Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1921 She is still a female disciple

"Junlu Sect? I'm familiar with several Taoist friends there. Who are you going to see?" Su Wan asked with interest.

"'s not about the Junlu Sect, it's about my disciple. I'm leaving her there temporarily. I'll come back after taking a look at her."

Lang Xing was obviously perfunctory, but Su Wan was still interested and said, "I just went to their place not long ago. Who are you familiar with? Since I can take care of your disciples for you, there must be some friendship."

"It's a disciple of the Junlu Sect whom I met in the military camp." Lang Xing was even more perfunctory.

"Who is it? I'll go with you and see your disciples. When you said you had a disciple earlier, I really wanted to see what kind of person you had." Su Wan showed enthusiasm. She almost burned Jiangxiao around her. Of course, Jiangxiao understood that she was going to investigate Langxing carefully.

Langxing turned around and waved his hands and said, "No, no! This trip is not close. You should go back to Xiyang and others first to report that they are safe. Xiyang must be worried in case he gets into trouble with Huang Ying again. It’s not good.”

Su Wan said with a rare refreshing tone, "Just ask Jiang Xiao to go back and report. I'm here to see your disciples, and secondly, I'm going to see the fellow Taoists of the Junlu Sect."

Jiangxiao smiled helplessly and said to Lang Xing, "Then you go, I will go back to report that you are safe." If she didn't help Su Wan, Su Wan would definitely be more suspicious of her.

"This..." Lang Xing was about to cry but had no tears. Could it be that he had trapped himself in a cocoon. He originally wanted to avoid Su Wan, but this time it was better. Even Jiangxiao left. Facing the passionate Su Wan, he had no excuse to refuse. Can't find it either.

"Show me what your disciple looks like." Su Wan's eyes were filled with eagerness.

Jiangxiao had no choice but to touch Su Wan's arm, and sent a spiritual message to remind her, "You're overacting, he's so clever, don't let him see that something's wrong."

Su Wan hurriedly covered it up and said, "I'm really curious about what kind of person you would accept as a disciple."

Langxing showed Bai Xiang's image and peeked at Jiangxiao, hoping that Jiangxiao would help him form a circle. Jiangxiao was naturally helpless, so she had to pretend not to understand that look.

"She's actually a female disciple!" Su Wan said with a smile in her eyes, her expression less controlled this time.

"Haha, her name is Bai Xiang." Lang Xing glanced at Jiang Xiao again.

Su Wan suddenly said, "So she is Bai Xiang. Sijia mentioned this name and said you wanted to buy her something."

Jiangxiao still ignored Lang Xing's eyes and said with a smile, "This girl is very lucky. Not to mention becoming a disciple of Qianxu Palace, with a rich master like you, I don't have to worry about anything. I have just embarked on my cultivation journey." I'm really poor at that time, and Master doesn't have anything good to give me."

Seeing that she ignored him, Langxing was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

Su Wan took up Jiang Xiao's words with great interest and said, "I'm better off. Although the Xuanfang sect is a small sect, it is not poor by selling elixirs. The master also loves me very much. He has never paid for spiritual stones or elixirs." These things have made me sad, but of course they can’t compare with this Baixiang. I watched Langxing buy a hairpin with one hundred Nascent Soul stones in the market without blinking an eye, which was worth one hundred thousand souls. We can’t even think about the treasures of stone during its opening and melting period.”

At this point, she took out a sword with an emerald-green bamboo-shaped scabbard, glanced at Lang Xing from the corner of her eye, and said to Jiang Xiao, "This jade bamboo sword is what I had originally."

The most valuable magic weapon there is. "

"This sword is quite good." Jiang Xiao said perfunctorily, and glanced nervously at Lang Xing.

When Langxing saw the Jade Bamboo Sword, his eyes were clearly fixed and he seemed to be absent-minded. He had treasured this sword in his previous life until his death.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly interrupted and said, "There's no need to show off to me. Speaking of treasures, I had two pieces at the beginning, but they were sold later. If you don't want to give this sword to Bai Xiang, just put it away quickly. Look at Lang Xing." How much he misses his disciples, and gets jealous when he sees a suitable treasure. "

Upon hearing this, Lang Xing hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I didn't mean that. I just think this sword is special."

Su Wan glanced at Jiang Xiao, with a hint of blame in her eyes, and said, "If you want to give me something else, just give it away. This one was given by my mentor. I told you that it can only be passed on to my disciples."

Lang Xing waved his hand again, "Don't listen to Jiang Xiao's nonsense. Bai Xiang has enough treasures. You don't need to give her anything."

