Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1377 I...can learn it

After placing an order for Huaying to make talismans, the next step was to ask Danzi for poison pills. But when Zhui'er went to ask for Danzi, the senior brother was out. He left a message to Zhui'er on a jade slip, He said he was going out to do some errands and it would take some time before he could come back.

After reading the jade slips, Zhui'er felt a little anxious. Judging from his experience in using it, the poisonous pills of Wendanzi were more powerful than the talismans that painted shadows. If he couldn't take a few poisonous pills with him, his confidence would have to be lost. Most of it.

In the message, Wen Danzi only said that he would go out for a period of time. For a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, it is hard to say how long this period of time will be. Months are it, years are it, and ten years are also it, but falling I think it must be longer than a month. If it were only a month, there would be no need to leave a message for him even if I asked Danzi.

What on earth has this senior brother been doing? Zhui'er turned around and went to find Guangpu to inquire. Guangpu didn't know anything about this. He asked Danzi where he was and never said hello to him. Zhui'er ran out again to find the "Third Senior Brother" who was guarding the entrance of Wanfaqiu. "Third Senior Brother" was now very polite to Zhui'er, but he only knew that Wen Danzi left shortly after Huaying and the three of them went out. As for what he was doing, he had no way of knowing.

Zhui'er had no choice but to search for the classics he needed to prepare for leaving. Some of the classics in the alchemy area did not require layer-by-layer comprehension before you could see the next step, but most of the important classics were still banned. , and it’s not the full version. If you want to read the full version, you need to go to the Jade Scripture Pavilion in Dolang Mountain. Of course, you need to have a certain amount of capital to go to the Jade Scripture Pavilion. If you ask Danzi, you can go, but Zhuoer definitely can’t. seems to be working now. He is a close disciple of Hengguan Immortal Lord. Among the few magic formulas left by the Immortal Lord for him, there is a magic formula to enter the Jade Scripture Pavilion.

Do you want to go to Yujing Pavilion to copy some classics? Zhui'er was hesitant about this. Firstly, if he wanted to go to the Jade Scripture Pavilion, he would inevitably reveal the secret that Hengguan Immortal Lord had accepted him as his disciple. Secondly, he was not that interested in learning alchemy anymore. After thinking about it again and again, he decided to forget it. The classics he collected now were enough for him to learn, so there was no need to worry about it. The master had just accepted him as his disciple, and it seemed too shallow for him to reveal his identity.

It took Zhui'er a full month to collect classics. This was not because he wanted to collect a lot, but because he was too restless to do anything else anyway, so he just used this to pass the time. After a month, he almost After reading all the classics in the alchemy area, when he walked to the place where the Xuanfang Sect's classics were hidden again, he remembered the Soul-Guarding Pill. This was something that monsters dreamed of, and it was estimated that this time the Xuanfang Sect would also become one. The important target of the monster, looking at the three words "Xuanfang Sect" on the stone tablet on the roadside, he had the urge to see what this sect was like. This idea had arisen many times, but Every time he wanted to take action, he always felt that it was meaningless. He didn't want to admit it but he knew it in his heart - it was because of Xun Yi. He admired Xun Yi, but Shen Qing praised Xun Yi. It was too high and he cared too much about Xun Yi, which made him have an indescribable feeling of resistance to Xun Yi. Although this feeling was not very strong, it was enough to make him choose to avoid anything related to Xun Yi as much as possible. .

Don’t even look at it! Zhui'er once again suppressed the idea of ​​going to the Xuanfang Sect to see his true appearance, and walked towards the next room where the classics were hidden.

On this day, Zhui'er felt that he had almost copied all the classics he wanted to bring, so he went to Lu Gang's residence to see what this brother was busy with.

As soon as Lu Gang saw Zhuo'er coming, his eyes immediately gleamed, and he complained, "How can you be so calm? Once you get into your shop, you won't come out. I go to your residence every day to look for you." , I'm so anxious!" He

If you fail the test to enter the alchemy area, you will not be able to go to the area where Zhui'er is staying.

Zhui'er criticized, "It's only been more than a month. Why are you in a hurry? I told you to grasp the spell first."

Lu Gang mysteriously took Zhui'er's arm and said, "I am just doing magic. What I want to practice most is an ancient mystical art called 'Burning Hatred', but that book only has one layer of skills." , there is no more down there.”

Zhui'er smiled contemptuously and said, "You didn't understand the first level thoroughly, right?"

"There is only one layer!" Lu Gang took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhui'er, "I have understood it thoroughly. I added later that this spell is a Xuanmen secret. You must have a high enough talent and get the approval of the Huayu monk. Only with permission can you continue to practice." He expected that Zhui'er would not understand the first level of skills just to read the postscript at the end, so he deceived Zhui'er. In fact, the postscript said that practicing this spell would lead to violence. This is why you need permission from an expert before you can continue learning.

