Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2753 Beat me hard!


Immortal Master Yuanyang called Zhengdu but did not immediately give instructions. He looked at Langxing with a scrutinizing gaze and said calmly, "Both Taoist friends Qimu and Juesheng came to Ziyang Mountain to persuade me not to be embarrassed. You, I have to give them face, so I came this time just to ask Su Wan, Liu Yun, and Lingye for an explanation. I didn’t expect that this time I came. Not only did I meet a man who was more than a thousand years old, he was transformed into a feather. Su Wan, I have seen you as an ancient genius, you did not lie to me, if the three of them did not exert pressure on Zhengdu, my disciple would have been beaten even worse. "

Having said this, he said to Su Wan and Ling Ye in the distance, "The feud between us is over."

Lingye and Su Wan both said politely to him.

Yuanyang Immortal Master turned his attention to Lang Xing again, and said to Zheng Du, "Du'er, don't hold grudges anymore. You are looking for him to cause trouble. With his ability, he only punched you. He has already done a lot for Tianlu Alliance and The Ziyang Sect has saved its face, sincerely come and learn from Junior Brother Lingxing’s methods, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it will be your good fortune if they don’t argue with you.”

"Yes." Zhengdu agreed, clenching his fists still unconvinced and slowly flying towards the field.

Langxing said to Yuanyang Immortal with a smile, "You're welcome. Since you are willing to put this past behind you, my nephew will not argue with him anymore. I hope..."

Before he finished speaking, Immortal Master Yanji snorted. This snort contained both disdain for Lang Xing and dissatisfaction with Immortal Master Yuanyang.

Langxing looked at Yanji Immortal Lord, his face turned cold and said, "You are not convinced, are you? Let me tell you what you want to order. You are already old, and you still value being competitive so much. Don't you just want to fight with Qianxugong?" Let’s divide them into high and low levels, okay, then I’ll do as you wish.” He pointed at Zhengchen and Zhengfa, “Come here, don’t you all think I’m crazy? Then I’ll show you the crazy one today. I’ve taught you a lesson. I will teach your disrespectful ancestors a lesson!"

"Hit me hard!" The brilliance outside Yanji Immortal Lord suddenly surged, and his face was darker than the poisonous fog around him. Lang Xing humiliated him in front of his disciples and grandsons, even if he personally dealt with Lang Xing. Dun also makes sense, but he can't take action because he respects his identity.

Zhengchen and Zhengfa immediately swayed their bodies and rushed towards Langxing. Although they had the excuse to teach Langxing a lesson for their ancestors, they still had the reputation of bullying the small and bullying the small. It can be seen that Zhenghua was still being beaten in the scene. It's just a matter of time. Only by teaching this Langxing a lesson can the Wuxiang Sect save some face.

Zhengdu, who was about to fly to Zhenghua, stopped hesitantly. Wuxiang sent three great monks of the late Yuan Ying stage. If he went up again, four great monks from the two sects would besiege Langxing. He didn't want to The Ziyang Sect fell into this reputation.

Zhenghua, who was closest to Langxing, was the first to take action. He hoped to hit Langxing before Zhengchen and Zhengfa came to kill him. He also didn't want the Wuxiang Sect to have a reputation of bullying others.

As soon as Zhenghua moved, Langxing followed suit. He used a movement technique that was not weaker than Zhenghua. However, instead of attacking Zhenghua, he made an arc from the right and rushed into the field. In this way, he He was now among the other three great monks.

Su Wan had expected that Lang Xing would do this, so her face was the calmest, and the others were a little confused. Some people also guessed that Lang Xing might want to defeat three people at the same time to show off his fighting power, but they really I don’t believe Long Xing can do this.

Zhen Chen, Zheng Dharma,

Zhenghua and the three of them took action almost at the same time. Just when they were releasing their spiritual power, several figures of Langxing suddenly appeared in the field!

The three of them have all seen Lang Xing's method, and they also know that it is one of Qianxu Palace's special skills, but they can't believe that Lang Xing can transform so many phantoms. Heng Si, who is the most accomplished in this special skill, The Immortal Lord can only transform into two phantoms.

It is not difficult to turn into a phantom, and you can do it with a little cultivation, but it is difficult to turn into a phantom that makes it difficult for monks of the same level to distinguish the authenticity. You must learn a superb spell to do it, and Langxing can do it. It was difficult for Zhengchen and the three of them to distinguish the authenticity of these phantoms, at least not in this electric light and flint room.

Lang Xing's true cultivation level cannot be defined by the standards of the cultivation world, so it is not that he can use his cultivation level in the middle stage of Yuanying to create a shadow that is enough to hide him from the monks in the later stage of Yuanying. In this case, they were naturally a little more surprised.

Five ways! There were five figures in total. Because Yanji and the others were separated by sixty or seventy thousand feet, even though they had transformed into feathers, they were dazzled and couldn't tell which one was Lang Xing's true body.