Jiangxiao smiled and said, "I really don't have anything suitable for her, but this meeting gift must be given. Your disciple, we can't treat her badly. Xiyang and I will prepare something for her later."

"No need, don't bother." Lang Xing is not as greedy for money as Xun Yi.

Being disturbed by Jiang Xiao, Su Wan had no choice but to put away the Yuzhu Sword first, and echoed, "She is your first disciple. We should show her respect. I will choose two for her when we pass by Jingfang City." A dress."

"If you don't mind it, I won't stop you. I'll thank you on her behalf first." Lang Xing didn't have the time to care about this, secretly worrying about how to get rid of Su Wan.

"You haven't told me who sent her to the Junlu sect on behalf of someone else." Su Wan was exactly the opposite of Lang Xing, acting very leisurely.

"I know Bai Ling. I asked her two sisters Xuan Ling and Xue Ling to help me take care of Bai Xiang."

"From Ling Zi? If you don't want to take her away for the time being, I can help you say hello to Fairy Xiangyun. She is the ninth elder of the Junlu Sect. I have some friendship with her."

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "This... is not urgent. If she is willing to stay in Yunlu Sect for a long time in the future, please ask for a favor for me. Now it is enough for Xuan Ling and Xue Ling to take care of her. She seems to want to follow me to Qianxu Palace." "It's okay. It's not a big deal. It's just taking care of a child. Just let Fairy Xiangyun ask about it occasionally. I still have a good relationship with her for asking her to do this." Su Wan's enthusiasm made it difficult for Lang Xing to refuse. There was no need to think of a way to get rid of her. Su Wan was determined to follow him. Turning back and looking forward again, Lang Xing was not so worried. He wanted to avoid Su Wan because he felt ashamed. Seeing Su Wan's enthusiasm, it seemed that she didn't take his embarrassing things to heart. If he was still awkward, he would appear petty. People are like this. The reason why Lang Xing went to seek revenge on the old man regardless of anything was largely because he lost face in front of Su Wan. Now Su Wan showed that she didn't care and rushed to get close to him, so he felt much better. Although his hatred for the old man would not be eliminated, he would not be like Lu Gang who could not live without venting his anger.

Once his mood changed, avoiding became a panicked expectation. Su Wan's performance in danger had many things that made him admire her. In addition, he had a good impression of this gentle fairy. Now the only thing that made him unable to let go was Yu Chan. "Yunlu Sect? I am familiar with several Taoist friends there. Who are you going to see?" Su Wan asked with interest.

"Well... I'm not going to see the people of Yunlu Sect, I'm going to see my disciple. I've temporarily left her there. I'm going to see her and come back."

Lang Xing clearly showed a perfunctory attitude, but Su Wan was still interested and said, "I just went to their place not long ago. Who are you familiar with? Since he can take care of your disciples for you, there must be some friendship."

"It's a disciple of Yunlu Sect that I met in the military camp." Lang Xing was even more perfunctory.

"Who is it? I'll go with you and take a look at your disciple. When you said you had a disciple before, I really wanted to see what kind of person you accepted." Su Wan's enthusiasm almost burned Jiang Xiao beside her. Jiang Xiao certainly understood that she was going to examine Lang Xing carefully.

Lang Xing turned around and waved his hand, saying, "No, no! This trip is not close, you should go back and tell Xiyang and the others that you are safe. Xiyang must be worried. It would be bad if he quarrels with Huang Ying again."

Su Wan said in a rare straightforward tone, "Just let Jiang Xiao go back and tell them the news. I am going to see your disciples and the Taoist friends of Yunlu Sect."

Jiang Xiao smiled helplessly and said to Lang Xing, "Then you go. I will go back and tell them that I am safe." If she didn't help Su Wan, Su Wan would definitely be more suspicious of her.

"This..." Lang Xing wanted to cry but had no tears. This was just a trap for himself. He wanted to avoid Su Wan, but now even Jiang Xiao left. Facing the passionate Su Wan, he couldn't find any excuse to refuse.

"Show me what your disciple looks like." Su Wan's eyes were full of eagerness.

Jiang Xiao had to touch Su Wan's arm and sent a telepathic reminder, "You're acting a little too much. He's very cunning. Don't let him see that something's wrong." Su Wan hurriedly covered up and said, "I'm really curious about what kind of person you will accept as a disciple." Lang Xing showed Bai Xiang's image and glanced at Jiang Xiao, wanting Jiang Xiao to help him make a circle. Jiang Xiao was naturally helpless and had to pretend that he didn't understand that look. "It's actually a female disciple!" Su Wan said with a smile in her eyes, and this time her expression was not so exaggerated. "Haha, her name is Bai Xiang." Lang Xing glanced at Jiang Xiao again. Su Wan suddenly realized, "So she is Bai Xiang. Si Jia mentioned this name and said you should buy something for her."

