Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 154: Fairy Frost's Ice Was Sucked

Frost Fairy is the nickname people give to Yun Jiayu.

As the saying goes, only the wrong name is called, and there is no wrong nickname.

When Yun Jiayu unfolded her body and danced on the ice and snow, she was the fairy in the ice, the goddess in the snow.

Around her, there was a circle of white ice flowers, and it was like a fairyland under the illumination of the lights.

At this moment, no matter who it is, even the Gold Core powerhouses, seem to be sluggish for a moment.

It turned out that when a person's beauty is matched with the right time and place, it can reach such a pleasant destination.

Xu Yi sighed deeply in his heart.

Then, a whip of ice and snow suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes.

Xu Yi stretched out his hand, and the long whip suddenly wrapped around his hand.

His Spirit Power was running in his body, and when he was about to crack the long whip, he felt a sudden movement in his heart.

This cold...

No, what is this cold, why is my body so- so eager for it?

Xu Yi immediately stopped all movements and let the cold air continue to invade.

Then, the icy long whip continued to spread upward like a vine, and it quickly wrapped around him completely.

The next moment, the long whip got longer and longer, as if it had covered Xu Yi's whole body in a blink of an eye.

On the ring, where Xu Yi was standing, had turned into a huge and bloated snowman.

"Ah, what's going on?" Zhu Hui asked dumbfounded.

Zhang Liang was stunned and shouted: "No, hey, Xu Yi is obsessed with sex and will lose. 35

In the stand where he was standing, there were students from class five around.

Everyone looked at him with angry eyes, and Zhang Liang couldn't help shrinking his neck.

However, he looked at the fairy-like Yun Jiayu in the ring, and couldn't help but mutter: "Isn't it normal to lose to her, if it were me, I would have automatically admitted defeat.

Zhu Hui rolled his eyes at him and said, "So, the boss is the boss, and you are nothing.



In the player area of ​​the second middle school, everyone also looked at each other in dismay, Weng Xiping and Chen Fei looked solemn, but did not speak.

Li Chaoren breathed a sigh of relief, but for some reason, his heart became more and more worried.

Slowly, his brows became tighter and tighter, staring at the snowman on the ring, shaking his head helplessly.

Yun Jiayu did not dare to neglect, and continued to promote the special Cultivation Technique, trying to condense the ice and snow more and more.

However, in just a moment, she realized that she was releasing Spirit Power much more than usual.

In just ten minutes or so, her Spirit Power actually felt powerless.

Wanting to maintain the frost and snow on Xu Yi, she consumed too much Spirit Power.

Pang Hao suddenly said: "Leader, Xu Yi hasn't been able to move for a long time, why hasn't he been sentenced to lose?

Everyone's eyes were filled with questioning.

Li Chaoren smiled bitterly and said: "Losing? Xu Yi's breath is not weak, how could he be sentenced to lose.


The expressions of several people changed greatly. Yun Jiayu has been turned into a snowman for so long, and there is no damage at all. How is this possible?

Just when they were suspicious, they suddenly heard a voice like a dull thunder: "Is it enough?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at the snowman.

I saw that the snow and ice were rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if in the blink of an eye, the snowman that Yun Jiayu had spent a lot of Spirit Power and time on had disappeared.

Yun Jiayu's face changed slightly, she could see clearly that the chills she released were not melted by Xu Yi.

but was absorbed by him.

This guy, actually absorbed the cold air he released?

At this moment, Yun Jiayu almost wanted to turn her head and run.

What she is best at is the strange Cultivation Technique in the world of ice and snow. She usually fights against people, so Cultivation Technique makes the opponent's actions stiff and wins.

However, this Xu Yi could actually absorb her cold air.

Doesn't that mean that own Cultivation Technique does him no harm at all?

This is simply more terrifying than using other Cultivation Techniques to destroy ice and snow.

Xu Yi let out a sigh of relief, feeling extremely refreshed.

He took a deep look at Yun Jiayu and kept this person firmly in his heart.

Oh, not this person, but the Cultivation Technique cultivated by this person.

This cold air is even better than the cold air he encountered in the world of ice and snow.

Although he seemed to be frozen by Yun Jiayu in these ten minutes, he was actually absorbing the cold water of the ice and snow little by little.

The quality of this cold air was actually two levels higher than before he used Five Elements Samsara to refine it.

This can never be cultivated by Yun Jiayu himself.

....... Flowers 0...

After 10 minutes of comparison and constant attempts, Xu Yi can be sure that this girl must have a cultivation Sacred Land.

Countless thoughts flashed through Xu Yi's mind in an instant, and he immediately decided that he would find a way to change the practice location in the future.

But, now!

Xu Yi stretched out a hand.

Now that the comparison is complete, it should be...


Just when Xu Yi was about to start, he saw that Yun Jiayu had already turned around halfway and ran to the player area of ​​the alliance team at a fast speed.

This is the practice of abstaining from defeat.

After seeing Xu Yi unscathed and planning to shoot, Yun Jiayu immediately made the best choice.

Xu Yi shrugged his shoulders, no regrets.

Although it is not to knock her down, but as long as she wins.

Moreover, this time of freezing has also given him a new discovery, which is definitely worth it.

In the United player area, everyone's eyes fell on Deng Lin.

Deng Lin smiled slightly, and he let out a long sigh, and said, "Sure enough, he is a genius. Facing him, I... will do my best. 99

After speaking, he raised his head, raised his chest, and strode out of the player area.

He didn't sign up for himself, because at this moment, everyone knew who was playing next.

He just stepped forward and walked over step by step.

"Boom. 35

"Boom. 55


Every time he took a step to the ground, there was a strange and huge sound.

The entire performance hall immediately fell silent, and everyone seemed to hear the beating of their own hearts at this moment.

Every time Deng Lin took a step, his aura became stronger.

From the player area to the opposite side of Xu Yi, it took ten steps.

And when he finished these ten steps, his body was already churning.

Afterwards, he clenched his fist, which turned out to be a punch in the chest.

Without salute to each other, Deng Lin shot without grace.

However, Xu Yi seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and waved his palm likewise.


The fists and palms met, Xu Yi didn't move, but Deng Lin took a few steps back.

Kankan stood on the edge of the ring.

However, no one applauded and applauded, and everyone was shocked by a strong chilling aura.

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