In fact, those five figures are all fake. The phantom body method combined with the invisible method of invisibility is Lang Xing's new attack method.

When Zhengfa hurriedly turned his spiritual power to attack the figure that rushed towards him, suddenly the spiritual power in his body stagnated. He immediately panicked. This was because he was sealed. Despite all his precautions, he was defeated by the opponent's strange behavior. Under the restraint technique, this boy's restraint method is too clever.

Zhenghua, who was also hurriedly fighting against the phantom, was not as lucky as Zhengfa. A vague white shadow took advantage of the emptiness and hit his body-protecting divine light. The small white slate was enough to kill the late Nascent Soul master. Lang Xing was merciful to the monk's spiritual treasure, but he also beat him until he vomited blood and fell. Who made him Fu Xing's master? He could teach a bastard like Fu Xing. I guess this master is not much better. .

The luckiest one is Zheng Chen. He is the senior brother of Zheng generation. His beard and hair are all white. Lang Xing saved him some face, but Zheng Chen was the most frightened. Both phantoms were fake, and a colorful brilliance came over. The powerful magic power contained in that ray of light made his hair stand on end. Knowing that he was unable to resist at all, there was a look of despair in his eyes.

The colorful brilliance was about to disappear on his body-protecting divine light. Zhengchen's body trembled, and he truly felt how terrifying that magical power was.

Langxing took back the Rusty Spirit Sword, held it in his hand, looked at Zhengchen, who had a pale face and straight eyes, and then turned to Zhengdu with an expressionless expression.

Zhengdu was already dumbfounded, and the people of Wuxiang Sect and Ziyang Sect were also dumbfounded. The three great monks of the late Nascent Soul were eliminated in the blink of an eye. No one could believe what they saw.

Lang Xing's mouth curled up with a hint of ridicule, and he said to Zheng Du, "If you cause trouble for me, I'll punch you. Is that too much?"

"It should be..." Zhengdu said in a daze. Although he was talking casually, he meant it sincerely. He had such great ability, so just punching himself was really polite.

Yuanyang Immortal Lord, who had regained his composure, hurriedly stepped forward to block Zhengdu, and said to Lang Xing with a complex expression, "I think he already knows the depth and depth. I will take him to your door to ask for advice in person later." Lang Xing The rusty spirit sword he was carrying made him feel quite uneasy. If Langxing accidentally hit his beloved disciple, let alone hit him, even just a shock would be enough. Zhengchen was an example. "Du'er."

Immortal Master Yuanyang called Zhengdu but did not immediately give instructions. He looked at Langxing with a scrutinizing gaze and said calmly, "Both Taoist friends Qimu and Juesheng came to Ziyang Mountain to persuade me not to be embarrassed. You, I have to give them face, so I came this time just to ask Su Wan, Liu Yun, and Lingye for an explanation. I didn’t expect that this time I came. Not only did I meet a man who was more than a thousand years old, he was transformed into a feather. Su Wan, I have seen you as an ancient genius, you did not lie to me, if the three of them did not exert pressure on Zhengdu, my disciple would have been beaten even worse. "

Having said this, he said to Su Wan and Ling Ye in the distance, "The feud between us is over."

Lingye and Su Wan both said politely to him.

Yuanyang Immortal Master turned his attention to Lang Xing again, and said to Zheng Du, "Du'er, don't hold grudges anymore. You are looking for him to cause trouble. With his ability, he only punched you. He has already done a lot for Tianlu Alliance and The Ziyang Sect has saved its face, sincerely come and learn from Junior Brother Lingxing’s methods, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it will be your good fortune if they don’t argue with you.”

"Yes." Zhengdu agreed, clenching his fists still unconvinced and slowly flying towards the field.

Langxing said to Yuanyang Immortal with a smile, "You're welcome. Since you are willing to put this past behind you, my nephew will not argue with him anymore. I hope..."

Before he finished speaking, Immortal Master Yanji snorted. This snort contained both disdain for Lang Xing and dissatisfaction with Immortal Master Yuanyang.

Langxing looked at Yanji Immortal Lord, his face turned cold and said, "You are not convinced, are you? Let me tell you what you want to order. You are already old, and you still value being competitive so much. Don't you just want to fight with Qianxugong?" Let’s divide them into high and low levels, okay, then I’ll do as you wish.” He pointed at Zhengchen and Zhengfa, “Come here, don’t you all think I’m crazy? Then I’ll show you the crazy one today. I’ve taught you a lesson. I will teach your disrespectful ancestors a lesson!"

"Hit me hard!" The brilliance outside Yanji Immortal Lord suddenly surged, and his face was darker than the poisonous fog around him. Lang Xing humiliated him in front of his disciples and grandsons, even if he personally dealt with Lang Xing. Dun also makes sense, but he can't take action because he respects his identity.

