There is a saying that Xu Fei's current fight with Kushan and the others is considered normal.

Such as the tyrannical and highly skilled fights with Zhan Mo and Zhong Tiansheng.

Ordinary monks are unlikely to encounter it in their lifetime, and they are not even qualified to watch its fighting.

And this is why Xu Fei can only use a rather simple fighting method when fighting these two people.

Although the Five Elements spell is convenient and gorgeous, it can also set off one's own strength.

After all, with a wave of his hand, the enemy was wiped out.

Just like that, Fei used the Fire Vein spell this time.

But if Xu Fei's current cultivation level is used to activate the Five Elements spells to compete with Zhan Mo and Zhong Tiansheng, it would be too much to look down on the two of them.

Just when several people in Kushan were happy to extinguish Xu Fei's fire technique.

Xu Fei's body was once again burning with sparks.

As he continued to activate his magic power, the sparks gradually intensified and turned into flames.

The flames connected with the inspiration, were replenished, and expanded into a ball of fire.

The fire mass gradually merged.

A huge wall of flames was formed behind Xu Fei, which was more than forty feet high, sixty feet long, and more than ten feet thick.

Walls of fire blazing.

Emits amazing heat.

Even though the three people in Kushan were miles away from each other, they still felt the suffocating heat wave hitting their faces.

This made the expressions of the three people change drastically.

After all, what would happen if the Fire Vein Spell, which was so amazing even when it was charging, was actually activated?

Obviously this person's cultivation level is much lower than that of the three brothers, but why can he master such an exquisite fire vein spell?

However, the three people in Kushan couldn't bear to be shocked.

He activated his spells one after another, preparing to resist Xu Fei's thunderous strike.

And just when the three people in Kushan were waiting.

But I saw that the size of the fire wall was gradually shrinking.

This made the three of them stunned.

I was guessing: Could it be that this guy messed up?

After all, such a powerful spell is so easy to master!

That must be the case.

It's just that the three of them haven't had time to comfort themselves to calm down.

Some of the flames escaping from the wall of fire were extinguished.

A fire dragon of more than ten feet was revealed in the wall of fire.

"Fa, Fa borrows Yuanling?!" Master Jieshan said in shock.

The method of borrowing true forms generally refers to borrowing the images of dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other mythical beasts when using spells.

Although it does not really have the power of dragons, phoenixes, etc., it can also increase the power of some five-element spells.

And if the law borrows Yuanling, it means the law borrows the true form one step further.

Let the dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, etc. created by magic have a hint of the meaning of mythical beasts.

It is said that in ancient times, the heaven and earth were empty and all things did not exist.

There is a god who creates all things with his supreme power.

Xu Fei finished using the spell and looked back.

The fire dragon he activated soared into the sky.

This made Xu Fei feel something in his heart.

At the same time, the fire dragon that was dancing with its teeth raised its head and let out a thick dragon roar.


When the sound passes, all beasts surrender.

Within his reach, mountains, rivers, trees, and even inspirations are all under his control.

The method borrows the Fire Dragon method of Yuanling level.

It is no longer something ordinary monks can contend with.

The next moment, Xu Fei's eyes moved.

The fire dragon rushed towards the three people in Kushan.

The water vein protection that Master Jie Shan tried hard to arrange was destroyed by the fire dragon.

Master Yuanshan mobilized his armor to enhance his protection.

The spear with half the tip missing in his hand glowed and stood firmly in front of the fire dragon.

Also knocked away by the fire dragon.

In other words, Xu Fei's men showed mercy.

Otherwise, this person will be evaporated directly by the high temperature around the fire dragon.

No bones remain.

As for Kushan Zhenren, the strongest among the three, he finally tried his best to activate a fire spell after being delayed by the two brothers.

He wanted to fight the fire dragon that rushed towards him.

However, the Dharma fire it stimulated was extinguished in the blink of an eye as the fire dragon approached.

Moreover, the collapsed inspiration even benefited the fire dragon.

Make the scales of the fire dragon clearer.

The movements of his head and tail become more and more agile.

A fire dragon spell defeated the Kushan trio.

But Xu Fei didn't kill them all.

waved back the fire dragon.

After patting its head gently, the spell is dispersed.

The three people in Kushan who had been severely injured looked at each other in disbelief, and when they flew into the air again, they already looked down and bowed their heads.

"Thank you, Mr. Han, for not killing me," the three people from Kushan said.

The strength is not as good as others, and the other party has no intention of killing, so what are you waiting for if you don't admit defeat quickly?

Continue to be stubborn and tenacious?

Don't be ridiculous, I really thought the other party didn't dare to kill the three of them.

After all, he is an old cultivator who has endured years of hard work and is just a good sleeper.

Xu Fei knew what to do without saying anything.

After Xu Fei looked at the three of them, he returned to Kushan Manor.

Regarding Xu Fei's departure and return, the descendants and disciples of Sanzhen Mountain were as cautious as quails.

Although there is a special environment within the blind ridge that blocks sight and spiritual perception, this special environment will be weakened when Xu Fei and his ancestors fought fiercely just now.

Therefore, they all see the outcome of the battle.

The person in front of me fought against three ancestors alone, and the victory was an understatement.

Xu Fei sat back in his seat again.

He waved to Fang'er and the three girls to come over.

Kufang was shocked and embarrassed.

He was shocked that Fellow Daoist Han was so powerful that he defeated his father and two uncles.

But it’s also difficult because of it.

If she befriends Taoist Han, what will her father and two uncles think of her later?

"Fang'er!" Master Kushan said quickly.

For fear of causing Mr. Han’s displeasure.

The three girls Fang'er quickly came to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei looked at the three girls Fang'er, Lan'er and Qing'er.

Fang'er's name is Kufang and she is a steady person.

Lan'er's name is Jielan, and she has an elegant temperament.

Qing'er's name is Yuan Qing. Even though he is frightened by Xu Fei's power, there is still a hint of provocation in his eyes.

"Have you three ever gotten married?" Xu Fei said.

The three women were stunned when they heard this.

"No, none of us have ever been married." Yuan Qing said quickly.

Xu Fei nodded, took out a storage bag and handed it to Yuan Qing.

"In that case, the three of you can stay with me as concubines from now on. As for the future elixir business, it should be handled as per the previous regulations."

"When purchasing or exchanging, buy more spiritual fruits and elixirs from the previous year."

"In addition, I would like to ask my three Taoist friends Kushan, Jieshan, and Yuanshan to help me with this matter." Xu Fei said calmly.

He always sticks to his word and treats the other person like a dog.

After all, Xu Fei originally had intentions for Xialing's elixir from previous years.

The three Kushan people happened to bump into them.

It is logical to accept them as agents in Xiiling.

As for whether the three of them will profit from it.

There is no reason to let the horse run and not let the horse eat grass.

What's more, even if you are feeding a dog to look after the home, you have to feed the dog until it is fat, strong, and shiny, so that it can do its best work.

Maybe it's because the strength increases, or maybe the life time gradually increases.

Although Xu Fei didn't have much experience in subduing previous enemies as his subordinates, he did everything in an orderly manner.

Hearing Xu Fei's arrangements for them, Kushan Master and the other three couldn't help but be overjoyed.

They are already mentally prepared for the other lion to open his mouth and demand compensation.

But he didn't expect that he could become the other party's advantageous father-in-law!

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