Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 944 You are waiting for me

After sending Shen Qing away, Xunyi started to think about how to squeeze Su Wan this time. Strike while the iron is hot. He has been thinking about this these days. If Shen Qing didn't come to ask him, he would open the illusion on time.

On the evening of the fifth day, the law enforcement guard who was responsible for guarding the guesthouse area came to Xunyi's house and informed Xunyi that Shen Qing had arrived at the main camp and that Shen Qing had asked him to report a message.

Shen Qing had just finished begging Xun Yi, and when he met again, it seemed like he was urging her. This fairy didn't want to appear so humble. The last time she came to beg Xun Yi, it was already enough.

The name of this law enforcement guard was Xin Zezi. He was a middle-level Nascent Soul cultivator. He had become quite familiar with Xun Yi these days. After reporting the letter, he looked at Xun Yi with a strange look and said, "It seems that you and Shen Tan The Lord is very familiar."

Xunyi smiled and shook his hand and said, "We can't say we are familiar with each other. How can I, a small Yiling Guard, have any relationship with her? It's just that I met her after my last meritorious service. Altar Master Shen wanted to reward her." He pointed at me, trying to persuade me to stop competing. "

"Even Altar Master Shen has advised you, it's time for you to end, right?" Xin Zezi already knew that Xunyi didn't want to compete, and he hoped that Xunyi would end.

Xunyi pushed him on the shoulder and scolded him with a smile, "You really want to see me make a fool of myself? Go, go, go, do what you have to do, I have to heal, don't let anyone disturb me." He said to The reason these people gave for not ending the battle was that they were seriously injured in the Battle of Xiantang Lake and had not yet recovered.

Xin Zezi left with a smile. He believed Xun Yi's reasons. No one would believe that he was not injured in such a series of hard battles. If even Shen Qing can't get Xunyi to leave the competition, it means that Xunyi's injury is indeed very serious, and he will give up. Xunyi's performance in the battle at Qiantang Lake has won the favor of most law enforcement guards. , he didn't have to make Xun Yi more injured just to satisfy his eyes.

That night, Xunyi meditated for a while and then opened the illusion of heart.

Su Wan appeared with a smile. When Xun Yi knelt down, the smile on her face remained unchanged.

"Master, just promise me, I beg you..."

Before Xun Yi could continue, Su Wan waved her hand and said, "Stop talking. If you keep talking, you can make yourself cry again. I promise you."

"Ah?!" Xunyi looked at Su Wan in disbelief, which completely disrupted his position.

Su Wan suppressed a smile and said, "Didn't you hear clearly? I said I promised to accept you as a disciple again, did you hear clearly?"

"Why...why did you agree?" Xunyi asked in confusion.

Su Wan couldn't help but smile, and after laughing for a while, she said with a smile, "Because you made me cry so much last time. The more I think about it, the more pitiful I feel for you. These days, I am so sad that I have been crying all day long. I have made up my mind to accept you as my disciple again, and I hope you can open the illusion as soon as possible so that I can tell you this decision."

"I can't tell at all that you look like you have been crying all day long. You are smiling all over your face now." Xun Yi was a little depressed. Su Wan was clearly telling lies without concealment.

Su Wan suppressed a smile and said, "Isn't it because I finally waited to tell you the good news? I feel happy from the bottom of my heart! Aren't you happy?"

Xun Yi frowned and looked at her. Su Wan's playful attitude made him unhappy.

"Do you think you should kowtow to become a disciple?" Su Wan looked like she could laugh out loud at any time.


Xun Yi tried his best to look extremely solemn and started to kowtow respectfully, trying to change the atmosphere. He didn't kowtow all nine heads the last time he became a disciple. This time he had to kowtow nine times.

When he kowtowed to the third time, Su Wan burst into laughter like a silver bell. Xunyi could feel how happy she was laughing. It was definitely not pretending. Because of this, he felt even more depressed. He had to hold on and kowtow all nine heads, but the solemn look on his face that he tried so hard to maintain really seemed ridiculous amidst Su Wan's bursts of laughter. If the master is so cheerful about becoming a disciple, then what will happen to the disciple? Seriously, the taste is wrong too.

After kowtowing, Xun Yi also wanted to understand that this was Su Wan's method to deal with his insistence on becoming a disciple. He had no idea about this. After all, he was the one who begged others to return to the family. He couldn't be a disciple while blaming the master at the same time. ?

