Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2862 I don’t plan to leave you

Su Wan returned to her residence worriedly, and not long after, Langxing came.

She rolled her eyes provocatively and said, "Can't you just stay by my side all day? I'm going to enlightenment, so I'll find someone else to coax you to play."

Lang Xing immediately rolled his eyes and said, "What a coincidence, I also feel that it's too annoying to be with you all the time. I just came to tell you that I have to go out to do something, so don't follow me."

Su Wan waved her hand and said impatiently, "Go, go, go wherever you like, just don't bother me here."

Lang Xing showed a vindictive smile and said, "I really thought about it, see you later." After saying that, he walked out happily.

"Come back!" Su Wan called coldly.

Lang Xing still had a vindictive expression on his face and turned around and asked, "What are you doing?"

Su Wan looked at him calmly and said, "Don't feel guilty. No matter what sneaky things you are going to do, I don't bother to ask. I just want to remind you that you are involved in too many things and there are too many people to take care of." , If this continues, you will never have a peaceful life in the future. Although you don’t want to become an immortal, I don’t think you would like to live a life of being anxious all day long, right?”

Lang Xing put away his vindictive expression, grinned and said, "I know, this period has indeed caused a lot of trouble, and this kind of life is indeed not what I want. Fortunately, after throwing them all in Wanfu Xiuyu, we can Don't worry, I will pay more attention to it from now on. I will ignore what I can. Let's go to the mortal world to experience it in a few days. I will go and deal with the things that need to be taken care of. "

Amelia Su nodded happily and said, "As long as you know what's going on, I won't say more."

Langxing chuckled, pointed at the Qiankun bag and said, "I'll send Shen Qing away first and find something for her to do, so as not to worry about her getting into danger all the time. Let her take Xiaoyu back and help me take care of it. I have Fifth Senior Sister to guide Xiaoyu." If Yu learns the immortal method of repairing the residual, I can be lazy."

"Go." Su Wan took out two jade slips containing soul skills and pretended to learn about them. After Lang Xing left, she took out the Zhenyan Book that she wanted to learn about. She felt that this treasure It might be helpful to decipher the magical relationship between the two, but it was too shameful, and she had to go behind Lang Xing's back to understand it. \u003c


After Langxing explained a few words to Huang Ying, he left Daiyuan Mountain. After flying for a while on the spiritual crane, he released Yuheng Fairy Princess and let her fly to Wutian Valley with him. It can save time and let it see the sun at the same time.

"How did you defeat those sea monsters?" Immortal Concubine Yuheng asked curiously as soon as she came out. At the critical moment of the battle, Langxing used his spiritual mind to inform her of the situation she was facing and asked her to prepare for the battle. preparation.

Langxing smiled and said, "I used a little trick to lure the two sea monsters away from the battlefield, and used the hunter's bow to kill them."

"That immortal treasure is too powerful." Immortal Concubine Yuheng sensed his perfunctory behavior and wisely closed her mouth after finishing speaking.

Langxing became more and more entangled in his treatment of this fairy concubine. If he got too close to her, I'm sorry for Su Wan, but if he distanced himself from her, it would be pure chaos and abandonment. He felt a little reluctant and a little regretful at the same time. .

"Well..., how have you been enlightening these days?" Seeing that the other person was silent, he couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Immortal Concubine Yuheng was silent for a moment before replying, "If you are not careful, you may go into seclusion. I don't dare to comprehend too much."

Lang Xing thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. You can find a place to retreat later. If you want to leave after you come out of retreat, then that's up to you. As long as..."

Immortal Concubine Yuheng interrupted before he could finish his words, "I don't plan to leave you. I will wait for you to pick me up after I leave seclusion. If you don't come after a thousand years, then I won't cause you any trouble." Will leave."

Langxing smiled and said, "You are really interesting. I said this because I was afraid that you would escape. I have never seen a prisoner like you. On the contrary, you were afraid that I would leave you. If that's the case, then just wait. I'm sure Will pick you up."

