Chapter 176, Nourishing Dew Pill

In the evening, when Xu Fei came back from work at the medical clinic, he looked at the large honey pills that had been eaten by rats in the pharmaceutical room.

After thinking about it, I reconstituted it.

This does not mean that Xu Fei is going to make them into elixirs and take them.

But it's just like this, you can use them to practice making elixirs.

Xu Fei definitely won't eat it himself, and he won't sell it either.

After all, how can you deceive others with something you don't even eat? Xu Fei still has this limit.

The pill base of Chuyuan Ziyang Pill needs to volatilize the medicinal gas, but this is not the case for another pill refined by the Japanese casting method: Yangyi Xilu Pill.

The cost is quite high. To prepare twenty pills, it will cost about fifty spirit stones.

And this is only the cost of materials. If labor, pill success rate, etc. are added, one nourishing pill may have to be sold for about five spirit stones to make a profit.

However, even if the value is already so high, Xu Fei can guess that their effects will be 'very touching' even if he has not tried them yet, whether it is Chu Yuan Dan or Yang Yi Dan.

After all, the sun casting method seems to remove the parts of the elixir that have an impact on the body.

But this part of the medicinal effect is the main effect that can improve the monk's cultivation.

Therefore, in order to strive for excellence, the daily casting method is undoubtedly picking up a small sesame seed and losing a big watermelon.

But monks who can take the elixir refined by the Suncasting Method are basically not short of money.

Even a few grains of sesame seeds can fill your stomach...

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh.

People are more infuriating than people.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts and carefully washed his hands while preparing the Chuyuan Pill that had been eaten by rats. Xu Fei began to make the Yangyi Pill.

Because the Yangyi Dan only used four elixirs to prepare it, Xu Fei processed it relatively quickly.

Soon, various processed and ground elixirs were mixed with spiritual honey into elixirs.

Then came the most critical step.

Leading spirits.

Use mana to draw inspiration and activate the medicinal power of the elixir.

The step of attracting spirits in the Shuangjing method is performed when dealing with various elixirs, and the difficulty is somewhat reduced.

The rule of day casting is to make the elixir after it is made.

Mixing various elixirs will make the step of attracting spirits more difficult.

However, Xu Fei's elixir-making level was already quite high, and he had experience in preparing special spirit-responsive qi elixirs, so the process went smoothly.

After a while, under Xu Fei's careful control, Danbi was successfully led to the spirit.

Compared with the elixir before the soul is introduced, the Yangyi Dan that has been transformed into a real elixir exudes a slight aura.

But let alone comparing it to the Spiritual Pill, even the elixir that prepared the Spiritual Pill was inferior.

Xu Fei didn't hesitate and put the prepared nourishing pill into the medicine box.

After a lot of hard work, 19 of the 20 nourishing pills were successfully used.

Three of them were poor, nine were good, and seven were good.

Distinguished by quality, Xu Fei put the prepared Yangyi Dan into different pill boxes.

I looked at the time and saw it was already past 11 p.m.

Although it was very late, Xu Fei did not give up on gaining proficiency points and came to Yue Jiao.

Xu Fei felt a little embarrassed when he saw Yue Jiao, whose rest was disturbed and whose sleepy eyes were dim.

The next day, Xu Fei got up early.

Take out a high-quality nourishing pill and throw it into your mouth.

Then use the five aggregates method to regulate the magic power and guide the spiritual energy to digest the medicinal power.

But as the practice ended more than an hour later, Xu Fei had a look of thought in his eyes.

Not surprisingly, the effect of the Yangyi Pill is to stretch the crotch, which Xu Fei had already guessed.

But what he didn't expect was that Yangyi Dan had a certain effect on the body.

The human body is consumed by various things all the time.

Even monks are not immune.

So it is very difficult to maintain the best ‘perfect’ state.

But with the help of Yangyi Pill, as long as you don't suffer any obvious injuries, your body can be maintained in a near-perfect state under the nourishment of Yangyi Pill.

Therefore, it can not only have some improvement effect on cultivation, but also nourish the body.

With such an effect, the nourishing elixir prepared by the sun-casting method may not be worse than the elixirs prepared by other elixir methods.

No wonder it is very expensive, but some monks are willing to take it.

Obviously people are not stupid and have too much money.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei took out another high-quality nourishing pill, scraped off a piece the size of sesame seeds, and dissolved it with warm water.

During lunch, Meiniang, Yuejiao and Jingru each had a drink.

After all, it is a magical medicine. If it is not diluted, it may cause nosebleeds in several women.

Although they were a little surprised by what Xu Fei did, the girls all had a certain amount of trust in Xu Fei, so they drank it obediently.

"What kind of water is this?" Mei Niang asked after drinking the water.

"I used a little bit of water soaked in Yangyi Dan." Xu Fei said.

Jingru couldn't help but be surprised when she heard that it was a nourishing elixir.

Qualified quality Yangyi Dan costs five spiritual stones per pill in Wanwu Pavilion, and high-quality pills cost ten spiritual stones per pill.

Although I don't know what quality of nourishing pill Xu Fei used to make the water, and the pill water he gave them to drink today probably only used a trace, there are not many men who are so considerate.

Thinking of this, Jingru raised her head and looked at Xu Fei with her wonderful eyes, and then continued to lower her head to drink water.

Xu Fei noticed Jingru's gaze, and when he turned around to look, he found that she was already taking a sip of water.

She covers her head with her sleeves and bends her head gently, showing various postures.

It's pleasing to the eye.

He couldn't help but think that he could visit Jingru's place tonight.

After preparing the Yangyi Pill, Xu Fei turned his attention to other methods of making pills.

Xu Fei personally tried all the elixir methods, even if there were more than ten defective elixir-making methods, Xu Fei also tried to make the elixirs recorded in these elixir methods.

Then the alchemy skill naturally became the second level.


After the pill-making technique reached the second level, the biggest help to Xu Fei was that as long as he didn't do it intentionally, there would be no bad pills unless it was the first time he made pills.

10% effective.

With this unique skill, if Xu Fei is willing to reveal it, his status will undergo earth-shaking changes.

At least Mr. Tan, who looked arrogant in front of him before, no longer dared to be presumptuous.

As the alchemy-making skills advanced, Xu Fei also learned more about his cheats.

When the skill level is at level one, as the skill level increases, you will gradually master the effects of the corresponding skills.

After reaching level 10 and above, Xu Fei has become quite proficient in corresponding skills, and after reaching level 15 and above, he is even comparable to some 'old masters'.

For example, medical skills, Xu Fei’s former medical master Dr. Zhao.

According to Xu Fei's rough calculation, the medical skills accumulated through decades of practicing medicine are only around level 18.

The same goes for alchemy.

When the Shuangjing method was first used to prepare the special spirit response qi pill, Xu Fei's pill-making skill level was level 13.

Although there were failures and a few bad pills were prepared, the final result was pretty good.

It is comparable to some skilled alchemists who have been studying elixir making for many years.

But this is obviously Xu Fei's first trial production of a spiritual elixir!

So it can be seen that although the skill level is only one level, it sounds very ordinary, but in fact it has been achieved by many people with a lot of effort.

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