Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2117 Finger in the air

The door opened, and Ancient Water Immortal Lord appeared at the door.

When the waves suddenly appeared, the figure of Ancient Water Immortal Lord suddenly fell into the diffuse cloud water. Gongsun Chong took action decisively. There was no better time than this moment!

"Hurry..." In order to prevent Xiyang from being hurt, Gongsun Chong pulled the rapidly rotating water ball out of the house, but his cry was only half-sent before he choked in his throat, and his heart suddenly became cold, because He noticed that Ancient Water Immortal Lord was not in Yunshui!

"I originally thought you wouldn't do this, but you disappoint me so much." The figure of Ancient Water Immortal Lord appeared on the roof of a hall thousands of feet away, looking at Gongsun Chong with a sullen look on his face. Concubine Shuixian kept saying that Gongsun Chong would not choose to betray, but she had already been more cautious in her heart. Just now when Gongsun Chong told Jinchuan and Xiuling that Concubine Bingshuixian was called away by Xinshuang, he immediately felt defensive. Although Gongsun Chong had a good reason and Lang Xing's noisy performance showed no flaws, he could not withstand the deliberate suspicion. It was his caution that made the plan that was mostly certain to fail.

Gongsun Chong's face was extremely ugly. If the sneak attack failed, he had no chance of winning. What made him feel desperate was that Lang Xing had collapsed on the ground. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead. His body was trembling slightly as he moved the universe in the water. Under the powerful power of the Ancient Water Immortal Lord, He didn't dare to move even under pressure. In fact, as long as the protective circle was slightly expanded, Lang Xing could be protected, but it was difficult to do this under the gaze of a feathered monk.

"Has your uncle really returned to Jinghua Island?" Ancient Water Immortal asked in a majestic tone. He already had an ominous guess in his heart. Since these two people dared to attack him, the junior sister would probably suffer. If the junior sister was really killed by them, it would be his fault. His words would definitely make the junior sister relax her vigilance towards Gongsun Chong. If she did the calculations mentally and unintentionally, the junior sister would definitely suffer a big loss.

Gongsun Chong remained silent. He was completely despairing at this moment. All he could think about was the tragic fate that his beloved wife would face. He knew that Master would not kill him easily in order to preserve Yunshui's true energy. Now

The only thing he could do was to threaten suicide to make Master promise not to harm Su'er.

At this time, Xi Yang walked out of the house, stood in front of Lang Xing who fell to the ground, stared at the Ancient Water Immortal with firm eyes and said, "You can't search my soul, but as long as you let Lang Xing go, what do you want to know?" , I will tell you the truth, I can swear it with my heart."

"As you wish, I won't hurt him." The Ancient Water Immortal Lord had no intention of embarrassing Lang Xing. At this moment, he was concerned about the safety of his junior sister and had no intention of talking to Xiyang. He continued to shout to Gongsun Chong and asked, "Your senior uncle." What happened!"

"We are fighting with Zi Kui and Yu Long. It's a very dangerous situation!" Gongsun Chong came to his senses and told the lie he had made up before. Zi Kui and Yu Long were two feathered sea monsters. They were from Yu Hai. The mortal enemy of the palace.

"Show me the fighting scene!" The Ancient Water Immortal was not fooled and slowly approached them. Two huge water pillars emerged from his side, like two living water dragons surrounding the three of them from the left and right. When he came over, he kept making suffocating and rapid "whoosh" sounds.

"If you come any closer, I will kill myself! Neither of them will survive!" Gongsun Chong's voice was gloomy and decisive.

"Presumptuous!" Ancient Water Immortal Lord scolded, but he stopped in the end. He knew how powerful Gongsun Chong's Yunshui technique was, and he might not be able to stop him if he wanted to drag these two people to be buried with him.

"Go ahead and capture me. Out of the relationship between master and disciple, I won't make things difficult for you and Su'er, but if you kill my uncle, you will be imprisoned forever!" Although the tone of the last sentence was stern. Although it is cruel, this punishment is full of temptations. Even if you kill your uncle, you will not be put to death. There is no way it can be more lenient than this.

