Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2934 Mr. Teach

Langxing sent his second senior sister to Daiyuan Mountain to look after Xiang'er.

Next, Su Wan and Lang Xing lived on tenterhooks, because Yu Chan would run back from time to time in the name of passing on news. They didn't know whether they wanted to bump into something or pry into something. Anyway, she was a great immortal. Concubine, your legs and feet are flexible.

From the news sent back by Yu Chan, it can be seen that the mobilization of the Tianlu Alliance's army has almost been completed. Not only has a strong force been prepared to deal with the war on the spot, but also three defensive fronts have been deployed in the back to prepare for the war in case the war goes unfavorable. Preparation for attack.

The Fairy Heroes Association to select talents also started, and a total of ten arenas were set up around Tianlu Mountain. Experts from all sides took turns to take the stage. It was exciting and lively. Because the news about the upcoming war with Dongmenzhou was still kept secret, many The spectators did not know the inside story and regarded this as a grand carnival. Those who competed on the stage and had superior fighting ability were informed of the truth and allowed to choose to withdraw.

As the time approached, Langxing and Su Wan also began to prepare to leave the small village. .??.??

Langxing took the opportunity of chatting and told Aunt Lu that he planned to go into business with Su Wan's brother. Aunt Lu had always wanted to know about Su Wan's family background. When she heard this, she became excited, and Langxing settled on her family background. Su Wan's head, his father and his brother Xian'er are both big businessmen. He has a lot of knowledge when it comes to this matter. Naturally, a village woman like Aunt Lu, who has never seen much of the world, can't ask questions. It was so flawed that all I could hear was dumbfounded.

Lang Xing vaguely admitted that he and Su Wan had eloped, but after so many years, Su Wan's family had accepted this fact, so they planned to support this son-in-law and let him participate in the family business.

Aunt Lu showed a proud expression of foresight, which was exactly what she had guessed, but she didn't know that Langxing had already known all about the tongues she secretly chewed with Uncle Lu, and he just followed her words and made them up to coax her. It's so easy.

Next, Langxing went to the town to find a poor scholar, and cleared out the yard of Mr. Yang and Mrs. Yang for him to live in. By the way, he also called Xiaolong and Ting'er to come over to read and learn. Liu Wuniang and Xiao Zheng were in love with each other. This is of course greatly appreciated.

This scholar is twenty-five years old. He has not yet married a wife and has children because his family is poor. On the one hand, he is poor, and another reason why he has not married a wife is that he is a bit too educated. He would not like anyone who is willing to marry him.

When Lang Xing found him, he was very happy when he came to the village to teach. When he saw Lang Xing took out three ingots of silver and put them on the table,

His eyes couldn't help but feel a little straight. This much money was enough for five years of remuneration.

When Lang Xing made his request, the scholar surnamed Tian was a little unhappy, because Lang Xing asked him not to be too strict with his students, let alone to beat them. He could just coax them to learn some words, what about loyalty to the emperor and filial piety. Don't talk about righteousness. In a word, just train them like useless people who just want to live a stable life.

"This is misleading! Although I am poor, I don't bother to make this kind of money. Please come back!" Mr. Tian stood up with a sullen face, although he was quite reluctant to part with the few white coins on the case. , but he has the integrity.

Langxing smiled, pointed at the three ingots of silver and said, "This is a year's reward. If the children like you, I will give you three more ingots as a reward at the end of the year. I just hope that my children will live a stable life in this life and don't teach them any righteousness." Is this just misleading people? Sir, I do have ambitions and great righteousness, but what is the use of having empty ambitions? I think it will make people unwilling to settle down. Ruling a country requires practical knowledge, otherwise it will harm the country. Misleading people is much more serious than misleading young people. There is only one person with such talents. As a mediocre person, doesn’t it mean that he has such high ambitions without self-awareness? I am not qualified to judge the talent of these gentlemen. All the kids are mediocre, I can tell.”

Tian Shusheng saw that Langxing was talking calmly and calmly, obviously a knowledgeable person, so he put away his anger, frowned and said, "Loyalty to the emperor and filial piety are the righteousness that everyone must have. Even if you are not talented or incompetent, in the There can be no ambiguity in these two matters. How can you not allow me to teach you these two things? "

Langxing smiled confidently and said, "The reason why I don't let my husband teach me about filial piety is because my child has a very close relationship with us. This is because we love him from the bottom of our hearts. The child can feel it and he has learned how to do the same in return." He feels sorry for us. This also comes from his heart. Deliberately teaching him how to be filial will restrain the child. We don't need him to be filial in a proper manner. We don't like such children. I thought that the biggest There is nothing more filial piety than being able to talk and laugh with our parents affectionately. When he was young, we took care of him lovingly. When we were old, he took care of us reluctantly and tried his best to seek medical advice so that we could stay longer. Over the years, instead of acting carefully based on their parents’ faces,