Zhengchen and Zhengfa immediately swayed their bodies and rushed towards Langxing. Although they had the excuse to teach Langxing a lesson for their ancestors, they still had the reputation of bullying the small and bullying the small. It can be seen that Zhenghua was still being beaten in the scene. It's just a matter of time. Only by teaching this Langxing a lesson can the Wuxiang Sect save some face.

Zhengdu, who was about to fly to Zhenghua, stopped hesitantly. Wuxiang sent three great monks of the late Yuan Ying stage. If he went up again, four great monks from the two sects would besiege Langxing. He didn't want to The Ziyang Sect fell into this reputation.

Zhenghua, who was closest to Langxing, was the first to take action. He hoped to hit Langxing before Zhengchen and Zhengfa came to kill him. He also didn't want the Wuxiang Sect to have a reputation of bullying others.

As soon as Zhenghua moved, Langxing followed suit. He used a movement technique that was not weaker than Zhenghua. However, instead of attacking Zhenghua, he made an arc from the right and rushed into the field. In this way, he He was now among the other three great monks.

Su Wan had expected that Lang Xing would do this, so her face was the calmest, and the others were a little confused. Some people also guessed that Lang Xing might want to defeat three people at the same time to show off his fighting power, but they really I don’t believe Long Xing can do this.

Zhen Chen, Zheng Dharma,

Zhenghua and the three of them took action almost at the same time. Just when they were releasing their spiritual power, several figures of Langxing suddenly appeared in the field!

The three of them have all seen Lang Xing's method, and they also know that it is one of Qianxu Palace's special skills, but they can't believe that Lang Xing can transform so many phantoms. Heng Si, who is the most accomplished in this special skill, The Immortal Lord can only transform into two phantoms.

It is not difficult to turn into a phantom, and you can do it with a little cultivation, but it is difficult to turn into a phantom that makes it difficult for monks of the same level to distinguish the authenticity. You must learn a superb spell to do it, and Langxing can do it. It was difficult for Zhengchen and the three of them to distinguish the authenticity of these phantoms, at least not in this electric light and flint room.

Lang Xing's true cultivation level cannot be defined by the standards of the cultivation world, so it is not that he can use his cultivation level in the middle stage of Yuanying to create a shadow that is enough to hide him from the monks in the later stage of Yuanying. In this case, they were naturally a little more surprised.

Five ways! There were five figures in total. Yanji and the others were dazzled because they were six or seventy thousand feet apart, even though they had transformed into feathers. It was difficult to tell which one was Lang Xing's true body.

In fact, those five figures are all fake. The phantom body method combined with the invisible method of invisibility is Lang Xing's new attack method.

When Zhengfa hurriedly turned his spiritual power to attack the figure that rushed towards him, suddenly the spiritual power in his body stagnated. He immediately panicked. This was because he was sealed. Even though he was on guard against it, he was defeated by the opponent's strange behavior. Under the restraint technique, this boy's restraint method is too clever.

Zhenghua, who was also hurriedly fighting against the phantom, was not as lucky as Zhengfa. A vague white shadow took advantage of the emptiness and hit his body-protecting divine light. The small white slate was enough to kill the late Nascent Soul master. Lang Xing was merciful to the monk's spiritual treasure, but he also beat him until he vomited blood and fell. Who made him Fu Xing's master? He could teach a bastard like Fu Xing. I guess this master is not much better. .

The luckiest one is Zheng Chen. He is the senior brother of Zheng generation. His beard and hair are all white. Lang Xing saved him some face, but Zheng Chen was the most frightened. Both phantoms were fake, and a colorful brilliance came over. The powerful magic power contained in that ray of light made his hair stand on end. Knowing that he was unable to resist at all, there was a look of despair in his eyes.

The colorful brilliance was about to disappear on his body-protecting divine light. Zhengchen's body trembled, and he truly felt how terrifying that magical power was.

Langxing took back the Rusty Spirit Sword, held it in his hand, looked at Zhengchen, who had a pale face and straight eyes, and then turned to Zhengdu with an expressionless expression.

Zhengdu was already dumbfounded, and the people of Wuxiang Sect and Ziyang Sect were also dumbfounded. The three great monks of the late Nascent Soul were eliminated in the blink of an eye. No one could believe what they saw.

Lang Xing's mouth curled up with a hint of ridicule, and he said to Zheng Du, "If you cause trouble for me, I'll punch you. Is that too much?"

"It should be..." Zhengdu said in a daze. Although he was talking casually, he meant it sincerely. He had such great ability, so just punching himself was really polite.

Yuanyang Immortal Lord, who had regained his composure, hurriedly stepped forward to block Zhengdu, and said to Lang Xing with a complex expression, "I think he already knows the depth and depth. I will take him to your door to ask for advice in person later." Lang Xing The rusty spirit sword he was carrying made him feel quite uneasy. If Langxing accidentally hit his beloved disciple, let alone hit him, even just a shock would be enough. Zhengchen was an example.

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