Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three Thought Communication

Waving at the fireball, Xu Yi stopped chasing, but turned over and returned to the settlement.

This fireball is very likely to be the only life form born in this fire world.

I don't know if there is wisdom, but I feel Xu Yi is very easy to get along with.

Now, though, game time is over.

Xu Yi came to Zuoding, Lotus Position sat down, started to run Spirit Power, and absorbed the energy of Yang Fire.

Studying secret methods, that is to improve combat effectiveness.

But the source Cultivation Technique is the root of everything.

Therefore, the daily practice of Cultivation Technique cannot be interrupted.

When Xu Yi was cultivating, he actually did not concentrate fully, but separated a trace of thoughts and sensed changes in the outside world at any time.

After all, this is a high-risk world, and he doesn't want to be burned to death by a fire suddenly.

If that's the case, then go to the practitioner's face.

However, in the safety zone he selected, generally speaking, there will be no accidents such as collapses.

Five hours later, the fifth ray of yang fire was successfully transformed.

Xu Yi opened his eyes with satisfaction and moved his neck.

Foundation Establishment period cultivator, naturally there is no cervical spondylosis. This action of his is just habitual.

However, at The next moment, Xu Yi's movements froze abruptly, and then he turned his head abruptly. The speed and strength were so fast that he almost twisted his neck.

His face became quite strange, because he saw it, just about ten meters away from him.

The elliptical fireball was standing in the air, silently staying here.

"You, why are you here?" Xu Yi asked dumbfounded.

He knew it couldn't answer him, but Xu Yi couldn't help but ask.

Sure enough, the elliptical fireball didn't answer, but the sphere shone slightly, and the pair of wings emerged.

The wings swung toward him, and Fireball's body twisted.

No sound came out, but Xu Yi seemed to sense its meaning.

Come on, come on, let's continue.

Xu Yi's face darkened, he waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, I haven't finished my cultivation yet.""

Do you want me to play with you?

But how can play be compared with practice?

Go play by yourself, I still have work to do.

Xu Yi closed his eyes again and continued to absorb the yang fire energy.

Since it can avoid its own spiritual sense and get close to ten meters, it means that all kinds of defense methods are useless to it.

No matter how careful you are, there is a high probability that it will be in vain.

However, since this little thing didn't sneak up on him just now, it doesn't have any intention of hurting anyone.

Therefore, Xu Yi is also ignorant, and he needs to do a good job of Yang Qi first.

The elliptical fireball circled Xu Yi twice and fell into a kind of sluggish state again.

Five hours later, Xu Yi was finally finished.

Sensing the ten extra rays of yang fire in Dantian, he nodded with satisfaction.

However, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw this small fireball hovering nearby.

Estimate the distance.

Hey, how come it's only seven or eight meters this time?

He still remembered that when he encountered this little guy for the first time, he kept a distance of several hundred meters from him.

Then, every time it encounters, it will carefully approach itself a little.

But that distance is still limited by tens of meters.

However, since Xu Yi used the ghost step in the air and suddenly caught up with it, the little guy's guard seemed to relax a lot.

When he cultivated, he approached ten meters.

But now, it was floating at a distance of seven or eight meters.

Shaking his head slightly, Xu Yi didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Seeing Xu Yi move, the elliptical fireball immediately turned around and flew to the front of Xu Yi.

Then, a pair of small, flaming wings suddenly stretched out.

Xu Yi laughed dumbly, this guy is really persistent in that chase and escape game.

However, there is nothing to do here, so let's play with it.

Xu Yi stood up, Spirit Power was running, and followed the fireball to the distant fire pillar area.

The little fireball didn't fly very fast this time, but when Xu Yi was about to catch up with it, it turned abruptly.

Xu Yi had been prepared for a long time, and with a flick of his wrist, a stone appeared in the void. When the toes touch, the body turns around.

The ghost footwork was cast, and the speed suddenly increased several times.

However, this small fireball also seems to have a new change.

Its body is another turning point, turning into a new direction.

Xu Yi sneered, did I not notice?

The second stone appeared in an instant, and the toes pointed again.

As a result, a person and a small fireball are constantly flashing in this space, and their speed is getting faster and faster.

From time to time, a column of lava fire shot up into the sky. Every time he encountered it, Xu Yi would turn around and take a detour, but the small fireball rushed straight past.

After doing this more than ten times, Xu Yi suddenly stopped.

It is really cool and exciting to fly like this, but it consumes more Spirit Power.

Even he felt a slight pressure at this time.

The elliptical fireball also stopped and flapped its wings.


This is asking him why he stopped.

Xu Yi let out a breath and said: 46 You are too shameless, you are not allowed to pass directly through the flames.

The oval fireball made a circle.

Understand again.

"The flame is very comfortable, why can't you touch it?

Xu Yi looked at the small fireball with complicated expressions, although they did not communicate with each other.

However, this strange creature was able to communicate with him in a special way.

What's the matter, such a magical species, why can't I (good enough) find any information?

Xu Yi calmed down and explained the difference between himself and its body structure.

It took a full hour for the little fireball to understand that not everything felt like a warm home inside the fire column.

This thing could burn him to death.

The elliptical fireball hovered for a while, as if thinking about this question.

Suddenly, it turned slightly and came to Xu Yi's side.

This time, it was as close as ever to Xu Yi, about a meter beside him.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly, he could already feel it.

heat released from its body.

Sure enough, I didn't catch it myself, it was a very correct choice.

"Can't you touch me?"

"Yes, I can't touch you, or you will be hot.""

"What about now?"

A strange scene appeared!

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