Chapter 50, Resilience

After returning home and having lunch, Xu Fei opened his panel.

Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【41/41】


Sanhua Chapter【0/5】【2/2】

Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【44/44】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/10】【43/43】

Iron shirt【0/10】【26/26】

Tiger Fist【0/10】【38/38】

Skillful playing of eighteen moves【0/10】【35/35】

Tiger Sword Technique【0/10】【37/37】

Point Cloud Step【0/10】【30/30】

Proficiency value: 1359

In just a few days after obtaining the Sanhua chapter, all of Xu Fei's martial arts skills have experienced a period of rapid improvement.

Xu Fei had previously speculated that the skills may be advanced again to level 50 or 100.

And if it is level 50, then advanced medical skills should be the skills that can be advanced again the fastest.

But I never expected that the Sanhua chapter would be so fierce.

By promoting the Crane Shape Breathing Method and the Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu, one is advanced to level 44 and the other is advanced to level 43.

It has exceeded the level of medical skills and is about to reach level 50.

This made Xu Fei quite happy.

Closing the panel, Xu Fei went to see his son.

As they get along day by day, Xu Fei likes his eldest son more and more.

I miss you so much after not seeing you for a day.

But his eldest son was very disrespectful. When Xu Fei came over, he was lying on his own little bed, fast asleep.

Xu Fei approached carefully and looked at the growing brat with a smile on his face.

Ling Niang was really relieved when she saw Xu Fei who looked fond of her son.

As long as I like it, she can have as many children as I want her to.

After seeing his son, Xu Fei came to Lingniang's bed and sat down.

"Okay, how's it going?" Xu Fei said.

"It's much better." Ling Niang said.

Xu Fei heard this and helped Ling Niang diagnose.

The recovery is okay.

After thinking for a moment, she didn't prescribe any medicine. After all, Ling Niang was still breastfeeding her son, so it was inevitable that she would be affected.

Therefore, mothers who are still breastfeeding should try not to take medicine as long as they are not sick.

After seeing Ling Niang and her son, Xu Fei went to Zhou Yueyuan Niang's lotus place to have a look.

Three women were chatting together.

This does not mean that they exclude Ling Niang and do not take her with them.

But Ling Niang is in confinement, and the child is still beside her, so she needs to be quiet.

"Master." He Hua saw Xu Fei and stood up quickly.

Seeing this, Xu Fei said helplessly: "Why are you still so frizzy? You are all about to be a mother."

He Hua smiled and gave up her position to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei helped He Hua sit down again, moved a stool to the side and sat next to Yuan Niang.

She is eight months pregnant and about to give birth.

After asking about her current situation and checking her pulse, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction. Everything was normal.

After his careful diagnosis, several women had no problems during pregnancy.

After all, such high-level medical skills should never be used if they are not needed at this time.

After seeing the women and sons, Xu Fei went to practice martial arts.

The Sanhua chapter is extraordinary and difficult for Xu Fei.

It can be seen that after studying for a few days, it is still level 2.

But it helped Xu Fei a lot.

So Xu Fei was very serious when practicing.

After practicing for a while, Xu Fei felt enlightened.

Sanhua Chapter【0/5】【2/4】

Once, the upper limit was raised by two levels.

This made Xu Fei very satisfied and filled it up.

As the level of the Sanhua Chapter reached level 4, the Crane Shape Breathing Method was affected and the upper limit of level was increased by 1 level, reaching advanced level 45.

Xu Fei was even more satisfied.

Although each of his skills must be comprehended and understood by oneself in order to increase the level limit, each related skill can also affect other skills and increase the level after being upgraded.

So from the current point of view, it is not worse than those plug-ins that God rewards those who work hard.

With enough proficiency points, Xu Fei once again topped up the level of the Crane Shape Breathing Technique.

He was ready to see if, as he had guessed, ordinary skills could be advanced again at level 50 after being advanced to level 20.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened.

Xu Fei stopped practicing martial arts.

After replacing Sanhua Pian as an internal cultivation method, the physical training effect has been weakened.

This is probably because the current level of Sanhua Chapter is lower. After all, Sitting Tiger Neigong has now advanced to level 43. There is no comparison between the two.

However, the nourishing effect of Sanhua Pian on the body cannot be matched by the internal strength of a tiger.

Because Sihu Neigong only requires continuous training of the body. In short, as long as you can't die, you will practice to death.

That is to say, the level of Xu Fei's Sitting Tiger Internal Skill was high enough, his medical skills were not low, and he was nourished by the Crane Shape Breathing Technique, so there was no problem.

If it were anyone else, I wouldn't be able to tell what the situation would be now.

Moreover, the Sanhua Pian is a bit more gentle than Sitting Tiger Neigong while reinventing the old, incorporating the new, and exercising oneself.

While pursuing strength, you can also take into account toughness.

To briefly describe Sihu Neigong, just be hard, hard again and again, even if it breaks at the first touch.

In the Sanhua chapter, strength and toughness must be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be strong.

It can only be said that it is indeed a superb internal skill that once surprised Xu Fei.

That's why Xu Feicai left the 43rd-level Sitting Tiger Internal Skill aside to practice the 4th-level Sanhua Chapter.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

Because there were no patients, Xu Fei came to the medicine cabinet to help organize the medicinal materials.

A total of 329 medicinal herbs are arranged in the medical clinic, and 213 medicinal herbs are always available.

Therefore, various medicinal materials should be checked frequently to avoid mold and deterioration.

In the past, this was all done by the master.

But now Xu Fei took him over.

After checking some of the most unpopular medicinal materials, Xu Fei began to treat patients at his clinic after seeing patients coming to his door.

Two patients were not seen.

Xu Fei found a young man who had been nursed back to health by him before, and led another young man over.

"Brother Hong, I was brought to this medical clinic by my parents a few days ago. The little doctor prescribed me some medicine. After taking it, I felt a lot more relaxed." The young man in front pointed at Xu Fei and said.

Although the boy who followed him looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, his expression was solemn, like that of an adult.

After the two came over, they went directly to Xu Fei's diagnosis table and lined up in front of the four patients waiting to be diagnosed by Xu Fei.

This made the four patients dare not speak out, and two even moved to other doctors to avoid getting into trouble.

After all, these two young men were wearing the disciple uniforms of the Broadsword Club.

Who dares to provoke it?

If it were before, Xu Fei would say something to stop someone if they cut in line.

But under the current circumstances, Xu Fei couldn't speak casually.

He could only nod apologetically to the patient waiting aside, then write a prescription for the patient in front of him, and then receive the two teenagers.

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