Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1996 I didn’t hook up with her much either

Lang Xing winked at her and said, "That's a little trick I figured out. Can you see the flaw?"

"You can't see much of a problem just by looking at it. If you examine it carefully, you can tell the authenticity. At first, I thought you really had a baby." Zhixia took his wrist and examined it again.

"Don't worry about my cultivation. Have Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister left?" Lang Xing was afraid that she would find out the Lingxin Clan's skills, so he threw her hand away.

Zhixia sighed softly and said, "Everyone has gone back. The senior sister has also gone to Yunxing Pavilion. Now everyone wants to stay alone, quietly remember the master, and quietly lick the pain. You go back to the palace." Don’t talk to them about Master in the future. Only Yan Bing and the others know the truth. From now on, just say that Master is in hiding.”

"Well." Langxing didn't want the second senior sister to worry about him. He suppressed the sadness that surged up and took out the knife Wuxia gave him and said, "Wuxia from Yin Yang Palace wants to exchange this knife for a high-grade one you refined." I didn’t agree to the dress, so she forced the knife to me.”

Zhixia took Kaikawa and looked at it, saying, "It's not worth it."

Lang Xing said with a smile, "She said she could add more things, but I still agreed to her. I didn't expect that she would do this to me in the end, leaving this treasure and running away."

Zhixia urged Kaikawa, then handed it to Lang Xing and said, "It can be considered a good thing, keep it. I will repay this favor for you later. How did you hook up with her? You killed her senior brother Wuji." , be careful when interacting with her.”

Lang Xing said with some embarrassment, "I didn't do much to seduce her. I just saw her and Mo Hui together. I wanted to make Mo Hui angry and give vent to the Seventh Senior Brother, so... I teased her a few words, and then she pestered me. , just to get rid of her, I ran all the way to Beihai, and happened to run into that battle. Speaking of which, she was able to resolve the crisis for Uncle Yin Zhen. "

Seeing Lang Xing saying nice things for Wu Xia, Zhi Xia smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I get it. Just have some idea. No matter what, you can't tell her about Sha Wuji. That's not a trivial matter."

"I'm not that stupid." Langxing was quite satisfied with the second senior sister's attitude.

When it comes to Mo Hui Zhixia, I have to ask a few more questions. Xun Yi was holding back enough at first.

Jin wanted to kill Mo Hui. After listening to Lang Xing's story about the process of quarreling and fighting with Mo Hui, Zhi Xia felt that his intention to kill Mo Hui was not that serious anymore. This should be out of disdain. Mo Hui, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, really didn't want to kill Mo Hui. It's worthy of his attention.

"The situation was handled very well. It didn't embarrass Zixiao Palace, but don't make too much trouble with the Tiandao Nine Camps in the future. They are working hard for us, so we have to save some face for them."

Second Senior Sister's words revealed her contempt for the people of Tiandao Ninth Camp. Although Lang Xing felt a little uncomfortable, he would not care about this with Second Senior Sister, so he stepped forward and said, "Can I reassure you now? Okay." "Did you give me a hug?" Second Senior Sister said last time that she felt completely at ease with him when she held him in her arms again.

"Not even close." Zhixia smiled and raised her hand to push him away.

Lang Xing was unconvinced and said, "Now I can easily kill a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage and also kill a Feather monk. Although I have the help of Senior Xiaoyao, that's enough to see. Isn't this enough? You don't Do you think it’s too much to ask of me?”

Zhixia said, "The divine beasts with innate magical powers cannot be compared with ordinary beasts. They are born with the ability to kill ordinary beasts, so the requirements for them are naturally different from ordinary beasts."

Lang Xing rolled his eyes at her, then took out the remaining inner elixir of the ten thousand year divine beast and threw it to her, "Speaking of the divine beast, I have an inner elixir of the ten thousand year divine beast here. Do you think it will work? I originally had two. , one was eaten by Tuntian."

"Have you ever killed a ten-thousand-year-old beast?" Zhixia couldn't help but feel a little moved this time.

"No, I have killed the mythical beast, but it is not a ten thousand year beast. It was given to me by a great demon cultivator who transformed into a feather," Lang Xing briefly told the story of how he avenged Aunt Xu Shujuan.

"Leave it with me for a while." Zhixia put away the Ten Thousand Years Divine Beast Inner Pill, which must be considered a good thing for her.

