Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2905 The soul suspended in the air

Another year later, when Fu'er was six years old, Mr. Yang was in poor health. He contracted a cold in early spring, and his illness became more and more serious. By the end of spring, he could no longer hold on.

On the issue of whether to extend the life of the two old people, Lang Xing and Su Wan's initial attitude was very clear. They were experiencing mortal life, and they had agreed not to disturb the normal life of mortals before coming. The previous attempt to prevent the war was just In order to prevent Long Xing from entering the military camp.

But as their relationship with the two elderly people deepened, they became entangled in whether they should help them live a few more years. It was too easy for them to get some life-extending fruits or teach them some life-extending skills. Well, precisely because it was too easy, not lending a helping hand would make the two of them even more embarrassed.

Su Wan had previously used the power of her mind to help the two elders eliminate some of their illnesses. The two elders thought that the pain was alleviated because they ate well and were in a good mood. This time, Mr. Yang was too ill and his energy was almost exhausted. The power of his mind could not help him recover.

"It might be possible to find some more prescriptions to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality." Su Wan said to Langxing worriedly.

Langxing shook his head sadly and advised, "Forget it. This disease has seriously damaged his body. Even if he can be saved, he will never have a good life in the future. He is too old and his body is like terrible cloth. Damn it." It can’t be repaired by sewing and mending, living like that is pure suffering.”

" godfather has been so good to us, I really can't bear to let him leave like this..." Su Wan's eyes turned red.

Speaking of which, she has experienced more life and death than Lang Xing. When she was in the Xuanfang Sect, not fifty but forty male disciples in the Red Stone Valley died due to exhaustion of their yang life, but the relationship with those disciples could not be helped. Compared with the relationship between Yang Gong and Yang Gong, Yang Gong sincerely loved her as his own daughter. Moreover, he only met his disciple for months or even years, but he saw his godfather and stepmother every day. They had only been getting along with each other for several years. It has taken thousands of years to reach the realm of cultivation.

Lang Xing knew the truth of this and comforted him, "I didn't even dare to face the death of my parents at first, but sooner or later this day will come. Even if you find all the good medicine in the world, you can only get He will only survive the illness for a few more years. Instead of letting him live in suffering, it is better to let him go early. He is already suffering now. If you can't bear it, find an excuse to return to the cultivation world temporarily, just in time to go back and see Xiang. Are you and Xiao Hefeng back?"

Su Wan bit her lips and shook her head, "I have to accompany him to the end no matter what, so that I can live up to his love for me."

"That's fine." Lang Xing said no longer reluctantly, "We are here to experience it. Birth, old age, illness and death are the most important parts. Then you can send him on his last journey, but don't think about treating him anymore. Then It’s torture for him.”

Mr. Yang lasted for three more days. During these three days, Su Wan and Lang Xingyi stayed in front of the hospital bed with their clothes untied. On the contrary, Po Yang was more open-minded than the two of them. She kept trying to persuade them, saying that you are a filial daughter and son-in-law, old man. He has lived a decent life these past few years, but he just can’t let you go.

Yang Gong's face was ashen, his cheeks were sunken, he could no longer speak, and he could only breathe with his eyes closed. However, his two withered hands, one holding Lang Xing's hand and the other holding Su Wan's, remained unmoved. Ken let go.

Su Wan saw that his breathing became rapid, and she knew that he was going to die soon, and tears filled her eyes with heart-wrenching tears.

Yang Gong suddenly opened his eyes,

His pale face turned rosy. Seeing that Fu'er was not in the house, he called Po Yang to find Fu'er.

Po Yang knew that this was a return to the light, so she hurriedly pulled Fu'er who was waiting outside the house, let him take a look, and then hurriedly sent Fu'er out. The custom here believed that when a person dies, the yin energy is too strong, and children I can't bear it, so I can't let the children stay by the side.

Mr. Yang explained the family affairs to Mrs. Yang who returned, and then sighed, "You are more blessed than me. You can enjoy a few more years with these two good children. I can't do it anymore and it's time to leave." After that, he said He said to Lang Xing and Su Wan, "You two are the best daughters and sons-in-law in the world. I don't need to give you any more instructions. I have no worries about you. I know you are not mortals, but no matter you are gods or monsters, I I will treat you as my daughter and son-in-law, and I will not betray you to the King of Hell. You two must be a good couple and remain so loving. Then I will have nothing to worry about underground. ”

"Dad..." Su Wan burst into tears. Some things can be hidden from the villagers but cannot be hidden from the old couple. They are too close to each other. The old couple has long suspected that they are not mortals. However, not only did they not tell the truth, they also kept covering it up for them. They did not tell the truth until they died. Speak up.

