Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1369: Children can be taught


Zhui'er was so unaccustomed to the huge change in his identity that he almost called him by the wrong name again. He grinned stupidly before continuing, "Master, where do you want your disciple to go? The master is in trouble. Although the disciple's cultivation is low, Qian but you should do your best to protect the door and retreat together with the master and fellow disciples. How can you escape alone? In that case, how can the disciple have the face to return to Qianxu Palace? This is also embarrassing for you, the disciple. The masters will live and die together!"

Hengguan Immortal Lord said calmly, "I came out to find you because I wanted to give you this identity and then leave. There is a truth that you have to understand. Dragons and fish live together in the deep pool. When there is trouble in the pool, the dragon runs into the sea, and the phoenix and the bird live together." Living in the mountains and forests, there are troubles in the forest, and the phoenix flies to the nine heavens. For those mediocre disciples, Qianxu Palace is their lifelong support, and naturally they have to defend it to the death. But for you, Qianxu Palace is just a temporary habitat in your life. , there is absolutely no need for you to fight to the death for it, as long as you remember to do your best when you are able in the future, it will be more valuable than fighting a little monster to the death at the moment. .

Speaking of this, Hengguan Immortal Lord paused for a moment while looking at the frowning Zhui'er, then smiled and said, "It is right to repay kindness, but you have to make choices based on your own situation. Are you accepting the consequences?" The teachings of foolishness, loyalty, foolishness and filial piety have had a great impact. When I was a child, I must have heard too many stories about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. When the country was in trouble, the people would die in repayment. This kind of statement was preached to the people by the princes in order to make the people work for them. People think this is a matter of course and a matter of honor. In fact, people farm and eat wherever they go. If they can go to the land of the benevolent king, they will live a better life than before. They want to die in retribution. It depends on whether the favor is worth your life. Now you feel that you should risk your life to defend Qianxu Palace because you are still young and don’t know what a good material you are. If you receive a little favor, you feel that it is worth your life. , so it’s normal to have this thought, but from my point of view, it’s a pity, so I have to let you leave.”

Zhui'er grinned slightly, still a little hard to accept, but Hengguan Xianzun patiently gave him

After talking so much, he didn't dare to say anything obnoxious again.

Hengguan Immortal Lord shook his head slightly and said, "You should understand the truth at this point. Let's put it this way. As the eleventh generation disciple in charge of Qianxu Palace, in your opinion, should I be with Qianxu Palace?" What about coexistence and death?”

"Uh... you... you are a person close to the Immortal Sect. You are already detached from the world. Naturally, it is not worth risking your life for Qianxu Palace."

Immortal Lord Hengguan nodded and said, "If you were in trouble in that country in the mortal world, would you defend that country to the death, or would you choose to send your family and friends to a safe place and just sit back and do nothing?"

Zhui'er answered honestly, "If I can send my family and relatives to a safe place, then I will definitely not fight to the death."

Hengguan Immortal Lord stared at him and said, "This is what I am doing at the moment. I will not ask any of my disciples to defend Qianxu Palace to the death, and I will try my best to let those who should not stay go away and take refuge, especially the disciples of Xianlin Academy." It's time for everyone to leave, understand? You didn't cause this disaster, so you have no responsibility to fight to the death. I won't stop you if you are willing to live and die with your master, because they may not be able to find a better place if they abandon Qianxu Palace. If they can keep the Qianxu Palace, they will benefit from it in the future."

"Disciple understands." Zhui'er nodded vigorously. Although he still felt that it was unethical to escape before the battle, he also realized that the principles taught by Hengguan Immortal Lord had merit. After all, his own realm was different from that of a Feather Immortal. The state of Zun is incomparable.

