Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 869: He was killed by a monster

When Xunyi returned to the battlefield, Lingyanzi had already started a fight with the great monk of the Yuanyi clan, but neither of them tried their best.

The great monks of the Yuanyi clan were worried that there would be great monks coming from Yilingwei, so they paid attention to the surrounding situation while fighting. Lingyanzi had the same idea as the other party, because when he just arrived, the two fairies used Shen Nian told him that there was another great monk from the Yuanyi tribe who was hunting down Xun Yi, and he had to be careful of that great monk coming back.

Mu Cai and Xiuzhi are in the most embarrassing situation at the moment. If they escape while Lingyanzi is fighting with the enemy, they will definitely be severely punished if they go back. But if they don't escape, when Lingyanzi starts to escape, then the two of them will There was no chance of escaping anymore, so the two of them, under the protection of Yu Jie, deliberately fought and retreated to the northeast. The closest sect to here was the Ganjin Sect located in that direction, although it was still millions of miles away. But they have no other choice.

The four Yuan Ying early stage monks from the Yuan Yi tribe were in a similar situation to the two of them, but these four people were not afraid at all. There was a slightly higher cultivation person guarding Lingyanzi, constantly looking for opportunities to launch attacks. The other three people fought hard to stop Xiuzhi and Mu Cai from escaping.

Xunyi's appearance caused a huge change in the mentality of the two great monks who were fighting. Moreover, he suddenly appeared near the great monk of the Yuanyi tribe. When the great monk noticed him, he suddenly panicked. This boy Now that he is back, his companions should be in trouble. .??.??

Lingyanzi noticed Xunyi's arrival almost at the same time as the Yuanyi tribe's great monk. Now he didn't have to be afraid. Without saying a word, he used all his cultivation to kill the opponent.

Xunyi was still three hundred feet away from the great monk at this time. Under the other party's careful precautions, his little plan of launching a sneak attack within a hundred feet failed. After feeling the other party's spiritual consciousness staying on his body, he Knowing that he had been discovered, he had no choice but to hide his escape and hurriedly rushed out, holding the evil-killing knife and pounced on him.

The great monk of the Yuanyi Tribe could not have thought that this little guy had pounced on him and killed his companions. The first thing he did at this critical moment was to scan the escape route with his spiritual consciousness to see if there was any ambush there. .

Faced with the possibility of achieving this great feat, Lingyanzi must of course try his best, so the moment the Chiying Sword was released, two white arcs of light also flew out of his Qiankun Bag at the same time. The white arcs of light were not attacks. The magic weapon, but the siege magic weapon, they were flying and circling behind the great monk, and the white light blocked the retreat like a wall.

The red sword shot out by electricity suddenly burst out with a dazzling red light when it was close to the enemy. The red light illuminated hundreds of miles into a fiery red color, like a sea of ​​fire, and the broken branches and leaves blown by the strong wind were instantly destroyed. It burned into ashes, leaving behind scattered shadows of fire in the sky.

Xunyi was so dizzy under the light that he realized that the Red Ying Sword could actually exert such great power. He failed to see clearly how the great monk resisted this move. He hurriedly He released his evil-killing knife and struck at the place where the light flashed.

"Go help them both!" Lingyanzi sent his spiritual message to Xunyi and gave him directions.

Xunyi heard what he meant and was sure to deal with the two people here, so he used the Escape Technique and headed in the direction he pointed. While flying back, he sent a spiritual message to him: "Remember, the opponent only has one big "Monk."

Lingyanzi had carried out many missions with him, so she had some understanding of him, so she understood what it meant as soon as she heard it.


Zhi and Mu Cai had retreated thousands of miles away. At this time, they no longer concealed their intention to escape, but they had to try their best to hold back the three enemies who were blocking them so that they could explain themselves when they returned.

The three Yuan Yi tribe monks tried their best to stop them, but Fairy Xiuzhi's treasure was very powerful, which made them quite troublesome. At this moment, the sudden appearance of green light flashed one after another, and the two Yuan Yi tribe monks They were severely injured one after another. These two swords were much more severe than the ones that struck Huang Qing and the others. Xunyi relied on his advantages in meridians and the fierce power of the evil-killing sword to slash the two people who were attacked by a sneak attack until blood spurted from their mouths. It fell from the air.

"kill!" .

Fairy Xiuzhi immediately woke up, and in great joy she set out to chase the two falling enemies. Fairy Mu Cai also acted immediately after hearing Xun Yi's shout, but she was heading towards the third party. A monk from the Yuan clan rushed over. This was not because she was eager to help Xun Yi, but because she failed to understand what Xun Yi meant and thought that Xun Yi was asking them to help in a joint attack.