Jiang Xiao still ignored Lang Xing's eyes and said with a smile, "This girl is really lucky. Not only has she become a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but she also has a rich master like you so she doesn't have to worry about anything. When I first started my cultivation, I was really poor and my master didn't have anything good to give me."

Lang Xing was so angry that he didn't know what to do when she ignored him.

Su Wan took up Jiang Xiao's words with great interest and said, "I'm better off. Although Xuanfang Sect is a small sect, it is not poor by selling elixirs. My master loves me very much and has never worried about spiritual stones and elixirs. Of course, I can't compare with Bai Xiang. I saw Lang Xing buy a hairpin in the market with 100 Yuanying stones without blinking an eye. It is a Kairong period treasure worth 100,000 spiritual stones. We dare not even think about it in Kairong period." At this point, she took out a sword with a scabbard in the shape of an emerald green bamboo joint, glanced at Lang Xing with the corner of her eyes, and said to Jiang Xiao, "This Yuzhu Sword is the most valuable magic weapon I had at the time." "This sword is pretty good." Jiang Xiao perfunctorily said, and also glanced at Lang Xing nervously. Lang Xing's eyes were obviously fixed when he saw the Yuzhu Sword, as if he was absent-minded. He had treasured this sword until his death in his previous life. Jiang Xiao interrupted, "Don't show off to me. I had two treasures, but I sold them later. If you don't want to give this sword to Bai Xiang, put it away quickly. You see how much Lang Xing cares about his disciples. He gets jealous when he sees a suitable treasure." Lang Xing waved his hands and said, "I don't mean that. I just think this sword is special."

Su Wan glanced at Jiang Xiao, with a hint of blame in her eyes, and said, "If you want to give me something else, just give it away. This one was given by my mentor. I told you that it can only be passed on to my disciples."

Lang Xing waved his hand again, "Don't listen to Jiang Xiao's nonsense. Bai Xiang has enough treasures. You don't need to give her anything."

Jiangxiao smiled and said, "I really don't have anything suitable for her, but this meeting gift must be given. Your disciple, we can't treat her badly. Xiyang and I will prepare something for her later."

"No need, don't bother." Lang Xing is not as greedy for money as Xun Yi.

Being disturbed by Jiang Xiao, Su Wan had no choice but to put away the Yuzhu Sword first, and echoed, "She is your first disciple. We should show her respect. I will choose two for her when we pass by Jingfang City." A dress."

"If you don't mind it, I won't stop you. I'll thank you on her behalf first." Lang Xing didn't have the time to care about this, secretly worrying about how to get rid of Su Wan.

"You haven't told me who sent her to the Junlu sect on behalf of someone else." Su Wan was exactly the opposite of Lang Xing, acting very leisurely.

"I know Bai Ling. I asked her two sisters Xuan Ling and Xue Ling to help me take care of Bai Xiang."

"From Ling Zi? If you don't want to take her away for the time being, I can help you say hello to Fairy Xiangyun. She is the ninth elder of the Junlu Sect. I have some friendship with her."

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Well... don't worry. If she is willing to stay in the Junlu sect for a long time in the future, please ask me for a favor. Now it is enough to have Xuan Ling and Xue Ling to take care of her. She seems to prefer to follow." I’m going to Qianxu Palace.”

"It's okay, it's not a big deal. I'm just taking care of a child. Just let Fairy Xiangyun check in occasionally. I still have the friendship to ask her to handle this matter."

Su Wan's enthusiasm made it difficult for Lang Xing to refuse, and there was no need to think of a way out. Su Wan was determined to follow him. Turning around and looking forward again, Lang Xing was no longer so worried. He wanted to avoid Su Wan because he felt that his face was dull. Seeing from Su Wan's enthusiasm, it seemed that he didn't take the embarrassing things to heart. On the other hand, it would be too narrow-minded to act awkwardly.

People are like this. The main reason why Lang Xing went to seek revenge against the old man regardless was because those faces were lost in front of Su Wan. Now Su Wan doesn't care and is rushing to get close to him. , he felt much better. Although his hatred for the old man would not disappear, he would not be like Lu Gang who couldn't live without letting out his bad breath.

As soon as his mood changed, his avoidance turned into a panicked expectation. There were many things he admired about Su Wan's performance in dangerous situations, and he already had a good impression of this gentle fairy. The only thing that made him unable to do it now was It was Yu Chan who felt relaxed.

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