Langxing also shed tears. Po Yang stroked Su Wan's back, and while shedding tears, she advised Su Wan not to break her body from crying. This old woman was so simple, and she still loved her daughter even when her husband was dying.

"I have to leave, I can't bear to leave you..." Mr. Yang muttered, looking at the two of them with eyes full of reluctance, then at his wife, and finally tilted his head and died.

"Dad!" Su Wan let out a heart-rending cry.

Lang Xing noticed a wisp of soul floating out. The soul was a very light gray color, slightly different from what it usually looked like. After staying in the air for a moment, it became invisible and insubstantial at a very fast speed. Although Lang Xing did not see it, It was clear, but it felt like part of the transformation was falling downwards. Unfortunately, with his spiritual consciousness, he could not detect the transformed soul at all, and could not determine whether it had penetrated into the ground.

Although he has seen the death of many people, this is the first time he has seen the soul separated from the body so clearly, and he has never seen the sight of the soul staying in the air. Could it be because his godfather is reluctant to leave? Stop for this moment? Then the soul is aware. Has it gone to the underworld?

Langxing was stunned, but he didn't let him think too much. Lu Bo and others rushed over. There were people crying inside and outside the house. Fu'er cried and shouted to come in, but was forcibly taken away by Xiao Zheng.

Lang Xing couldn't think anymore, and comforted Su Wan and Po Yang with great sadness. Seeing that Su Wan was crying too hard, he had to secretly seal her. In front of everyone, it was the filial daughter who fainted from crying. .

Langxing took Su Wan back home. On the one hand, he was afraid that she would cry too sadly, and on the other hand, because there were too many people, he was afraid that she would not be able to bear the heavy filthy atmosphere. Xiao Zheng's wife followed him uneasily.

After Langxing put Su Wan on the bed, he released the seal on her and secretly said, "It's enough to fulfill your filial piety. There is no need to hold on there. There are so many people crowded in the room, and the stale air is too heavy." , Just pretend to be weak here and go to the wake when there are fewer people."

Su Wan said nothing, tears streaming down her face, and obeyed Lang Xing's arrangement. Another year later, when Fu'er was six years old, Mr. Yang was in poor health. He contracted a cold in early spring, and his illness became more and more serious. By the end of spring, he could no longer hold on.

On the issue of whether to extend the life of the two old people, Lang Xing and Su Wan's initial attitude was very clear. They were experiencing mortal life, and they had agreed not to disturb the normal life of mortals before coming. The previous attempt to prevent the war was just In order to prevent Long Xing from entering the military camp.

But as their relationship with the two elderly people deepened, they became entangled in whether they should help them live a few more years. It was too easy for them to get some life-extending fruits or teach them some life-extending skills. Well, precisely because it was too easy, not lending a helping hand would make the two of them even more embarrassed.

Su Wan had previously used the power of her mind to help the two elders eliminate some of their illnesses. The two elders thought that the pain was alleviated because they ate well and were in a good mood. This time, Mr. Yang was too ill and his energy was almost exhausted. The power of his mind could not help him recover.

"It might be possible to find some more prescriptions to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality." Su Wan said to Langxing worriedly.

Langxing shook his head sadly and advised, "Forget it. This disease has seriously damaged his body. Even if he can be saved, he will never have a good life in the future. He is too old and his body is like terrible cloth. Damn it." It can’t be repaired by sewing and mending, living like that is pure suffering.”

" godfather has been so good to us, I really can't bear to let him leave like this..." Su Wan's eyes turned red.

Speaking of which, she has experienced more life and death than Lang Xing. When she was in the Xuanfang Sect, not fifty but forty male disciples in the Red Stone Valley died due to exhaustion of their yang life, but the relationship with those disciples could not be helped. Compared with the relationship between Yang Gong and Yang Gong, Yang Gong sincerely loved her as his own daughter. Moreover, he only met his disciple for months or even years, but he saw his godfather and stepmother every day. They had only been getting along with each other for several years. It has taken thousands of years to reach the realm of cultivation.

Lang Xing knew the truth of this and comforted him, "I didn't even dare to face the death of my parents at first, but sooner or later this day will come. Even if you find all the good medicine in the world, you can only get He will only survive the illness for a few more years. Instead of letting him live in suffering, it is better to let him go early. He is already suffering now. If you can't bear it, find an excuse to return to the cultivation world temporarily, just in time to go back and see Xiang. Are you and Xiao Hefeng back?"

