Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 855 Go back!

Three days later, Gu Yingying's defensive array flashed yellow light again, and then a spiritual thought came in.

"Two Nascent Soul stage ones came out."

Xun Yi immediately flew out of the magic circle, and the one who came out with him was Fairy Mu Cai. Huang Qing and Hou Yuan were seriously injured, and it was not suitable to act at the moment.

The person who came to deliver the order was a law enforcement guard in the Dan-formation stage. He was standing in mid-air a hundred miles away from the magic circle. This defensive magic circle was related to the life-suppressing rope. If there was no life-suppressing talisman, Xunyi would The life-saving rope in their bodies will activate when they reach a hundred miles away, and the life-suppressing talisman is controlled by Jin Yuanzi.

The law enforcement guard couldn't help but frowned when he saw Xun Yi, and asked Fairy Mu Cai, "Is he the new one? Are you the only two Nascent Soul stagers left here?"

Fairy Mu Cai was very familiar with this law enforcement guard who often came to deliver orders, so she replied calmly, "He is very powerful. If you have any questions, just tell him."

The law enforcement guard threw a talisman to each of them, "Ambush in the south of Xigu Mountain and intercept the fleeing enemies. These two temporary life-saving talismans are only effective for twenty days. On the nineteenth day, you can came back."

Firstly, Fairy Mu Cai has not yet fully recovered. Secondly, she is unwilling to go out alone with Xunyi. Thirdly, she is also a little timid about this task. The boss reluctantly said, "There won't be no one to defend the south side of Xigu Mountain, right? We still need it." go?"

The law enforcement officer who delivered the order said, "Originally, we sent people to ambush there, but there are not enough people to search for them. They have to be transferred there, so I have to ask you to make up for it."

"What happened?" Fairy Mu Cai felt even more timid after hearing his words.

The Law Enforcement Guard replied, "A patrolling group of Law Enforcement Guards was ambushed. The perpetrators were five green-skinned beasts, both of whom were of high cultivation. Two of the five patrolling men were killed and three were injured, and two of the people rounded up were also injured." , you have to be careful."

"What cultivation level are all the dead and injured?" Fairy Mu Cai asked with a grimace.

"I don't know yet, so go ahead."

Fairy Mu Cai said unhappily, "Xiao Mao, are you trying to hide it from me? How could you not know!"

The law enforcement officer known as Xiaomao said perfunctorily, "I really don't know. Go quickly and don't miss the military order. It's unlikely that the green-skinned beast will escape to your side."

Xunyi didn't want Fairy Mu Cai to waste any more time, so he said, "Okay, let's leave now. You can go back and recover."

Xiao Mao also couldn't stand Fairy Mu Cai's arrogant attitude. After hearing Xun Yi's words, he immediately turned around and left.

Xunyi had already obtained a map of the jurisdiction of the Guye Branch before, and took the lead in flying towards Xigu Mountain without the guidance of Fairy Mu Cai.

Fairy Mu Cai followed him closely and couldn't help complaining, "There must be many among the dead and injured who are in the Nascent Soul stage. This kid deliberately hid it and refused to tell us." After a while, Xunyi ignored her and ignored her. She added, "If we really bump into those five green ghosts, we won't be able to stop them."

"Then you want to disobey me?" Xunyi replied coldly.

Fairy Mu Cai felt extremely aggrieved. Although she was already very afraid of seeking changes, her arrogant spirit still came forward. "If Huang Qing and the others were not injured, it would not be my turn. I am not fully mature yet." Recovering."

"You brought it upon yourself." Xunyi said without looking back.

Fairy Mu Cai snorted out of habit, but the sound frightened her so much that she secretly observed that Xun Yi had no intention of causing trouble for him, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

With their two cultivation levels, it only took a day and a half to get from Guyingying to Xigu Mountain. Fairy Mu Cai flew a short distance and then started to slow down, pretending that her injury was not over and slowing down. Xun Yi had no time to talk to her. He sped over alone.

There was a law enforcement guard waiting for them in the south of Xigu Mountain. After seeing Xunyi's arrival, he handed over the defense here to Xunyi, and then went back to Xigu Mountain to ambush. The defense line built for this roundup was too large. After a long time, Xigu Mountain is not a key defense route, so manpower is even more scarce. One person has to be responsible for the defense lines of three thousand miles on the left and right. This has exceeded the limit of the exploration range of an early Yuanying monk. In Mu Cai Before the fairy arrived, Xunyi could only use the Escape Art to patrol back and forth on the defense line that was more than 10,000 miles long.

After a delay of more than half a day, Fairy Mu Cai finally arrived. Xunyi arranged for her to be near Xigu Mountain, while he continued to patrol the nearly ten thousand miles southward defense zone.