"Oh? So this spell must be quite extraordinary." Zhui'er said while fiddling with the jade slip.

Lu Gang nodded repeatedly and said, "I really want to practice this spell and think it is particularly suitable for me. Can you help me think of a way?"

Zhui'er frowned and thought, "This is not easy to handle. Do you have to learn this? We have so many spells here."

Lu Gang spread his hands and said, "I have worked the most on this before. Where can I learn other things now? And I really like this spell. Didn't you say you want to find a way to get two complete sets of spells? Just help me." Get this door."

Zhui'er gnashed his teeth and said, "What I mean is that I want two sets of spells they have learned from my senior brothers and sisters. You... I guess you haven't practiced them even with senior brothers Danzi and Huaying."

"Then you have no other choice? I can only rely on you for this matter." Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er with sincere eyes. He was so encouraged by others to support Zhui'er.

"Your... um, the person who takes care of you, can he help with this?"

As if he had just remembered, Lu Gang reported to Zhuo'erhui, "By the way, I have been promised that I can leave Qianxu Palace for refuge. As for the magic, how can I have the nerve to mention it to them? They have already helped me so much." Now, I can’t push myself too far.”

Zhui'er grinned and nodded, "That's right, we really can't make such excessive demands anymore."

Lu Gang secretly laughed in his heart. The idea of ​​forcing Zhui'er to do this was given to him by that person. Of course, that person did not tell Lu Gang that Zhui'er had a new identity at this moment. He only said that Hengguan Xianzun doted on Zhui'er very much. Zhuo'er should be able to do it, and Lu Gang wanted to get this spell too much, so he had no choice but to embarrass brother Zhuo'er and give it a try.

Zhui'er bit her lip for a while and asked, "How powerful is this spell? Is it worth all the effort?"

Seeing that Zhui'er was in such a difficult situation, Lu Gang couldn't bear it. But thinking about the meaning of this spell to him, he made up his mind and nodded vigorously and said, "This spell is very unusual, otherwise it wouldn't be given to us only." Leave a layer of skills? This is the secret technique of Xuanmen!"

Zhui'er swallowed, and once again expressed his evasiveness implicitly, "Since it is a Xuanmen secret technique, and no one will teach you, can you learn it? Are there any risks?"

"I... can learn." Lu Gang blinked and looked at Zhuo'er and said dryly.

The two of them were trapped in the love of brotherhood, and at this moment they were a little overwhelmed. As long as either party worked a little harder, they would get the desired result. After placing an order for Huaying to make talismans, the next step was to ask Danzi for poison pills. But when Zhui'er went to ask for Danzi, the senior brother was out. He left a message to Zhui'er on a jade slip, He said he was going out to do some errands and it would take some time before he could come back.

After reading the jade slips, Zhui'er felt a little anxious. Judging from his experience in using it, the poisonous pills of Wendanzi were more powerful than the talismans that painted shadows. If he couldn't take a few poisonous pills with him, his confidence would have to be lost. Most of it.

In the message, Wen Danzi only said that he would go out for a period of time. For a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is hard to say how long this period of time will be. Months are it, years are it, and ten years are also it, but falling I think it must be longer than a month. If it were only a month, there would be no need to leave a message for him even if I asked Danzi.

What on earth has this senior brother been doing? Zhui'er turned around and went to find Guangpu to inquire. Guangpu didn't know anything about this. He asked Danzi where he was and never said hello to him. Zhui'er ran out again to find the "Third Senior Brother" who was guarding the entrance of Wanfaqiu. "Third Senior Brother" was now very polite to Zhui'er, but he only knew that Wen Danzi left shortly after Huaying and the three of them went out. As for what he was doing, he had no way of knowing.

Zhui'er had no choice but to search for the classics he needed to prepare for leaving. Some of the classics in the alchemy area did not require layer-by-layer comprehension before you could see the next step, but most of the important classics were still banned. , and it’s not the full version. If you want to read the full version, you need to go to the Jade Scripture Pavilion in Dolang Mountain. Of course, you need to have a certain amount of capital to go to the Jade Scripture Pavilion. If you ask Danzi, you can go, but Zhuoer definitely can’t. seems to be working now. He is a close disciple of Hengguan Immortal Lord. Among the few magic formulas left by the Immortal Lord for him, there is a magic formula to enter the Jade Scripture Pavilion.

Do you want to go to Yujing Pavilion to copy some classics? Zhui'er was hesitant about this. Firstly, if he wanted to go to the Jade Scripture Pavilion, he would inevitably reveal the secret that Hengguan Immortal Lord had accepted him as his disciple. Secondly, he was not that interested in learning alchemy anymore. After thinking about it again and again, he decided to forget it. The classics he collected now were enough for him to learn, so there was no need to worry about it. The master had just accepted him as his disciple, and it seemed too shallow for him to reveal his identity.

