Chapter 33, Lost

"Crack~" sound.

The bark of this unlucky pomegranate tree was cracked by Xu Fei's beating and it kept shaking.

The effect looks a bit stretched.

However, it is not uncommon for a tree that is a little thicker than this pomegranate tree to be hit by an out-of-control car, and the front of the car is almost completely destroyed, but the tree is unharmed. And that has already reached an impact of tens of thousands of kilograms.

Therefore, if you want to break this pomegranate tree, which is almost 15 centimeters thick, with one palm, it may even require a force of more than 5,000 kilograms!

Xu Fei was able to break the bark of a tree just after he gained the inner energy, and the effect was already good.

After all, if this slap hits a person, it can cause severe injuries such as broken bones and tendons.

In addition, after using the internal energy, Xu Fei's backlash will be alleviated by the internal energy.

Normally, when Xu Fei slapped a tree, causing such damage, his palm would hurt for a while even if it was not injured, but now he only felt a shock.

Therefore, the effect of internal energy on reducing one's own injuries is not false.

"Yeah~" Ling Niang, who was waiting on the side, was shocked when she saw Xu Fei smashing the bark of the tree with a slap.

This, this, this...

Xu Fei chuckled lightly after hearing this and signaled Ling Niang to be quiet.

Then he stepped forward and looked at the condition of the pomegranate tree after it was hit by his own blow.

Overall, the bark of the tree cracked, and the trunk inside also suffered some impact.

But it probably won't die.

After scratching for a while, Xu Fei went to wash off the tree sap on his hands.

The inner strength he had just developed made him very eager to continue his research.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei simply used his inner energy to operate Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu and practice the Tiger Fist for the first time.

After practicing like this, Xu Fei quickly noticed the difference of having the inner strength to practice Tiger Fist together.

When practicing Tiger Fist before, it was nothing more than mobilizing energy to hit and smash.

But now coupled with the Tiger Fist, which is the real internal strength of sitting tiger, it has the feeling of mobilizing strength, flesh and blood, and even bone marrow at the same time.

The effect of exercising yourself is more than doubled.

But it consumes a lot of money.

After practicing Nei Jin Tiger Fist, Xu Fei felt hungry.

According to his experience when he was immersed in martial arts training in the past few days, Xu Fei should not feel hungry for more than an hour.

In other words, the Neijin Tiger Fist will make Xu Fei fly all the way towards the big rice bucket.

This made Xu Fei a little helpless, but it was impossible to give up the practice of Nei Jin Tiger Fist.

After going to eat something, Xu Fei practiced boxing a few more times and then opened his panel.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【25/25】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【14/15】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【5/10】【9/11】

Tiger Fist【5/10】【9/11】

Skillfully play eighteen moves【0/5】【13/17】

Tiger Sword Technique【0/5】【12/19】

Proficiency value: 69

It has been ten days since the county government was burned. Most of Xu Fei's skill levels have increased. However, this time he developed internal strength, which not only allowed him to successfully advance the two skills of Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Strength, but also promoted the Crane Shape Breathing Technique. Increase the level limit by 1 level.

In addition, the level caps of Qiao Da Shi Shi Ba Shou and Tiger Sword Technique have also been greatly increased.

Even the tiger sword technique can be advanced soon.

It's a pity that Xu Fei's proficiency value is completely insufficient.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile and sigh, this was really a happy trouble.

First, fill up the important skills, Crane Shape Breathing Technique, Sitting Tiger Internal Skill and Fierce Tiger Fist.

As the skill level increases, Xu Fei's understanding of these three skills becomes deeper.

It can be said that due to the internal strength he has developed and the improvement of his skill level, Xu Fei's strength may have doubled compared to before!

Even though Xu Fei has just developed his inner strength, he can only perform two or three attacks with inner strength at most, but the actual effect cannot be underestimated.

For the remaining 19 points of proficiency, Xu Fei added level 3 Tiger Sword Technique.

In the blink of an eye, there were only 4 proficiency points left.

After looking at the sky, it was still daytime, but Xu Fei couldn't care less. He picked up Ling Niang and Yuan Niang together and entered the bedroom.

In the blink of an eye, a crying kitten meowed.

After pouring all the accumulation of the past few days, Xu Fei also increased the Tiger Sword Technique to level 19. Some insights passed through his heart, allowing Xu Fei to have more understanding of the Tiger Sword Technique. Similarly, Xu Fei now is not as complete as he used to be. Without actual combat experience, Xu Fei quickly figured out how to apply these insights in actual combat.

It basically counts as taking off.

The next day, Xu Fei got up early to examine his grandma and then came to the hospital.

"Master." Xu Fei greeted his master, Dr. Zhao.

Doctor Zhao looked at Xu Fei for a moment: "What's the gain?"

Xu Fei has been practicing martial arts intensively at home these days, and Xu Fei used studying medical skills as an excuse to take leave.

"I have some experience." Xu Fei smiled sheepishly.

He looked honest and honest, as if he had really studied medical skills at home for several days.

Dr. Zhao's eyes showed surprise when he heard this. After a few days of research, he got some insights?

My apprentice is really amazing.

"Okay, let's go to the clinic." But he didn't ask any more questions.

But when Dr. Zhao read the prescriptions Xu Fei prescribed for several patients, surprise flashed in his eyes, because his apprentice's medical skills had surpassed his master!

Although he was mentally prepared for the arrival of this day, Dr. Zhao's mood was still a bit complicated.

"Master?" At noon, Xu Fei was about to leave work, only to find that his master was a little absent-minded.

Doctor Zhao heard someone calling him, and suddenly he saw his apprentice.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Master, it's noon." Xu Fei said.

But it is inevitable that I feel a little helpless in my heart.

Because he could probably guess that the master was so disappointed because his medical skills were surpassed by him.

Sensing his apprentice's guilt, Doctor Zhao laughed.

"I'm old and a little distracted, okay, you can go ahead."

"Yes, Master." Xu Fei said solemnly.

Not to mention his master's advice to him, which made his medical skill level increase faster.

Just because Xu Fei was planning to use poisonous medicine to treat people's illnesses, the master resolutely decided to say that the medicine was prescribed by him. Later, when the medicine worked well, it was revealed that Xu Fei had prescribed the medicine. With such care and love, Xu Fei would not be able to treat people with such care and love. There is no disrespect to Master.

But Xu Fei didn't know how to comfort his master, so he could only leave the hospital first.

Come to Zhou's house.

After practicing a few moves with Zhou Yue, a look of surprise flashed in Zhou Biaotou's eyes.

"Master Zhang, have you developed your inner strength?"

"Yes, I think I have some enlightenment while practicing martial arts at home these days." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Fei admit that he had developed inner strength, Zhou Yue, who was sparring with him, looked surprised, but after being surprised, he felt a little disappointed.

After all, the other party was only 17 years old after the Chinese New Year, and she had been practicing martial arts for 17 years after the Chinese New Year.

But she hadn't even touched the threshold of inner strength, let alone developed it.

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