Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2114 Fairy Princess, come out

Gongsun Chong took action and sealed Xiyang's Qi Palace. He looked at Xiyang with complicated eyes and said, "Don't blame me for being unjust. I have no other choice."

Xiyang didn't show any anger. It was useless to retain this little bit of cultivation in his current injured condition. Gongsun Chong's move meant that he was betraying him to the end. Although he didn't have much hope for Gongsun Chong, he still felt it. It's sad. After all, we all crossed the South China Sea together. Gongsun Chong also risked his life to fight alongside them many times. When he helped Long Ping overcome the disaster, Gongsun Chong still held the magic formula in his hand when he fell into the sea. It can be said that After fighting to the last moment for his brothers, Xun Yi's departure allowed Gongsun Chong to return to his true colors.

"Righteousness and an indescribable sense of intimacy."

"What?" Gongsun Chong didn't quite understand what Xiyang's sudden words meant.

"Langxing." Xiyang said these two words expressionlessly. Then he warned, "Don't mention this to him."

Gongsun Chong narrowed his eyes slightly. He understood. Xiyang meant that based on these two points, he felt that Lang Xing was the reincarnation of Xun Yi. Needless to say, Lang Xing was righteous, otherwise he would not have come here to save him. As for Xiyang, as for the indescribable feeling of closeness... After Xiyang understood it a little bit, he felt frightened after a little aftertaste. Yes, when he saw Langxing for the first time, he There was indeed an obvious strange feeling in his heart, but the situation was critical at that time and he could not think about it too much. This was a bit strange. If Xiyang and he had the same feeling, then this matter would be worth exploring.

"Does Jiang Xiao feel this way too?" He clenched his fists uneasily.

"And Su Wan, he and Su Wan are already together."

The corners of Gongsun Chong's eyes twitched, and he stretched out his hand to unblock Xiyang, and said with his mind, "Send me the scene of him and Su Wan together."

Xiyang passed several scenes in succession.

After Gongsun Chong was stunned for a while, he sealed Xiyang's Qi Mansion again, shook his head and said, "I don't believe in that ridiculous reincarnation. You guys hope too much that Xun Yi can be reborn. You are deceiving yourself." After saying this, he

He collected the Yunshui True Essence and turned around.


Xieyun, who was rushing on the starry night, couldn't hold on any longer. Just when he was about to find a place to rest and replenish his spiritual power, he suddenly saw a very strange woman appearing in front of him. Apart from being very beautiful, this woman didn't seem to have anything special. However, Ke Xieyun just felt that she was strange. He hurriedly stopped his body and assumed a posture as if he was facing a powerful enemy.

"Have you seen this person?" The woman showed an image of a person.

Xieyun's eyes flashed for a moment, and then the joy in his heart appeared on his face, "I've seen you..." He felt something was wrong. He was a person who could control the fluctuations in his heart, why did he suddenly Are uncontrollable feelings exposed? There must be something wrong with this woman. Although she couldn't help but warn herself not to follow other people's ways, she still flew towards the other party as if she was possessed by a demon.

"We are together, he is my friend." He activated the sapphire dagger. The two different emotions in the confrontation made his behavior look very strange. He answered the questions truthfully with a smile on his face, On the other hand, he wanted to launch an attack.

"I am also his friend, where is he now?" Ming Lan's voice was soothing and peaceful.

"He..." Xie Yun blinked twice, and his alertness melted away like ice and snow, "He was captured by the people from Yuhai, his friend Gongsun Chong betrayed us, and there was also a monk who transformed into a feather. I participated in the sneak attack, and now I have to go to Qianxu Palace to report the news. Are you willing to help me, senior?"

"It's none of your business." After saying this, Minglan's figure disappeared.

"Hey!" As soon as Xie Yun called out, his expression became trance-like, and he saw a pair of dreamlike ice-blue eyes.

