Chapter 120, Current Situation

"Haha, congratulations to Brother Zhang for finally developing his inner strength." When Xu Fei arrived at Huangji Medical Center the next day, the boss Huang Xiu congratulated him with a smile.

Xu Fei smiled modestly, not arrogantly.

And there is really nothing to be proud of in developing inner strength.

Almost all of the disciples of the Dadao Association who study hard in Dadao Mountain are internally powerful warriors.

Just like the group of disciples of the Broadsword Society who rode away yesterday, each one was very strong.

Even if Xu Fei used his current true strength to become an enemy of these disciples, I'm afraid it would still take a lot of effort.

"Why did so many disciples leave yesterday?" Xu Fei asked after thinking for a while.

Huang Xiu heard this and looked around.

"This matter is not a secret."

"Whether we are the Great Sword Club or the Xuanwu Sword Sect, the Wuyong Men Tian Wang Guan Damo Temple, these forces all have one card."

"It is with this card that one can transcend the world."

"Yesterday, the disciples in the meeting left Dadao City under the leadership of Qin Dao in order to snatch the license plate owned by the destroyed Xuanwu Sword Sect." Huang Xiu explained softly.


Is it something like a license plate?

So only those with licensed powers will be recognized by the Immortal Sect that has arranged this spiritual land?

But like the Xuanwu Sword Sect was destroyed, what did the Immortal Sect do?

From this point of view, even if there are some benefits to having a license, you still have to fend for yourself and be responsible for your own profits and losses?

Xu Fei had a lot of questions, but Huang Xiu refused to say anything more.

Fortunately, Xu Fei had no intention of continuing to explore.

As long as he can achieve innate achievements and practice Taoism, then these things will be trivial.

Time passed quietly.

There is constant turmoil outside.

Because the Xuanwu Sword Sect was destroyed, the world suddenly became lively.

Not only are the four top forces such as the Great Sword Society, the Wuyongmen, and the Daimo Temple Tianwang Temple, but also the Han family, where Qing Yi Han Fei, one of the Six Greatest Heroes in the World, was born, and several other forces second only to the Great Sword Society, are also involved in the Xuanwu Sword Sect. The remaining cards after being destroyed are in the midst of competition.

In these days, the Broadsword Society has sent out several more waves of troops, and the total number may be 3,000!

And they are all warriors with strong inner strength.

And after so many inner strength warriors formed a military formation, it was enough to defeat an army of 100,000 or even 200,000 ordinary people!

This shows how fierce the fight for the license is.

The situation of continuous uprisings and civil unrest in the three states of Liang, Yong, and Qi pales in comparison, and few people mention it anymore.

Yesterday's news was that Tianwang Temple and Damo Temple were teaming up, but today it was news that Dadaohui and Wuyongmen were cooperating.

Tomorrow, the Han family will unite with several other forces.

There are twists and turns, and the situation continues.

Moreover, in addition to fighting among various forces, they were also pursuing and suppressing several rebel armies from the Yong Kingdom that had destroyed the Xuanwu Sword Sect.

Not to mention that the fight was dark and dark, but the fight was also quite fierce.

Let the business of various teahouses in Dadao City take off recently.

Anyone with first-hand information about this chaotic battle can make a fortune immediately.

Because of this, a few teahouses spread some fake news, and as a result, some hot-tempered old men immediately destroyed the shop.

However, these disturbances had little impact on Xu Fei.

Because Jingyuan Pill was harmful to the body, Xu Fei stopped taking it after taking one.

However, the strength he showed was only what he could achieve after taking all five Jingyuan Pills in a bottle.

There is almost one-fifteenth ‘Fang Wei’.

In other words, as long as there are fifteen bottles of Jingyuan Dan, a 'Fang Wei' can be created.

Of course, the actual situation may be that after taking Jingyuan Dan to a certain extent, due to the harm of the elixir to the body or the limitations of one's own talent, no matter how many Jingyuan Dan there are, the speed of strength improvement will be slowed down or even impossible.

Moreover, even if a large amount of True Essence Pills is used to create comparable warriors, a real fight will depend on the martial arts skills each masters, whether they are brave in their mental state, whether they dare to fight hard, and even luck.

However, there are still many restrictions.

Therefore, there is no situation where warriors at the level of the Six Elites in the World are "worthless".

In addition, it is in the midst of such turmoil.

Concubine Xian was the one who encouraged the former officials of the Liang Kingdom to release the evil beast of the martial arts gang, causing chaos in the originally peaceful Liang Kingdom. There was also a legend that the former, who was a wise man in the past, was used by the affair of his bedmate. The enchanting concubine who is obsessed with the official family.

Suddenly remarried to Shouxin! !

This was quite eye-catching for a while when everyone was paying attention to the endless battle between several major forces.

Because Liang Guo was far away from the Xuanwu Sword Sect, it was not much affected by this fight.

The largest rebel army in the Liang Kingdom: the Tianling Army, is about to wipe out the Liang Kingdom.

But now Liang Guochatang and Yu Shouxin, who was the first to rebel, actually made peace together.

But as a result, the originally overwhelming Tianling Army suffered a considerable setback.

However, people only paid attention to these things that happened in Liang Kingdom for a moment.

Because Han Fei in Tsing Yi, one of the six heroes in the world, Fatong of Damosi Temple, and Yan Jing of the Xuanwu Sword Sect who had a lucky escape before were killed! !

This is after Xu Fei killed the evildoer Wan Duxing, the Six Elites in the World were once again reduced in number, and three of them died at once.

And when something like this happened, the restraint that the major forces maintained when they were fighting each other disappeared without a trace.

The intensity escalated significantly.

The most obvious thing is that the Broadsword Society sent two waves of troops one after another.

About two thousand people went to support.

However, such a fierce fight made Xu Fei feel slightly uneasy.

The scope of the various previous uprisings and rebellions was limited to ordinary people and martial arts gangs in the Liang, Yong, and Qi Kingdoms. It did not affect several forces such as the Broadsword Society, or even several groups similar to the Han family, where Qing Yi Han Fei was born. The slightly inferior forces also did not enter the venue.

Now, even these forces that were firmly entrenched in Diaoyutai have come to an end. It is undoubtedly a real chaos in the world.

And it all seems natural.

Because the Xuanwu Sword Sect was destroyed, the major forces started fighting because they wanted to compete for the cards they owned. This was very reasonable.

But this is exactly the problem!

It’s so normal, yet so unusual!

It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands behind everything, driving the development of everything.

Let the situation develop in the worst direction.

But just when Xu Fei was worried, the sword would suddenly retreat while making a final decisive battle gesture!

Not only the Great Sword Association, but also the Wuyongmen Damo Temple and even the Tenwang Temple evacuated as if they had a tacit understanding.

Only the Han family and other second-tier forces were left at a loss.

I don’t know why the situation suddenly changed like this.

Then the sword and horse team of the Dadao Association raided the Yuanzhou camp of Shouxin and Xian Guifei and captured the two.

Wuyoumen raided the Tianling Army and captured dozens of senior Tianling Army officials from General Tianling on down.

Tianwangguan, on the other hand, raided the Kyoto of the Yong Kingdom and captured all the high-ranking ministers in the Yong Kingdom's court.

Damo Temple also raided the Kyoto of Qi State and arrested the important ministers of Qi State, especially those who had previously determined to drive out the 700,000 people who rebelled, along with their families.

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