Chapter 7, Four Martial Arts Schools

I have to say that Xu Fei's thinking is relatively clear.

He had not read so many novels in vain.

"Go and see your grandma." Seeing that her husband was still a little angry, Ms. Liu quickly sent her son away.

Xu Fei followed Shan Ruliu and came to grandma to say hello.

Zhang Fangshi smiled from ear to ear when she saw her grandson.

"My dear grandson, how are you doing at school?"

"Not bad, Master said my handwriting has improved." Xu Fei said.

He looked like he was having fun with his wife.

After greeting his grandma, Xu Fei returned to his room.

The Zhang family is not extravagant.

So there are only four yards at the front and back of the house.

Grandma lived in one, Zhang's father and mother lived in one, and Xu Fei lived in another.

There is also an empty courtyard that belonged to the predecessor of Big Brother.

The former sister lives with her grandma.

But now she has married far away.

Just when Xu Fei was about to wash up and go to bed, his mother Liu came over.

Apparently, he was still worried about what his son said about wanting to learn martial arts.

"Chuan'er, why did you think of practicing martial arts?" Liu said.

The eldest son left home after practicing martial arts, and there has been no news so far, leaving a huge shadow on Zhang's father and Zhang's mother.

"I just want to practice, just don't let me practice." Xu Fei understood his parents' worries and said calmly.

Although he must practice martial arts, since he has inherited the body of his predecessor, he must also bear the consequences.

Not to mention that Cai Yiyu was respectful to his relatives, but Gao Tang couldn't be worried.

Mrs. Liu felt a little relieved when she saw her son's understatement.

It seems that his son just occasionally thinks of practicing martial arts? Spontaneously?

After a brief chat, Liu left without disturbing Xu Fei's rest.

Xu Fei yawned and quickly went to bed.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Lingniang again.

Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)

master a skill:




Proficiency: 12

Since I no longer study writing, the upper limit for writing is still level 8.

Moreover, Xu Fei attaches great importance to martial arts training, so naturally he will not squander his proficiency points.

After all, after learning martial arts, the proficiency value of upgrading the martial skill is equivalent to the five-point proficiency level of writing and painting, but if it is hundreds or even thousands, it will be troublesome.

As for the original agreement with his mother that he would give Sister Juhua to him if he got good grades in the school class.

If you can give it, you can give it. If you can't give it to Xu Fei, don't worry about it. Anyway, now he has Ling Niang.

A real scumbag.

Arriving at the school, Master Guan didn't even look at Xu Fei again today.

Clearly given up.

Xu Fei scratched his head a little.

Although he has no interest in reading, as a student, it is indeed his fault for not studying seriously.

It's just that Xu Feizhi is not studying, and even if he is good at studying, it is nothing more than getting a merit degree and becoming an official.

But the key is that Xu Fei doesn't want to be an official...

Although awakening to take over the world is a dream pursued by many people, Xu Fei does not think so.

All he wanted was to be free and free.

Martial arts can protect one's life and protect one's life, so Xu Fei wants to learn martial arts.

Of course, if he has some free time after reaching a certain level in martial arts in the future, then Xu Fei would not mind reading and cultivating his sentiments.

Taking advantage of noon, Xu Fei slipped out of the school again.

There are a total of four martial arts schools in Gao County.

Haowu Hall mainly teaches eleven-way boxing and fierce fighting, and also monopolizes Gaoxian's foot power and coolies.

The Dadao Club, but this Gao County branch is just a branch of the Dadao Club and is mainly responsible for the affairs of the escort agency.

The other two Eagle Snake Martial Arts Gym and Tiger Boxing Gym are related to gambling stalls and flower houses in the county.

In short, chickens don't pee, and everyone has his own way.

It was completely different from the impression that Xu Fei's martial arts school only taught martial arts and ignored foreign affairs.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei first came to Feng Ping's relatively good sword club.

It's easy to learn swordsmanship for ten taels of silver a year.

There is no such thing as paying every month or every ten days.

Moreover, the guild is only responsible for teaching swordsmanship, and you still have to take care of your own food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

So do the math, practicing martial arts may cost more than twenty taels of silver a year.

And one tael of silver can already buy a young woman...

Other Haowu Halls are not so strict on tuition fees, and they can even pay them in advance.

But after completing the studies, you must join the Haowu Hall and become a disciple of the hall.

To put it bluntly, he is a thug.

Therefore, when Haowu Hall accepts students, it will select them in advance.

Generally, we want young people who are strong and have a courageous temperament.

As for the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Gym and the Tiger Boxing Gym, they are a combination of the Broad Sword Club and the Hao Martial Arts Hall.

You can pay tuition to learn martial arts, or you can 'sell yourself to learn martial arts'.

However, it is not easy to 'sell yourself', and you need to go through some selection.

In short, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

After Xu Fei wandered around like this, he also got a rough idea of ​​the martial arts taught in various martial arts schools.

In addition to the 11-way boxing, Haowu Hall also teaches the 'Internal Strengthening Technique' after accumulating merit.

This is martial arts similar to internal strength.

It is said that after you become successful in the art of inner strength, you will gain some face in the world.

As long as you pay money at the Da Sword Club, you will be taught several sword techniques, including fast swords, broad swords, etc.

However, if you want to learn the internal skills of the Broadsword Club, you have to actually join the Broadsword Club.

The Eagle-Snake Death Fight of the Eagle-Snake Martial Arts School is a close combat technique.

It can be said that as long as it can hurt or kill the opponent, he will do whatever he can to do it. He is very ferocious.

But it is said that there is no internal strength.

You can only learn Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu at the Tiger Boxing Gym by paying money. If you want to learn the internal Kung Fu, you must actually join the boxing gym, become a disciple of the boxing gym, and work hard for the boxing gym.

In short, the situation in the four martial arts schools is that it is not difficult to learn a few moves, as long as you have money, but it is not easy to learn profound martial arts.

Xu Fei was thoughtful and bought two kilograms of apples on the roadside and came to Ling Niang.

Xu Fei was very grateful to this woman who helped him activate the plug-in and contributed a lot of proficiency points, even though she was not good-looking.

If nothing else happens, Xu Fei will most likely take her as a concubine in the future.

After chatting for a while, Xu Fei returned home.

After some understanding in the afternoon, Xu Fei also understood that it is not easy to learn martial arts.

At least it would be relatively difficult for him to learn martial arts without his father's help.

So I started thinking about studying medicine.

Xu Fei would definitely not be happy to go to a medical clinic for three years to sweep the floor and serve tea, three years to be an apprentice, three years to take medicine, and three more years to really learn some superficial skills.

So he planned to buy some medical books and read them first.

Zhang Lian became more concerned when he saw that his son no longer mentioned that he wanted to learn martial arts.

But when he opened his mouth to ask, he was afraid of arousing his son's addiction to martial arts.

Very confused.

Xu Fei turned a blind eye and simply kept busy with his meal.

Although I can understand why his father opposed his martial arts practice, it doesn't mean that Xu Fei has no objections.

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