Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1664 Are you the one who caused the trouble?

The warning sign was actually not without reason. Zhui'er immediately realized that the warning sign came from Xiao Yunduo. Xiao Yunduo, who has a strong detection ability, must have sensed the danger.

"Some powerful person is coming, let's retreat quickly." Zhui'er sent his spiritual thoughts to Jiangxiao while sensing the surrounding situation with his mind.

"Baby, you really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve."

Following this divine thought, Zhui'er sensed that three people were approaching from different directions in an outflanking manner. Listening to the connotations of this divine thought, it seemed that these three people were probably recruited by the old man who escaped. Jiangxiao's The judgment was wrong.

Jiangxiao also realized this. He pulled up Zhuo'er and was about to escape towards Yunxing Pavilion, but it was too late. The other party came too fast. Before he could run out of Qianzhang, three tall and thin monks with quite similar looks appeared. They surrounded them in a "pin" shape.

"It's best not to think of using an escape weapon, otherwise you will die miserably." One person warned them.

Jiangxiao shouted sharply, "We are from Zixiao Palace! Immortal Concubine Zhixia is over there. I advise you not to seek death on your own!" She was a little impatient. She couldn't tell the cultivation level of these three people, which meant that they Her cultivation level must be at least in the late Nascent Soul stage. While giving a sharp shout, she secretly said to Zhui'er, "I will entangle them, and you can use the earth to escape."

"It's too late, that's asking for death. Start by killing the one with the scar between his left eyebrows, and then the one on his right." Zhui'er seemed quite calm.

"They are all in the late Nascent Soul stage!" Jiangxiao really wanted to slap Zhui'er and make him wake up. He didn't even know what kind of cultivation he had, so he just arranged how to kill them. Zhui'er had this intention. How old?

The man with the scar between his eyebrows sneered, "Immortal Concubine Zhixia? Why didn't you say that Lord Zhengtian was also here? If there was an Immortal Concubine here, she would have come here long ago, from Zixiao Palace, right? Then Mrs. Okay, let's talk to Qiu Da from Zixiao Palace and hand over this little monkey and the three spiritual treasures obediently. We can give you a happy life. If you wait until we do something,

You will suffer the consequences if you use your hands. "The little monkey has a high level of cultivation and cannot be subdued easily. It would be a pity if it was injured.

"Hurry! Don't wait for us to take action!" Another person sent a powerful spiritual thought to Jiangxiao. He did not attack Zhuo'er at the same time, because such pressure would directly kill the young monk. They still had to keep him alive to search for the little monk's soul. A little thing that could kill three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks was worth their research.

Jiangxiao's expression changed horribly, and the light emitted by the activated defensive treasure dimmed a bit. The pressure exerted by the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage was enough for her to bear.

"Get down!" Seeing that Jiangxiao was obviously under attack, Zhui'er immediately shouted at the man with the scar between his eyebrows. It was time to take action!

The little monkey also let out a violent roar at the same time. It kept staring at the silent monk with its eyes full of death. It was because of this that the man never spoke.

Dao Scarmei was stunned by the drink, but Zhui'er failed to seize this opportunity to give him a fatal blow because the Xuanshui Sword flew out and hit the defensive barrier. When they warned them not to use the escape weapon He formed a magic circle and locked them up. Although Xuan Shui Sword broke through the magic circle powerfully, his speed was greatly reduced due to the obstruction. The person who spoke first not only opened Scar Eyebrow in time, but also sealed and castrated it. Shang Huan's Xuanshui Sword snatched it away.

When Jiangxiao saw Xuanshui Sword being taken away, she secretly screamed in her heart that it was over. Xuanshui Sword was their biggest support.

Zhui'er didn't expect that the trapping circle formed by the other party was so powerful, but he didn't look as desperate as Jiang Xiao. He even called the little monkey to prevent him from rushing out to fight. The little monkey couldn't defeat these late-stage Nascent Souls. big


"Hand over the other two spiritual treasures!" The man who received the Xuanshui Sword threatened Zhui'er.

Zhui'er caught a glimpse of the white-haired old man who escaped that day appearing in the distance, and said, "The old man only told you that there are three spiritual treasures?" When he said this, he secretly said to Jiang Xiao, "I will send you to a Don’t be afraid of this place.”

"What?" Jiangxiao didn't understand what he was talking about, but as soon as he sent this spiritual thought back, he felt in a trance. Then he saw that he had reached a strange space that could not reach the sky or the ground. Before he could recover, the little monkey The huge body appeared in front of him, and the little monkey couldn't understand what was happening. It was so frightened that it turned into a golden light and flew back to the string under Jiang Xiao's neck.

Zhui'er was afraid that Jiangxiao and the little monkey would be harmed, so he thought of putting them into the Qiankun Bag, but he couldn't hide in it. Even though he could escape for a while, people would definitely put a seal on the treasure after they picked it up. If you prevent them from coming out, you will become a turtle in the urn.

The three great monks were stunned. They did not see clearly how the man and the monkey disappeared. It was certain that they did not run out of the trapping circle, otherwise they would have noticed it.

After putting Jiangxiao and the little monkey away, Zhui'er felt much more at ease. While they were in a daze, he quietly launched an attack on the man who had been stared at by the little monkey for a long time. The attack with his mind was to create words in the stone. He wants to crush the other person's heart!

"Ah!" The man screamed and retreated quickly, and suddenly he was tens of thousands of feet away. This incident made the other two people even more furious, and they retreated together.

Zhui'er felt anxious when he saw that he couldn't kill the opponent at once, but he couldn't do anything because of his headache. He had tried his best just now, but it was a pity that his ability could only exert so much power.

"Who is teasing us here, Zhixia, is it you!" The three

The great monks stood back to back and stared around in horror.

"Huh! Today is your day of death!" Zhui'er endured his headache and threatened loudly, hoping to scare these three people away. The trapping circle was still there, and he didn't dare to use the escape treasure to break through easily, let alone escape. Go underground.

He was still inexperienced, so it was better not to say anything. This sound attracted the three people's attention to his face that turned pale due to pain.

"Is it you who caused the trouble?" Dao Scarmei asked doubtfully.

Zhui'er pretended to be calm and ignored him. She closed her eyes and sat leisurely in the air with one leg crossed and the other hanging diagonally. She performed a magic formula with both hands. She had a peaceful face as if she was about to meditate. After setting up her posture, he just Wait for the other person to come closer and recite the spell.

The three great monks secretly discussed for a while and then slowly came closer. They figured out that if Zhixia was really teasing them, it would be impossible for them to escape from an immortal concubine. After thinking about it, they still felt like this little The kid was causing trouble, but he was so evil that they didn't dare to be careless this time. They planned to seal the kid and take him back first.

Zhui'er expected that they would attack him when they came this time, so he didn't dare to let them get too close. He chanted the spell when they were still five thousand feet away.

The expressions of the three great monks changed again. This time they were able to confirm that it was this little brat who was causing trouble. Although the spell was quite powerful, it did not cause them much trouble. Scar Eyebrow speeded up and came closer.

The spell in Zhui'er's mouth suddenly stopped, he suddenly opened his eyes and pointed his right index finger towards Dao Scar's brow.

Dao Scar was afraid that he would have too many strange moves, so he subconsciously stepped back, but there was no danger at all, so he couldn't help but look at Zhui'er in confusion.

s: Thanks to Heenoy for your large reward and monthly ticket. I will update it twice a day tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

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