Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2946 You two are too different, right?

"Haha." Lang Xing said haha ​​to cover up his inner agitation. Su Wan's words were of immeasurable value to him. Of course he hoped that Su Wan could live well, but for Su Wan, he had to commit suicide. But he didn't know what attitude to take. In his heart, he probably hoped that Su Wan would accompany him. Just because he didn't know what he would face after death, he couldn't let Su Wan take this risk.

"You are deliberately causing trouble for me, right? Just live a good life for me. If the result is really bad, you can help me persuade Second Senior Sister and the others. I will leave Xiang'er under your care. I don't feel safe leaving it to someone else."

Su Wan said stubbornly, "I will definitely commit suicide. Will you go or not?"

"You..., let me tell you what you want to order?" Lang Xing looked at her with a pretentious frown.

"Go or not?" Su Wan stared at him, making sure to get an answer immediately.

"Ha!" Lang Xing looked up to the sky and roared loudly, causing thousands of birds to fly. He seemed to have exhaled all the worries in his chest, and then said with great courage, "Go! Let me see who has the ability to kill me! Don't kill yourself." Scare me, you won’t be able to scare me!”

Su Wan pursed her lips tightly and slowly exhaled the breath from her nostrils. She felt that most of Lang Xing's worries were gone, but if she could help him relieve his worries, he would go into battle. The result she wanted most was that Lang Xing decided not to go, but that was obviously impossible, so the result was pretty good.

Lang Xing said boldly, "Let's go! Go to Daiyuan Mountain to pick up Xiang'er. I want her to see with her own eyes how her master shocked the demons in the East Nightmare Continent. She should be present in this battle, otherwise she will It’s my fault.”

Bai Xiang's injury has been mostly healed, not only because he has a good foundation after eating the Golden Body Fruit, but also because he has an excellent healing elixir. Jiangxiao and the others also came over to help Lu Gang with the immortal Lord Xiaoyao, using the magic of the True Yuan Lu. , Xiao Hefeng and the three of them underwent treatment.

Seeing the master coming back, Bai Xiang's rosy face showed a bright smile.


"It's true that you said it. It's not too late to come back." Bai Xiang took Su Wan's arm affectionately and continued to say to Lang Xing, "Uncle Jiang and the others have been here and said that you showed your face again. , won the title of Immortal Hero, the Immortal Hero Association is such a big deal, but they didn’t even tell me a word.” After saying that, she glanced at Su Wan dissatisfied, “I asked why Master Su came over in a hurry last time. Later, Senior Sister Song Jia and the other three said they wanted to go out for a trip. Senior Sister Huang Ying hadn't even left isolation yet, so they wanted to go out together. I felt something was wrong at that time. It seemed that it was useless for Senior Uncle to kiss me anymore. I still love my disciples the most, but it’s a pity that my master can’t take care of me.”

Su Wan pinched her cheek and said, "It's okay to say such heartless things. I won't tell you because I want you to heal your wounds with peace of mind. You don't learn from Jiang Xiao's sharp-tongued mouth. Learned a lot!”

Bai Xiang pursed her lips and smiled, snuggled close to Su Wan, and said coquettishly to Lang Xing, "How did you and Wu Yan shake hands and make peace? You must tell me in detail."

Lang Xing frowned slightly, and said with some seriousness and worry, "Do you think the Tianlu Alliance suddenly organized such a fairy-hero conference just to have fun? You have been following me for so many years, don't you understand who I am? What if? Do you think I would care about the title of Xianying? "

Following Lang Xing's series of questions, the smile on Bai Xiang's face disappeared layer by layer, and finally turned into confusion and solemnity. He asked cautiously, "Then... tell me what the reason is here. I think it's a bit unlike your style to compete in this kind of arena, but I guess it may be that the Qianxu Palace wants to regain its prestige, so you have to go. If there is more, I will

No more thought. "

Su Wan turned her head to the side. The master and apprentice were amused. She couldn't make trouble now. Lang Xing was playing tricks on his disciple like this. It was really not a thing. But it was a good thing that he was able to get over his worries and was in the mood to joke. .

Lang Xing sighed as if that was the case, and said with deep sorrow and seriousness, "I told you last time that what you caused was a catastrophic disaster. Dongmengzhou will send all the troops from the continent to take revenge. You I don’t believe it at all, but it’s true. They dropped the provocation of winning or losing in three formations. The Tianlu Alliance organized the Fairy Heroes Meeting to select talents to challenge. The winning or losing of these three formations is not only related to the dignity of the two continents. , will also have a great impact on morale. If we lose, Dongmengzhou may march down in one go, which will be too detrimental to our side, so I have to fight for this title of Immortal Hero. In fact, You earn your spot in the battle, and you are the one who caused the trouble. Naturally, I can’t be a coward.”

Bai Xiang felt a little stupid when she heard that. She didn't believe that they had caused such a big disaster by killing a few monks from Dongyangzhou and even beating her to death. However, the Master's stern appearance didn't seem to be all fake. Moreover, it was really unusual for Master to show off and snatch the title. This made her want to murmur. She couldn't help but look at Su Wan. She knew that she couldn't run away from being tricked today. She just hoped that this was really just a trick. , if it is true, it would be too serious.

Su Wan said expressionlessly, "He is fighting for the title of Immortal Hero to challenge the three-formation theory proposed by Dongmengzhou. This is a tough battle. Since Dongmengzhou dares to raise this challenge, he must be prepared and capable." Confident, for this reason, he has been adjusting his mentality after the Fairy Heroes Association. The stakes in this battle are too important, and we cannot afford to lose. "

Bai Xiang panicked now, grabbed Su Wan's arm tightly, looked at her with anxious eyes, and asked timidly, "Is it possible that among the people we killed, some of them were extremely important?"

Want a character? "

"You two are so stupid, aren't you? Do you want to play tricks on juniors like this? Xiang'er, don't listen to their nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with you." Following these few words of ridicule, Lu Gang flew over.

"Uncle! Please tell me what's going on. They are so bullying. I will never ignore them again!" Bai Xiang looked at the two of them with disdain and anger, then went up to hug Lu Gang. Although Master Lu was fierce and ruthless, he was very kind to her. Among these dishonest people, he was almost the most trustworthy, if not the most trustworthy.

Lu Gang smiled and reassured, "They are teasing you. There is indeed a promise of the Three Formations, and the Fairy Heroes Meeting held by the Heavenly Law Alliance is indeed to select those who will challenge, but this has nothing to do with the fact that we have killed several Dongmenzhou." It doesn’t matter much. Dongyangzhou is about to invade Nanjingzhou. If we cause trouble like this, they will come over. "

After hearing this, Bai Xiang gritted her teeth and pointed at Lang Xing and Su Wan, stamping her feet and saying, "You two! Are there people like you!" There was no way, no matter how angry she was, she couldn't scold them more harshly.

The seriousness and worry on Lang Xing's face were wiped away, and he smiled and scolded Lu Gang, "Using you to pretend to be a good guy? We are having fun teasing her, but you can really ruin it!"

Lu Gang just smiled and didn't talk back.

Bai Xiang was not very angry with Lang Xing, because she was used to being teased by this unserious master. She was most angry with Su Wan, so she pointed at Su Wan and said, "Thank you for trusting you so much! What you just pretended to be like ah!"

Su Wan smiled reluctantly and said, "I didn't lie to you. Every word I said is the truth."

Bai Xiang was so angry that she stomped her feet repeatedly. This Master Su was so irritating that he had the nerve to say such a thing. She did tell the truth, but she avoided the important and chose the light. She was obviously deliberately trying to flatter the master! so bad!

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