It took Zhui'er a full month to collect classics. This was not because he wanted to collect a lot, but because he was too restless to do anything else anyway, so he just used this to pass the time. After a month, he almost After reading all the classics in the alchemy area, when he walked to the place where the Xuanfang Sect's classics were hidden again, he remembered the Soul-Guarding Pill. This was something that monsters dreamed of, and it was estimated that this time the Xuanfang Sect would also become one. The important target of the monster, looking at the three words "Xuanfang Sect" on the stone tablet on the roadside, he had the urge to see what this sect was like. This idea had arisen many times, but Every time he wanted to take action, he always felt that it was meaningless. He didn't want to admit it but he knew it in his heart - it was because of Xun Yi. He admired Xun Yi, but Shen Qing praised Xun Yi. It was too high and he cared too much about Xun Yi, which made him have an indescribable feeling of resistance to Xun Yi. Although this feeling was not very strong, it was enough to make him choose to avoid anything related to Xun Yi as much as possible. .

Don’t even look at it! Zhui'er once again suppressed the idea of ​​going to the Xuanfang Sect to see his true appearance, and walked towards the next room where the classics were hidden.

On this day, Zhui'er felt that he had almost copied all the classics he wanted to bring, so he went to Lu Gang's residence to see what this brother was busy with.

As soon as Lu Gang saw Zhuo'er coming, his eyes immediately gleamed, and he complained, "How can you be so calm? Once you get into your shop, you won't come out. I go to your residence every day to look for you." , I'm so anxious!" He

If you fail the test to enter the alchemy area, you will not be able to go to the area where Zhui'er is staying.

Zhui'er criticized, "It's only been more than a month. Why are you in a hurry? I told you to grasp the spell first."

Lu Gang mysteriously took Zhui'er's arm and said, "I am just doing magic. What I want to practice most is an ancient mystical art called 'Burning Hatred', but that book only has one layer of skills." , there is no more down there.”

Zhui'er smiled contemptuously and said, "You didn't understand the first level thoroughly, right?"

"There is only one layer!" Lu Gang took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhui'er, "I have understood it thoroughly. I added later that this spell is a Xuanmen secret. You must have a high enough talent and obtain the approval of the Huayu monk. Only with permission can you continue to practice." He expected that Zhui'er would not understand the first level of skills just to read the postscript at the end, so he deceived Zhui'er. In fact, the postscript said that practicing this spell would lead to violence. This is why you need permission from an expert before you can continue learning.

"Oh? So this spell must be quite extraordinary." Zhui'er said while fiddling with the jade slip.

Lu Gang nodded repeatedly and said, "I really want to practice this spell and think it is particularly suitable for me. Can you help me think of a way?"

Zhui'er frowned and thought, "This is not easy to handle. Do you have to learn this? We have so many spells here."

Lu Gang spread his hands and said, "I have worked the most on this before. Where can I learn other things now? And I really like this spell. Didn't you say you want to find a way to get two complete sets of spells? Just help me." Get this door."

Zhui'er gnashed his teeth and said, "What I mean is that I want two sets of spells they have learned from my senior brothers and sisters. You... I guess you haven't practiced them even with senior brothers Danzi and Huaying."

"Then you have no other choice? I can only rely on you for this matter." Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er with sincere eyes. He was so encouraged by others to support Zhui'er.

"Your... um, the person who takes care of you, can he help with this?"

As if he had just remembered, Lu Gang reported to Zhuo'erhui, "By the way, I have been promised that I can leave Qianxu Palace for refuge. As for the magic, how can I have the nerve to mention it to them? They have already helped me so much." Now, I can’t push myself too far.”

Zhui'er grinned and nodded, "That's true. We really can't make such excessive demands anymore."

Lu Gang secretly laughed in his heart. The idea of ​​forcing Zhui'er to do this was given to him by that person. Of course, that person did not tell Lu Gang that Zhui'er had a new identity at this moment. He only said that Hengguan Xianzun doted on Zhui'er very much. Zhuo'er should be able to do it, and Lu Gang wanted to get this spell too much, so he had no choice but to embarrass brother Zhuo'er and give it a try.

Zhui'er bit her lip for a while and asked, "How powerful is this spell? Is it worth all the effort?"

Seeing that Zhui'er was in such a difficult situation, Lu Gang couldn't bear it. But thinking about the meaning of this spell to him, he made up his mind and nodded vigorously and said, "This spell is very unusual, otherwise it wouldn't be given to us only." Leave a layer of skills? This is the secret technique of Xuanmen!"

Zhui'er swallowed, and once again expressed his evasiveness implicitly, "Since it is a Xuanmen secret technique, and no one will teach you, can you learn it? Are there any risks?"

"I... can learn." Lu Gang blinked and looked at Zhuo'er and said dryly.

The two of them were trapped in the love of brotherhood, and at this moment they were a little overwhelmed. As long as either party worked a little harder, they would get the desired result.

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