Immortal Concubine Yuheng showed her face and said with a smile, "I'm not that stupid. You are the key to the fairy door. Of course I want to

It's up to you. "

Lang Xing also smiled. Now that she had made her words clear, she felt much more relaxed. It became a transaction. She no longer trapped the other party, but the other party pestered her.

"It's easy to say. As long as you are not afraid of being led astray or suffering from catastrophe, I can tell you more later to ensure that you can retreat as soon as possible."

"This is the best!" Immortal Concubine Yuheng was happy and flew towards Wutian Valley.

Approaching Wutian Valley, Langxing took her into the Qiankun Bag and rode the crane into the thick fog. .??.

Shen Qing was discussing Taoism with You Fang, and both of them looked happy when they saw Langxing coming.

"We fought a big battle and destroyed Wanfu Xiuyu." Lang Xing said with pride, and then immediately looked at Shen Qing and added, "In response to the invitation of the Tianlu Alliance, we eradicated this cancer that harbors evil and evil. Those who are killed are those who deserve to be killed.”

Seeing that he remembered his warning, Shen Qing nodded happily and asked, "Have you had any strange experiences there?"

Langxing smiled and said, "Well..., the most peculiar thing is the laws we enforce there. We are preparing to restore the ancient customs and let all races live in harmony."

You Fang shook his head and said, "That's not easy."

Shen Qinghan smiled and said, "It depends on who is asked to do it. If he wants to do it, it will not be difficult. He can move at least twenty great supernatural powers as his backers. With such a powerful force as a guarantee, it is not a big deal to build a paradise." It’s over.”

Langxing smiled proudly and said, "Thank you for the compliment, but you hit the nail on the head. You're right. I just plan to ask you all to help build a strong barrier so that people who break into that area know who you are." What’s right?”

Shen Qing said, "I was just thinking of going out for a walk."

Lang Xing winked at her and said, "Don't worry, I have something else I need your help with."

You Fang said knowingly, "Is it convenient for me to understand your Qiankun Bag now?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "My horse

I have to leave as soon as I get there, and I was just about to ask you, are you staying here by yourself, or are you going to live in our Daiyuan Mountain? It's very clean there now, with only a few disciples of Su Wan. "

You Fang hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll go with you. We have to have a good talk later."

"Okay." Langxing put him into the Qiankun bag and immediately released the drizzle inside.

As soon as Shen Qing saw Xiaoyu with his arms broken, he immediately understood what kind of help Langxing wanted him to do.

"I have met the fairy concubine." Xiao Yu bowed to Shen Qing with reverence. Lang Xing had already used his spiritual thoughts to tell her in advance that he would entrust her to Shen Qingzhao. Facing this most talented woman who is famous all over the world, she was quite excited. .

Lang Xing smiled and said, "This is my senior sister's disciple Xiao Yu. She has a very good relationship with me. She was injured like this to protect me. Let fifth senior sister guide her, and you can also guide her by the way."

Shen Qing could only nod in agreement.

Lang Xing said, "You still have to go back to the Qingyuan Sect. I saved two of your disciples in the border battle last time. The Qingyuan Sect is now a bit leaderless, so I will lend you and the old immortal the name." Set a rule for them, you must personally deliver the instructions." He passed on the scene of teaching the two Qingyuan Sect disciples.

Shen Qing sighed and said, "Thank you for your trouble. You did a good job."

Langxing sighed and said, "I think this is in line with the wishes of the old immortal. Although I know that you don't want to interfere with the Qingyuan Sect's affairs, I think these righteous disciples are worthy of your efforts. ”

Shen Qing nodded and said, "You have explained the truth to them very clearly. I will reiterate it to them. This is all I can do."

Langxing smiled and said, "Okay, let's go now. I still have a few things to do. Let's talk while walking." After saying that, he sent Xiaoyu back to the land in Qiankun Bag, because The magic circle there was open, so You Fang didn't notice Xiaoyu's entry and exit. Although You Fang was unlikely to leak the secret, you still had to be as cautious as possible regarding the repairing magic.

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