Chapter 113, Children

Turns out to be twins? !

"Little girl Miao Nuannuan."

"The little girl Miao Yuanyuan."

"I've seen Doctor Zhang."

The two women said their names one after another, and then saluted Xu Fei in unison.

Xu Fei was caught off guard when he saw this.

Although the appearance of the two women still does not meet Xu Fei's standard of 90 points or above, they are still more beautiful than Yun Niang and Yu Niang.

Especially the delicate temperament on her body makes me feel pity for her.

"Well, come down first." Xu Fei cleared his itchy throat and said.

"Yes." The two women responded in unison and got off the sedan one after another.

Look at the two sisters who are more beautiful than flowers.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel speechless, Old Huang, are you doing this? !

This is too testing.

"Which one of you is the elder sister? Who is the younger sister?" Xu Fei said.

"The little girl is my sister." Miao Nuannuan said wearing a pink and purple dress.

"Then you are the sister?" Xu Fei said very smartly.

Miao Yuanyuan, who was wearing a green dress, covered her mouth and smiled softly when she heard this.


Xu Fei scratched his head and knew that he was a little confused after seeing these beautiful twins.

He simply calmed down and found a maid to place the two girls in a vacant courtyard.

Then Xu Fei changed his clothes and went to practice martial arts.

Wait till dinner time.

"Dad, I don't want to learn medicine." The eldest son Zhang Xian looked collapsed.

Xu Fei glanced at the boy, and then looked at the family law on the table.

This cane was not the one Dad used to teach him a lesson.

Xu Fei had also thought about getting his father's family secrets before, otherwise the old man would glance at him from time to time, which would put him under a lot of pressure.

The old man is now in his fifties, and if he wants to take action, it will be difficult for him to hide.

After all, because of chasing and beating him, wouldn't it be a sin?

Seeing the look in his father's eyes, it was Zhang Xian's turn to feel very stressed, and he went back to his mother for dinner angrily.

Ling Niang couldn't help but feel happy when she saw this.

He took the cotton towel from the maid on the side and handed it to his son to wipe his hands while eating.

It has been eight years since we arrived at this time. Xu Fei and seven beauties had a total of fifteen sons and fifteen daughters.

Almost 4 children are born a year.

The eldest son Zhang Xian is 6 years and 9 months old, and the youngest son Zhang Tao is 1 year and 4 months old.

The eldest daughter Yamei is 6 years and 6 months old, and the youngest daughter Xiamei is more than 7 months old.

Now, except for the fourteenth daughter Xuanmei and the fifteenth daughter Xiamei who have not been weaned, all the other children eat in the specially expanded main hall.

The scene is spectacular and lively.

Xu Fei was naturally satisfied when he saw such a scene.

Today it was Xu Fei's turn to eat at the table of Yu Niang and her children.

Yu Niang ranks sixth in the family, so she is also called Liu Niang.

It was Xu Fei who was sent by Fang Tongjian of Yongle City to be the steward who had good results in recuperating his body.

Xu Fei has given birth to two sons and two daughters over the years, and is now nine months pregnant and about to give birth.

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to have the servants bring the food to you?" Xu Fei said softly.

Yu Niang chuckled: "It's okay, I just happen to be doing some exercise."

"Dad." The eighth son Zhang Ning, the eleventh son Zhang Yuan, and the three girls Hongmei greeted each other in unison.

When the ten-nu Xiangmei heard the noise, she looked up from her rice bowl in confusion. When she saw her father, she let out a sweet voice and then subconsciously called him daddy.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

"Let's eat." Xu Fei said.

"Yes." Several children said in unison.

The eighth son, Zhang Ning, is less than 4 years old, but he has already been taught good manners by Yu Niang.

Just like little adults.

Of course these are all superficial.

Xu Fei knew that among all his sons, this guy was considered the most naughty.

However, Xu Fei did not intend to be too restrictive.

As long as it is within certain limits, Xu Fei does not mind giving his children the greatest freedom.

Probably because of this, the sons and daughters still like Xu Fei as their father.

Had dinner.

Xu Fei diagnosed several pregnant women and then prepared to continue practicing martial arts.

But he didn't expect that his father would send his maid to call him over.

When Xu Fei came to his parents' side, he saw his grandma and his parents were there.

This made Xu Fei frown.

I know the high probability is because of the twin sisters that Boss Huang sent today.

"Do you know how many people there are in your family now?" Zhang Lian frowned.

Not to mention anything else, let’s take marriage as a major event in life.

According to the standard of 200 taels of silver for a grandson, and a dowry of 100 taels for a granddaughter, fifteen grandsons and fifteen granddaughters will need a huge sum of 4,500 taels!

This does not include what is in the belly of my son’s concubine now.

Every time he thought about this, Zhang Lian felt like he was missing a few more hairs.

And we are not in Yongle City yet.

When he was in Yongle City, his family had farmland and a shop, so he could help his son to some extent.

But now, after coming to Dadao City, Tuobi Dadao Gui, although he has a lot of money in his hands, he can only live in vain every day!

This made Zhang Lian even more worried.

I never expected that my son, a lecherous and romantic bastard, would take a concubine again? !

So how many babies should this kid have? !

Apparently, Zhang Lian had gone from being happy that his family was prosperous to now being quite worried because of the overpopulation in his family. He only needed thirty grandchildren.

Xu Fei just smiled and didn't pick up on his father.

He was aware of his father's worries.

But if you want to make money, his methods are not to mention thousands, but there are many.

There will be no embarrassment of being born but unable to support one.

Seeing that his son seemed confident, Zhang Lian thought for a while and said nothing more.

"Now you are in charge of the family. I hope you can be the master of this family well." Zhang Lian said.

"Dad, don't worry." Xu Fei said.

Seeing this, Zhang Lian could only nod.

After chatting with grandma and mother for a while, Xu Fei left.

But he saw his sister-in-law Shang Caixia coming from the side.

When the other party saw him, his expression was obviously unnatural.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

Say hello and leave.

Shang Caixia looked at the back of her brother-in-law as he left, looking a little discouraged.

In the past, she was caught by the Tiger Boxing Gym because of a reckless move. At that time, she was desperate and could only try to tell the name of her brother-in-law whom she absolutely did not want to recognize.

Then the brother-in-law came and she was rescued.

He didn't even say a harsh word to her about it.

This made Shang Caixia, who gradually understood what she had done as she got older, feel more and more guilty.

After all, martial arts gangs are rampant, and if they get caught, they will lose everything, or even destroy the whole family.

It’s not just talk.

Therefore, owing such a huge favor, coupled with her sister's occasional jokes, Shang Caixia developed a deep love for her brother-in-law.

But what Shang Caixia never expected was that her brother-in-law had no feelings for her other than as brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

After returning to his side, Xu Fei felt helpless.

It is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman.

If he was really a seventeen-year-old boy back then, then watching Shang Caixia grow up day by day, he would be considered a childhood sweetheart.

But he is not, his mental age is 30 years old after all, so watching the movie of a little girl, from youth to youth, is more of a feeling towards the younger generation.

Xu Fei could only stop at etiquette.

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