Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1412 Mu Hui will never be seen again

Mu Hui now took it seriously. After all, this was the news told by the disciples of Qianxu Palace.

She collected the two spiritual grasses, and then without any explanation, she gave all the spiritual stones to Zhui'er, and said very decisively, "I collected the spiritual grasses, and I have recorded this affection. You can take these spiritual stones first, while you are here." Wait for me, I'll go sell the things and pay off the rest. That Drunk Immortal Grass can sell a lot of spiritual stones, I'll keep some of it and you can take the rest."

Zhui'er smiled and said, "No need, we have quite a lot of spiritual stones."

"No! This has to be done by me." Mu Hui pursed her lips tightly after saying this, as if Zhui'er wouldn't agree if she didn't agree.

Zhui'er couldn't even persuade her several times, and finally said, "Okay, don't sell it too cheaply. We are not in a hurry to leave. We can just wait a few more days."

"Okay, I can be back in one day at most. You should go to the woods and wait for me." After Mu Hui finished speaking, he hurried away in a hurry.

Lu Gang and Shu Yan, who were waiting behind, saw Mu Hui leaving in a hurry, so they came over to ask what was going on.

Zhui'er said with a bad smile, "This sister is really a busy person. When she gets busy, she cares about the beginning and not the end. I lied to her. Let's not talk about it now. Let's leave here as soon as possible. In case she wakes up and comes back." It’s a waste of words.”

Early the next morning, Mu Hui hurried back with excitement on her face. The Drunken Immortal Grass was sold for 260 Yuan Ying Stones. This price satisfied her. What also made her excited was that this was the first time in her life. It was the biggest deal she had ever made. It felt so good to carry so many Yuanying Stones. She had already thought about it. She wanted ten Yuanying Stones at most. No matter what those three people said, she would never take one more. , people are so sincere and generous to her, she can't be greedy for this money.

Zhui'er really overestimated this busy sister. Mu Hui didn't wake up until she entered the dense forest and saw a jade slip on the ground. She hurriedly grabbed the jade slip and examined it, and immediately stamped her feet in anger. .

Only the jade slips

He left a message, "Sister Hui, you will have to be more thoughtful in the future."

"You damn star!" Mu Hui jumped into the air and looked around. Where could she find the three figures?

Looking at the empty sky, she couldn't help but sigh. Since they wanted to give this spiritual stone to her so sincerely, it would be boring to look for these three people. In addition to feeling endless gratitude, She also understood at this time that this seemingly honest and simple Langxing was no less thoughtful than her younger junior brother. If she carefully recalled what he said, it was not difficult to find that this boy had a clear mind and looked at affairs. It has a sense of overlooking. This is the perspective that only a person with great wisdom can have. Compared with him, I feel like a child with a narrow vision.

"Lang Xing, you must be good. I will listen to you. I won't remember Shen Qing's grudge for now. I hope you are right. I hope that my junior brother will have no regrets in the underground now. I also hope that I can repay you in the future. Your chance."

After silently wishing in her heart, she touched the Qiankun bag containing two hundred and sixty Nascent Soul Stones and two precious spiritual herbs, and hurried back to the Xuanfang Sect with great joy.

She would not know at this time that this would be the last time she and Lang Xing saw each other. Perhaps the fate between the two of them was over now. She would not be able to see her master Su Wan again. After returning to the Xuanfang Sect Soon, the Tianlu Alliance sent someone to inform them to find Su Wan who was out as soon as possible. The Xuanfang sect disciples immediately left in droves. Mu Hui never came back. Some said she was in trouble, others said She met a lucky fate, but neither alive nor dead, her whereabouts became a mystery.

Zhui'er and the three of them changed their Taoist robes, and with the map, they suddenly felt more at ease.


Because there was no interest in killing monsters anymore, the three of them went straight to Zhui'er's hometown. After more than a month of flying, Zhui'er brought Lu Gang and Shu Yan into the cave where he killed the bats. This cave was enough It's so deep that if you're careful to hide it, you won't be discovered easily.

After settling his two companions, Zhui'er returned home alone.

Arriving above the town, Zhui'er was surprised to find that there were several more families in the big house. Most of the previously unused small courtyards were occupied, but the two courtyards where his parents and Xian'er lived were empty.

Why are your family members gone? Zhui'er's heart suddenly panicked. After experiencing Lu Gang's punishment, Zhui'er was more wary. This time he didn't plan to show up to meet his family. At most, he would show up in front of his mother to reassure her, but now he can't control it. So much, fly down and prepare to ask the gatekeeper about the situation.

Just at this moment, a lean old man drove a carriage to the gate. An old man guarding the gate greeted him and said, "Fat brother, why are you here? Where is the water egg?"

The lean old man cursed, "The little bastard has disappeared again. I'll break his legs when he gets back." ??

The old man guarding the door smiled and said, "You have said this eight hundred times. If you are reluctant to do it, I can help you fight when you come back."

The lean old man said upset, "Quick, quick, move the fish, move the fish."

The two old men then worked together to move the two baskets of fish off the car.

When Zhui'er heard the old gatekeeper calling the lean old man Fat Brother, he couldn't help but take another look at the lean old man and vaguely recognized that this man seemed to be the little Fat Brother in the village. Although nearly fifty years later, the old man was not the same as before. There is no trace of the young fat man's appearance on this old man's body, but the scar on his forehead is still there, and only this scar can

Let Zhui'er believe that this old man with white hair is the little fat brother from back then.

After bringing down the two baskets of fish, the old man looking after the door asked the little fat brother, "Are you okay, sir and madam? Is the second young master back?"

The lean little chubby brother said, "Everything is fine. The second young master should be back in a few days. The old lady asked me to tell you again. Don't forget to light up the lamp in her room at night. When you come out, Don’t forget to close the door to prevent the wind from blowing in.”

The old gatekeeper waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Hey, brother, don't bother bringing this letter in the future. I can't forget this even if I forget to eat. The old lady has told me this in person so many times. Don't worry, don't worry." , Go back and tell the old lady not to worry about this matter, there will never be any mistakes, and there will be no delay for one night. "

The lean little fat guy kicked the fish basket next to his feet and said, "Okay, you can find someone to share the fish with everyone. The old rule is, one pound per person. This biggest red carp is for you. This The old lady specially told you. The old lady cares about you so much. You should be more careful. If you dare to miss the old lady's instructions, I will not forgive you. "

The old gatekeeper said with gratitude, "Oh, look, the old lady still cares about me so much. When you go back, be sure to thank me in front of the old lady. Let the old lady live in peace and contentment. Tell the old lady , let’s just say that I, Ma Liu, have pledged my head. If one day I forget to light the lamp, I won’t want this old man.”

"Okay, let me go to the market to buy some things for my family first. If that little brat Shuidan comes, you can keep an eye on him and make sure I don't damage his legs." After the little fat brother finished speaking, he drove away in the carriage. .

From the conversation between the two, Zhui'er heard that his family was probably fine and had probably moved back to the village. Feeling a little relieved, he went to the yard where his parents lived invisibly, wanting to see why his mother was letting people live every night. Everyone needs to light up the lights.

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