Xiyang snorted coldly, he

I am quite disdainful of the tactics used by Ancient Water Immortal to persuade him to surrender, but his cultivation level being banned can’t help him at all, so there is no need to encourage Gongsun Chong to fight to the death. It is useless. Gongsun Chong can do whatever he can with his conscience. At this point, he was satisfied, and at this moment he really hoped that Gongsun Chong could save his life.

"You must swear an oath with your Taoist heart. Not only can you not harm Su'er, but you must also send her back to Nanjingzhou." Gongsun Chong was willing to accept this condition. This was the best result he could obtain.

"Okay, did you really hurt your junior uncle?" Gu Shuixianzun's voice sounded sad. He and his junior sister had a deep relationship. If his junior sister really died in the hands of these two people, he would I really want to crush these two people into ashes.

"Swear an oath first!" Gongsun Chong's eyes were filled with anger, which was caused by guilt and anxiety. Only when the Ancient Water Immortal Lord took an oath could he get some protection. Before that, he would definitely not be able to reveal the death of the Ice Water Immortal Concubine.

Ancient Water Immortal Lord ejected a drop of blood with a gloomy expression, already knowing in his heart that his junior sister was definitely doomed.

At this time, Lang Xing sat up from the ground. Ancient Water Immortal Lord was very guarded against him, so he did not choose to attack Gongsun Chong at that moment but chose to seal Lang Xing's cultivation first. This choice was undoubtedly Extremely wise, otherwise he would definitely face a series of attacks from spiritual treasures, but in such a hasty situation, he could only use the simplest sealing method, but it was not something that Lang Xing could break in a moment. , although I can sit up, I still cannot use it.

The Ancient Water Immortal Lord hurriedly made an oath after seeing Lang Xing sit up. Now he no longer cares about whether Qianxu Palace will pick on him in the future. He must seal this kid completely as soon as possible to feel at ease.

"Get out of the way." He ordered Gongsun Chong.

"Gongsun!" Xiyang shouted, looking at Gongsun Chong with pleading in his eyes, although he also knew that he looked like this

It's hard for Lang Xing to do anything, but Lang Xing is their last hope. He can't force Gongsun Chong to fight to the death for an opportunity with no hope, but he really hopes that Gongsun Chong can block it for a while longer.

Gongsun Chong shook his head miserably at Xiyang, with tears in his eyes. He saw the long-lost brotherhood flashing in Xiyang's eyes, but he could no longer fight. There was nothing he could do. After hesitating, he held back tears and stepped away.

Xiyang didn't blame Gongsun Chong. Gongsun Chong was badly hurt by them. Now it's not Gongsun Chong who feels sorry for them, but they feel sorry for Gongsun Chong. He stared at the approaching Ancient Narcissus with unyielding eyes, until the Ancient Narcissus pushed him away with a burst of spiritual power. He could only fight for his brother so far.

Lang Xing, who was facing the Ancient Narcissus, frowned and raised his hand, pointing at the Ancient Narcissus with his index finger.

Ancient Water Immortal Master glanced behind him with his spiritual consciousness suspiciously, thinking that Lang Xing had discovered something unusual behind him. Before he could see what was going on behind him, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. It was exactly where Lang Xing's finger was. Point to the place.

The volleying finger learned from Xuan Su Tianwen finally worked once!


Before Xiyang and Gongsun Chong could see what was going on, Lang Xing screamed like crazy, and at the same time, he poked the Ancient Narcissus with his finger at the ancient Narcissus whose expression changed greatly.

"Go up! Go up!" Xiyang yelled at Gongsun Chong in a hurry after he realized what he was doing.

Gongsun Chong confusedly urged Yun Shui to attack the Ancient Water Immortal Master. He was really in a state of confusion and confusion, and his body was shaking even more violently because he had lost his fighting spirit and did not want to attack the Master anymore. He didn't dare to take action anymore, but Xiyang's roar aroused the pride of brothers fighting side by side that had been buried in his heart. The brothers were fighting, and he couldn't back down! superior! For the sake of my brother, I have to do it even though I know I will die!

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