A powerful repulsive force emerged from around him, Xu Yi waved at the big day Golden Crow, and his body disappeared instantly.

Dairi Golden Crow flaps his wings twice.

Although Xu Yi disappears for two hours every once in a while, it stands to reason that it will be able to see this guy again after only two hours.

However, every time Xu Yi leaves, all traces in this world will be erased.

This makes it very uncomfortable.


Isn't it just pressing the contemporary time?

I can too, just wait and see.

Its body instantly blurred, turned into a beam of light, and entered the core of the earth.

Then, this world began to tremble slightly, as if the whole world was moaning.

Xu Yi's body slowly appeared in the bubble room.

His brow furrowed slightly.

In the world of fire, he has been with Ohi Golden Crow for more than a year.

Over the past year or so, he has not known how many times he has had a spiritual connection with the Dairi Golden Crow.

The Great Sun Golden Crow will unreservedly share with him the method of changing thunder and lightning.

However, so far, Xu Yi has not mastered it yet.

Not that his Talent is really hopelessly stupid.

But this lightning change actually involves 106 kinds of avenues to the sky.

That is the way of truth.

This is one of the super avenues that is in no way inferior to the Yin & Yang way.

Thunderbolt, is this something tangible?

You can say yes or no.

When a thunder falls on the day, it can even cause forest fires and kill living things.

This is being, because at the moment, it is tangible.

But can lightning be saved?

No, it can only continue to be born and then disappear.

From this point of view, it is nothing.

One has nothing, one is real and one is false.

This is the way of truth.

The reason why the Great Sun Golden Crow can comprehend so quickly is because it is good at this.

The world of fire is endless, Xu Yi doesn't know how big it is.

However, it is definitely not smaller than the birch collar, or even much larger than the entire Blue Star of the past.

But whenever Xu Yi entered the fire world, the Great Sun Golden Crow could sense within seconds and arrive within ten seconds.

Is it really that fast?

Xu Yi also learned that after a long time together, the big day Golden Crow can be transformed into light.

That's right, it's the sunlight, the speed of which is as high as 300,000 kilometers per second.

Of course, this is a special ability that can only be changed when the Great Sun Golden Crow is alone. If you take him...

Well, it would take several hours to fly to the so-called lightning area, and that speed was still very fast in Xu Yi's eyes.

But if it is compared with the speed of light, it goes without saying.

Light, in terms of certain characteristics, also has the characteristics of the way of reality and reality.

And, the Great Sun Golden Crow itself can switch freely between the three-legged crow, the great sun and the light.

Therefore, as long as it has passed a period of adaptation, it is not difficult for it to become a thunderbolt.

But what about Xu Yi?

You allow a person to transition freely between the human body and the lightning...

With this difficulty, even Xu Yi, who has a big Golden Crow, can only sigh.

I'm having such a hard time.

Shaking his head, Xu Yi left the Heavens Samsara Pagoda.

Hearing someone talking in front of him, he seemed to mention his own name.

Xu Yi's heart moved slightly, and the fourth-order advanced invisibility technique was activated.

His people moved away from the main passage and pressed their bodies against the wall on one side.

After a while, the three walked over side by side.

Listening to their conversation, Xu Yi knew that they were all students of higher education institutions in the capital.

The topic they are talking about at the moment is related to the high school league.

For Deng Lin, who has been promoted to Gold Core, these three are envious.

Because the current Cultivation Base of the three of them is only the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

However, such a Cultivation Base is quite good among the peers of the entire birch collar.

You know, most students in ordinary universities have only one goal.

That is, before graduating from college, the Foundation Establishment succeeded.

But even this wish, not all college students can fulfill.

Every year when they graduate from college, about half of the people fail to Foundation Establishment, thus falling behind in the subsequent competition.

Of course, they are definitely much better than those who can't be promoted to Qi Refining in the high mid rank segment and thus are not eligible for college.

However, these people basically lost the possibility of continuing progress.

This is the capital's higher education institution, and the students in it are all like heaven's favored people.

Therefore, before these three students graduated, they were already in the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment.

When taken outside, it is definitely what adults call "other people's children".

However, when they talked about Deng Lin and others, the tone was still sour.

Another mention of Xu Yi.

So, they started arguing about who is better than the current Deng Lin.

Talking and talking, they have approached Xu Yi.

However, at this moment, the student walking on the farthest side was on the natural side of his body and avoided it.

Then, the three of them walked over just like that.

During the whole process, it was as if they never noticed Xu Yi.

Even the student who took the initiative to avoid him, his eyes just swept across Xu Yi.

That gaze was like looking at a meaningless dead thing.

Xu Yi clearly grasped it.

At that moment, in the eyes of this student, Xu Yi was like a stone.

You are walking on the road and encounter a stone.

If the stone is small, step over it, or just kick it away.

But what if the stone is big?

Of course, it was bypassed, and it would not take time to remove or smash the stone.

Xu Yi was speechless, the power of the advanced stealth technique was so terrifying that he didn't even notice when someone walked over to him.

With a slight movement in his heart, his body swayed, and this time it really turned into a stone.

After a while, two more people came.

One of them said in surprise: "Strange, why is there a stone here?""

"I don't know which idiot put it here, throw it out.


One person stepped forward and lifted the stone on his back.

After a while, a stone lying in the garden behind the school became Xu Yi again.

There was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

It turned out that in some cases, advanced invisibility is more effective than seventy-two changes.

Today's experience made him understand a truth.

Any skill must be learned and used.

If you do it rigidly, the consequences will be dire.

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