Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1931 What a loud tone

Mo Xintui, who was about to hit the Seven Immortals, temporarily lost control because of Lang Yu Da has magical powers, and even a moment's delay will cause him to lose the opportunity.

The shining black ink cone and the shining white phoenix hairpin returned to Langxing at the same time. He stared solemnly at the majestic immortal in dark green robes who appeared in the southeast.

"Master." Xiupuzi and others bowed and saluted. The Seven Immortals who escaped from the Mo Xin Cone also went over and saluted with a rather ugly face, and then stared at Lang Xing with strange eyes. , He was really undecided at the moment, and the fear that Mo Xinzui caused him could not be eliminated in a moment.

"Master." The disciples from Baise Peak and Ziwu Peak also bowed and saluted. Bai Ling had already rushed over at this moment. Langxing activated the two spiritual treasures to prevent her from getting close, so she had to choose to stand between Master and Langxing. After bowing to her master, she knelt down towards him.

"Master, Langxing is a good man. He has made great achievements in the military camp and saved the lives of an entire battalion of soldiers. No matter what his fault is today, please be careful in dealing with it. The Tianlu Alliance will definitely take care of his affairs. "Yes." Bai Ling said these words with trepidation. Speaking in front of her master was enough to make her frightened. In this situation, she was not the one who could speak casually.

"Fairy Bai Ling, this matter has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with your Ziwu Peak. Take Xue Ling and the others away." Langxing had to draw a clear line with Ziwu Peak again in front of the master of the Junlu Sect. So he didn't call her Sister Bai Ling, but called her Fairy. .??.

Naturally, Bai Ling would not leave. She knelt there and passed the scene she saw of Lang Xing guarding the right guard camp to her master with her spiritual thoughts. In this case, she could not control the Tianlu Alliance and let them do it for Lang. Star kept the order secret.

"Whose disciple are you?" Qimu Xianzun, the ancestor of the Junlu Sect, looked at Lang Xing and asked.

Qimu Xianzun is of medium build, with a white face and no beard, skin as smooth as jade, and hair as dyed as ink. From his appearance, he does not look like a person of any age. Coupled with the supreme majesty naturally exuded by the monk Huayu, it is easy to see at a glance. Zhi is the overlord of one side at the top of his game.

"This matter has nothing to do with my master." Lang Xing still answered as before. He involuntarily retreated slowly. Although he could resist the power of some feathered monks with the help of Phoenix Ling Hairpin and Mo Xin Cone to protect his body, Lang Xing still replied as before. Pressure, but the opponent's momentum forced him to leave more space for himself. In fact, the opponent had not used pressure on him yet.

"Langxing, just tell me!" Su Wan was so anxious that she left Bai Xiang and flew between Langxing and Qimu Xianzun, and said to Qimu Xianzun, "Xianzun, he is an immortal king from Qianxu Palace. Please be merciful and don’t hurt his life!”

At this time, Xiupuzi and others had already reported what happened to their master with their spiritual thoughts. Qimu Xianzun slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at Lang Xing and said, "It's useless for you to hide it. Your movement technique comes from the art of phantom." , those who can learn this kind of magic must be the disciples of several immortals in Qianxu Palace. I have some friendship with the immortals in Qianxu Palace. Tell me, whose disciple you are? Look at that. For the sake of some fellow Taoists, I can spare your life for the time being." The beloved fourth disciple Lu Puzi was beaten into a cripple. Even if Lang Xing is a disciple of a certain Qianxugong Immortal Lord, this cannot be done. Forget it, he doesn't have that deep friendship with Hengguan Immortal Lord and others.


Lang Xing heard the meaning of his words and would not let him go easily, so he sneered and said, "As an Immortal Lord, do you have to attack me personally? I have a fair duel with Lu Pu Zini. Everyone here has witnessed it with his own eyes." As I witnessed, he abolished my disciple's path, and I also abolished his path. I can explain the truth wherever I go. You don't need to care who my master is, but I can tell you that I have more than one master. If you are unreasonable, someone will definitely come to reason with you, and the fate of Yuanyizhou Xiujie will be the fate of your Yunlu Sect!"

"What a loud tone. It seems you have a lot of backers." Immortal Qimu's eyes turned cold.

With a distance of more than five thousand feet, Langxing suddenly felt pressure approaching, forcing him to quickly retreat while using two spiritual treasures to resist the pressure.

Su Wanruo realized something and said urgently, "Immortal Lord! He has been to Puyunzhou! There is someone there to protect him!!!"

"Shut up!" Langxing scolded Su Wan. He didn't want people to know that he was related to Puyunzhou Cultivation World unless he had to. He also had the Water Ting Sword and the Immortal Treasure Qiankun Bag available. Even if he had to fight against the Huayu Monk, it would be useless. There is no chance of winning, but he has not lost his fighting spirit. If he can survive this disaster, he is ready to return to Puyunzhou immediately. He can no longer survive in Nanjingzhou.

