Chapter 112, Shang Caixia

Although Sun Yan, the master of the Wuyong Sect, was very reluctant to give up, in the end, the Xuanwu Sword Sect's license was turned into iron clay in the hands of Yang Ye, the master of the Broadsword Guild.

After holding a holding card, as long as you can fulfill the requirements of the Immortal Sect properly, you can obtain a lot of resources every six months.

Among them, various medicinal herbs that do not grow well in the spiritual realm, but are quite effective for warriors in the spiritual realm, are the most important part of the various resources.

And if a successful and innate disciple can join the Immortal Sect, then as long as the other party is still working in the Immortal Sect, there will be more shares.

There are still many benefits.

Otherwise, the previous major forces wouldn't be so fawning over Xu Fei.

On the other hand, there is the emergence of banished immortals.

Once a banished immortal is born, the place where the banished immortal is born can be found!

In the future, when you receive resources every six months, there will be more elixirs that can increase the inner strength of warriors and break into the innate realm!

There are various other benefits, which are enough for a force to be passed down in an orderly manner.


After several major forces suddenly showed their power and captured almost all the leaders and generals of the current court, Jianghu, and rebel army.

The three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi, which were originally in chaos, no longer had the restlessness they had before.

Although calm has still not been completely restored, no one dares to make any big moves anymore.

However, this approach also made the situation where only the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi coexisted, and there were faint signs of splitting into hundreds of kingdoms and disputes.

However, the Broadsword Society and other forces completely ignored these matters and allowed them to take matters into their own hands.

After all, they can intervene to a certain extent in matters within the Lingjue Land, but they cannot interfere too much.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain to the Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei continued his peaceful life amidst these disturbances.

Xu Fei was still very satisfied that the final situation did not turn into a life-and-death struggle between several major forces.

After all, if fighting really breaks out, then Dadao City may not be able to continue to be stable.

The family was in trouble at that time.

As for the reason why several major forces changed from being at war with each other to working together, Xu Fei was just a doctor and had no access to information at this level.

However, with a rough guess, one can also know that several major forces most likely noticed something was wrong.

Because even he is vaguely aware that there is a problem, there is no reason for the guild leaders and gang leaders who have more information channels to be stupid enough to fight for life and death.

After treating several patients, it was time to get off work today. Xu Fei had no intention of working overtime and returned home.

But when Xu Fei came to Yun Niang's place to rest, he found that his sister-in-law was also there.

This made Xu Fei stunned.

"Xiao Cai is already twenty-three, and you still want to drag her along?" Yun Niang said.

Although there are many women around Xu Fei, Yun Niang also knows that this guy is a rare good man through getting along with him.

He takes great care of the women and cares a lot about the children. Of course, Yun Niang also admits that all of this is based on Xu Fei being able to support their large family.

In particular, Xiaocai also has feelings for Xu Fei because of what happened before.

So Yun Niang didn't mind if her sister served the same husband as her.

After all, in the spiritual realm, because cultivators have long lifespans, it is not uncommon to see mothers, daughters, grandparents, and grandchildren, not to mention sisters.

For example, my grandfather has a family of three generations of friends.

But I didn't expect that Xu Fei, who was usually a womanizer, would drag it out until now.

Xu Fei heard this and looked at his sister-in-law on the side.

One thing to say, he had some thoughts about his sister-in-law.

But Xu Fei never went beyond the limit!

Shang Caixia has been living at home since she was twelve years old, and Xu Fei treats her more like a younger sister.

But today, Yun Niang has broken through this layer of window paper.

After Xu Fei thought about it for a while, he simply stopped pretending.

"Xiao Cai, are you willing to follow me?" Xu Fei said softly.

Shang Caixia blushed slightly when she heard this and lowered her head, not daring to look at Xu Fei at all.

In recent years, Zhang Fang and Liu had wanted to propose marriage to her, and then marry her off as their granddaughter or daughter.

But she herself rejected them all.

Later, the two of them also saw the little girl's thoughts and stopped insisting.

Xu Fei didn't expect that he could be so charming.

How could he make his sister-in-law fall in love with him so much.

Actually, come to think of it, Xu Fei's women are basically not in love with each other.

Most of them got on the bus first and then paid for the tickets. After living together, they gradually accumulated feelings.

Seeing that Shang Caixia had no objection, Xu Fei stepped forward and gently stopped his sister-in-law's slender waist.

Because of her martial arts training, Xiaocai is quite heroic, so even though she looks similar to her sister Yunniang, the actual difference between the two sisters is quite big.

Shang Caixia was hugged by Xu Fei and couldn't help but feel excited.

Immediately her cheeks turned redder.

When Yun Niang saw this, she was ready to leave, leaving the place to Xu Fei and his sister.

But she didn't expect that Xu Fei was greedy and pulled her back.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +80’

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

After officially having a relationship, Shang Caixia hugged the quilt and looked at Xu Fei with a blushing face.

Yun Niang had already retreated into Xu Fei's arms and began to rest.

I don't know where this guy learned all these strange tricks. He pitied his sister and didn't use them on him, so he used them all on her.

"Go to sleep." Xu Fei kissed his sister-in-law lovingly and said.

Shang Caixia closed her eyes obediently after hearing this.

And just when Xu Feikai was living his life happily.

Time also flies by like a fleeting moment.

From the beginning, the rebellion of the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi continued and the war continued. Later, the Dadaohui and other forces came together to end the chaos.

But it also dispersed the Tianling Army, which was most likely to put an end to the troubled times.

Without the Tianling Army, the original situation of the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi collapsed.

Dozens of small 'countries' were scattered, and even in the most exaggerated times, a few warriors occupied a small county and dared to claim the title of king.

Fortunately, several rebel armies gradually emerged to clean up the chaos and stabilize the situation.

Just wanting to go back to the situation where the three countries coexisted in the past is impossible.

But fortunately, after experiencing successive wars, people's minds have calmed down. After several rebel armies have demarcated their respective spheres of influence, they have also established their own courts and broken up the soil to found a country.

And this also caused the previous three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi to completely cease to exist.

It is now divided into six countries: Chu, Zhao, Ding, An, Ju, and Feng. There are also dozens of small countries scattered among the six countries as buffers.

The largest one is the Chu State, which occupied the three prefectures that were the most abundant territory of the Yong State before, with a population of about 26 million.

The smallest is Angguo, which has only three counties and more than 200,000 inhabitants.

This troubled time seems to have passed.

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