Although Wu Mei is just an ordinary person now and is still far away from being a martial artist, her physique is special.

If Xu Fei carefully trains him, becoming a monk is almost certain.

And once they become monks, although the fifth sister's special physique is still a little behind that of the banished immortal, she can also make rapid progress in the early stages of practice.

In addition, there was once a powerful female cultivator named 'Qi Yin' who also had the same special physique.

Therefore, this kind of special physique is also called the peculiar body.

All in all, these three ways of ‘using’.

The first one is like seeing an old ginseng plant on the roadside, picking it up and leaving.

The second one saw the same large ginseng, but only the rhizome was removed, leaving the leaves and vines to continue growing. But from then on, the empty branches and vines basically no longer grow ginseng.

The third way is to maintain the ginseng.

In the future, you may be able to smell the aroma of ginseng that grows better and has more medicinal effects, eat some ginseng roots, etc.

However, doing so will take a lot of time, possibly even more than a thousand years, before Xu Fei can reap the rewards, and there may not be any variables during this period.

In short, each of the three methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei felt that the third option would be better.

On the one hand, the fifth sister is quite beautiful, which is very important.

If it were just an ordinary woman, then Xu Fei would at most give her a sum of money, and then not be so rough when picking up supplements.

In addition, the fifth sister is the boss’s sister after all.

There is still some affection between the two sides.

Xu Fei made a decision, picked up today's wages and returned to his residence.

Give your wages to Xiaofang.

Only after they were officially married did Xu Fei find out that his young lady's name was Xiaofang, her surname was Zuo, and she was also called Zuo Fang.

Of course, in a few years, when the two have a child, she will be called 'Zhang Zuoshi'.

Take a day off.

Xu Fei left Tiangan City, transformed into Lu Shu, and returned to Tiangan City.

But Xu Fei didn't make any noise this time.

Enter the city along with the people going in and out of the city.

Then came to Yu Mansion.

There are also some disciples of this Yu family who worship at Tianqian Sect.

That's why you can earn so much wealth.

But when facing Patriarch Tiangan, he still had no choice but to marry his fifth sister obediently.

As soon as Xu Fei stood in front of the mansion, the concierge came forward to greet him.

After hearing that the other party called himself Lu Shu, he didn't dare to neglect him at all.

One porter asked Xu Fei to drink tea in the gatehouse first, while another porter hurriedly went to inform.

Soon, the patriarch of the Yu family came out to welcome him.

After seeing 'Lu Shu', his expression was quite complicated.

Because he didn't know what attitude he should take.


The Yu family relies on the Tianqian sect for their existence. The person in front of them who once bullied the Tianqian ancestor may have something to do with the daughter of the family.

Aren't you afraid that the Tianqianmen will settle accounts later?


Even Patriarch Tiangan canceled his decision to marry Yu's daughter because of the other party. How dare he!

"I'm in Xialu Shu, and I'm here especially to ask for my daughter to marry me." Xu Fei bowed his hands generously.

Wu Mei's 'strange body' is quite special. It is a unique constitution composed of blood, organs, bones, meridians, etc.

Not only does it require a certain amount of vision and cultivation to see that this special physique, but also requires considerable mana to replenish it.

At least monks with a cultivation level of 50,000 pots cannot do it.

This is also the reason why Wu Mei can live peacefully until now.

If it were some other special physique that was easier to see, someone else would have taken advantage of it long ago.

The head of the Yu family looked even more hesitant upon hearing this.

reject? He didn't dare.

promise? He still didn't dare.

Fortunately, after a while, Patriarch Tiangan came slowly.

Although the person in front of him was quite annoying and interfered with his good deeds.

But Patriarch Tiangan greeted him with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Lu," Patriarch Tiangan said.

Xu Fei returned the gift.

"Fellow Taoist Tiangan." He greeted the other party.

Seeing the arrival of Patriarch Tiangan, the head of the Yu family breathed a sigh of relief and quickly explained the matter in summary.

"Haha, it's your Yu family's blessing that Fellow Daoist Lu is interested in a girl from your Yu family. Why don't you agree quickly?" Patriarch Tiangan said.

He has been practicing for more than 50,000 years.

Although he has more than 170,000 pots of cultivation, his cultivation is not the result of his own hard work.

Almost half of them are by chance.

This also caused his magic power to be quite mixed.

It's okay to bully a monk whose cultivation level is much lower than his own, but when facing a monk with pure magic power like 'Lu Shu' in front of him, it's far from enough.

This is why Xu Fei just showed up and activated his magic power, and was so frightened that Patriarch Tiangan gave in.

However, Patriarch Tiangan gave him face like this, but Xu Fei was not the type to push beyond the limits.

After thinking for a moment, he took out a box of pills from the storage bag at his waist.

"This elixir should help fellow Taoists purify their magic power." Xu Fei said.

Ancestor Tiangan was stunned when he heard this. He had always dreamed of purifying his magic power, but he could never find the way.

Carefully took the wooden box and opened it.

The aroma of the elixir in the wooden box spreads out.

Ancestor Tiangan took a gentle sniff and felt that his own magic power was faintly agitated.

This made his eyes light up.

What a good thing!

Although he gave up a big pill of medicine, he got a more useful elixir.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for the elixir." Patriarch Tiangan said with a smile.

And with the support of Patriarch Tianqian, who is sitting on the ground.

Naturally, the Yu family did not dare to resist any more and obediently sent away their fifth sister.

Xu Fei briefly chatted with Patriarch Tiangan and left with his fifth sister.

Fifth sister was originally happy that she escaped, but she didn't expect that she would fall into the wolf's den again.

His face was full of sadness.

Xu Fei glanced at Wu Mei.

"I'm going to become a Taoist couple with you." Xu Fei said bluntly.

The fifth sister was stunned when she heard this, but she didn't know what the other party meant.

"Practice your martial arts well and achieve success as soon as possible." After flying for more than ten thousand miles in the blink of an eye, Xu Fei looked down and said.

Then it descended into the mountains below.

He activated his magic power at will, and in a blink of an eye he dug out a cave that was convenient for living.

Xu Fei then handed a storage bag to Wu Mei.

At the same time, formations were arranged to protect the inside and outside.

After doing this, Xu Fei ignored Wu Mei and turned around to leave.

The five sisters in the cave looked full of doubts.

what's the situation?

Five sisters were simply arranged.

Xu Fei returned to Tiangan City.

He will stay here in Tiangan City for about two more months, which adds up to almost half a year, before he is ready to end this period of Zhang Tie's life and return to the mountain gate.

So temporarily arranging Fifth Sister to an inaccessible place and stay in seclusion for two months is a very reasonable thing, isn't it?

Returning to Tiangan City, Xu Fei became Zhang Tie again.

When he first started living the life of an ordinary person, Xu Fei felt emotional from time to time and found everything interesting.

But after all this time, Xu Fei felt a little boring.

Of course, this is not to say that Dongjia or Xiaofang made Xu Fei tired.

But the reason why ordinary people are ordinary people is because this kind of life is the same.

Quite tasteless.

But in the end Xu Fei decided to spend the remaining time.

This is what Xu Fei did when he traveled for half a year and practiced at Shanmen for half a year.

It lasts for half a year.

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