The realm has been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage. Xun Yi's meridians transformation results that can be said to have been exchanged for his life are still there, so his spiritual sense detection ability is farther than that of monks of the same level. After patrolling for two rounds, he discovered that Mu Fairy Cai is using her spiritual consciousness to look forward. Where is this ambush? He felt very strange, and after a quick thought, he guessed what Fairy Mu Cai was planning. This fairy was probably trying to be clever. If an enemy really came from here, she would naturally change after noticing her spiritual thoughts. Flee in the direction of escape.

This made Xun Yi, who was eager for a fight, very angry. He ran over and gave the fairy a stern warning. Although Fairy Mu Cai was filled with hatred, she could only remain silent like a receiving bag.

The days passed by as Xun Yi patrolled day by day. At noon on the eighteenth day, Fairy Mu Cai came over. When Xun Yi suddenly appeared less than a hundred feet in front of her, she was frightened. He jumped a lot, patted his chest and said, " scared me to death!"

"Shut up, what are you doing here?" Xun Yi had actually guessed why she came over. Seeing that the ambush mission was about to be completed, the fairy must find a way to create a point that could disturb the movement in the distance and delay it. Spend these last few moments.

"I'm here to remind you that we should retreat after midnight." Fairy Mu Cai looked at Xun Yi with aggrieved eyes as he returned his spiritual thoughts.

Xunyi said solemnly, "I'll thank you for that. Go back quietly. If you dare to make any more noise before midnight, don't blame me for teaching you a lesson. I was merciful to you last time."

Fairy Mu Cai dared to give Xun Yi a dissatisfied look. Sometimes her temper could really cost a person her life. Fortunately, Xun Yi didn't bother to argue with her.

Seeing that Xun Yi had no reaction to her eye roll, Fairy Mu Cai quickly regained her confidence, habitually glanced at Xun Yi from the corner of her eyes and said, "So your invisibility method is so good, are you using an invisibility treasure?"

"Go back!" Xunyi's eyes flashed with cold light.

Fairy Mu Cai trembled with fright, and turned around in a hurry with her face changing color. When the fire of embarrassment ignited in her heart, she suddenly remembered Xun Yi's instructions to go back quietly, and hurriedly used the invisibility technique to walk quietly. Fairy Mu Cai, who was so arrogant and arrogant, was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry. She gritted her silver teeth and only hoped that one day she could break Xun Yi's body into thousands of pieces. Only in this way can she eliminate this humiliating shame! Three days later, the defensive array of Gu Yingying flashed yellow light again, and then a spiritual thought came in.

"Two Nascent Soul stage ones came out."

Xun Yi immediately flew out of the magic circle, and the one who came out with him was Fairy Mu Cai. Huang Qing and Hou Yuan were seriously injured, and it was not suitable to act at the moment.

The person who came to deliver the order was a law enforcement guard in the Dan-formation stage. He was standing in mid-air a hundred miles away from the magic circle. This defensive magic circle was related to the life-suppressing rope. If there was no life-suppressing talisman, Xunyi would The life-saving rope in their bodies will activate when they reach a hundred miles away, and the life-suppressing talisman is controlled by Jin Yuanzi.

The law enforcement guard couldn't help but frowned when he saw Xun Yi, and asked Fairy Mu Cai, "Is he the new one? Are you the only two Nascent Soul stagers left here?"

Fairy Mu Cai was very familiar with this law enforcement guard who often came to deliver orders, so she replied calmly, "He is very powerful. If you need anything, just tell him." .??.

The law enforcement guard threw a talisman to each of them, "Ambush in the south of Xigu Mountain and intercept the fleeing enemies. These two temporary life-saving talismans are only effective for twenty days. On the nineteenth day, you can came back."

Firstly, Fairy Mu Cai has not yet fully recovered. Secondly, she is unwilling to go out alone with Xunyi. Thirdly, she is also a little timid about this task. The boss reluctantly said, "There won't be no one to defend the south side of Xigu Mountain, right? We still need it." go?"

The law enforcement officer who delivered the order said, "Originally, we sent people to ambush there, but there are not enough people to search for them. They have to be transferred there, so I have to ask you to make up for it."

"What happened?" Fairy Mu Cai felt even more timid after hearing his words.

The Law Enforcement Guard replied, "A patrolling group of Law Enforcement Guards was ambushed. The perpetrators were five green-skinned beasts, both of whom were of high cultivation. Two of the five patrolling men were killed and three were injured, and two of the people rounded up were also injured." , you have to be careful."

"What cultivation level did the dead and injured have?" Fairy Mu Cai asked with a grimace.

"I don't know yet, so go ahead."

Fairy Mu Cai said unhappily, "Xiao Mao, are you trying to hide it from me? How could you not know!"

The law enforcement officer known as Xiaomao said perfunctorily, "I really don't know. Go ahead and don't miss the military order. It's unlikely that the green-skinned beast will escape to your side."

