Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1009 Are you still human?

Xunyi now knew why Wuhun was making such a fuss. He frowned and shook his head gently at Huahu and Hei Si. He couldn't blame Wuhun for this. Wuhun had only ordered him to fight from the beginning to the end. Those people, Hua Hu and Hei Si took the initiative to make trouble.

"You don't need to worry about our two affairs." Huahu glanced at Xunyi disdainfully, and then raised his thumb to Wuhun with excitement, "High! Kill two birds with one stone, vent your anger and accomplish something, I'll follow you for sure I won’t be aggrieved. I will go wherever you and I will go. If the guilt is not enough, I will break two more laws.”

"No need." Wuhun pointed outside, "Captain David has brought people to question us about our sins. You can continue drinking. I will talk to him about the punishment. You two have decided with Ji Ming on where to go. Just tell me after a while, remember to talk with your mind, don't let anyone hear you."

Hei Si immediately expressed his position, "No need to discuss, we are willing to follow you."

Wuhun glanced at Xunyi and said, "You decide." After saying that, he led the five people kneeling by the wall out of the restaurant.

As soon as Wuhun left, Huahu and Heisi immediately put their hands on one of Xunyi's shoulders and sent out spiritual thoughts at the same time.

Hua Hu put down his dignity and asked, "It's too much for my temper to act without control. You can't interfere with it under any circumstances. If I owe you another favor, you will benefit from it in the future." ??

Hei Si threatened, "You gave me the blessing of picking the Thousand Life Fruit. I will always appreciate it. But if you abandon me this time, I will treat it as if you think I am not worthy of being your brother." Well, I can’t have this good fortune anymore, don’t blame me for taking the initiative to confess.”

"Are you still a human?" Xunyi looked at Hei Si angrily.

"Anyway, I must follow you to kill the green-skinned beasts." Hei Si knew that he was in the wrong, so he could only be unreasonable, with an expression that looked like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water.

Hua Hu accompanied the smiling face with a very flattering smile, and continued to plead, "I was very boring at Poison Tiger Camp, and it would definitely be even more boring if I went to the main camp. To be honest with you, the method of my cultivation must rely on fighting. , it’s rare for us brothers to get together, let’s go and kill each other. If we don’t go to your side, Hei Si and I will have to suffer other punishments this time, so just think of it as a favor for both of us.”

"You're just going to die in search of a good life, so I won't stop you. You two can do it on your own." Xun Yi drank all the wine in the cup helplessly. He knew clearly that Hei Si was a bloody man and suffered for nothing. After receiving such a great benefit from him, he would not feel at ease unless he did something for himself. Hua Hu is indeed a person who does not want to settle down, so there is no need for him to worry about him.



Seeing that Xun Yi gave up trying to stop him, Hei Si and Hua Hu excitedly raised their wine cups and drank down the wine in one gulp. Neither of these two people are greedy for drinks, but they are so happy at the moment. They can't stop drinking each other's wine. The people in the restaurant can't help but sigh secretly. No matter what their cultivation level is, this pair of Disha and Shao Yin Sha must be a bit extraordinary in their minds. Now that they have just caused a big disaster, they are not only not sad at all but also drinking happily. The mysterious aura of the two in everyone's hearts will undoubtedly increase.

In comparison, Xun Yi looked much worse. The man who had just defeated Shao Jinsha was far less free and easy than the two of them. Although he didn't show any sadness, he looked worried, as if he was ignoring the glass in front of him. The two people changing lamps are just like each other, I don’t know

Thinking about something alone.

Hei Si and Hua Hu stopped drinking until they were halfway drunk, and took Xun Yi, who had only drank two glasses of wine, back to his residence to wait for Wuhun.

Wuhun quickly found him. After entering the room, he nodded to Xunyi first, then pointed at the black painted pot and asked, "Have they discussed the matter?"

Xunyi's eyes lit up and he asked with his spiritual mind, "Did you agree to let us go to the third camp on the edge of the town?"

Wuhun nodded again, with a slight smile in his eyes, "I came here to talk to David about this matter. He didn't agree yesterday. Now that I think about it, it's probably not possible if he doesn't agree. He agreed to convene people from all parties to vote on me. Submitted strategy, this matter is top secret, don’t tell anyone.”

Xunyi blinked at him and continued to use his spiritual thoughts to say, "These two guys are determined. Just watch the arrangements and don't assign them too dangerous tasks."

Hei Si and Hua Hu watched eagerly as the two talked with their spiritual thoughts. Because they had something to ask for, they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Wuhun looked at Hei Si and Hua Hu, "Since you two have decided to come to the Fierce Knife Camp, then go to jail with Ji Ming for a few days, and I will handle the rest for you."

