had messed up the matter, so they had no choice but to return to their respective mountain gates and report the matter to the head master and abbot.

After knowing the cause and effect of the matter, the top leaders of several major forces unanimously chose to suppress the matter.

Although it was very annoying to be robbed of a large number of unique skills, it was not enough to put them in trouble with a great master of the legendary realm.

After all, it was a legendary realm!

As long as you don't get knocked on the door, almost everything is negotiable.

What's more, the matter of being robbed of a special education may sound serious, but in fact it's just ordinary.

After all, these unique skills are not unique.


In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Except for the Broadsword Society, other forces in Yongle City have withdrawn one after another.

Apparently because of what happened one after another, they gave up their plan to win over Blood Book Li Feiyu.

In other words, it won’t be the same as before.

Xu Fei sat in the mule cart, opened the curtains and looked at the street.

Without the oppression of gangs, the perpetrators of robbery and murder some time ago were also pushed to Caishikou and beheaded in public.

Let Yongle City's current situation be much better than in the past.

At least many people had smiles on their faces again.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then lowered the curtains.

"Master, we're home." Ah Si, the driver, said after stopping the mule cart.

This Ah Si was the driver hired by the family a few days ago.

Mainly responsible for transporting Xu Fei, his father Zhang Lian and his father-in-law Zhou Biao to and from work.

So forget it, Xu Fei can be considered a person with a driver.

"Well, I'll just pick up my father and father-in-law later." Xu Fei jumped out of the mule cart and returned home.

I changed my clothes first.

Xu Fei went to see his children.

Some are sleeping, while those playing are all in the middle courtyard.

Xu Fei built a sandpit at home a few days ago.

The little guys were so excited.

Especially the eldest son Zhang Xian.

This kid, relying on his age and strong body, once thought about dominating the sand pit by himself.

But it was a pity that Xu Fei suppressed him ruthlessly.

"Wow~ah~ah~" came a burst of crying.

It turned out that the sand house that the eldest daughter Yamei and the second son Chen Pingan had finally built was kicked down by Zhang Xian who ran wildly.

Xu Fei was a little helpless and stepped forward to help his eldest daughter and second son build a sand house again.

After playing around with his children for a while, Xu Fei went to practice martial arts.

After dinner, he went to study the medical records taught to him by doctors Hao and Shi.

According to the paper level, the medical skills of these two people are not as good as they are.

However, the experience and experience accumulated by these two doctors in their lifetime cannot be matched even by Xu Fei.

Therefore, Xu Fei has a lot to learn from these medical cases.

And this also made Xu Fei's medical skills more solid.

Just because there is no other comparison, Xu Fei is not sure where his medical skills would be if they were graded according to ordinary, excellent, and fine.

However, even if the growth is not small, it is still helplessly stuck at the second level 49.

Studied medical skills.

In the middle of the night, Xu Fei left Yongle City in black clothes and masked his face, and came to the cave where various secrets taken from several major forces were hidden.

After walking around twice and finding no problems, Xu Fei took out two sets of internal skills and two sets of sword skills.

Then deal with the end of the hand and return to Yongle City.

There is no rush to practice.

The next day, Xu Fei went to the hospital to help people treat their illnesses as usual.

When he came back in the evening, Xu Fei opened the martial arts he had snatched from several major forces.

After reading it twice, a look of surprise flashed in Xu Fei's eyes.

He has learned many types of martial arts, including dozens of internal skills and dozens of martial arts.

I dare not say that I am proficient in martial arts in the world, but I am far better than the average martial artist.

Especially after integrating various martial arts into the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic, the resulting new Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic made Xu Fei's strength far beyond that of ordinary warriors.

But the martial arts books in front of him made him feel refreshed.

Quite a gain.

It can only be said that the wisdom of the predecessors cannot be underestimated, especially the best of the best. The high-quality martial arts that gathered the efforts of the predecessors has benefited Xu Fei a lot.


In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed by in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei grew up from a weak young man to a suave gentleman.

He is already twenty-four years old.

It's just that Xu Fei's face doesn't look good now.

The 6-year-old eldest son Zhang Xian, the second son Zhang Pingan, the third son Zhang Xi, and the fourth son Zhang Wang. Eldest daughter Yamei,

The fifth son, Zhang Zhi, is 5 years old. The second daughter is Wanmei, and the third daughter is Hongmei.

The sixth son Zhang Xiao, 4 years old, and the seventh son Zhang Ming. The fourth daughter is Lian Mei.

A total of eleven children, when he taught martial arts, all of them were in a mess!

Even my sons and daughters, who have been learning martial arts for more than two years, are still a mess.

This made Xu Fei fall into deep doubts. Did he not know how to teach others?

But he has already taught me step by step?

"Dad, I still can't learn. Don't you know how to teach?" As the eldest brother, Zhang Xian has a very naughty temperament and is not afraid of his father.

Xu Fei could only remain silent in the face of his son's doubts.

At this time, Zhou Yue and several maids came over with water.

Seeing this, Xu Fei could only suspend his martial arts training and let the children eat something first.

As soon as they heard that they could eat, the little guys immediately ran faster than the other.

"What? Still no progress?" Zhou Yue said with a smile.

After marrying Xu Fei, she stopped practicing martial arts. Over the years, she added more children to the Zhang family, including four sons and one daughter.

Xu Fei sighed after hearing this and took the tea handed over by Zhou Yue.

He felt that his martial arts skills were very high, at least as high as three or four stories high.

But teaching children to learn martial arts has little effect.

Seeing Xu Fei scratching his head, Zhou Yue was not surprised.

Although her husband is very attentive to the education of his children, the martial arts he teaches are too advanced.

Even she sounded half-understood.

Therefore, unless you are a martial arts prodigy, it will be difficult for you to learn the martial arts taught by your husband.

After these hours of teaching, it is obvious that these little guys in the family are not wizards.

As a result, the results were minimal.

"Do you want my father to come over and teach the children?" Zhou Yue said.

"Is this... going to be too much trouble for the elderly?" Xu Fei said.

My father-in-law is also in his fifties.

Zhou Yue chuckled and said, "No."

Although there are many children in the family who are naughty and mischievous, they are all taught to be obedient and sensible.

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