Seeing the war demon showing off his superiority in an understatement, Xu Fei finally realized the dilemma of Peak Master Du Lao.

I originally thought it was an ordinary demon cultivator that hunted down the demons of desire and sacrifice.

Who would have thought that there was a big demon named War Demon behind it.

Although the Linglong Immortal Sect has a numerical advantage, if there is a real fight, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Several peak masters saw the kindness of Peak Master Du Lao and went out together to chase the demon of desire. Master Du Lao Peak deeply felt the deep friendship among them.

Naturally, I don’t want to let some of my classmates encounter any accidents.

But the murderer of his descendants is right in front of him.

Peak Master Du Lao could not help but hesitate and be entangled.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply stepped forward.

"Instead of gossiping here, why don't I have a few fights with seniors. If I win by chance, the desire sacrifice demon will be left to us to deal with. If seniors win, then we will let go of this grudge." Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei said this somewhat on his own initiative, it should be Master Du Lao Peak who can make the decision, but based on Xu Fei's time spent with Master Du Lao Peak, it is inferred.

There is a high probability that this person will choose to give up on revenge for Du Ziteng.

Avoid damaging fellow disciples who come to help you.

And this would save a fight.

It does have some benefits for Xu Fei.

But Xu Fei didn't want it.

The war demon in front of me is one of the few masters here.

Xu Fei has been practicing hard, practicing hard, and practicing hard these years.

It is inevitable to work behind closed doors.

Although I feel that my strength should be at a certain level, it is very unclear what level it is.

And now that there is such a powerful opponent as Zhan Mo, Xu Fei is naturally eager to give it a try.

In addition, it seems that it would be dangerous to fight the war demon, but there are other peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect around.

With their help, even if Xu Fei was defeated, he would only suffer some injuries.

It can be said that this is an excellent opportunity to test one's own strength.

Xu Fei naturally didn't want to miss it.

After listening to Xu Fei's words, Yuji Mo looked disdainful.

Although Xu Fei easily subdued 'him', that was because 'he' was not good at fighting head-on with others.

You can only use private demonic skills to influence the hearts of others.

Especially when the opponent takes advantage of the formation.

Therefore, this person felt that he could fight the demon with only these methods, and he was simply ignorant of life and death.

The performance of other members of the Linglong Immortal Sect is also different.

Peak Master Du Lao was inevitably surprised.

Tiangang Peak Master Qi Qingyun looked thoughtful.

Tianxuan Peak Master Yan Xuanmei looked at Xu Fei with hidden admiration in her eyes. She always felt that monks like us should be so happy!

As for Tiansi Peak leader Li Huixin and Tianding Peak leader Chang Zhen, they looked at Xu Fei with a hint of scrutiny.

Xu Fei ignored others and only looked at War Demon.

The war demon chuckled upon seeing this.

He was naturally aware of the other party's intention to use him as a whetstone.

And this also caused the anger accumulated in the war demon's heart to rise.

he! But the war demon!

But now even a junior who has never heard of it is acting recklessly in front of him!

Master Du Laofeng could not help but frown when he saw this.

In his heart, he blamed Xu Fei for taking matters into his own hands and angering the war demon.

But Xu Fei also avenged his descendants of the Du family.

So after some thought, Peak Master Du decided to save Xu Fei's life no matter what.

He didn't even have the slightest idea that Xu Fei could defeat Zhan Mo.

The scene couldn't help but become quiet after Xu Fei bluntly stated that he wanted to challenge the war demon.

A full half moment passed.

The smile on the war demon's face faded and changed to a solemn look.

"Okay!" Accepted Xu Fei's challenge.

Next, naturally, the other people on both sides retreated a certain distance, leaving a range of about thirty miles.

"Junior, if you can make me move even a little bit, you will win." War Demon said, moving his body slightly.

"No need to do this, just compete normally." Xu Fei chuckled.

Then take out the green sword and magic shield.

As for whether to take out the refining method of Thousand Miles of Clouds and Smoke that was added by Peak Master Du before, Xu Fei was slightly hesitant when considering the refined Thousands of Miles of Clouds and Smoke.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei decided to temporarily use his sword and shield to confront the enemy.

After all, magic weapons are not better the more they are used.

Using many magic weapons is not only distracting, but also dilutes the strength.

I saw Xu Fei taking out his weapon shield.

"Okay, but I wonder if you are ready?" War Demon grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Senior, please take action." Xu Fei said.

I saw Xu Fei's voice fell, and the war demon suddenly punched!

The fist wind is like a dragon!

He came straight towards Xu Fei.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone in the Linglong Immortal Sect had shocked expressions on their faces.

Is this big demon so powerful?

She used the strength of her physical body to wrap up the demonic power, stir up the air and spiritual energy, and create this two-foot-long dragon-like fist wind.

"Roar~~" The fist wind turned green and the sound was like a dragon's roar.

Go straight to Xu Fei.

There is actually a wonderful way of borrowing the true form.

Xu Fei didn't dare to be careless when he saw this.

Immediately he shook his left hand with his fingers together.

The half-body-sized magic shield emits earthy yellow light and protects him in front of him.


There was a loud bang.

Like a dragon's fist, the wind hit Xu Fei's shield heavily.

The violent wind pressure destroyed some big trees on the ground, crushed them, and blew them far away.

Just one blow.

Clearing out a huge area on the ground one or two miles away from the people floating in the air.

The birds in the distance were startled to fly around, and the tigers and deer ran blindly.

But it was so violent that hitting the ground was enough to destroy everything within a hundred miles.

But he was firmly blocked by Xu Fei.

The violent fist wind could not overcome the protection provided by Xu Fei's shield.

However, the light of protection that Xu Fei used to use earth magic power through the magic shield was slightly dimmer than when it was condensed just now.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the Zhan Demon Fist coming out like a dragon.

After all, even if he were to use his full strength and use his body cultivation to hit a heavy punch, he would still not be able to do this.

At most, it can only reproduce 80% or 90% of its power.

This surprised Xu Fei, and he couldn't help but raise his evaluation of Zhan Mo's strength to a higher level.

The opponent is probably stronger than Peak Master Du Lao.

Seeing Xu Fei blocking his fist.

War Demon laughed.

My heart is very happy.

Because he likes to fight to the death with evil people, he practiced this evil-fighting technique. The more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

It's just that in recent years, because his cultivation has gradually approached the limit of his own control, it has been difficult to fight with other high-level masters.

Let the war demon have to cultivate his moral character.

But today it seems that it can make him a little happier.

Taking a sudden breath, War Demon's shirt burst into pieces and he clenched his fists.

"Boy, be careful!" War Demon said.

Then the next moment, War Demon punched out his fists, and only the shadow of his fists was visible.

Countless dragon-like fist styles, which were only slightly weaker than the dragon-like fist style just now, pounced on Xu Fei.

Even some punches were not directed at Xu Fei, but were deflected to other positions.

Therefore, the scene looked more like a war demon venting its manic fighting spirit.

Instead of fighting Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was speechless when he saw this, and carefully protected himself.

This big demon had fought with the previous head of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

I have been practicing for a long time.

Even such an amazing performance may not be at its full strength. (End of chapter)

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