Xu Yi squeezed his own arm.

It had been a long time since he had done such a childish act.

However, at this moment, he still couldn't help it.

He just wants to let his own gold-type small Nascent Soul get a natal Magic Treasures, if possible, it would be better to understand the heart of gold by the way.

He has absolutely no intention of refining the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

This is just the natal Magic Treasures of Nascent Soul, a gold type.

No matter how arrogant Xu Yi is, it is impossible for him to have such an unreliable mind.

However, when the instinctive nine Nascent Soul worked together.

However, Xu Yi found that he seemed to have come up with something amazing.

It's just that the Four Swords of Immortal Execution have been refined.

But the magic sword is automatically integrated into it, what is it?

He was about to open his mouth, but the idea of ​​a phantom sword suddenly appeared in his heart.

Then Xu Yi understood.

Illusory Sword felt that this sword was its greatest chance.

So, it entered it desperately.

This is its choice, no regrets about it.

Xu Yi reluctantly pouted, very good, this kind of practice is really a magic sword!

Xu Yi doesn't know much about the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

But he also understood that the four swords should each have their own strengths.

It should be Zhu Xianzhu hurt, Slaughter Xianzhu kill, trap Xianzhu illusion, absolutely Xianzhu changes.

But now, the magic sword is attached to, it should be the trapping fairy sword.

Of course, all of this is just his preliminary understanding, and more attempts are needed.

The mind moved slightly, and the four swords disappeared immediately.

The next moment, they emerge within the Gold Dantian.

Xu Yi's face was rather strange.

The magic sword was on his shoulders before, but now it can be directly collected into Dantian.

Could it be that he refined the illusion sword fellow daoist?

If you let the Kongwu Holy Son and the others know, will they directly turn against you...

The four swords slowly revolved around the gold-based little Nascent Soul.

Xu Yi could feel that among the four swords at this time, only the Immortal Trapping Sword, which was fused with the Illusory Sword, had combat effectiveness.

As for the other three swords, they are actually three sword embryos.

It still needs to go through thousands of trials before it can become the real Four Swords of Zhuxian.

Xu Yi calmed down and began to practice.

Although he is not in a place where Spirit Power is concentrated at this time, his goal of cultivation is only the Nascent Soul, a small gold-type soul.

After a while, Xu Yi's eyes moved slightly with a hint of surprise.

After owning the Four Swords of Zhuxian as his life Magic Treasures.

The gold-based little Nascent Soul really understood the heart of gold.

Well, actually Xu Yi has a feeling.

Rather than saying that this is the heart of gold understood by Nascent Soul, a gold-type little boy, it is better to say that this is the heart of gold that Ianjian realized.

However, now the phantom sword has become a trapping fairy sword.

So its perception has become that of Nascent Soul.

After finishing the work, Xu Yi really didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

His mind moved slightly, and the voice of Shu Xingdao came, inviting him to the hall.

Xu Yi pondered for a moment and patted his stomach lightly.

As a result, a long sword appeared on his shoulders.

This is a phantom sword, but it is no longer a pure phantom sword.

If we say, the previous fantasy sword was a separate life form.

Then, the current phantom sword is another kind of more special life form.

As for which one is better, it's hard to say.

After packing up, Xu Yi left the room.

"Fellow daoist Xu, there are some unique products at every intersection, are you interested in shopping?" Shu Xingdao said solemnly.

Xu Yi asked: "Unique product?

"Yes, such as special Medicine Pill, materials, etc."

"In exchange for what?" Xu Yi's eyes brightened, he was most happy for this kind of thing.

"Among the junctions, the most popular are merits. However, if you don't have merits, you can use top-quality Spirit Stones...or crystals of faith.

Shu Xingdao thought of the large number of relatives released by Xu Yi, so he added a sentence of faith crystallization.

Xu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's go take a look."

Shu Xingdao took the lead, walked silently for a moment, and suddenly said: "Xu fellow daoist, we are...after all, oriental cultivators.

Xu Yi nodded lightly and said, "Thank you brother Shu for your kindness, my brother understands.

He felt the kindness from Shu Xingdao.

Eastern cultivators, Western cultivators.

There are strong people in all ethnic groups, and there are also many who are immortals and gods.

However, in the end, the one who can truly become a power person is always one of them.

Shu Xingdao used his unique way to persuade Xu Yi not to be distracted.

Therefore, Xu Yi changed his words at this moment.

Shu Xingdao exhaled a long breath, and he actually felt a sense of relief.

He knew that he had finally gained the sincere approval of Xu Yi.

After a while, they came to a huge street.

Although the people here are mainly from the Void family, there are not many people from the other three major forces.

Shu Xingdao said quietly: "`˘ The host of the junction here is the boss of the Void family, and it is my first time here. So..."

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Afterwards, many people spread their legs, and the crowd rushed in one direction.

Xu Yi and Shu Xingdao were both startled.

How is this going?

Then they heard it, and there were constant shouts from the crowd.

"The Holy Son of Void Demon and Mr. Gilbard are here, hurry up and see."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smirk.

They are no strangers to these two names.

The Holy Son of Void Demon was the Holy Son of the Void Clan fifty years ago.

(Li's) being able to have the name of the Son of God shows how powerful he is.

Today, the Holy Son of Void Demon is also Tier 4, but he is the 82nd superpower on the Tier 4 Top 100 list.

As for that Mr. Gilbard, he was an epic powerhouse of the Western Federation.

On the fourth-order top 100 list, it ranks ninety-fifth.

Among the four major forces, the strong are like clouds, and there are countless fourth-order cultivators.

What an honor to be able to rank in the top 100 among so many people.

A person with such glory is naturally also the person with the most powerful strength.

Therefore, when two celebrities on the top 100 list arrived here, they caused a sensation here.

Suddenly, someone in front of me called out: "The Holy Son of Kong Wu also appeared.

"Two generations of holy sons meet.

"They seem to be in conflict... all"

Xu Yi and Shu Xingdao were slightly startled, they looked at each other, flashed their bodies at the same time, and rushed over.

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