Su Wan waited for him to finish kowtowing, and said jokingly, "After kowtowing, the apprenticeship ceremony is over, right? Anyway, we can't ask for the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the past generations, what do you think?"

Xunyi lowered his head and said, "That's it. After all, you are now my master again."

This made Amelia Su smile happily again, "Okay, okay, you have a master now, but why can't I see how happy you are?"

Xunyi tried his best to force a smile, but he couldn't force it out at all. He simply said with a sullen face, "How could you do this? This is... this is..."

Su Wan put away her smile and said, "What's wrong with me? If you regret it, I can sever the master-disciple relationship again now."

"No, no, no, let's do this for now." Xunyi waved his hands with stupid eyes. He felt that he had jumped into a hole he had dug. No, he dug this hole by himself, but he didn't jump into it by himself. Yes, he was pushed down by Bingxue Smart.

Su Wan looked at him with raised eyebrows and said calmly, "I'm so happy to have you as my disciple again. I'm smiling from ear to ear, but why don't you smile at all?" Because bickering is considered a beginner's matter. At first practice, her expression was not very natural, but she had already made up her mind to practice this skill, otherwise she would not be able to continue dealing with Xun Yi in the future.

"I'm...very happy too." Xunyi said bitterly, trying hard to smile.

"That's right." Su Wan looked at his smile that was uglier than crying, couldn't help but laugh again, and used a trick to pin Xunyi into the pit. She was so proud, She hadn't laughed so uncontrollably in a long time.

The happier Su Wan smiles, the more depressed Xun Yi becomes. He can already see how difficult his life will be in the future. Su Wan's change of intentions has turned his clever plan into a rope that binds him.

"Disciple, you... where are you now?" Su Wan stiffly put on the master's airs. Now she was very unfamiliar with this, and felt awkward, funny, and a little embarrassed.

Xunyi braced himself and said, "I'm in Puyunzhou, with my brother, as I told you."

Su Wan looked displeased and said, "I am your master now again. Did you lie the first thing I asked you?! Did you not take this apprenticeship seriously at all?"

Xun Yi was about to cry. He wouldn't have cared at all if someone else was playing this trick on him, but Su Wan actually did such a thing. He really couldn't stand it.

"You're waiting for me, don't get too proud too soon." He said, saluted and prepared to run away. After sending Shen Qing away, Xunyi started to think about how to squeeze Su Wan this time. Strike while the iron is hot. He has been thinking about this these days. If Shen Qing didn't come to ask him, he would open the illusion on time.

On the evening of the fifth day, the law enforcement guard who was responsible for guarding the guesthouse area came to Xunyi's house and informed Xunyi that Shen Qing had arrived at the main camp and that Shen Qing had asked him to report a message.

Shen Qing had just finished begging Xun Yi, and when he met again, it seemed like he was urging her. This fairy didn't want to appear so humble. The last time she came to beg Xun Yi, it was already enough.

The name of this law enforcement guard was Xin Zezi. He was a middle-level Nascent Soul cultivator. He had become quite familiar with Xun Yi these days. After reporting the letter, he looked at Xun Yi with a strange look and said, "It seems that you and Shen Tan The Lord is very familiar."

Xunyi smiled and shook his hand and said, "We can't say we are familiar with each other. How can I, a small Yiling Guard, have any relationship with her? It's just that I met her after my last meritorious service. Altar Master Shen wanted to reward her." He pointed at me, trying to persuade me to stop competing. "

"Even Altar Master Shen has advised you, it's time for you to end, right?" Xin Zezi already knew that Xunyi didn't want to compete, and he hoped that Xunyi would end.

Xunyi pushed him on the shoulder and scolded him with a smile, "You really want to see me make a fool of myself? Go, go, go, do what you have to do, I have to heal, don't let anyone disturb me." He said to The reason these people gave for not ending the battle was that they were seriously injured in the Battle of Xiantang Lake and had not yet recovered.

Xin Zezi left with a smile. He believed Xun Yi's reasons. No one would believe that he was not injured in such a series of hard battles. If even Shen Qing can't get Xunyi to leave the competition, it means that Xunyi's injury is indeed very serious, and he will give up. Xunyi's performance in the battle at Qiantang Lake has won the favor of most law enforcement guards. , he didn't have to make Xun Yi more injured just to satisfy his eyes.

That night, Xunyi meditated for a while and then opened the illusion of heart.

Su Wan appeared with a smile. When Xun Yi knelt down, the smile on her face remained unchanged. ??

