Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 6: Shape-changing sword body, cut off thousands of pieces

Xu Yi laughed helplessly, a Nascent Soul stage like him is still a little sad that he is still suspected by these Gold Core stage.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who I am, but I can help you go down, and I just want to go down and see what's in here that's worth your life!""

Xu Yi seems to be curious about the things below, and he always has a faint feeling in his heart that something below is calling him to look for it.

If it was the courage of the masked man to jump down desperately that moved him, it would be better to say that he wanted to go down and have a look.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't let you succeed-!"

Although the masked man couldn't see his expression, Xu Yi understood that he completely angered the other party.

"Look, I just said I'll go down with you to see, how can you go down like this? 59

He was the only one who entered the center of the Magical Beasts forest with him. If he fought with the boy, he might have been killed by Mandovine before he could go down.

"Okay, who do you say you are?"

"I, Xu Yi."

Xu Yi was about to lose all his patience by the masked man in front of him, and he had to hold on even though he was the only one left.

"Is there anything else to say now?"

The face on the other side had changed, Xu Yi suddenly became serious, he was about to go into the water, but the cold fire of the bone spirit would only provide him with barrier protection for an hour.

Then after this hour, his safety cannot be guaranteed.

One of the nirvanas of the mandala vine is the parasitic entanglement. Once it catches the prey, it is difficult to escape easily, and its vitality is extremely strong.

After being cut off in the middle, it can continue to grow, and then it will end its life by exploding the body after parasitizing the human body.

"Can you really help me?"

The masked man seemed to hesitate a moment before he went into the water. According to such a method, he was equivalent to entrusting his life to the hands of a stranger.

"Nonsense, if you have nothing to explain, we will go down."

At the last moment, the terrifying mask on the mask man's face was taken off by himself.

Beneath the mask is a handsome and elegant man, with a hint of firmness mixed in it, with mixed feelings.

"Yo, you want me to see what you look like, but be merciful to you, don't worry, I won't judge people by their looks!

Xu Yi's eyes became a little deep, it seemed that the man was determined to take the underwater things away.

"No, I want to tell you that I am a member of the Deng family, and I came here to find the anger lotus in the heart of the capital."

It seems that this is explaining his last words to Xu Yi, but Xu Yi never does anything he is not sure about, and this time he is determined to win.

"Are you done, let's go down after we're done.

Xu Yi obviously didn't want to have too much communication with him, but the cold flame of the bone spirit suddenly emitted a darker color.

"what happened?"

"Haoming True Monarch, what's wrong with you?"

He could clearly sense the aura emanating from the cold fire of the bone spirit, and it was a moment of sadness when the other party revealed his true identity.

"Nothing, let's go down."

As the Fractionated Divinity True Monarch of the Deng family at this time, what a complicated emotion he had in his heart.

The aura emanating from the cold fire of the bone spirit wrapped the two of them like a protective cover, and the mandala vines in the lake really did not dare to attack.

It seems that the breath of the cold fire of the bone spirit is suppressing them, and as the depth continues to dive, the appearance of the mandala vine has not been seen.

"Don't be careless, these plants can be detected with just the slightest scent in the water. 99

Xu Yi is really alert, after all, he doesn't want to die at the hands of these goddamn mandos.

"Dive faster!

As they descended to ascending depth, Xu Yi's field of vision was limited.

There are still many connections between Bone Spirit Leng Huo and Earth Heart Furious Lotus, which appeared in Xu Yi's field of vision as a dark space.

"Could that be what you said?

Although they don't know what the following situation is, they still have a chance under the protection of Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

"I do not know either."

It seemed that something was approaching in their direction between the words, and it was getting closer and closer.

"Quick, speed up the dive and something is coming.

Xu Yi doesn't know much about the underwater situation, but looking at the situation here, the only thing they can do now is to land on this pitch-black open space.

When the masked man was about to be overtaken by the behemoth behind him, Xu Yi suddenly pulled him and landed him firmly on the open space.

0・・・For flowers0・・・

"Xu Yi, the wrathful lotus is here, but the bone spirit is cold for half an hour. 35

Although Hao Ming's True Monarch has entered the Fractionated Divinity period, things like the Earth's Heart Furious Lotus have no effect on Xu Yi at all.

"Good. 35

Relying on the connection between the Bone Spirit Lenghuo and the Earth Heart Anger Lotus, Xu Yi and the others had already seen the Earth Heart Anger Lotus.

A gentle light emanating from the surroundings seemed to cover this black land, reflecting the calming effect of their faces from the inside out.

Xu Yi could clearly feel that his body and mind had been baptized, and the ground began to crack when the masked man took this anger lotus.

The land under their feet was torn apart, and it was impossible to go up until they continued to float.

"Come on!

The thing that passed by them just now is really not simple. It is extremely large and has a pair of weird wings.

The defense of the bone spirit cold fire has gradually weakened, and some mandala vines are trying to contact their encirclement.

"what is this?

The Bone Spirit Cold Fire is useless, and this behemoth here still doesn't know what it is!

Xu Yi will never allow such a thing to happen, he must deal with this behemoth now to have a chance to surface.

"You be careful.

He knew that the places where the Earth Heart Furious Lotus grows are mostly monsters that accumulate resentment, and once it is taken away, it will definitely lead to various uneasy factors.

Within the field of vision Xu Yi could see, there was a huge monster with a stench all over his body.

“Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Technique!”

The only way Xu Yi could think of was to slow down its forward speed as much as possible. The existence of this pair of wings was extremely unsustainable for him.

If you want to avoid its physical attack, you must eliminate all possible situations, and for Xu Yi, he is holding it back now to swim out as much as possible.

"The shape of the sword, cut through thousands!"

It should be said that Xu Yi's front is to get out of the body, but the back is to change the shape of the sword to hit the target.



The masked man has successfully rushed out of the water when the cold fire of bone spirit is about to burn out, but Xu Yi doesn't seem to come up yet.

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