, filial piety is just to abide by the righteousness, rather than sincerely wishing. "

Scholar Tian shook his head, glanced at the silver, and said patiently, "With all due respect, this is the opinion of ordinary people. The reason why sages established filial piety is to enable everyone to fulfill their filial piety, even if they don't want to." If he doesn't do it, he will be drowned in everyone's spit. This will ensure that the old people are supported, and the world will be stable and the world will be upward. "

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "The person who establishes filial piety is by no means a saint, he is just a capable minister who controls the people. I think he should be killed. As the teacher said, all he wants is peace in the world. In fact, he uses filial piety to subdue the people. Although this can Providing support for the elderly also kills the relationship between parents and children, making children tremble in front of their parents and not dare to disobey. In this case, how can family happiness be the best way for people? If you use less family happiness in exchange for stability, it will be a good thing for the court, but it will be a bad thing for the people. It will make parents less like parents and more like kings, and make children less like children and more like subjects, and the people of the world will lose something. The most important thing about family is that people are no longer like humans, even worse than animals.”

Scholar Tian glared and was about to retort, but Lang Xing waved his hand to stop him and said, "Sir, please listen to what I have to say. As mentioned above, filial piety is used to govern the people. The main purpose is to make unfilial sons have to be filial, and to have filial piety." For my children, it is an obstacle that cuts off family ties. It is like cutting off strengths to make up for weaknesses, which is contrary to human ethics. My child has a filial heart and does not need to be restrained by filial piety. The teacher should teach students in accordance with their aptitude and cannot use filial piety for children who really want to be close to their parents. Does it make sense, sir, to restrain them from being as close to their parents as they want?"

Scholar Tian opened his mouth and closed it again. His eyes flickered for a while before he said, "I have to say that your respect has seen things thoroughly. Some of them I have never thought deeply about. Your respect and your exaltation made me understand a truth. Since filial piety is used Those who come to govern the people should not allow anyone to go beyond the rules, otherwise everyone will follow suit, so it is necessary to generalize, clarify the rules, and supplement them with laws. "

Langxing took pictures of several cases and praised, "I decided to come to see you because I heard that you have good products that you are very happy about. Sure enough, the rumors are true. You are not stubborn about such important matters. You are not only able to deal with deviant words." If you listen to it and think about it carefully, you will become a wise person in the future.”

Scholar Tian hadn't completely thought this through, and he was even more confused by Lang Xing's compliment. He waved his hands and said, "Please, please allow me to think about it again. I'm a little confused."


br\u003e Langxing showed a slight evil smile and said, "Actually, sir, you have already understood most of the truth. He has always looked at these issues from a political perspective. He feels that these are the things we should do and we are willing to abide by them. But we are just ordinary people. So, In terms of itself, is there anything more important than being intimate with your parents? Filial piety has been around for too long and people have become accustomed to it, so I say those who enact it should be killed."

Scholar Tian was suddenly surprised, and he raised his hands and wanted to salute Lang Xing to show his respect. However, after all, this kind of justice had already been deeply rooted in his bones, so he raised his hands but hesitated and did not bow down immediately.

"Come on, come on, sit down." Lang Xing pushed him back to the seat.

"So... what should I say to my loyal lord?" Scholar Tian's confused eyes looked like he was asking for advice.

Langxing smiled and said, "What the king likes most is to love his people like his sons. We have already talked about filial piety. Do I need to say more about loyalty to the king? With your wisdom, sir, you should make your own judgment. If you are treasonous, let us say less." Just a few words, everyone in the world is stupid, and those who are not stupid will be punished by the law. Just think about it in your heart." He pushed the three silver coins forward, "You only live a hundred years, live happily. is the most important thing. If everyone in the country has this understanding, then filial piety will be useless. If the father is kind and the son is filial, if the father is unkind, then you cannot blame the son for being unfilial. If the father is kind but the son is unfilial, then everyone will Everyone despises it, this is the normal way of the world, and the world can only improve. It is precisely because there are too many unfilial piety that we need to use filial piety to suppress it. This is drinking poison to quench thirst. It is the court treating people like cattle and horses to govern them. Let’s not be stupid. He tied himself up."

Tian Shusheng's heart became even more chaotic, and there were huge waves. This time he stood up without hesitation and saluted Langxing deeply, "In any case, I kindly ask you to speak your eloquent words. If you are willing to have a long talk, , Tian is willing to teach a few children for no reward, as long as he has food to eat. "

Langxing smiled and said, "Sir, if you think what I'm saying is acceptable, then let's talk a little more. For people like me, it's very difficult to find a suitable teacher to teach children. If we can talk, , then I can safely leave the child to my husband, the remuneration is good, our family is relatively well-off, and there is no need for you to be polite about this."

When Langxing came out of Tian Shusheng's house, Tian Shusheng could almost be regarded as a rebel. It only took more than an hour before and after, an unwavering loyalist turned around and wanted to rush into the court with his sword. .

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