"Pu Yunzhou." Qimu Xianzun withheld the pressure. Like Su Wan, he also wanted to understand why Langxing mentioned Yuanyi State's cultivation world. At the beginning, Yuanyi State's cultivation world was wiped out by the two continents' joint efforts. Yes, if this kid is both a disciple of Qianxu Palace and has the backing of Puyunzhou Cultivator, then he is really not someone that the Junlu Sect can offend.

Another very important point is that this kid has made great contributions to the Heavenly Law Alliance. Without the intervention of Puyunzhou Cultivation Society, the Heavenly Law Alliance cannot have such a great magical power like Yunzhou. But if there is pressure from Puyunzhou Cultivation Society, , the situation is different. Not to mention the Tianlu Alliance standing up for justice, even if the Tianlu Alliance tacitly allows the great god of Puyunzhou to come to settle accounts with him, his Junlu Sect may really make the same mistake as Yuanyizhou.

Should we just let him go? A late-stage Nascent Soul disciple of the Junlu Sect was maimed, four late-Nascent Soul monks failed to capture him, and one of them almost died. Where does the Junlu Sect lose its face?

Of course Qimu Xianzun could see that this boy was quite extraordinary. He couldn't find a single Dan-forming monk in the world who could activate two high-grade spiritual treasures at the same time. It was precisely because he was a prodigy that he believed in Su. Wan's words, and I believe that the people this kid has made friends with in Puyunzhou will not be easy to mess with. Such a prodigy can easily attract the attention of great supernatural powers.

When Qimu Xianzun felt that he was riding a tiger, the pale-faced Xue Ling managed to fly out from Xiang Ling and others. Seeing that Lang Xing was in a critical situation, this fairy who valued love and justice risked his life.

She pointed at Lu Puzi, who was guarded by a group of disciples, and said to Qimu Xianzun with a look of sorrow and anger: "Master, the Fourth Master is your disciple, isn't our Master your disciple? The Fourth Master Not thinking about the friendship with our master, he beat me like this with ruthless hands, not even sparing a child who has just embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation. We have been fighting for many days and you have not come out to seek justice. Now he is injured. You showed up immediately, are you so partial? I know that I am insignificant in your eyes, but I feel sorry for our master. Although the master has not returned for many years, then you will not let this disciple go. Are you taking it seriously? Do you want us to be bullied by the Fourth Master? If you still care about our master, you will not let us suffer this kind of injustice!" Mo Xinzui Yinlangxing, who is about to hit the Seven Immortals The shock caused him to temporarily lose control, and his speed slowed down. Langxing did not continue to urge Mo Xinconi to attack the Seven Immortals. Now he had to deal with the great magical power of Yuyu with all his strength. Even a moment's delay would make him Lose the opportunity.

The shining black ink cone and the shining white phoenix hairpin returned to Langxing at the same time. He stared solemnly at the majestic immortal in dark green robes who appeared in the southeast.

"Master." Xiupuzi and others bowed and saluted. The Seven Immortals who escaped from the Mo Xin Cone also went over and saluted with a rather ugly face, and then stared at Lang Xing with strange eyes. , He was really undecided at the moment, and the fear that Mo Xinzui caused him could not be eliminated in a moment.

"Master." The disciples from Baise Peak and Ziwu Peak also bowed and saluted. Bai Ling had already rushed over at this moment. Langxing activated the two spiritual treasures to prevent her from getting close, so she had to choose to stand between Master and Langxing. After bowing to her master, she knelt down towards him.

"Master, Langxing is a good man. He has made great achievements in the military camp and saved the lives of an entire battalion of soldiers. No matter what his fault is today, please be careful in dealing with it. The Tianlu Alliance will definitely take care of his affairs. "Yes." Bai Ling said these words with trepidation. Speaking in front of her master was enough to make her frightened. In this situation, she was not the one who could speak casually.

"Fairy Bai Ling, this matter has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with your Ziwu Peak. Take Xue Ling and the others away." Langxing had to draw a clear line with Ziwu Peak again in front of the master of the Junlu Sect. So he didn't call her Sister Bai Ling, but called her Fairy.

Naturally, Bai Ling would not leave. She knelt there and passed the scene she saw of Lang Xing guarding the right guard camp to her master with her spiritual thoughts. In this case, she could not control the Tianlu Alliance and let them do it for Lang. Star kept the order secret.

"Whose disciple are you?" Qimu Xianzun, the ancestor of the Junlu Sect, looked at Lang Xing and asked.

Qimu Xianzun is of medium build, with a white face and no beard, skin as smooth as jade, and hair as dyed as ink. From his appearance, he does not look like a person of any age. Coupled with the supreme majesty naturally exuded by the monk Huayu, it is easy to see at a glance. Zhi is the overlord of one side at the top of his game. .??.