"Master, just promise me, I beg you..."

Before Xun Yi could continue, Su Wan waved her hand and said, "Stop talking. If you keep talking, you can make yourself cry again. I promise you."

"Ah?!" Xunyi looked at Su Wan in disbelief, which completely disrupted his position.

Su Wan suppressed a smile and said, "Didn't you hear clearly? I said I promised to accept you as a disciple again, did you hear clearly?"

"Why...why did you agree?" Xunyi asked in confusion.

Su Wan couldn't help but smile, and after laughing for a while, she said with a smile, "Because you made me cry so much last time. The more I think about it, the more pitiful I feel for you. These days, I am so sad that I have been crying all day long. I have made up my mind to accept you as my disciple again, and I hope you can open the illusion as soon as possible so that I can tell you this decision."

"I can't tell at all that you look like you have been crying all day long. You are smiling all over your face now." Xun Yi was a little depressed. Su Wan was clearly telling lies without concealment.

Su Wan suppressed a smile and said, "Isn't it because I finally waited to tell you the good news? I feel happy from the bottom of my heart! Aren't you happy?"

Xun Yi frowned and looked at her. Su Wan's playful attitude made him unhappy.

"Do you think you should kowtow to become a disciple?" Su Wan looked like she could laugh out loud at any time.


Xun Yi tried his best to look extremely solemn and started to kowtow respectfully, trying to change the atmosphere. He didn't kowtow all nine heads the last time he became a disciple. This time he had to kowtow nine times.

When he kowtowed to the third time, Su Wan burst into laughter like a silver bell. Xunyi could feel how happy she was laughing. It was definitely not pretending. Because of this, he felt even more depressed. He had to hold on and kowtow all nine heads, but the solemn look on his face that he tried so hard to maintain really seemed ridiculous amidst Su Wan's bursts of laughter. If the master is so cheerful about becoming a disciple, then what will happen to the disciple? Seriously, the taste is wrong too.

After kowtowing, Xun Yi also wanted to understand that this was Su Wan's method to deal with his insistence on becoming a disciple. He had no idea about this. After all, he was the one who begged others to return to the family. He couldn't be a disciple while blaming the master at the same time. ?

Su Wan waited for him to finish kowtowing, and said jokingly, "After kowtowing, the apprenticeship ceremony is over, right? Anyway, we can't ask for the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the past generations, what do you think?"

Xunyi lowered his head and said, "That's it. After all, you are now my master again."

This made Amelia Su smile happily again, "Okay, okay, you have a master now, but why can't I see how happy you are?"

Xunyi tried his best to force a smile, but he couldn't force it out at all. He simply said with a sullen face, "How could you do this? This is... this is..."

Su Wan put away her smile and said, "What's wrong with me? If you regret it, I can sever the master-disciple relationship again now."

"No, no, no, let's do this for now." Xunyi waved his hands with stupid eyes. He felt that he had jumped into a hole he had dug. No, he dug this hole by himself, but he didn't jump into it by himself. Yes, he was pushed down by Bingxue Smart.

Su Wan looked at him with raised eyebrows and said calmly, "I'm so happy to have you as my disciple again. I'm smiling from ear to ear, but why don't you smile at all?" Because bickering is considered a beginner's matter. At first practice, her expression was not very natural, but she had already made up her mind to practice this skill, otherwise she would not be able to continue dealing with Xun Yi in the future.

"I'm...very happy too." Xunyi said bitterly, trying hard to smile.

"That's right." Su Wan looked at his smile that was uglier than crying, couldn't help but laugh again, and used a trick to pin Xunyi into the pit. She was so proud, She hadn't laughed so uncontrollably in a long time.

The happier Su Wan smiles, the more depressed Xun Yi becomes. He can already see how difficult his life will be in the future. Su Wan's change of intentions has turned his clever plan into a rope that binds him.

"Disciple, you... where are you now?" Su Wan stiffly put on the master's airs. Now she was very unfamiliar with this, and felt awkward, funny, and a little embarrassed.

Xunyi braced himself and said, "I'm in Puyunzhou, with my brother, as I told you."

Su Wan looked displeased and said, "I am your master now again. Did you lie the first thing I asked you?! Did you not take this apprenticeship seriously at all?"

Xun Yi was about to cry. He wouldn't have cared at all if someone else was playing this trick on him, but Su Wan actually did such a thing. He really couldn't stand it.

"You're waiting for me, don't get too proud too soon." He said, saluted and prepared to run away.

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