"Okay!" Hei Si and Hua Hu excitedly picked up Xun Yi and headed towards the Xian Le City government office.

The government office in Xianle City was only responsible for arresting such troublemakers, and the three of them were quickly transferred to the prison of the Criminal Law Department of the General Camp to await trial.

This prison is located in the heart of a big mountain. Generally speaking, most of the criminals brought to the Criminal Law Department for interrogation have committed serious crimes, so the defense here is extremely tight. The three of them were released because they were within the jurisdiction of the general camp. It's a matter, so it comes here for judgment.

Although they were beating up people from the Criminal Law Department and now fell into their hands, the three of them had confidence in their hearts, so they were not worried about retaliation. When they were in the cell, the three of them all felt that something was not right. Logically speaking, they would not be put into a cell where serious criminals were detained for such a small crime.

After being treated unfairly, Hei Si felt anger welling up in his heart, but Xun Yi didn't care. There were very few things that could touch him now. He didn't care even if he was plotted to death by the Riftzi gang in prison. Hua Hu behaves calmer than Xun Yi. This kid is usually like a gentle and quiet cauliflower snake. He is so harmless that anyone dares to kick him. Only those who know him know that this kid is a poisonous snake. An extremely poisonous snake, let alone kicking him, if you dare to get close, you are doomed to be unlucky. Huahu, who looked calm now, was already excited in his heart. Not only was he not afraid of the revenge of the Rippers and his gang, but he also He was hoping that they would find something to do. The thoughts of a person like him were not something normal people could fathom.

After Xunyi entered the prison cell, he sat cross-legged on the ground and did not move again, because as soon as he entered, his cultivation was useless. He could not see anything in the darkness, and he did not even know how big the room was. In this environment If you move randomly in the middle, you will quickly develop fear. It is not surprising that you will be scared crazy in the end. Xunyi has no shortage of this kind of experience.

Hua Hu should also have experience in this area. Like Xun Yi, he entered the prison cell and stayed still for a long time. However, he did not sit down as calmly as Xun Yi, but stood quietly. Hei Si's experience was much greater than that of Xun Yi. The two of them were a little inferior. After entering, they subconsciously stepped back and tried to lean against the door, but they took two steps back and did not reach the door. Fortunately, his young silver devil was not in vain. When he first panicked in his heart, he He immediately regained his composure, and after taking two more tentative steps, he stood still. Xunyi now knew why Wuhun was making such a fuss. He frowned and shook his head gently at Huahu and Hei Si. He couldn't blame Wuhun for this. Wuhun had only ordered him to fight from the beginning to the end. Those people, Hua Hu and Hei Si took the initiative to make trouble.

"You don't need to worry about our two affairs." Huahu glanced at Xunyi disdainfully, and then raised his thumb to Wuhun with excitement, "High! Kill two birds with one stone, vent your anger and accomplish something, I'll follow you for sure I won’t be aggrieved. I will go wherever you and I will go. If the guilt is not enough, I will break two more laws.”

"No need." Wuhun pointed outside, "Captain David has brought people to ask us about our sins. You can continue drinking. I will talk to him about the punishment. You two have decided with Ji Ming on where to go. Just tell me after a while, remember to talk with your mind, don't let anyone hear you."

Hei Si immediately expressed his position, "No need to discuss, we are willing to follow you."

Wuhun glanced at Xunyi and said, "You decide." After saying that, he led the five people kneeling by the wall out of the restaurant.

As soon as Wuhun left, Huahu and Heisi immediately put their hands on one of Xunyi's shoulders and sent out spiritual thoughts at the same time.

Hua Hu put down his dignity and asked, "It's too much for my temper to act without supervision. You can't interfere with it under any circumstances. If I owe you another favor, you will benefit from it in the future."

Hei Si threatened, "You gave me the blessing of picking the Thousand Life Fruit. I will always appreciate it. But if you abandon me this time, I will treat it as if you think I am not worthy of being your brother." Well, I can’t have this good fortune anymore, don’t blame me for taking the initiative to confess.”

"Are you still a human?" Xunyi looked at Hei Si angrily.

"Anyway, I must follow you to kill the green-skinned beasts." Hei Si knew that he was in the wrong, so he could only be unreasonable, with an expression that looked like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water.

Hua Hu accompanied the smiling face with a very flattering smile, and continued to plead, "I was very boring at Poison Tiger Camp, and it would definitely be even more boring if I went to the main camp. To be honest with you, the method of my cultivation must rely on fighting. , it’s rare for us brothers to get together, let’s go and kill each other. If we don’t go to your side, Hei Si and I will have to suffer other punishments this time, so just think of it as a favor for both of us.”