Immortal Lord Hengguan could finally breathe a sigh of relief and warned, "The reason why I secretly accepted you as a disciple here is because of the consideration of Qianxu Palace in case it cannot withstand this disaster. If Qianxu Palace falls, , your identity will easily bring you

A fatal disaster is coming, so you'd better keep this secret as much as possible until this disaster is over. If you really need to use this identity, just showing the scene of becoming a disciple is enough as proof, but you must be cautious. This is all I can do for you. "As he spoke, he turned over his hand and took out a long black spear and handed it to Zhui'er, "This spiritual treasure is called 'Wu Ting'. It can only be refined at the earliest stage of the final stage of pill formation. I have no time to return as a teacher. Ding, it’s hard to say when we’ll have another chance to meet again, so I’ll leave it to you first. "

"Master..." Zhui'er knelt down with the Wuting Spear in his hand, and tears immediately burst out of his eyes. Hengguan Xianzun's love for him made him feel that he couldn't bear it.

Immortal Lord Hengguan said calmly, "What you have done to me is just a piece of cake. Even this spiritual treasure is like scrap metal in my eyes. It is just for a certain disciple, so you don't have to In this way, you have helped me a lot in my understanding of Xuansu astronomy. Logically speaking, I should give you more care, but the current situation is like this. I can only do this for now. If I can do it in the future, When we meet again, let's renew our relationship as master and disciple. I don't want to have any more ties in this world, do you understand?"

Zhui'er wiped his tears and stood up and said, "Disciple understands, the grace given by Master to disciples is enough. As for the matter you mentioned about Xuansu Astronomy, no matter how disciples helped Master, it is not as far as the disciples are concerned." It's just some random speculation, it's cheaper than your 'little effort', don't you think so?"

Immortal Lord Hengguan nodded approvingly and said with a smile, "You can teach me, so I can leave with peace of mind. You can take care of yourself."

"Well! Disciple, if you can take care of yourself, I wish the master will come to the immortal gate soon." Zhui'er bowed and bowed with a smile on his face. Because he had experienced changes in his feelings for his family, when Hengguan Immortal Lord mentioned that he did not want to be more involved, he completely understood that the great magical power of Huayu did not want him to never forget his teacher, so he expressed his surging gratitude. Feelings

After suppressing it, he changed into this calm and peaceful attitude.

Hengguan Immortal Lord nodded happily, put away his protective divine light, waved to Huaying who was standing in the distance, and then said to Zhui'er, "I plan to let the disciples of Xianlin Academy live temporarily in Yuanyi State. "What do you think?"

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and thought for a while and said, "My disciple has developed some friendship with Shen Qing. This time the Qingyuan Sect will not be any better than our Qianxu Palace. I want to discuss it with her. It would be best if she can avoid this disaster. Disciple has already made a plan, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

"Okay, then do whatever you want." Hengguan Xianzun became more and more satisfied with Zhui'er's performance. Just now, he thought that the child was a bit childish and not strong enough and courageous, but now he said a few words: The child seemed to have become a different person.

The painting that flew over at this moment saw Zhui'er talking to Hengguan Immortal Lord so calmly, her eyes almost widened.

Hengguan Immortal Lord looked at Huaying and said, "You have outstanding qualifications, but it is not easy to enter the realm of feathers. You need to have a higher vision. If you have too many calculations, you will never be able to achieve great results." "

Huaying thanked him sincerely and said, "Yes! I have learned the lesson, and I will definitely follow my master's teachings from now on."

Hengguan Immortal Master said calmly, "I have accepted Lang Xing as my disciple. You are not allowed to tell anyone about this. If he needs your help in doing anything, just do it and don't interfere with his affairs." "

"Yes..." Huaying was so shocked that her eyes widened, she was startled for a moment before she hurriedly bowed down.

Hengguan Immortal Lord stopped paying attention to Huaying, and turned to look at Zhui'er with calm eyes.

Zhui'er smiled happily and said, "Master, please just relax. This disciple can be free this time."

Hengguan Immortal Lord smiled hoarsely, and even he, a monk who transformed into a feather, could not help but be affected by Zhui'er's silly smile.

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