Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 108 The fourth order, the power of time

At this moment, Xu Yi's figure suddenly stood still.

Holding a long sword, he seemed to have fallen into a kind of contemplation.

How can speed be shown in Sword Technique?

The speed of the sword alone is not enough to cause the fourth-order feeling that is close to Tao.

However, just now, when the three of them were fighting.

One of the mirror clones stabbed a sword.

It was an ordinary sword.

However, when this sword is pierced, it is no longer ordinary.

Because this sword seemed to touch something incredible, and then it changed strangely.

A sword was stabbed out, and it actually pierced the other mirror clone.

Halfway through, no matter how the other mirror clone used Sword Technique to resist.

But in the end, they couldn't stop the sword.

Xu Yi is a personal experiencer and a bystander.

He saw the whole process of this sword.

A sword stabbed out, instantly stabbed a mirror image clone.

The power of this sword, even if it is compared with Shu Xing Dao's severing the void, seems to be no less.

However, what kind of 440 mystery is contained in this sword.

Xu Yi knew that he had already touched the door handle of the fourth level of Sword Technique.

Sitting down slowly, Xu Yi thought silently.

In his mind, there seem to be three figures entangled and fighting.

He retraced the scene just now in his mind.

Suddenly, all the pictures stopped.

Xu Yi's attention was fixed on one of them.

That sword.

It was plain, but it was an earth-shattering sword.

A sword pierced, and the trajectory of that sword turned out to be so wonderful, as if it penetrated reality, space, and... time!

Xu Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with unbelievable color.

At this moment, he finally understood.

What is the ultimate speed.

That is time.

His sword pierced, all of which could directly pierce another mirror image clone.

In fact, it does not mean that this sword is approaching the point where ordinary people cannot resist.

It was because when he stabbed his sword, his target was no longer the mirror image clone, but the mirror image clone at the moment before this point in time.

That is to say, when this sword is pierced, it is not the current enemy that is stabbed, but the enemy at that moment in the past.

Then, when time returns to normal.

This wound is left on the enemy at this moment.

Xu Yi's face suddenly became extremely strange.

Is this the ultimate mystery of the Storm Sword Technique?

When the speed reaches the limit, it can even go back and stab enemies in the past...

This is so ridiculous.

Such a powerful Sword Technique, if someone can really practice it, wouldn't it become invincible in the world.

The secret skills of Cultivation Technique in this world, which can relate to spatial attributes, are already the top ones.

And those that involve time...

Well, at the very least, it is the beginning of the secret method of the heaven order, and the difficulty of cultivation is absolutely beyond imagination.

It is said that the issue of time to study is no longer something that practitioners can consider.

Before ascending to the Immortal World, it is better to maintain enough respect for the word time.

Xu Yi silently looked at the long sword in his hand.

The shock in my heart is really indescribable.

Slowly, he stood up and glanced at the mirror image clone.

So, the mirror clone rushed towards Xu Yi.

In that aura, there was a trace of the tragic and solemnity of Yi Shuihan, which was like Jing Ke stabbing Qin.

Xu Yi started, and there was a strange brilliance in his eyes.

Seems to be seeing something unusual.

Then, he stabbed out with a sword.

Just as he stabbed out this sword, the surrounding space seemed to change (agae).

No, it's not space, but that time seems to have stagnated at this moment.

The speed of his sword is not fast, in fact, it is quite slow.

Because, when this sword was stabbed, Xu Yi seemed to feel the pressure of indescribable terror.

Is this the pressure from time and space?

This kind of pressure is by no means what Gold Core can bear.

However, now he is just so abruptly resisted.

Then, with the advancement of the long sword in his hand, the time seemed to stop completely.

He saw that the movement of the mirror avatar did not move forward, but instead seemed to press the pause button, and the whole person froze.

Until Xu Yi's sword pierced into the body of the mirror image clone.

So, everything went back to normal.

And the body of the mirror clone burst with a bang.

This sword, it turned out not to go back to the past.

It was because the speed of the sword was too fast, causing the time to stop, so it stabbed the stopped mirror clone.

Then, time to return to normal flow rate.

The mirror avatar could not withstand such a huge injury, so it exploded directly.

Xu Yi's face turned pale.

So Sword Technique, so... terrifying!

The fourth-order Tempest and Rain Sword is actually so powerful.

Xu Yi really doesn't understand, why this Sword Technique is only the Sword Technique of the ground level?

Even if it is regarded as the top sword technique, Xu Yi also thinks it is normal.

With a slight sway of his body, Xu Yi suddenly found that he seemed to be a little weak.

He immediately understood that the time used by the sword just now was very short.

However, in this short period of time, he has spent a huge amount of energy and energy.

Well, consumed twice.

The first time was consumed by the mirror clone, and it consumed the power of his body.

And the second time, it was the result of his own death.

At this time, Xu Yi restrained his mind and sensed his own physical condition.

To his astonishment, his condition turned out to be quite bad.

Of the seven small Gold Cores in Lower Dantian, only one third of Spirit Power remains.

Dantian's Big Mac is also sluggish at the moment, and the Mental Energy has become abnormally thin.

And the most important thing is Zhong Dantian.

Xu Yi felt that at this moment, his middle Dantian was the most consumed.

Dantian seems to have been hollowed out by these two swords.

It was empty inside, and there was not even a trace of strength.

However, now his middle Dantian is a stumbling block.

One third of the power that Xu Yi cultivated was absorbed mercilessly.

It's just that the power in Dantian is very strange.

Neither Spirit Power nor Divine Sense can be mobilized.

But at this moment, Xu Yi understood.

It turns out that its power is used here.

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