"If you want to use it, keep it." Lang Xing hoped to give something useful to the second senior sister.


I just need to understand it, and then let Yan Bing and the others understand it. "After Zhixia finished speaking, he waved his hand to stop Lang Xing and asked him not to waste words, and then asked, "Can Qiancheng Mansion be used? "

"Hmm... It works. I wanted to give it back to you. It was very boring the previous period, so I used it to kill some time." After Langxing finished speaking, he took out the Qianchengfu and stirred it a little.

Zhixia felt speechless for a while and then said, "Don't say anything, just put it away. I have carefully examined this thing. Your senior sister and I are not suitable for melting it. I never expected that you could be so fast." You can use it, be careful not to be infected by it, don’t use it if you can’t use it.”

"Senior Xiaoyao told me the same thing." Langxing put away the Qiancheng Mansion.

Zhixia looked at the thief and said, "Did you give away Feng Ling Hairpin and Mo Xinzui?"

Lang Xing took out the two treasures and said, "Aren't they all here?"

"Then you asked Xinxie for the spiritual treasure? Who did you ask for it for?" Zhixia didn't rub sand in his eyes.

Lang Xing said helplessly, "It's all because Lu Gang was careless and insisted on following Nan Jingzhou's army to kill the monsters. I promised that big monster cultivator not to go to the battlefield anymore, so I could only ask others to take care of him and Shu Yan, so I I promised him Mo Xin Cui as a reward, but as a result, he almost stopped his cultivation. It’s thanks to me that I made this arrangement, otherwise Lu Gang would have died.”

"Lu Gang is not worth a spiritual treasure at all." Zhixia couldn't help but complain.

Lang Xing grimaced and said, "We grew up together. He is very good to me, but I can't..."

Zhixia had heard him say these words countless times. She waved her hand and interrupted, "You decide your own affairs. I don't care. Is the Fengling Hairpin given to someone else?"

Lang Xing hurriedly said, "No, no! This is your protective treasure. How can I give it away at will? One spiritual treasure is no longer enough for me, so I want to ask Sixth Senior Brother for another one."

Zhixia gritted her molar teeth and said, "Don't think about me. If you want to give it away, give me the Phoenix Ling Hairpin first. The Purple Sun Sword that Xinxie just gave you is more powerful than the Phoenix Ling Hairpin, but..." She put her back words forcefully

I swallowed it back.

She really didn’t want Lang Xing to give away the Fengling Hairpin to others, but thinking about the blessings that Xun Yi’s lavishness had brought to Lang Xing, she shouldn’t limit his mind, so she changed her smile and said, “Although the Fengling Hairpin is My beloved thing, but that’s all over. If I can’t even let go of the treasure, how can I go to find the Immortal Sect? Don’t have any worries because of me. If you need to give it away, just give it away. Anyway, you can refine the spirit treasure. It’s easy, just don’t clean up all the treasures, you have to keep enough to protect yourself.”

Lang Xing tilted his head and looked at her and said, "Second Senior Sister, you really have the demeanor of a fairy concubine in your realm. I admire you."

Zhixia patted his tilted head and said, "Isn't this all forced by you? Please take care of your sixth senior brother."

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "Are you not going to ask anything else?"

Zhixia said calmly, "I told you last time that I will treat you as an immortal king. If you want to tell me, I will listen. If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask."

"Hehe, let me give you something good then." Lang Xing took out two small jade boxes containing strange fish meat, "You and senior sister each have one box. This thing's heart-clearing effect is even better than the best elixirs."

Zhixia opened a box and checked it out, then said with a happy face, "Where did it come from?"

Lang Xing pointed at her and said, "This is something I don't want to talk about, so don't ask."

Zhixia gave him a helpless look and put away the two jade boxes.

Lang Xing felt quite comfortable and said very freely, "Just use it generously. I'll get it for you when you're done."

Zhixia couldn't help but smile happily and said, "You are really capable. Then I will thank you in advance on behalf of senior sister." She was so happy that Langxing could grow up so fast. The smile came from her heart and she couldn't hold it back even if she wanted to.

"Hey, Second Senior Sister, I've missed you so much these years outside." Lang Xing couldn't help but move towards Zhixia again.

"Stay away." Zhixia scolded with a smile in her eyes.

"Bang!" Langxing rolled his eyes, then fell to the ground, sat cross-legged and took care of the Sixth Senior Brother in the Qiankun Bag.

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