Xunyi didn't want Fairy Mu Cai to waste any more time, so he said, "Okay, let's leave now. You can go back and recover."

Xiao Mao also couldn't stand Fairy Mu Cai's arrogance, so after hearing Xun Yi's words, she immediately turned around and left.

Xunyi had already obtained a map of the jurisdiction of the Guye Branch before, and took the lead in flying towards Xigu Mountain without the guidance of Fairy Mu Cai.

Fairy Mu Cai followed him closely and couldn't help complaining, "There must be many among the dead and injured who are in the Nascent Soul stage. This kid deliberately hid it and refused to tell us." After a while, Xunyi ignored her and ignored her. She added, "If we really bump into those five green ghosts, we will definitely not be able to stop them."

"Then you want to disobey me?" Xunyi replied coldly.

Fairy Mu Cai felt extremely aggrieved. Although she was already very afraid of seeking changes, her arrogant spirit still came forward. "If Huang Qing and the others were not injured, it would not be my turn. I am not fully mature yet." Recovering."

"You brought it upon yourself." Xunyi said without looking back.

Fairy Mu Cai snorted out of habit, but the sound frightened her so much that she secretly observed that Xun Yi had no intention of causing trouble for him, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

With their two cultivation levels, it only took a day and a half to get from Guyingying to Xigu Mountain. Fairy Mu Cai flew a short distance and then started to slow down, pretending that her injury was not over and slowing down. Xun Yi had no time to talk to her. He sped over alone.

There was a law enforcement guard waiting for them in the south of Xigu Mountain. After seeing Xunyi's arrival, he handed over the defense here to Xunyi, and then went back to Xigu Mountain to ambush. The defense line built for this roundup was too large. After a long time, Xigu Mountain is not a key defense route, so manpower is even more scarce. One person has to be responsible for the defense lines of three thousand miles on the left and right. This has exceeded the limit of the exploration range of an early Yuanying monk. In Mu Cai Before the fairy arrived, Xunyi could only use the Escape Art to patrol back and forth on the defense line that was more than 10,000 miles long.

After a delay of more than half a day, Fairy Mu Cai finally arrived. Xunyi arranged for her to be near Xigu Mountain, while he continued to patrol the nearly ten thousand miles southward defense zone.

The realm has been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage. Xun Yi's meridians transformation results that can be said to have been exchanged for his life are still there, so his spiritual sense detection ability is farther than that of monks of the same level. After patrolling for two rounds, he discovered that Mu Fairy Cai is using her spiritual consciousness to look forward. Where is this ambush? He felt very strange, and after a quick thought, he guessed what Fairy Mu Cai was planning. This fairy was probably trying to be clever. If an enemy really came from here, she would naturally change after noticing her spiritual thoughts. Flee in the direction of escape.

This made Xun Yi, who was eager for a fight, very angry. He ran over and gave the fairy a stern warning. Although Fairy Mu Cai was filled with hatred, she could only remain silent like a receiving bag.

The days passed by as Xun Yi patrolled day by day. At noon on the eighteenth day, Fairy Mu Cai came over. When Xun Yi suddenly appeared less than a hundred feet in front of her, she was frightened. He jumped a lot, patted his chest and said, " scared me to death!"

"Shut up, what are you doing here?" Xun Yi had actually guessed why she came over. Seeing that the ambush mission was about to be completed, the fairy must find a way to create a point that could disturb the movement in the distance and delay it. Spend these last few moments.

"I'm here to remind you that we should retreat after midnight." Fairy Mu Cai looked at Xun Yi with aggrieved eyes as he returned his spiritual thoughts.

Xunyi said solemnly, "I'll thank you for that. Go back quietly. If you dare to make any more noise before midnight, don't blame me for teaching you a lesson. I was merciful to you last time."

Fairy Mu Cai dared to give Xun Yi a dissatisfied look. Sometimes her temper could really cost a person her life. Fortunately, Xun Yi didn't bother to argue with her.

Seeing that Xun Yi had no reaction to her eye roll, Fairy Mu Cai quickly regained her confidence, habitually glanced at Xun Yi from the corner of her eyes and said, "So your invisibility method is so good, are you using an invisibility treasure?"

"Go back!" Xunyi's eyes flashed with cold light.

Fairy Mu Cai trembled with fright, and turned around in a hurry with her face changing color. When the fire of embarrassment ignited in her heart, she suddenly remembered Xun Yi's instructions to go back quietly, and hurriedly used the invisibility technique to walk quietly. Fairy Mu Cai, who was so arrogant and arrogant, was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry. She gritted her silver teeth and only hoped that one day she could break Xun Yi's body into thousands of pieces. Only in this way can she eliminate this humiliating shame!

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