Chapter 137, Black Clam

Xu Fei's ability to turn all his innate inner energy into mana so much earlier than originally estimated, more than three months later, is related to the gradual improvement in the levels of his various Taoist skills.

Five Aggregates Method【0/5】【19/19】

Cave Spirit Method【0/5】【19/19】

True Dharma【0/5】【11/11】

The improvement of the three Taoist skills greatly accelerated Xu Fei's practice speed.

Only then can we achieve the progress we have today.

However, because he had not been able to become a monk for so long, Zhou Yan, who was originally quite enthusiastic about Xu Fei, stopped interacting with him.

Even if they meet, they won't even look at them and are completely ignored.

Although Xu Fei was a little speechless, this also allowed Xu Fei to understand this guy's nature, so he didn't feel any resentment about it.

Come out of the lecture hall.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer ‘students’ come to attend seminary lectures.

Xu Fei felt that he should almost 'graduate' from the Lecture School on his own.

After all, what the instructors teach over and over again are some basic common sense of spiritual practice.

This is naturally quite crucial for those who are new to spiritual practice, but what is the point of always listening to this?

One is to avoid being anxious, and the other is to avoid being eager to enter the country? !

Xu Fei felt like he could hear cocoons in his ears.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei found Guidance.

"Aren't you going to come over again?" The teacher's request to Xu Fei was not unexpected.

"Yes." Xu Fei was a little worried.

Isn't he considered to have 'voluntarily dropped out of school'?

"That's okay, but you have to remember that you have to take the three-year entrance examination. You must go to the sect to accept the selection before entering the school for three years. One more day is not enough," the instructor reminded.

"Yes." Xu Fei bowed his hands and thanked him for his guidance.

In the past three years of school entrance exams, not only Gou Kewen had told him, but Zhou Yan had also said something.

To join the Linglong Immortal Sect, after practicing Taoism for three years, you must go to the sect to accept selection.

As for how to's simple.

There is a clam in the river. Because of its dark shell, it is also called a black clam.

Able to speak out ideas and cultivate pearls, the treasures of which are priceless.

Later, a weapon refiner discovered that the clam shell had special uses. After some research and refinement, he used the clam shell as a material to make an instrument that could hold mana.

But just when the weapon refiner was filled with joy and thought that he had invented a new magic weapon and could make a fortune by relying on it, reality poured cold water on him.

After all, what's wrong with containing mana?

After the mana leaves the body, although it will not dissipate as quickly as the internal energy, it will also gradually wear away the charm, which is the connection between the mana and the person who releases the mana.

Without the charm, the magic power is transformed into inspiration.

Therefore, this kind of magic weapon cannot be said to be useless, but it also has no usage scenarios.

This situation made the originally ambitious weapon refiner feel depressed.

Spring passes and autumn passes through the years.

A later generation accidentally obtained the method of refining this kind of magic weapon, and came up with an ingenious idea to make it into a pot shape.

Then market to major sects.

It is used to select disciples. Those who can fill this pot with magic power will be selected.

Those who cannot fill it will lose the election.

Gradually spread throughout the world.

This is how Linglong Immortal Sect selects its disciples.

The innate warrior worships and practices in the mountain gate for three years. If his magic power reaches a pot, he can enter the mountain gate and practice for another three years.

If you can't do it, you will have no choice but to lose the election. Unless you have other opportunities in the future, you will have no choice but to be destined to the Linglong Immortal Sect.

This is the three-year quiz.

However, Xu Fei didn't pay much attention to the quiz.

After all, for him, he can get by if he can, and he can't let him down if he can't.

It’s not like you can’t practice Taoism without joining the Linglong Immortal Sect.

After coming out of the lecture hall, Xu Fei went home.

Meiniang came forward and took Xu Fei's coat.

"Brother-in-law." Meiniang's sister Xiaoling jumped out from the side, holding a candied fruit in her hand.

Because Xu Fei saved his mother and was very kind to his sister, Xiao Ling was very grateful to him as his brother-in-law.

I came here a few times occasionally, and after being fed by Xu Fei, I became even more intimate with Xu Fei.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he saw this jumping little girl.

"Let your sister make something delicious for lunch." Xu Fei said.

"Hehe." Xiao Ling was a little embarrassed, but after all he couldn't help but be greedy.

After a brief greeting, Xu Fei returned to the room to start practicing today.

When spiritual intelligence enters the body, the innate internal energy regulates movement, and the internal organs are nourished, which then benefits the flesh, blood, muscles and bones.

Although the five-aggregate method is simple, it is not a junk Taoist method.

Otherwise, he would not have been selected by the Linglong Immortal Sect as one of the fundamental methods taught to the innate warriors.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Xu Fei collected his breath.

As the level of the Five Aggregate Skills increases, the effect of each practice becomes increasingly stronger.

Xu Fei could originally practice for one and a half hours a day, but now he has almost reached his current limit in about an hour.

That is to say, the problem arises when the speed of one's own progress cannot keep up with the speed of progress of skills.

This made Xu Fei quite helpless.

In addition, although all of his innate internal energy has not been converted into mana, Xu Fei feels that he has almost converted 99% of his innate internal energy.

Maybe it's just a matter of time.

So Xu Fei was not anxious.

After all, the first thing to avoid in spiritual practice is being anxious, and the second thing to avoid is being greedy.

If you practice forcefully when your body is tired and something goes wrong, it will be more than worth the gain.

After having lunch with Meiniang and Xiaoling, Xu Fei came to the hospital.

Two months' time.

Xu Fei's three basic Taoist techniques have been upgraded a lot, and his post-third-level medical skills have also been upgraded several times.

Medical Skills【0/50】【14/14】

Judging from Xu Fei's performance during this period of time when several fourth-level doctors in the medical clinic were treating the monks, his current medical skills may be more sophisticated than those of them.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei was not in a hurry to show off.

First, stabilize yourself and improve your own practice.

At least you have to wait until you become a true monk.

Moreover, as a third-class doctor in a medical clinic, he also has an income specializing in men's medicine.

In fact, Xu Fei's income may not be less than that of a fourth-class doctor.

In the past two months, Xu Fei had almost five thousand taels of silver in his hands.

Diagnosed and treated several patients.

The shopkeeper came over and personally took Xu Fei to the clinic.

What should I say? Once a man gets older, it is easy for him to have problems in this area.

So Xu Fei's business is still very good.

After completing this visit, the shopkeeper handed a house deed to Xu Fei.

"Brother, the place you live in now is quite shabby. This is a house that my brother and I bought in the past. It is also empty, so it is just for you." The shopkeeper said very politely.

Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Xu Fei thought about it, cupped his fists and thanked him.

Accepted the shopkeeper's kindness.

After being sent to the hospital, the shopkeeper didn't let Xu Fei go back to the hospital, and he was very reasonable and let Xu Fei go on his own.

After Xu Fei thanked the shopkeeper, he took the house deed to the house that the shopkeeper gave him.

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