Xun Yi didn't bother to say anything more to her. He used his floating shadow movement technique to quickly catch up with the frightened Yuan Yi clan monk, and beat him with a series of swings of the evil-killing knife until he vomited blood.

"It's up to you. Don't mention the other great monk's matter, at least don't talk about it." He sent a spiritual message to Fairy Mu Cai who caught up, then changed his light sword and ran towards Fairy Xiuzhi.

Fairy Xiuzhi was very understanding of human nature, so she only killed one dying enemy, and then guarded the other one waiting for them to share the credit. Xunyi stepped forward and killed the remaining one. This time, the credit was too much. He has to share a little bit for everyone.

After killing the person, Xunyi asked with his spiritual thoughts, "Have you mentioned the matter of the other great monk to Lingyanzi?"

"I told you, I said it with my spiritual mind." Fairy Xiuzhi has been selling stolen goods for so many years, and she knows very well what he cares about.

"Very good, please tell Mu Cai not to let her talk too much." After saying that, Xun Yi rushed towards Ling Yanzi again. The great monk he killed was lured away by him before he showed up. , he does not exist either in the scene or in the dialogue, so even if the two managers want to know more about this war, they have very little to hide, and it is relatively easy to muddle through. , of course, this mainly depends on the attitude of the two camp managers. If they want to get into the details, no details can be hidden.

When Xun Yi rushed back to the previous battlefield, there was no one there. He must have escaped and been chased, but he didn't know where he went.

The body of the early Yuanying monk was among the rocks below. Xunyi went down and took the Qiankun bag and spent his body.

Soon, Fairy Xiuzhi and Fairy Mu Cai rushed over. They both looked at Xun Yi with shining eyes, and their faces were filled with excitement and excitement.

"Don't mention that big monk." Xunyi reiterated to the two of them with his spiritual thoughts, and then said, "Lingyanzi should have gone after that person, let's wait here."

"You..." Fairy Mu Cai opened her mouth and said one word before closing her mouth, and then used her spiritual thoughts to say, "Where is the great monk who is chasing you? You didn't kill him, did you?"

"A very powerful monster jumped out of the way. He was killed by the monster." Xunyi knew that no one would believe such a lie, so he spread this message lightly. When Xunyi returned to the battlefield, Lingyanzi had already started a fight with the great monk of the Yuanyi clan, but neither of them tried their best.

The great monks of the Yuanyi clan were worried that there would be great monks coming from Yilingwei, so they paid attention to the surrounding situation while fighting. Lingyanzi had the same idea as the other party, because when he just arrived, the two fairies used Shen Nian told him that there was another great monk from the Yuanyi tribe who was hunting down Xun Yi, and he had to be careful of that great monk coming back.

Mu Cai and Xiuzhi are in the most embarrassing situation at the moment. If they escape while Lingyanzi is fighting with the enemy, they will definitely be severely punished if they go back. But if they don't escape, when Lingyanzi starts to escape, then the two of them will There was no chance of escaping anymore, so the two of them, under the protection of Yu Jie, deliberately fought and retreated to the northeast. The closest sect to here was the Ganjin Sect located in that direction, although it was still millions of miles away. But they have no other choice.

The four Yuan Ying early stage monks from the Yuan Yi tribe were in a similar situation to the two of them, but these four people were not afraid at all. There was a slightly higher cultivation person guarding Lingyanzi, constantly looking for opportunities to launch attacks. The other three people fought hard to stop Xiuzhi and Mu Cai from escaping.

Xunyi's appearance caused a huge change in the mentality of the two great monks who were fighting. Moreover, he suddenly appeared near the great monk of the Yuanyi tribe. When the great monk noticed him, he suddenly panicked. This boy Now that he is back, his companions should be in trouble.

Lingyanzi noticed Xunyi's arrival almost at the same time as the Yuanyi tribe's great monk. Now he didn't have to be afraid. Without saying a word, he used all his cultivation power to kill the opponent. ??

Xunyi was still three hundred feet away from the great monk at this time. Under the other party's careful precautions, his little plan of launching a sneak attack within a hundred feet failed. After feeling the other party's spiritual consciousness staying on his body, he Knowing that he had been discovered, he had no choice but to hide his escape and hurriedly rushed out, holding the evil-killing knife and pounced on him.

The great monk of the Yuanyi Tribe could not have thought that this little guy had pounced on him and killed his companions. The first thing he did at this critical moment was to scan the escape route with his spiritual consciousness to see if there was any ambush there. .

