"Senior, I'm sorry, I don't accept your arrangement!

This sentence, through the crystal ball, immediately reached the ears of everyone below.

At this moment, everyone's faces were different.

Gu Zhenghe was even more gloomy and said a word.

Although he had already had a hunch these days.

However, after seeing the true strength of the Kongwu Holy Son, the little fantasy in his heart has long been thrown away.

Xu Yi's cultivation time was too short, even in the battle with Shu Xingdao, he was not defeated.

However, what he was facing at the moment was the emptiness of the Son of God.

The Holy Son of Kong Wu, who fought against the three masters, was able to easily win the battle.

Such a character, even if it is to let him end in person.

Don't even say you can win.

You know, he is a Nascent Soul high rank, a real fourth-order peak powerhouse.

However, in the face of the Way of Nothingness displayed by the Holy Son Kongwu, he also had some scalp tingling.

Well, Xu Yi has only been cultivating for half a year.

And how can it be countered?

Hey, this... a little guy who doesn't listen to people's advice.

At this time, under the crystal ball, the three Shu Xing Dao did not spread out.

Noah looked up and said, "Brother Shu, how strong is this Xu Yi?"

Shu Xingdao thought for a while and said, "I can't see through.

"What?" 453

"I've played against him a few times without winning or losing.

Six-eared Vajra gave him a silent look.

You and you have not won or lost, and you want to duel the Son of Empty?

Overconfident guy.

Holy Son Kongwu slowly said: "You, are you going to fight me now?

Xu Yi lowered his head and smiled, "Why not."

"To fight with you, I will not have any hold."

"This is also what I want to say to you. 35

The two looked at each other, and after a long while, Holy Son Kongwu suddenly said, "I'm very curious.


"It's only been half a year since you set foot on the spiritual path, and I'm very curious about where your self-confidence comes from. 55

There was a hint of regret in the voice of the Kongwu Holy Son: "You can't go very far if you are passionate and don't know the current affairs. You, let me down.

"If that's the case, I'll give you a ride in person."

He took a step forward, reaching out and wiping it towards Xu Yi.

The unfavorable way of nothingness stretched out, and the terrifying rubber sassafras appeared.

At this moment, the outside world did not know how many people sighed in their hearts.


Some people also scold that Xu Yi doesn't know what to do.

However, only a very small number of people still hold a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Even if this hope seems so remote and unrealistic.

Xu Yi looked at it, the space in front of him seemed to be distorted.

This is the power of nothingness.

Pulling something in reality into the void space is equivalent to erasing it from the material world.

This void space is not the light and dark world of the material world.

It is the interlayer in this world of light and darkness.

This is a world that merges with the light and dark worlds, but exists independently.

Xu Yi felt the strange and familiar touch coming from the front.


This is the way of truth.

His eyebrows suddenly raised, and he stepped forward.

When this step was taken, his body also seemed to undergo a very wonderful change.

At that step, he seemed to be stepping between the virtual and the real, and it seemed like he was stepping on a semi-virtual place, revealing an indescribable mystery.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked him directly.


The figure flashed.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Xu Yi walked out of that emptiness unharmed, and then kicked out, directly hitting the unpredictable Holy Son Kongwu.

This kick was so forceful that it kicked the Kongwu Holy Son far away.

Below the crystal ball, Shu Xingdao and the others were dumbfounded.

The four major forces were dead silent.

Xu Yi patted his sleeve, his figure slowly floated up, suspended in mid-air, looking at the empty holy child who had just stabilized in the distance.

"Empty, did I let you down..."

The Holy Son Kongwu finally stood still, and a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes.

At this point in the first battle of the gods, he was finally hit by someone, and he was kicked away in a way that was almost embarrassing.

Previously, the three powerhouses joined forces, and although they trapped him for a moment, they did not bring him any real harm.

But now, Xu Yi seemed to kick out casually, but he had already accomplished what the three of Shu Xingdao couldn't do with their best efforts.

"Okay, it turns out... you have also mastered the way of truth and reality." Kongwu Shengzi smiled, although he was kicked away, but he smiled happily instead.

Because, he finally found a real opponent who could be worth fighting for.

The figure flashed, and the empty body of the Holy Son suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Xu Yi.

Xu Yi kicked back without saying a word.

But the Son of Nowhere has already punched.


Kong Wu Shengzi flew back, Xu Yi also staggered forward two steps.

However, just as the Void King stood firm again, his eyes flashed suddenly.

A fire burst out on his body and turned into a huge fire dragon.

Fire Dragon.

Tier 4, instant!

The empty holy son stretched out his hand and pressed it.

The fire dragon went out, as if nothing had happened.

Then, he raised his hand again and wiped it towards Xu Yi.

Another way of emptiness.

However, this time, the Way of Nothingness was extremely powerful, and the space around Xu Yi began to distort.

At this moment, it seems that even the whole world has become his enemy.

Void and real, when the Holy Son of Nothingness uses the Way of Nothingness to the extreme, even space is used for it.

Xu Yi snorted coldly, and also stretched out a palm and patted it.

In the body, the seven small Gold Cores of the lower Dantian suddenly spun violently, and released unparalleled terrifying power.

The fourth stage, the giant palm!

The skill is close to the "big" of Tao.


A giant palm suddenly condensed and slapped it directly.

Wherever the giant palm passed, whether it was spatial shock, whether it was the power of nothingness, or any power.

All vanished into nothingness under this giant palm.


This is a kind of stalwart power that is pure to the extreme, and is almost incomparably close to the "Way of Power".

When this force appeared, all the others were suppressed.

Even if it is nothingness, in front of this power, it is impossible to even unfold it.

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