After those eyes disappeared,

He turned around and ran away in a daze. The remaining vague memory made him want to catch up with the woman and help her save Lang Xing. But after a moment, all the memories disappeared. He stopped at a loss, wondering why he suddenly After running back and thinking for a while, he flew towards Nanjingzhou again with suspicion. Although he remembered that he had to stop and take a rest, the inexplicable and strange feeling in his heart made him decide to leave as soon as possible. It's good here.

Are you still going to report to Qianxu Palace? Xieyun actually hesitated about this. Minglan's words "It's none of your business" made him feel slack about reporting the news. Although he vaguely felt that something was wrong, he couldn't find the problem.


Langxing sped up his flying speed. He didn't like the feeling of flying on the sea, so he wanted to force the Ice Water Fairy to appear as soon as possible.

"I have to scare him, he is too arrogant." The Ice Water Fairy Princess said to the Ancient Water Fairy Lord with her teeth itching.

Just as the Ancient Water Immortal Lord was about to persuade him, he suddenly noticed that Gongsun Chong was rushing towards this direction at full speed, "Don't act rashly yet. Chong'er seems to have something urgent. I'll go ask." After conveying this spiritual thought, he flashed. Go to intercept Gongsun Chong.

After a moment, the Ancient Water Immortal Lord came up with Gongsun Chong with a happy face, "Xiyang has woken up, let Chong'erfeng seal him. Let's send him back for the time being. I'll go see Xiyang first." After saying that, he couldn't wait to return to the underground palace. ??

"Let me go and have a word with him." Gongsun Chong looked at the Ice Water Fairy Concubine with a pleading look.

"Go." The Ice Water Fairy nodded in agreement. She had always been very kind to Gongsun Chong. On this point, she and her senior brother had a tacit understanding, hoping to seduce Gongsun Chong with her warmth.

When Lang Xing noticed that Gongsun Chong was catching up, his heart suddenly went cold. It seemed that this opportunity was about to be lost.

"Don't come over." Although he knew that the end of being a cultivator was inevitable, he still

He still wanted to fight.

Gongsun Chong stopped a thousand feet away from Langxing and said with a smile, "Little brother Langxing, you have misunderstood me too deeply. I have good news for you. Xiyang has woken up."

This news was not good for Lang Xing. He shouted to Gongsun Chong behind him, "Fairy Concubine, please come out. I haven't had enough shopping yet. Let's go shopping elsewhere."

Gongsun Chong said with some embarrassment, "Wherever you want to go, I'll go shopping with you."

"I prefer to have the fairy concubine accompany me." After Lang Xing choked Gongsun Chong, he shouted, "If you don't show up, I won't go out with you in the future."

"Chong'er wants to say a few words to you." The Ice Water Fairy Princess appeared thousands of feet behind Gongsun Chong.

Langxing looked at Gongsun Chong and said, "If you have anything to say, wait until I get back. I want to go shopping with the fairy concubine now." After saying that, he frowned slightly because he noticed that Gongsun Chong was a little strange. She kept scanning over him, as if she was seeing him for the first time.

"It's Su'er who asked me to send you a few words. Little brother, we don't have the slightest malice towards you. We are all friends. When Xiyang's injuries recover, we will send you back immediately." Gongsun Chong said as he spoke. Slowly get closer.

"Sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, just stand there and say it. Don't go any further..." Langxing's heart suddenly jumped in the middle of speaking because he couldn't detect the Ancient Water Immortal Lord with his mental power, because he was afraid that he would be caught by the two great powers. He saw some clues, so he didn't dare to use his spiritual power frequently. Now that he was about to be blocked in cultivation, he reluctantly checked it out. He didn't want to get an unexpected surprise, so should he take action? The intense confusion made him lose his temper.

"What's wrong with you?" Gongsun Chong asked doubtfully.

As the saying goes, wisdom arises out of desperation, a booby-trap plan flashed in Lang Xing's mind. There was no time to think about it at this moment. As soon as the tempting idea flashed out, he impulsively attacked Gongsun Chong!

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