Faced with the possibility of achieving this great feat, Lingyanzi must of course try his best, so the moment the Chiying Sword was released, two white arcs of light also flew out of his Qiankun Bag at the same time. The white arcs of light were not attacks. The magic weapon, but the siege magic weapon, they were flying and circling behind the great monk, and the white light blocked the retreat like a wall.

The red sword shot out by electricity suddenly burst out with a dazzling red light when it was close to the enemy. The red light illuminated hundreds of miles into a fiery red color, like a sea of ​​fire, and the broken branches and leaves blown by the strong wind were instantly destroyed. It burned into ashes, leaving behind scattered shadows of fire in the sky.

Xunyi was so dizzy under the light that he realized that the Red Ying Sword could actually exert such great power. He failed to see clearly how the great monk resisted this move. He hurriedly He released his evil-killing knife and struck at the place where the light flashed.

"Go help them both!" Lingyanzi sent a spiritual message to Xunyi and gave him directions.

Xunyi heard what he meant and was sure to deal with the two people here, so he used the Escape Technique and headed in the direction he pointed. While flying back, he sent a spiritual message to him: "Remember, the opponent only has one big "Monk."

Lingyanzi had carried out many missions with him, so she had some understanding of him, so she understood what it meant as soon as she heard it.


Zhi and Mu Cai had retreated thousands of miles away. At this time, they no longer concealed their intention to escape, but they had to try their best to hold back the three enemies who were blocking them so that they could explain themselves when they returned.

The three Yuan Yi tribe monks tried their best to stop them, but Fairy Xiuzhi's treasure was very powerful, which made them quite troublesome. At this moment, the sudden appearance of green light flashed one after another, and the two Yuan Yi tribe monks He was severely injured one after another. These two swords were much harder than the ones that struck Huang Qing and the others. Xunyi relied on his advantages in meridians and the fierce power of the evil-killing sword to slash the two people who were attacked by a sneak attack until blood spurted from their mouths. It fell from the air.

"kill!" .

Fairy Xiuzhi immediately woke up, and in great joy she set out to chase the two fallen enemies. Fairy Mu Cai also acted immediately after hearing Xun Yi's shout, but she was heading towards the third party. A monk from the Yuan clan rushed over. This was not because she was eager to help Xun Yi, but because she failed to understand what Xun Yi meant and thought that Xun Yi was asking them to help in a joint attack.

Xunyi didn't bother to say anything more to her. He used the Piaoying Movement to quickly catch up with the frightened Yuan Yi clan monk, and beat him with a series of swings of the evil-killing knife until he vomited blood.

"It's up to you. Don't mention the other great monk's matter, at least don't talk about it." He sent a spiritual message to Fairy Mu Cai who caught up, then changed his light sword and ran towards Fairy Xiuzhi.

Fairy Xiuzhi was very understanding of human nature, so she only killed one dying enemy, and then guarded the other one waiting for them to share the credit. Xunyi stepped forward and killed the remaining one. This time, the credit was too much. He has to share a little bit for everyone.

After killing the person, Xunyi asked with his spiritual thoughts, "Did you tell Ling Yanzi about the other great monk?"

"I told you, I said it with my spiritual mind." Fairy Xiuzhi has been selling stolen goods for so many years, and she knows very well what he cares about.

"Very good, please tell Mu Cai not to let her talk too much." After saying that, Xun Yi rushed towards Ling Yanzi again. The great monk he killed was lured away by him before he showed up. , he does not exist either in the scene or in the dialogue, so even if the two managers want to know more about this war, they have very little to hide, and it is relatively easy to muddle through. , of course, this mainly depends on the attitude of the two camp managers. If they want to get into the details, no details can be hidden.

When Xun Yi rushed back to the previous battlefield, there was no one there. He must have escaped and been chased, but he didn't know where he went.

The body of the early Yuanying monk was among the rocks below. Xunyi went down and took the Qiankun bag and spent his body.

Soon, Fairy Xiuzhi and Fairy Mu Cai rushed over. They both looked at Xun Yi with shining eyes, and their faces were filled with excitement and excitement.

"Don't mention that big monk." Xunyi reiterated to the two of them with his spiritual thoughts, and then said, "Lingyanzi should have gone after that person, let's wait here."

"You..." Fairy Mu Cai opened her mouth and said one word before closing her mouth, and then used her spiritual thoughts to say, "Where is the great monk who is chasing you? You didn't kill him, did you?"

"A very powerful monster jumped out of the way. He was killed by the monster." Xunyi knew that no one would believe such a lie, so he spread this message lightly.

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