Chapter 75, New Sword Classic

After practicing this martial arts, Xu Fei opened his panel.

There are dozens of skills to dazzle your eyes.

And most of them are already maxed out.

Even miscellaneous skills such as archery and hidden weapons have a high level.


Hidden weapon【0/10】【26/26】

But none of this matters.

Most importantly, the skill level of Jian Jing has been greatly improved.

Sword Sutra【0/10】【49/49】

After spending more than two years studying and practicing hard, and practicing more than 20 martial arts to the second level 49, Sword Classic, a martial art classified as a high-quality skill by Xu Fei, has finally reached the limit that Xu Fei can currently achieve.

And this is also one of the important conditions for starting skill fusion.

In fact, when Xu Fei spent time practicing various skills, he also thought about integrating other similar skills such as boxing and swordsmanship with each other.

But after thinking about it, I gave up this idea.

Because when he merged the two hard-body martial arts of the Golden Bell and Iron Cloth Shirt, Xu Fei could feel the new martial arts that merged into one, which he named the Iron Cloth Golden Bell.

The golden bell cover is the main one and the iron cloth shirt is the supplement. If some of the skills in the iron cloth shirt are contrary to the golden bell cover, then these skills will be discarded.

But this does not mean that the discarded techniques are useless.

Simply because it is incompatible with the golden bell.

So Xu Fei finally gave up the idea of ​​merging various martial arts skills with each other, and waited until the level of the Sword Sutra reached to start skill fusion.

The purpose is to use all his strength to push Sword Scripture, which is currently Xu Fei's best skill, to a higher level.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei no longer hesitated, returned to the study, sat down, concentrated for a moment, and started skill fusion.

Following the thoughts in Xu Fei's mind, each skill was absorbed by the Sword Scripture.

The skills absorbed by the Sword Scripture also reflect various insights.

Xu Fei did not let go of swordsmanship, knife skills, boxing skills, spear skills, whip skills, hammer skills, and even the grappling skills of eighteen hands, all of which were integrated into the Sword Scripture.

Some of them were of great help to the Sword Scripture, which gave Xu Fei a lot of insights.

Some were less helpful, but this also confirmed Xu Fei's guess from the side.

If various skills were integrated with each other before, then even this small amount of progress may be consumed in the process of integration.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to hold back until the sword scripture meets the fusion conditions before integrating various martial arts skills.

After spending more than 4 hours, Xu Fei finally integrated all the martial arts skills into the Sword Scripture.

On his panel, in addition to miscellaneous skills such as writing, various internal skills, light skills and iron cloth golden bells.

There is only one skill left: Sword Sutra.

What disappoints Xu Fei is that even if he put all his efforts in martial arts skills in the past four years into the Sword Scripture.

It still failed to break through the second-level bottleneck of level 49.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

He brewed it, what happened? !

Xu Feineng has been holding back until now. In addition to worrying about wasting the effects of various martial arts, he has not launched a big wave of ideas to push the exquisite skill of Sword Sutra to a third-level skill in one fell swoop.

Now it can only be in vain.

This made Xu Fei quite unwilling.

Immediately, Xu Fei had some incredible thoughts in his mind.

Is it possible that there are people who are cultivating immortality and practicing truth in this world? !

So only after entering cultivation can the skills be improved to level three? !

Xu Fei couldn't help but shake his head and smile when he thought of this.

It shouldn't be possible... right?

After sorting out these random thoughts and renaming the fused skills as Sword Scripture, Xu Fei got up and came to the courtyard to start practicing the new Sword Scripture.

Each move is full of inexplicable charm.

Xu Fei's heart couldn't help but hold the sword in his hand, and everyone in the world was so mad.

In other words, I am invincible!

However, Xu Fei knew that this was an illusion caused by too many enhancements in strength in a short period of time.

Invincible after all?

He doesn't even know how high the sky is in this world.

How about being invincible?

After merging a large number of skills, the sword sutra that has been greatly enhanced has been practiced several times to become familiar with it and master it.

Xu Fei put away his sword.

It will be four years before I come into this world.

In addition to the gains in martial arts and medical skills, Xu Fei also gained six confidantes.

Zhou Yue, Ling Niang, Yuan Niang, Lotus, Yun Niang and Yu Niang.

Among these six, except Yun Niang, who was never able to have children, the other five gave him six sons and four daughters.

The eldest son Zhang Xian is two years and eight months old. The second son, Zhang Pingan, is two years and one month old. The third son, Zhang Xi, and the fourth son, Zhang Wang, are twins, both two years old. The fifth son, Zhang Zhi, is eleven months old. The sixth son, Zhang Xiao, is ten months old.

The eldest daughter, Yimei, is two years and five months old. The second daughter, Wanmei, is one year and three months old. The third daughter, Hongmei, is one year and one month old. The fourth daughter, Lian Mei, is ten months old.

Let the old Zhang family completely blossom.

And now Ling Niang’s third child is eight months old, Yu Niang’s second child is seven months old, Yuan Niang’s third child is six months old, Zhou Yue’s third child is five months old, and Hehua’s third child is three months old.

In other words, Xu Fei is currently guaranteed to have fifteen children.

Already able to form a football team.

Zhang Fangshi is now smiling from ear to ear every day.

The family has never had many children.

She gave birth to two sons, but the eldest died young when he was twelve years old.

The second son was deeply in love with his wife and did not take any concubines.

So there are only two sons and one daughter. But the eldest grandson has wandered into some kind of world, and there has been no news over the years.

Fortunately, the grandson lived up to his expectations, and the Zhang family had so many great-grandchildren in just a few years.

Nothing made her happier than having children and grandchildren.

Xu Fei was comprehending the New Sword Sutra, and in the blink of an eye it was past 9 o'clock in the evening.

Instead of continuing to comprehend, he came to Yun Niang.

Although Yun Niang has never been able to give birth to an heir for him, Xu Fei's love for her has not diminished in recent years.

After all, Yun Niang passed on to him such fine internal skills as Sanhua Pian.

If Fang Wei has not improved much over the years and is still at the same level as when he played against Ma Liu a few years ago, Xu Fei feels that his current internal strength is probably more than thirty times that of his opponent.

And the reason why there has been such great progress.

In addition to Xu Fei's persistence in practicing over the years, Sanhua Chapter's increasingly higher levels also contributed a lot.

Sanhua Chapter【0/10】【47/47】

With two more levels, the Sanhua chapter can also reach the bottleneck period of level 49 in the second level.

When Xu Fei integrates the various internal skills he has practiced to raise the level of the Sanhua Chapter into the Sanhua Chapter, there is a high probability that he will also get a brand new Sanhua Chapter.

Let his strength reach higher levels.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

As usual, the two heated battles ended, and Xu Fei gently embraced Yun Niang into his arms.

"Go to sleep." Xu Fei said softly.

After Yun Niang hummed lightly, she soon heard a slight snoring sound.

But when he slept until about 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, Xu Fei suddenly opened his eyes.


Thank you book friend ‘I am a P club player’ for the tip.

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