The house was built.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he found his master Lu Qishi.

Let's discuss going to see Grand Master Wuchengzi.

Although the other party has a mean mouth, since he accepted the land gift from the other party, he should pay a visit and express his gratitude.

Master Lu heard that Xu Fei was so considerate, so he went to Wuchengzi Manor with Xu Fei.

But in the end, only Master Lu entered the manor.

Xu Fei was blocked outside...

This surprised Master Lu.

However, my master has always been independent.

Although I don’t know why this is the case, it’s not surprising.

After nodding to Xu Fei to comfort him, Master Lu entered Wuchengzi's manor.

After a while, Master Lu came out, looking a little bit dumbfounded.

"Okay, let's leave it as it is." Master Lu smiled.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and roughly understood what the Grand Master meant.

The other party gave him the deed just because he was Master Yan's disciple and had nothing to do with him personally.

No more contact is needed.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

This thing is very strange.

But from this point of view, although Taishizu Wuchengzi and Master Yan don't like each other, they still recognize each other's master-disciple relationship after all?

After Xu Fei thought about it, he simply stopped worrying.

"Sir, do you want to move in with us?" Xu Fei said.

Master Lu Qi now lives in the Valley Qi Hall on the edge of the mountain gate.

A person seems somewhat lonely.

Now that Xu Fei has a decent house, he will naturally not forget his master.

After hearing Xu Fei's invitation, Master Lu agreed after considering it.

The food cooked by this apprentice is so delicious.

There are also various kinds of wine brewed.

It will definitely be a blessing after living together.

Xu Fei happened to have not processed the Shopee boat he bought before.

Xu Fei asked his parents, father-in-law, wives, concubines and children to board the ship again and transport them all to the valley residence.

In fact, although Wujiaji is too busy and not clean, there are no other problems in living here.

However, with Qi Zheng, especially Wan Qingtang and others behind this guy, it may not be without trouble.

Therefore, to be cautious, Xu Fei brought his family to live in Tianqi Peak.

It is the area where the sixty-one peak masters control and live.

These sixty-one peaks are the core of Linglong Immortal Sect, second only to the Tianzhu Peak where the master lives.

Anyone who dares to make a mistake here is truly living a long life.

Even if the other party has the background of being a disciple of the Patriarch, things will not end easily.

Therefore, when a family lives here, their safety can at least be well guaranteed.

This place, given by Grandmaster Wu Chengzi, is about 2,400 square meters.

That is a small four acres of land.

Through the construction of the living room, a five-story building was built.

In the end, a total of more than 80 houses of different sizes and specifications were obtained.

It's quite easy to stay with Xu Fei's family.

My parents, father-in-law and master naturally chose to live on the first floor.

Zhou Yue, Meiniang and several other virtuous and sensible women chose the first floor to serve their parents-in-law and elders more conveniently.

Only the idiot Sha Xiu happily chose the fifth floor.

But this approach also made several children cry.

Because they also want to live high.

All in all it was very lively for a while.

Dealing with the chores of moving.

Xu Fei also got the magic shield he had given to Yu Wei before, and his share of the spiritual stones after selling it.

There are more than 27,000 pieces in total.

Xu Fei's dry wallet instantly became full.

Purchase the other more common spiritual materials needed to refine the Green Sword again.

Looking at the green sword in front of him that could not be refined due to the lack of some high-quality spiritual materials.

After Xu Fei said goodbye to his family and master, he left Linglong Immortal Sect.

Drive a small shrimp skin boat and travel more than 20,000 miles westward.

It is Lan Lingshan in the Blue Territory under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect.

The Du family, where Du Xinwei was born, is in the Blue Territory.

The power of the three peak masters in one sect makes the Du family the most powerful family in the Blue Territory.

In other words, the domain owner of the Blue Domain is not from the Du family.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be even more impressive.

Taking out the map and checking it carefully, Xu Fei was probably sure that he had arrived at Lanling Mountain.

Put away the shrimp boat and activate your magic power to fly and land in the air.

Xu Fei looked at his clothes.

Wearing gray clothes, unremarkable.


Along a dirt road, Xu Fei walked towards Lanling Mountain.

There are no towering peaks in Lanling Mountain.

But there are many abysses in the mountains.

What Xu Fei needs is fine blue fluorite that can accommodate a huge amount of spiritual energy and is very hard.

Under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect, almost only Lanling Mountain has output. ,

This is also the reason why Xu Fei will target this place for his first outing.

Walking slowly all the way.

Although Lan Ling Mountain was very close, the sky turned completely dark.

Xu Fei is still far away from Lanling Mountain.

And just when Xu Fei was considering whether to stand up and speed up.

Someone on the roadside not far away raised his voice and said, "Friends, we are destined to meet each other. Why don't we come over to eat meat and drink together and have a good time?"

It turned out that someone had set up a bonfire on the roadside and was roasting and eating.

The person who invited Xu Fei was a man in his forties.

Beside him was a rather handsome golden-eyed eagle.

It was the first monster controlled by monks that Xu Fei encountered when he followed senior brother Gou Kewen to Linglong Immortal Sect.

However, golden-eyed eagles have extremely keen perceptions and have always been raised by monks to keep them vigilant.

It is not considered rare, so it is normal to encounter it frequently.

"Thank you, brother, but I still want to travel a little further." Xu Fei bowed his hands and saluted.

The man was a little surprised when he heard this, but he didn't say anything else.

Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

But after walking for a while, Xu Fei found that the man was following him.

This made Xu Fei frown.

Are you being targeted?

Isn't it?

He now only has dozens of pots of magic power, he has nothing to wear and his clothes are simple, and he doesn't look like a fat sheep.

Why are you still being targeted?

Realizing that he had been discovered by Xu Fei, the man didn't say anything.

Still following behind silently.

Xu Fei felt helpless and began to consider whether to take action.

After all, in the wild, this kind of situation is already regarded as malicious.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei was not in a hurry to take action.

The main road faces the sky on each side, and the road under his feet is not named Xu. He can only walk on the domineering one, and no one else can.

So Xu Fei finally decided to wait and see what happens.

Taking advantage of the starlight, Xu Fei walked forward for almost dozens of miles.

Then he frowned again.

Because in his perception, there was a monk ambushing not far ahead.

what's the situation?


So there is an ambush in front and a pursuit behind?

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply stood where he was.

Put your hands behind your hands and look at the bright moon in the sky.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

He felt that he should be able to compose a poem.

It's a pity that the literary talent is limited, and in the end I could only dryly choke out the sentence "The moon is so big and round." (End of chapter)

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