"This matter has nothing to do with my master." Lang Xing still answered as before. He involuntarily retreated slowly. Although he could resist the power of some feathered monks with the help of Phoenix Ling Hairpin and Mo Xin Cone to protect his body, Lang Xing still replied as before. Pressure, but the opponent's momentum forced him to leave more space for himself. In fact, the opponent had not used pressure on him yet.

"Langxing, just tell me!" Su Wan was so anxious that she left Bai Xiang and flew between Langxing and Qimu Xianzun, and said to Qimu Xianzun, "Xianzun, he is an immortal king from Qianxu Palace. Please be merciful and don’t hurt his life!”

At this time, Xiupuzi and others had already reported what happened to their master with their spiritual thoughts. Qimu Xianzun slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at Lang Xing and said, "It's useless for you to hide it. Your movement technique comes from the art of phantom." , those who can learn this kind of magic must be the disciples of several immortals in Qianxu Palace. I have some friendship with the immortals in Qianxu Palace. Tell me, whose disciple you are? Look at that. For the sake of some fellow Taoists, I can spare your life for the time being." The beloved fourth disciple Lu Puzi was beaten into a cripple. Even if Lang Xing is a disciple of a certain Qianxugong Immortal Lord, this cannot be done. Forget it, he doesn't have that deep friendship with Hengguan Immortal Lord and others.


Lang Xing heard the meaning of his words and would not let him go easily, so he sneered and said, "As an Immortal Lord, do you have to attack me personally? I have a fair duel with Lu Pu Zini. Everyone here has witnessed it with his own eyes." As I witnessed, he abolished my disciple's path, and I also abolished his path. I can explain the truth wherever I go. You don't need to care who my master is, but I can tell you that I have more than one master. If you are unreasonable, someone will definitely come to reason with you, and the fate of Yuanyizhou Xiujie will be the fate of your Yunlu Sect!"

"What a strong tone. It seems that you have a lot of backers." Qimian Zun's eyes became cold.

With a distance of more than five thousand feet, Langxing suddenly felt pressure approaching, forcing him to quickly retreat while using two spiritual treasures to resist the pressure.

Su Wanruo realized something and said urgently, "Immortal Lord! He has been to Puyunzhou! There is someone there to protect him!!!"

"Shut up!" Langxing scolded Su Wan. He didn't want people to know that he was related to Puyunzhou Cultivation World unless he had to. He also had the Water Ting Sword and the Immortal Treasure Qiankun Bag available. Even if he had to fight against the Huayu Monk, it would be useless. There is no chance of winning, but he has not lost his fighting spirit. If he can survive this disaster, he is ready to return to Puyunzhou immediately. He can no longer survive in Nanjingzhou.

"Pu Yunzhou." Qimu Xianzun withheld the pressure. Like Su Wan, he also wanted to understand why Langxing mentioned Yuanyi State's cultivation world. At the beginning, Yuanyi State's cultivation world was wiped out by the two continents' joint efforts. Yes, if this kid is both a disciple of Qianxu Palace and has the backing of Puyunzhou Cultivator, then he is really not someone that the Junlu Sect can offend.

Another very important point is that this kid has made great contributions to the Heavenly Law Alliance. Without the intervention of Puyunzhou Cultivation Society, the Heavenly Law Alliance cannot have such a great magical power like Yunzhou. But if there is pressure from Puyunzhou Cultivation Society, , the situation is different. Not to mention the Tianlu Alliance standing up for justice, even if the Tianlu Alliance tacitly allows the great god of Puyunzhou to come to settle accounts with him, his Junlu Sect may really make the same mistake as Yuanyizhou.

Should we just let him go? A late-stage Nascent Soul disciple of the Junlu Sect was maimed, four late-Nascent Soul monks failed to capture him, and one of them almost died. Where does the Junlu Sect lose its face?

Of course Qimu Xianzun could see that this boy was quite extraordinary. He couldn't find a single Dan-forming monk in the world who could activate two high-grade spiritual treasures at the same time. It was precisely because he was a prodigy that he believed in Su. Wan's words, and I believe that the people this kid has made friends with in Puyunzhou will not be easy to mess with. Such a prodigy can easily attract the attention of great supernatural powers.

When Qimu Xianzun felt that he was riding a tiger, the pale-faced Xue Ling managed to fly out from Xiang Ling and others. Seeing that Lang Xing was in a critical situation, this fairy who valued love and justice risked his life.

She pointed at Lu Puzi, who was guarded by a group of disciples, and said to Qimu Xianzun with a look of sorrow and anger: "Master, the Fourth Master is your disciple, isn't our Master your disciple? The Fourth Master Not thinking about the friendship with our master, he beat me like this with ruthless hands, not even sparing a child who has just embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation. We have been fighting for many days and you have not come out to seek justice. Now he is injured. You showed up immediately, are you so partial? I know that I am insignificant in your eyes, but I feel sorry for our master. Although the master has not returned for many years, then you will not let this disciple go. Are you taking it seriously? Are you willing to let us be bullied by Fourth Master? As long as you still care about our master, you won’t let us suffer this kind of injustice!”

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