"You're just going to die in search of a good life, so I won't stop you. You two can do it on your own." Xun Yi drank all the wine in the cup helplessly. He knew clearly that Hei Si was a bloody man and suffered for nothing. After receiving such a great benefit from him, he would not feel at ease unless he did something for himself. Hua Hu is indeed a person who does not want to settle down, so there is no need for him to worry about him.



Seeing that Xun Yi gave up trying to stop him, Hei Si and Hua Hu excitedly raised their wine glasses and drank down the wine in one gulp. Neither of these two people are greedy for drinks, but they are so happy at the moment. They can't stop drinking each other's wine. The people in the restaurant can't help but sigh secretly. No matter what their cultivation level is, this pair of Disha and Shao Yin Sha must be a bit extraordinary in their minds. Now that they have just caused a big disaster, they are not only not sad at all but also drinking happily. The mysterious aura of the two in everyone's hearts will undoubtedly increase.

In comparison, Xun Yi looked much worse. The man who had just defeated Shao Jinsha was far less free and easy than the two of them. Although he didn't show any sadness, he looked worried, as if he was ignoring the glass in front of him. The two people changing lamps are just like each other, I don’t know

Thinking about something alone.

Hei Si and Hua Hu stopped drinking until they were halfway drunk, and took Xun Yi, who had only drank two glasses of wine, back to his residence to wait for Wuhun.

Wuhun quickly found him. After entering the room, he nodded to Xunyi first, then pointed at the black painted pot and asked, "Have they discussed the matter?"

Xunyi's eyes lit up and he asked with his spiritual mind, "Did you agree to let us go to the third camp on the edge of the town?"

Wuhun nodded again, with a slight smile in his eyes, "I came here to talk to David about this matter. He didn't agree yesterday. Now that I think about it, it's probably not possible if he doesn't agree. He agreed to convene people from all parties to vote on me. Submitted strategy, this matter is top secret, don’t tell anyone.”

Xunyi blinked at him and continued to use his spiritual thoughts to say, "These two guys are determined. Just watch the arrangements and don't assign them too dangerous tasks."

Hei Si and Hua Hu watched eagerly as the two talked with their spiritual thoughts. Because they had something to ask for, they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Wuhun looked at Hei Si and Hua Hu, "Since you two have decided to come to the Fierce Knife Camp, then go to jail with Ji Ming for a few days, and I will handle the rest for you."

"Okay!" Hei Si and Hua Hu excitedly picked up Xun Yi and headed towards the Xian Le City government office.

The government office in Xianle City was only responsible for arresting such troublemakers, and the three of them were quickly transferred to the prison of the Criminal Law Department of the General Camp to await trial.

This prison is located in the heart of a big mountain. Generally speaking, most of the criminals brought to the Criminal Law Department for interrogation have committed serious crimes, so the defense here is extremely tight. The three of them were released because they were within the jurisdiction of the general camp. It's a matter, so it comes here for judgment.

Although they were beating up people from the Criminal Law Department and now fell into their hands, the three of them had confidence in their hearts and therefore did not worry about retaliation. When they were in the cell, the three of them all felt that something was not right. Logically speaking, the small crime they had committed would not lead to them being put in a cell where serious criminals were detained.

After being treated unfairly, Hei Si felt anger welling up in his heart, but Xun Yi didn't care. There were very few things that could touch him now. He didn't care even if he was plotted to death by the Riftzi gang in prison. Hua Hu behaves calmer than Xun Yi. This kid is usually like a gentle and quiet cauliflower snake. He is so harmless that anyone dares to kick him. Only those who know him know that this kid is a poisonous snake. An extremely poisonous snake, let alone kicking him, if you dare to get close, you are doomed to be unlucky. Huahu, who looked calm now, was already excited in his heart. Not only was he not afraid of the revenge of the Rippers and his gang, but he also He was hoping that they would find something to do. The thoughts of a person like him were not something normal people could fathom.

After Xunyi entered the prison cell, he sat cross-legged on the ground and did not move again, because as soon as he entered, his cultivation was useless. He could not see anything in the darkness, and he did not even know how big the room was. In this environment If you move randomly in the middle, you will quickly develop fear. It is not surprising that you will be scared crazy in the end. Xunyi is not lacking in this kind of experience.

Hua Hu should also have experience in this area. Like Xun Yi, he entered the prison cell and stayed still for a long time. However, he did not sit down as calmly as Xun Yi, but stood quietly. Hei Si's experience was much greater than that of Xun Yi. The two of them were a little inferior. After entering, they subconsciously stepped back and tried to lean against the door, but they took two steps back and did not reach the door. Fortunately, his young silver devil was not in vain. When he first panicked in his heart, he He immediately regained his composure, and after taking two more tentative steps, he stood still.

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