Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1627 But I’m not blind!

This kind of celebration is a rare opportunity for great supernatural powers to discuss Tao. Because the atmosphere of this gathering was very harmonious, the discussion in the half-empty palace lasted for three full days.

For these people below, this kind of celebration is a good opportunity to form cliques, and it will be seven days before the last group of guests leave.

It should be said that there shouldn't be any trouble in a place where so many great monks gathered, but a few people who didn't know the heights of the world really started to fight. They didn't know the heights of the world at all, so they arranged the place for the fight to be far away from the banquet. There, the two parties fighting were the chief and deputy leaders of the Qian Shao League and the few brothers they led. Of course, when everyone noticed and rushed to stop it, these people said that they were confirming their cultivation. It was the first public internal fight of the Qian Shao League. It just happened, at the grand celebration held in Zixiao Palace.

Fairy Princess Huarui left the table before the discussion began, and took away Ruo'er who was being tortured. The master and disciple went back to continue chatting.

When the celebration reaches its peak, farewell begins. After the celebration is over, Fairy Huarui prepares to leave. Zixiao Palace is guarded by three Feather monks. She has no worries anymore. Zhui'er is just like Xunyi before. He was very attached to this master who was like a mother, and relied on his reluctant eyes to let Fairy Huarui stay for a few more days. It was not until he summoned Little Yunduo that Fairy Huarui could see it that he and his master Farewell. Xinxie left with his wife.

Later, Jiangxiao urged Zhixia several times to ask her to send him and Zhui'er back to Yunxing Pavilion, but Zhixia kept delaying. She had her own plan. She met Lingyun not long after seeing Xiaoyunduo in Nuandong. But the senior sister and the third junior sister haven't seen it yet. How can such a good thing not take care of the good sisters, so she asked Zhui'er to accompany these two senior sisters every day.

After understanding the second senior sister's intention, Zhui'er proposed to try the Xu Shui Secret Realm, where Xiao Yunduo was more likely to appear. He was more anxious to return to Yunxing Pavilion than Jiangxiao.

Sure enough, Xiaochun and Qingqiu met Xiao Yunduo within a few days after going to the Xu Shui Secret Realm, and they immediately retreated to the secret realm. With the help of little Yuanying, Zhui'er finally put away the little monkey, and then Zhixia personally sent Zhui'er and Jiangxiao back to Yunxing Pavilion.

Shen Qingta

They felt relieved when they saw Zhui'er back. Knowing that Xia Yin was going to study Fuyun Tianyi Lu with Xian Yucan, they settled down with Zhui'er and went back.

The atmosphere in Xingyun Pavilion relaxed as soon as Zhixia left. Zhui'er proudly gave Shu Yan and Lu Gang a few Ice Flower Pills. He asked Nuan Dong to refine more than 20 pills for him in one go, because it was Nanjingzhou's pill recipe cannot be given to Yuehong, Ping'er and others. Previously, only a few pills were given to Jiangxiao.

"Did you make it yourself?" Shu Yan looked at the almost transparent elixir.

"Huh!" Zhui'er proudly raised her chin as if she didn't want to answer.

"Then I don't dare to take it." Shu Yan looked at Zhui'er with doubtful eyes and said.

Zhui'er rolled his eyes in boredom. He didn't want to talk about this anymore, so he took out a lot of things and pushed them in front of everyone, "Whoever likes can take what they want. I'll keep it of no use."

He indeed has too many belongings, which have been distributed in Zixiao Palace. Whether they are gifts from the disciples of Baihua Island or received at the celebration meeting, Yan Bing has carefully sorted them out for him and communicated with him. The familiar inner sea disciples Jia Yuehong and Shao Ling all benefited more or less, and they even brought back two universe bags and three universe bags of spiritual stones.

Everyone went through the inspection and took some, even Xiyang took two things. Only Lingxiang stood there without reaching out. Jiangxiao chose a few things for her, but she refused to put them away.

"Okay, the rest is yours." Zhui'er put all the leftovers that everyone picked back into the Qiankun bag, and threw it to Lingxiang with a smile. Everyone took less than one-third, and the contents of this bag It's worth a lot of money, Jiangxiao was speechless when he saw this handiwork.

"No, no, no! No! No way!" Ling Xiang anxiously stuffed the Qiankun bag into Zhuo'er's hand.

