Chapter 84, Planning

The next day, Xu Fei got up early.

I practiced my internal skills several times first, and then played around with my children for a while.

After a while, a maid came over and said that someone from the jewelry shop had arrived.

Xu Fei asked his maid to inform Zhou Yue's daughter, and then he went out to greet her.

The jewelry shop owner from yesterday was waiting at the concierge with two women carrying treasure boxes.

After Xu Fei greeted them with a few polite words, he led the two women into the central hall of his home.

Several women at home are already waiting here.

Yun Niang sat far away and had no interest in choosing jewelry.

Xu Fei didn't care either.

This woman is used to being independent.

The women in the two jewelry shops opened their treasure chests on the table.

The boxes on the upper and lower floors are filled with various gold, silver, agate, jewelry and jade ornaments.

Xu Fei was quite satisfied with the workmanship.

Obviously the boss didn't use some ordinary stuff to deal with him.

Zhou Yue picked two items first.

And her approach also set the standard for buying jewelry today.

As Xu Fei's wife, although Zhou Yue's sense of presence is not very high, from the fact that Xu Fei only practices martial arts, reads books, or spends time with his children every day, we can know that Zhou Yue handles all the big and small things at home very well.

Otherwise, the women would be jealous and keep Xu Fei exhausted, unable to have a moment of peace.

After Zhou Yue selected, Ling Niang was next, followed by Yuan Niang and Lotus.

When it was Yun Niang's turn, she was still in low spirits.

But when Yu Niang looked at it quietly, Yun Niang could only come over and pick two pieces of jewelry to deal with the problem.

After all, she is the fifth mother in the family. If she doesn't choose jewelry, Yuniang will not be able to choose.

"Choose one for Xiaocai, too." Xu Fei said.

My sister-in-law has been staying with her parents for the past few years.

It’s not a bad idea to forget about her when adding jewelry to the women today.

Yun Niang was a little helpless when she heard this, but she was more attentive than she was before.

Soon Yun Niang picked out jewelry for her sister, and Yu Niang came over with a little joy.

Although she was a poor woman with a net worth of 1,500 taels, and she did not live a life of silks, satins, clothes, and delicious food when she followed Xu Fei, she did not feel any mistreatment or grievance.

After all, the best ending she could have imagined for herself before was just a plaything of the powerful. If she lost her favor, she would be given away as a gift.

But now she is a concubine, has an heir, and the master is also a doctor with excellent medical skills.

Then when the child grows up and learns some medical skills from the master, he can become a doctor and completely get rid of his humble status.

Especially the sisters at home are harmonious, and there are no bad things like setting rules.

It makes Yu Niang very satisfied with her current life.

"Be careful." Xu Fei reminded quickly.

After all, Yu Niang’s second child is now eight months old.

"Yes, Master." Yu Niang said with a charming smile.

Yuniang was thin before, but became plump after giving birth to her second daughter, Wanmei.

After spending half the day with the women and children in the morning, Xu Fei came to his study room in the afternoon and began to think about what he would do next.

Are you going to continue practicing martial arts?

But according to what Yun Niang said, success is inherently accidental.

Of course it's okay to practice hard, but Xu Fei felt that he couldn't be so passive.

So it's best to find a way to break through the Sanhua chapter.

If he can reach the third level in the Sanhua Chapter, then the possibility of him becoming innate will undoubtedly be greater.

Judging from the current situation, if you look for some high-quality internal skills, then practice them to level 49 of the second level, and integrate them into the Sanhua Chapter, there may be a certain chance of breaking through to level 3 skills.

As for continuing to use ordinary and excellent grades of internal strength to integrate into the Sanhua chapter...

Each skill upgrade level does not reduce the required proficiency value because of their different qualities!

This is particularly deceiving, that is, writing and painting are divided into ordinary skills by Xu Fei. The first level is worth 5 points of proficiency, and the second level is worth 10 points of proficiency.

The excellent-level skills Golden Bell Shield and the exquisite-level skills Sanhua Chapter and Sword Sutra are also 5 points at the first level and 10 points at the second level.

The price/performance gap will be huge.

And now that he knows that there are cultivators in this world, Xu Fei can no longer squander his proficiency points as he did before.

In order to quickly promote the rapid upgrade of the two skills of Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic in the past few years, Xu Fei has used at least 30,000 points of proficiency points!

As a result, he now only has a pitiful 198 proficiency points left!

And some of them were just obtained in the past few days.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel distressed when he thought of these proficiency points that he had used casually.

After all, if there is a greater demand for proficiency points after cultivating immortality in the future, then these proficiency points that he has squandered...

Thinking of this, Xu Fei's heart hurt even more.

Therefore, in order to save the use of proficiency points, Xu Fei decided to only use high-quality internal skills and martial arts in the future to integrate the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic to enhance their effects.

As for ordinary skills and even excellent skills...

Just forget it, I can't afford to be hurt.

Thinking about plans for the future.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry to find internal skills and martial arts that could be regarded as high-quality.

Because Xu Fei plans to upgrade the Sanhua chapter to the second level 49 first, and integrate all the various internal skills he has learned so far into it before making any plans.

With the calculation in his mind, Xu Fei stopped wasting time and came to the courtyard to start practicing martial arts.

The current level of the Sanhua Chapter is still Level 2 47.

But the effect has been quite astonishing.

With Xu Fei's practice, the flesh, blood, organs, and even bone marrow are in harmony with the breath under the action of internal energy.

Use some methods to expel the redundant parts of the body that are harmful to the body.

Then, the beneficial aspects of the daily foods and supplements to the body can be better absorbed and applied to the body more evenly.

It is also the Sanhua Chapter that has such a magical effect.

Xu Fei's internal strength is so strong that it reaches more than 30 square meters.

After a while, the practice of Sanhua Chapter was completed.

Xu Fei added some water.

The effect of the Sanhua Chapter is very good, but the overly good effect is that Xu Fei has to eat a lot to satisfy his own needs.

And it must be highly nutritious foods such as pork and eggs.

If it is green vegetables and radish...

It is possible that Xu Fei will become weaker with practice.


Yongle County.

Looking at the city wall that was no more than two feet in front of her, a woman wearing a draped hat withdrew her gaze.

The curtain hat is the veiled hat that often appears in martial arts films.

It is one of the necessary items for women, especially beautiful women, to travel around the world.

At least by covering your face, you can reduce at least 90% of the trouble.

The situation of this woman is similar.

After all, she is the King of Heaven and the Fish.

Not only is his martial arts ranked among the seven heroes in the world, but his appearance is also rated as one of the four beauties by those who do good things.

But because one of the beauties is already married, they are basically called the third beauties now.

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