Su Wan bit her lips and shook her head, "I have to accompany him to the end no matter what, so that I can live up to his love for me."

"That's fine." Lang Xing said no longer reluctantly, "We are here to experience it. Birth, old age, illness and death are the most important parts. Then you can send him to the end of his journey, but don't think about treating him anymore. Then It’s torture for him.”

Mr. Yang lasted for three more days. During these three days, Su Wan and Lang Xingyi stayed in front of the hospital bed with their clothes untied. On the contrary, Po Yang was more open-minded than the two of them. She kept trying to persuade them, saying that you are a filial daughter and son-in-law, old man. He has lived a decent life these past few years, but he just can’t let you go.

Yang Gong's face was ashen, his cheeks were sunken, he could no longer speak, and he could only breathe with his eyes closed. However, his two withered hands, one holding Lang Xing's hand and the other holding Su Wan's, remained unmoved. Ken let go.

Su Wan saw that his breathing became rapid, and she knew that he was going to die soon, and tears filled her eyes with heart-wrenching tears.

Yang Gong suddenly opened his eyes,

His pale face turned rosy. Seeing that Fu'er was not in the house, he called Po Yang to find Fu'er.

Po Yang knew that this was a return to the light, so she hurriedly pulled Fu'er who was waiting outside the house, let him take a look, and then hurriedly sent Fu'er out. The custom here believed that when a person dies, the yin energy is too strong, and children I can't bear it, so I can't let the children stay by the side.

Mr. Yang explained the family affairs to Mrs. Yang who returned, and then sighed, "You are more blessed than me. You can enjoy a few more years with these two good children. I can't do it anymore. It's time to leave." After that, he said again. He said to Lang Xing and Su Wan, "You two are the best daughters and sons-in-law in the world. I don't need to give you any more instructions. I have no worries about you. I know you are not mortals, but no matter you are gods or monsters, I I will treat you as my daughter and son-in-law, and I will not betray you to the King of Hell. You two must be a good couple and remain so loving. Then I will have nothing to worry about underground. ”

"Dad..." Su Wan burst into tears. Some things can be hidden from the villagers but cannot be hidden from the old couple. They are too close to each other. The old couple has long suspected that they are not mortals. However, not only did they not tell the truth, they also kept covering it up for them. They did not tell the truth until they died. Speak up.

Langxing also shed tears. Po Yang stroked Su Wan's back, and while shedding tears, she advised Su Wan not to break her body from crying. This old woman was so simple, and she still loved her daughter even when her husband was dying.

"I have to leave, I can't bear to leave you..." Mr. Yang muttered, looking at the two of them with eyes full of reluctance, then at his wife, and finally tilted his head and died.

"Dad!" Su Wan let out a heart-rending cry.

Lang Xing noticed a wisp of soul floating out. The soul was a very light gray color, slightly different from what it usually looked like. After staying in the air for a moment, it became invisible and insubstantial at a very fast speed. Although Lang Xing did not see it, It was clear, but it felt like part of the transformation was falling downwards. Unfortunately, with his spiritual consciousness, he could not detect the transformed soul at all, and could not determine whether it had penetrated into the ground.

Although he has seen the death of many people, this is the first time he has seen the soul separated from the body so clearly, and he has never seen the sight of the soul staying in the air. Could it be because his godfather is reluctant to leave? Stop for this moment? Then the soul is aware. Has it gone to the underworld?

Langxing was stunned, but he didn't let him think too much. Lu Bo and others rushed over. There were people crying inside and outside the house. Fu'er cried and shouted to come in, but was forcibly taken away by Xiao Zheng.

Lang Xing couldn't think anymore, and comforted Su Wan and Po Yang with great sadness. Seeing that Su Wan was crying too hard, he had to secretly seal her. In front of everyone, it was the filial daughter who fainted from crying. .

Langxing took Su Wan back home. On the one hand, he was afraid that she would cry too sadly, and on the other hand, because there were too many people, he was afraid that she would not be able to bear the heavy filthy atmosphere. Xiao Zheng's wife followed him uneasily.

After Langxing put Su Wan on the bed, he released the seal on her and secretly said, "It's enough to fulfill your filial piety. There is no need to hold on there. There are so many people crowded in the room, and the stale air is too heavy." , Just pretend to be weak here and go to the wake when there are fewer people."

Su Wan said nothing, tears streaming down her face, and obeyed Lang Xing's arrangement.

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