"Then just think of it as keeping it for me." Zhui'er took out another Qiankun bag and shook it at her, "The things here are better, I always

You can't carry so many Qiankun bags with you. You can use the contents in this bag as you like. I'll give you some spiritual herbs, inner elixirs and other alchemy things later. I really have too many to use. "

Jiangxiao saw that Ling Xiang's face was flushed with anxiety, so he smiled and said, "Just take it if he gives it to you. This young man is already too rich to hold so many things."

"Then it's your turn to help him keep it." Ling Xiang wanted to give the Qiankun bag to Jiangxiao.

Jiang Xiao pushed away and said, "I don't bother to collect these rags for him. If I want to collect them, I have to collect the bag in his hand."

"What a beautiful idea!" Zhui'er laughed and put away the Qiankun bag in his hand, took out a bag containing spiritual stones and threw it to Jiangxiao, "I'll give you three points for this."

Jiangxiao checked it and found that there were six thousand Nascent Soul Stones inside. This handwriting shocked her again. She didn't know that the people from Baihua Island alone had given Zhui'er 60,000 Yuan Yingshi. Zhui'er was really rich now. use.

"Okay, it's time for me to practice. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it later." After enduring so much naivety, Zhui'er couldn't do it without enlightenment. There were so many flashing thoughts in his mind that it made him uneasy.

Jiangxiao frowned and said, "Why are you practicing like you have diarrhea? You can't wait even a moment."

Shu Yan covered her mouth and smiled, complaining, "That's right, we have been waiting in fear for so many days, and you didn't even say a word to us."

"Let him go." Shen Qing said calmly and then flew towards the Xinglin where he lived.

Zhui'er said to them with a bitter look on his face, "It's really like having diarrhea. It may take a few more years this time. Don't worry about me, I have to go now." When he turned to leave, he looked to the west Yang glanced at him and seemed to want to say something, but he held back and then left.

"Are you really leaving?" Lu Gang shouted dissatisfied.

Shu Yan pulled Lu Gang and whispered, "Looking at him like this, I really can't wait. Don't delay him."

At this time, Xi Yang used his spiritual thoughts to ask Jiang Xiao, "What did he want to say to me before he left?"


Xiao shook his head, "I don't know. I haven't been able to meet him a few times during this period. He has almost officially become the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace. From top to bottom, he is treated like a treasure. The four fairies of Tianhe Inner Sea are together.”

"He became the Eight Immortals?!" Xiyang was quite surprised.

Jiang Xiao glanced at him with a guilty look, "He mentioned this to me before. You have been healing, so I didn't tell you."

Shu Yan came over to Jiangxiao and asked, "What has the Second Immortal Concubine been doing since she took him to Zixiao Palace for so long?"

Jiangxiao opened her mouth and answered, "Guide him in his cultivation and find someone to teach him how to make alchemy. I don't know anything else." Regarding the matter of joining the Zixiao Palace, Zhui'er had told her not to tell Lu Gang and Shu Yan first, for fear of the two of them. People can't accept it.

Shu Yan asked in confusion, "Why is the Second Immortal Concubine so nice to him?"

Jiangxiao curled her lips and said, "It's just a coincidence, otherwise it could be anything else."

Lu Gang thoughtfully said, "This kid's life is so good, why does everyone treat him differently?"

Jiangxiao glanced at him sideways and said, "Are you jealous? Why don't you have the same talent as others? Besides, when others laugh, you glare. Can you compare? Let me choose. I also like him or not you. Only blind people I will like you." At the end, she glanced at Shu Yan deliberately.

Shu Yan was so angry that she bit her lip, but she couldn't answer the scolding.

Lu Gang waved his hand and said, "Yes, sister Jiangxiao, I have never offended you. Do you need to be so unforgiving?"

Jiangxiao pursed her lips and smiled and said, "I am here to teach you. Learn from Lang Xing more in the future and change your annoying appearance."

Lu Gang nodded in submission, turned around and ran away. He couldn't afford to offend Jiang Xiao.

Shu Yan looked at Jiang Xiao angrily and said, "You are annoying enough!" Then she ran away as if running away.

Jiang Xiao refused to suffer and said to her back, "But I'm not blind!"

Xiyang couldn't help but laugh, Jiangxiao was almost back to her previous state now.

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